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Ecological Economics

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland

From Elsevier
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Volume 64, issue 4, 2008

Two theoretical issues concerning the differential treatment of trading partners in alien species management pp. 679-682 Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal
Regulating coexistence in Europe: Beware of the domino-effect! pp. 683-689 Downloads
Matty Demont, Wim Daems, Koen Dillen, Erik Mathijs, Christophe Sausse and Eric Tollens
Mining landscape: A cultural tourist opportunity or an environmental problem: The study case of the Cartagena-La Union Mining District (SE Spain) pp. 690-700 Downloads
Hector M. Conesa, Rainer Schulin and Bernd Nowack
Dynamic environmental performance analysis: A Malmquist index approach pp. 701-715 Downloads
Mika Kortelainen
Reconciling economic and biological modeling of migratory fish stocks: Optimal management of the Atlantic salmon fishery in the Baltic Sea pp. 716-728 Downloads
Soile Kulmala, Marita Laukkanen and Catherine Michielsens
Contingent valuation: A new perspective pp. 729-740 Downloads
Felix Schläpfer
Proposed changes to the Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare: An application to Belgium pp. 741-751 Downloads
Brent Bleys
Implications of market orientation on the environmental transformation of industrial firms pp. 752-762 Downloads
Oscar Gonzalez-Benito and Javier Gonzalez-Benito
Permanence discounting for land-based carbon sequestration pp. 763-769 Downloads
Man-Keun Kim, Bruce McCarl and Brian Murray
The sufficiency strategy: Would rich-world frugality lower environmental impact pp. 770-786 Downloads
Blake Alcott
Local environmental quality and life-satisfaction in Germany pp. 787-797 Downloads
Katrin Rehdanz and David Maddison
Ecological footprint accounting in the life cycle assessment of products pp. 798-807 Downloads
Mark A.J. Huijbregts, Stefanie Hellweg, Rolf Frischknecht, Konrad Hungerbuhler and A. Jan Hendriks
Valuation of the ecosystem services: A psycho-cultural perspective pp. 808-819 Downloads
Manasi Kumar and Pushpam Kumar
A systemic comparative assessment of the multifunctional performance of alternative olive systems in Spain within an AHP-extended framework pp. 820-834 Downloads
Carlos Parra-López, Javier Calatrava-Requena and Tomas de-Haro-Gimenez
The future of farming: The value of ecosystem services in conventional and organic arable land. An experimental approach pp. 835-848 Downloads
Harpinder S. Sandhu, Stephen D. Wratten, Ross Cullen and Brad Case
Optimum management and environmental protection in the aquaculture industry pp. 849-857 Downloads
Miguel Leon-Santana and Juan M. Hernandez
The use of trade measures against illicit fishing: Economic and legal considerations pp. 858-866 Downloads
Bertrand Le Gallic
Environment, human development and economic growth pp. 867-880 Downloads
Valeria Costantini and Salvatore Monni
Modelling conflicting objectives in the management of a mobile ecological resource: Red deer in the Scottish Highlands pp. 881-892 Downloads
James C.R. Smart, Piran C.L. White and Mette Termansen
Environmental impacts of China's WTO-accession pp. 893-911 Downloads
Haakon Vennemo, Kristin Aunan, Jianwu He, Tao Hu, Shantong Li and Kristin Rypd3al
Inequality, Cooperation, and Environmental Sustainability, Jean-Marie Baland, Pranab Bardhan, Samuel Bowles, eds., 2007, Russell Sage Foundation, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, ISBN:978-0-691-12879-5, 357 pp pp. 912-913 Downloads
Joan Martinez-Alier
Tatsu Kambara, Christopher Howe and Edward Elgar, China and the global energy crisis, Development and Prospects for Chinas Oil and Natural Gas (2007) ISBN: 978 1 84542 966 9, 144 +XV pages pp. 913-914 Downloads
Peter Cornelius
Glenn-Marie Lange and Rashid Hassan, The Economics of Water Management in Southern Africa: An Environmental Accounting Approach, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham UK (2006) ISBN 1-84376-472-5 296 pp pp. 914-915 Downloads
Phoebe Koundouri
Herman Scheer, Energy Autonomy, Earthscan (2007) 1844073556, 320 pp pp. 915-916 Downloads
Rick Reibstein

Volume 64, issue 3, 2008

Measuring sustainable development -- Nation by nation pp. 470-474 Downloads
Daniel D. Moran, Mathis Wackernagel, Justin A. Kitzes, Steven H. Goldfinger and Aurelien Boutaud
Demographic pressure and natural resources conservation pp. 475-483 Downloads
Emmanuel Ambe Timah, Nji Ajaga, Divine F. Tita, Leonard M. Ntonga and Irene B. Bongsiysi
The importance of social learning and culture for sustainable water management pp. 484-495 Downloads
Claudia Pahl-Wostl, David Tabara, Rene Bouwen, Marc Craps, Art Dewulf, Erik Mostert, Dagmar Ridder and Tharsi Taillieu
3-D Sustainability: An approach for priority setting in situation of conflicting interests towards a Sustainable Development pp. 496-506 Downloads
Volker Mauerhofer
From ecological footprint to ecological rent: An economic indicator for resource constraints pp. 507-516 Downloads
Kurt Kratena
Valuation of environmental goods: A shadow value perspective pp. 517-520 Downloads
Luis Diaz-Balteiro and Carlos Romero
Learning teaching in the sustainability classroom pp. 521-533 Downloads
Meg Holden, Duane Elverum, Susan Nesbit, John Robinson, Donald Yen and Janet Moore
An ambient tax approach to invasive species pp. 534-541 Downloads
Kristin Roti Jones and Joel Corona
Sustainable food consumption among young adults in Belgium: Theory of planned behaviour and the role of confidence and values pp. 542-553 Downloads
Iris Vermeir and Wim Verbeke
Noah's Ark is full of common species attractive to humans: The case of boid snakes in zoos pp. 554-558 Downloads
Jana Maresova and Daniel Frynta
Questioning the empirical basis of the environmental Kuznets curve for CO2: New evidence from a panel stationarity test robust to multiple breaks and cross-dependence pp. 559-574 Downloads
Diego Romero-Ávila
The impact of the bird flu on public willingness to pay for the protection of migratory birds pp. 575-585 Downloads
Roy Brouwer, Pieter van Beukering and Elena Sultanian
An empirical approach to ecosystem-based fishery management pp. 586-596 Downloads
James N. Sanchirico, Martin D. Smith and Douglas Lipton
Renewable resource management, user heterogeneity, and the scope for cooperation pp. 597-602 Downloads
Katrin Erdlenbruch, Mabel Tidball and Daan van Soest
A study on financial opportunity costs of growing local varieties of sorghum in Ethiopia: Implications for on-farm conservation policy pp. 603-610 Downloads
Edilegnaw Wale
An ecological economic simulation model for assessing fire and grazing management effects on mesquite rangelands in Texas pp. 611-624 Downloads
W.R. Teague, W.E. Grant, U.P. Kreuter, H. Diaz-Solis, S. Dube, M.M. Kothmann, W.E. Pinchak and R.J. Ansley
Are there ENSO signals in the macroeconomy pp. 625-633 Downloads
Brian J.L. Berry and Adam Okulicz-Kozaryn
Investing in natural capital as management strategy in fisheries: The case of the Baltic Sea cod fishery pp. 634-642 Downloads
Ralf Doring and Thorsten M. Egelkraut
Corporate environmental disclosure, financial markets and the media: An international perspective pp. 643-659 Downloads
Walter Aerts, Denis Cormier and Michel Magnan
Lessons from the polder: Energy tax design in The Netherlands from a climate change perspective pp. 660-672 Downloads
Herman R.J. Vollebergh
Scarcity and growth revisited, natural resources and the environment in the new millennium pp. 673-674 Downloads
Peter A. Victor
Joint production and responsibility in ecological economics: On the foundations of economic policy pp. 674-675 Downloads
Richard Norgaard
Towards a thermodynamic theory for ecological systems pp. 675-676 Downloads
Matthias Ruth
Weathering risk in rural Mexico: Climatic, institutional, and economic change pp. 676-677 Downloads
Daniel Solis

Volume 64, issue 2, 2007

The dangers of extended, but incomplete, accounting for measures of economic performance in a world of imperfect knowledge pp. 239-244 Downloads
Mick Common
Ecosystem services and agriculture: Cultivating agricultural ecosystems for diverse benefits pp. 245-252 Downloads
Scott M. Swinton, Frank Lupi, G. Philip Robertson and Stephen K. Hamilton
Ecosystem services and dis-services to agriculture pp. 253-260 Downloads
Wei Zhang, Taylor H. Ricketts, Claire Kremen, Karen Carney and Scott M. Swinton
Ecological services to and from rangelands of the United States pp. 261-268 Downloads
Kris M. Havstad, Debra P.C. Peters, Rhonda Skaggs, Joel Brown, Brandon Bestelmeyer, Ed Fredrickson, Jeffrey Herrick and Jack Wright
Soil biota, ecosystem services and land productivity pp. 269-285 Downloads
Edmundo Barrios
Measures of the effects of agricultural practices on ecosystem services pp. 286-296 Downloads
Virginia H. Dale and Stephen Polasky
Jointness in production and farmers' willingness to supply non-marketed ecosystem services pp. 297-304 Downloads
Ada Wossink and Scott M. Swinton
Estimation of forest values using choice modeling: An application to Spanish forests pp. 305-312 Downloads
Raul Brey, Pere Riera and Joan Mogas
Valuing deer hunting ecosystem services from farm landscapes pp. 313-320 Downloads
Scott Knoche and Frank Lupi
An assessment of market-based approaches to providing ecosystem services on agricultural lands pp. 321-332 Downloads
Timm Kroeger and Frank Casey
Institutional incentives for managing the landscape: Inducing cooperation for the production of ecosystem services pp. 333-343 Downloads
Rebecca L. Goldman, Barton H. Thompson and Gretchen C. Daily
Spatial incentives to coordinate contiguous habitat pp. 344-355 Downloads
Gregory M. Parkhurst and Jason Shogren
Ecosystem services, agriculture, and rural poverty in the Eastern Brazilian Amazon: Interrelationships and policy prescriptions pp. 356-373 Downloads
Jan Borner, Arisbe Mendoza and Stephen A. Vosti
Paying for the environmental services of silvopastoral practices in Nicaragua pp. 374-385 Downloads
Stefano Pagiola, Elias Ramirez, Jose Gobbi, Cees de Haan, Muhammad Ibrahim, Enrique Murgueitio and Juan Pablo Ruiz
Simulating soil fertility and poverty dynamics in Uganda: A bio-economic multi-agent systems approach pp. 387-401 Downloads
Pepijn Schreinemachers, Thomas Berger and Jens B. Aune
Sharing resources: The global distribution of the Ecological Footprint pp. 402-410 Downloads
Thomas J. White
Defining viable recovery paths toward sustainable fisheries pp. 411-422 Downloads
Vincent Martinet, Olivier Thebaud and Luc Doyen
Measuring transnational leakage of forest conservation pp. 423-432 Downloads
Jianbang Gan and Bruce McCarl
The effect of experience and quantity-based pricing on the valuation of a curbside recycling program pp. 433-443 Downloads
Alok Bohara, Arthur Caplan and Therese Grijalva
The material basis of the global economy: Worldwide patterns of natural resource extraction and their implications for sustainable resource use policies pp. 444-453 Downloads
Arno Behrens, Stefan Giljum, Jan Kovanda and Samuel Niza
Valuing ecosystem services: A shadow price for net primary production pp. 454-462 Downloads
Amy Richmond, Robert Kaufmann and Ranga B. Myneni
Response: Letter to the Editor by David South pp. 463-464 Downloads
David B. South and Samuel J. Radcliffe

Volume 64, issue 1, 2007

The importance of social capital: Comparing the impacts of the 2004 Asian Tsunami on Sri Lanka, and Hurricane Katrina 2005 on New Orleans pp. 9-11 Downloads
Mohan Munasinghe
Patent disclosure requirements and benefit sharing: A counterfactual case of Morocco's argan oil pp. 12-18 Downloads
Travis Lybbert
Aggregation (in-)variance of shared responsibility: A case study of Australia pp. 19-24 Downloads
Manfred Lenzen
Land conservation and tenure security in Kenya: Boserup's hypothesis revisited pp. 25-35 Downloads
Jane Kabubo-Mariara
Local community reaction to the `no-take' policy on fishing in the Tsitsikamma National Park, South Africa pp. 36-46 Downloads
Helena Faasen and Scotney Watts
Integrating science and local knowledge in environmental risk management: A decision-focused approach pp. 47-60 Downloads
L. Failing, R. Gregory and M. Harstone
A science-driven market-based instrument for determining the cost of environmental services: A comparison of two catchments in Australia pp. 61-69 Downloads
Kim Lowell, Jon Drohan, Charles Hajek, Craig Beverly and Mark Lee
Evaluating flood risk management options in Scotland: A participant-led multi-criteria approach pp. 70-81 Downloads
Wendy Kenyon
A landscape approach for assessing the biodiversity value of indigenous forest remnants: Case study of the Manawatu/Wanganui region of New Zealand pp. 82-91 Downloads
John R. Dymond, Anne-Gaelle Ausseil, James D. Shepherd and Helmut Janssen
Measuring national economic performance without using prices pp. 92-102 Downloads
Mick Common
A step beside the maximin path: Can we sustain the economy by following Hartwick's investment rule? pp. 103-108 Downloads
Vincent Martinet
The water footprint of coffee and tea consumption in the Netherlands pp. 109-118 Downloads
A.K. Chapagain and A.Y. Hoekstra
An environmental performance index for products reflecting damage costs pp. 119-130 Downloads
Jesper Munksgaard, Line Block Christoffersen, Hans Keiding, Ole Gravgard Pedersen and Trine S. Jensen
Economic implications of inalienable and communal native title: The case of Wik forestry in Australia pp. 131-142 Downloads
Tyron Venn
The water footprints of Morocco and the Netherlands: Global water use as a result of domestic consumption of agricultural commodities pp. 143-151 Downloads
Arjen Y. Hoekstra and Ashok K. Chapagain
Using Monte Carlo analysis to investigate the relationship between overconsumption and uncertain access to one's personal utility function pp. 152-162 Downloads
David Courard-Hauri
Well-being and/or quality of life in EU countries through a multidimensional index of sustainability pp. 163-180 Downloads
Alba Distaso
Bioeconomic analysis of herpetofauna road-kills in a Florida state park pp. 181-185 Downloads
Stephanie A. Shwiff, Henry T. Smith, Richard M. Engeman, Robert M. Barry, Robin J. Rossmanith and Mark Nelson
The transition to an oil contraction economy pp. 186-193 Downloads
Andrei Bazhanov
Policy options for afforestation in Flanders pp. 194-203 Downloads
Ellen Moons and Sandra Rousseau
The environmental Kuznets curve when the environment exhibits hysteresis pp. 204-215 Downloads
Ram Ranjan and James Shortle
The employment effects of sustainable development policies pp. 216-223 Downloads
Judith M. McNeill and Jeremy B. Williams
Diagram for a small planet: The Production and Ecosystem Possibilities Curve pp. 224-232 Downloads
Alan Day Haight
Emilio F. Moran and Elinor Ostrom, Editors, Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Human-Environment Interactions in Forest Ecosystems, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts (2005) ISBN 0-262-13453-5 442 pp pp. 233-234 Downloads
Carl Wilmsen
W. Douglass Shaw, Water Resource Economics and Policy: An Introduction, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK (2005) ISBN 1-84376-917-4 364 pp pp. 234-235 Downloads
Phoebe Koundouri
National environmental accounting: Bridging the gap between ecology and economy, Joy E. Hecht, RFF Press, 2005, ISBN: 1891853945, 240 pages pp. 235-237 Downloads
Glenn-Marie Lange
Page updated 2025-03-28