Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 66, issue 4, 2008
- Letter to the Editor pp. 555-556

- Nickolas J. Themelis
- Environmental regulation of households: An empirical review of economic and psychological factors pp. 559-574

- Jeroen van den Bergh
- Estimating intergenerational distribution preferences pp. 575-583

- Helen Scarborough and Jeffrey Bennett
- Preferences for environmental quality under uncertainty pp. 584-593

- David Roberts, Tracy Boyer and Jayson Lusk
- Measuring progress towards carbon reduction in the UK pp. 594-604

- A. Druckman, P. Bradley, Eleni Papathanasopoulou and Thomas Jackson
- Forest sustainability and trade policies pp. 605-614

- Mihoko Shimamoto
- Multi-agent simulations to explore rules for rural credit in a highland farming community of Northern Thailand pp. 615-627

- Cécile Barnaud, François Bousquet and Guy Trebuil
- Sustainability of nations by indices: Comparative study between environmental sustainability index, ecological footprint and the emergy performance indices pp. 628-637

- J.R. Siche, F. Agostinho, E. Ortega and A. Romeiro
- Trade and the governance of ecosystem services pp. 638-652

- Richard B. Norgaard and Ling Jin
- Is the environmental performance of industrialized countries converging? A 'SURE' approach to testing for convergence pp. 653-661

- Mariam Camarero, Andres Picazo-Tadeo and Cecilio Tamarit
- The CO2 'trade balance' between Scotland and the rest of the UK: Performing a multi-region environmental input-output analysis with limited data pp. 662-673

- Peter McGregor, J. Kim Swales and Karen Turner
- Health benefits of tunneling through the Chinese environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) pp. 674-686

- Victor Brajer, Robert W. Mead and Feng Xiao
- Non-parametric frontier approach to modelling the relationships among population, GDP, energy consumption and CO2 emissions pp. 687-699

- Sebastián Lozano and Ester Gutiérrez
- Do emotions matter? Coherent preferences under anchoring and emotional effects pp. 700-711

- Jorge Araña and Carmelo J. León
- Erratum to "Environmental impacts of China's WTO-accession [Ecological Economics 64 (2008) 893-911] pp. 712-712

- Haakon Vennemo, Kristin Aunan, Jianwu He, Tao Hu, Shantong Li and Kristin Rypdal
Volume 66, issue 2-3, 2008
- Response to South and Radcliffe comments on paper pp. 215-217

- Brent Sohngen and Sandra Brown
- Contingent valuation of ecotourism in Annapurna conservation area, Nepal: Implications for sustainable park finance and local development pp. 218-227

- Nabin Baral, Marc J. Stern and Ranju Bhattarai
- A comprehensive index for a sustainable society: The SSI -- the Sustainable Society Index pp. 228-242

- Geurt Van de Kerk and Arthur R. Manuel
- Family farm sustainability in southern Brazil: An application of agri-environmental indicators pp. 243-257

- Lúcio André de O. Fernandes and Philip J. Woodhouse
- Modelling habitat conservation and participation in agri-environmental schemes: A spatial microsimulation approach pp. 258-269

- Stephen Hynes, Niall Farrelly, Eithne Murphy and Cathal O'Donoghue
- Approximating WTP and WTA for environmental goods from marginal willingness to pay functions pp. 270-274

- Udo Ebert
- A landscape approach for estimating the conservation value of sites and site-based projects, with examples from New Zealand pp. 275-281

- John R. Dymond, Anne-Gaelle E. Ausseil and Jacob McC. Overton
- Estimating the effect of unit-based pricing in the presence of sample selection bias under Japanese Recycling Law pp. 282-288

- Takehiro Usui
- The monetary compensation mechanism: An alternative to the clean development mechanism pp. 289-297

- Xuemei Liu
- Greenhouse gas benefits of fighting obesity pp. 298-308

- Axel Michaelowa and Björn Dransfeld
- Economy and ecology of emerging markets and credits for bio-sequestered carbon on private land in tropical Australia pp. 309-318

- Colin Hunt
- The relationship between rainfall and human density and its implications for future water stress in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 319-336

- David le Blanc and Romain Perez
- Adaptation and mitigation strategies for controlling stochastic water pollution: An application to the Baltic Sea pp. 337-347

- Ing-Marie Gren
- Illegal GMO releases and corporate responsibility: Questioning the effectiveness of voluntary measures pp. 348-358

- Jennifer Clapp
- The use of contingent valuation for evaluating protected areas in the developing world: Economic valuation of Morro do Diabo State Park, Atlantic Rainforest, São Paulo State (Brazil) pp. 359-370

- Cristina Adams, Ronaldo Seroa da Motta, Ramon Ortiz, John Reid, Cristina Ebersbach Aznar and Paulo Antonio de Almeida Sinisgalli
- Economic development and environmental quality: A reassessment in light of nature's self-regeneration capacity pp. 371-378

- Luisito Bertinelli, Eric Strobl and Benteng Zou
- Quantifying the global and distributional aspects of American household carbon footprint pp. 379-391

- Christopher L. Weber and H. Scott Matthews
- Empirical influence of environmental management on innovation: Evidence from Europe pp. 392-402

- Marcus Wagner
- Spatial analysis of the amenity value of green open space pp. 403-416

- Seong-Hoon Cho, Neelam C. Poudyal and Roland Roberts
- Value and income pp. 417-424

- Robert Cairns
- How reliable are meta-analyses for international benefit transfers? pp. 425-435

- Henrik Lindhjem and Stale Navrud
- Why are ecological, low-input, multi-resistant wheat cultivars slow to develop commercially? A Belgian agricultural 'lock-in' case study pp. 436-446

- Gaëtan Vanloqueren and Philippe V. Baret
- Environmental regulation and the export dynamics of energy technologies pp. 447-460

- Valeria Costantini and Francesco Crespi
- The Commitment to Development Index: An Information Theory approach pp. 461-467

- Lee M. Stapleton and Guy D. Garrod
- The high price of sweetness: The twin challenges of efficiency and soil erosion in Fiji's sugar industry pp. 468-477

- Renuka Mahadevan
- Is there an "animal welfare Kuznets curve"? pp. 478-491

- Joshua Frank
- Fossil resource trade balances: Emerging trends for the UK pp. 492-505

- Eleni Papathanasopoulou and Tim Jackson
- Demand and distributional effects of water pricing policies pp. 506-516

- A. Ruijs, A. Zimmermann and M. van den Berg
- The dynamics of belief in climate change and its risks in business organisations pp. 517-532

- Mercedes Bleda and Simon Shackley
- Consumer and producer environmental responsibility: Comparing two approaches pp. 533-546

- João Rodrigues and Tiago Domingos
- Consumer and producer environmental responsibility: A reply pp. 547-550

- Manfred Lenzen
- Consumer and producer responsibility: Comments pp. 551-551

- João Rodrigues and Tiago Domingos
- J.D. Erickson and J.M. Gowdy, Editors, Frontiers in Ecological Economic Theory and Application, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. (2007) ISBN 978 1 84376 888, 365 pages pp. 552-553

- Peter Victor
- Erratum to "Green taxation and individual responsibility" [Ecological Economics 63 (2007) 732-739] pp. 554-554

- Jerome Ballet, Damien Bazin, Abraham Lioui and David Touahri
Volume 66, issue 1, 2008
- How to be an ecological economist pp. 1-7

- Malte Faber
- A comment on "Economy-wide estimates of the implications of climate change: Human health" pp. 8-13

- Frank Ackerman and Elizabeth A. Stanton
- Economy-wide estimates of the implications of climate change - a rejoinder pp. 14-15

- Francesco Bosello, Roberto Roson and Richard Tol
- Integrated hydro-economic modelling: Approaches, key issues and future research directions pp. 16-22

- Roy Brouwer and Marjan Hofkes
- Efficiency, equity, and sustainability in a water quantity-quality optimization model in the Rio Grande basin pp. 23-37

- Frank A. Ward and Manuel Pulido-Velázquez
- Substitution between water and other agricultural inputs: Implications for water conservation in a River Basin context pp. 38-50

- Ximing Cai, Claudia Ringler and Jiing-Yun You
- Hydro-economic river basin modelling: The application of a holistic surface-groundwater model to assess opportunity costs of water use in Spain pp. 51-65

- Manuel Pulido-Velazquez, Andreu, Joaquin, Andrés Sahuquillo and David Pulido-Velazquez
- Integrated ecological-economic modelling of water pollution abatement management options in the Upper Ems River Basin pp. 66-76

- Martin Volk, Jesko Hirschfeld, Alexandra Dehnhardt, Gerd Schmidt, Carsten Bohn, Stefan Liersch and Philip Gassman
- Integrated hydrodynamic and economic modelling of flood damage in the Netherlands pp. 77-90

- S.N. Jonkman, Marija Bockarjova, M. Kok and P. Bernardini
- Bayesian belief networks as a meta-modelling tool in integrated river basin management -- Pros and cons in evaluating nutrient abatement decisions under uncertainty in a Norwegian river basin pp. 91-104

- D.N. Barton, T. Saloranta, S.J. Moe, H.O. Eggestad and S. Kuikka
- Integrated water and economic modelling of the impacts of water market instruments on the South African economy pp. 105-116

- Jan Van Heerden, James Blignaut and Mark Horridge
- The value of the high Aswan Dam to the Egyptian economy pp. 117-126

- Kenneth M. Strzepek, Gary Yohe, Richard Tol and Mark Rosegrant
- General equilibrium modelling of the direct and indirect economic impacts of water quality improvements in the Netherlands at national and river basin scale pp. 127-140

- Roy Brouwer, Marjan Hofkes and Vincent Linderhof
- The determinants of EST adoption by manufacturing plants in developing countries pp. 141-152

- Ralph Luken, Frank Van Rompaey and Katarina Zigova
- What triggers environmental management and innovation? Empirical evidence for Germany pp. 153-160

- Manuel Frondel, Jens Horbach and Klaus Rennings
- Poverty and resource dependence in rural India pp. 161-176

- Urvashi Narain, Shreekant Gupta and Klaas van 't Veld
- The economics of biotechnology under ecosystem disruption pp. 177-183

- Diemuth Pemsl, Andrew P. Gutierrez and Hermann Waibel
- Using choice experiments to assess smallholder farmers' preferences for pig breeding traits in different production systems in North-West Vietnam pp. 184-192

- Regina Roessler, Adam G. Drucker, Riccardo Scarpa, André Markemann, Ute Lemke, Le T. Thuy and Anne Valle Zárate
- Trade-offs between conservation and socio-economic objectives in managing a tropical marine ecosystem pp. 193-210

- William W.L. Cheung and U. Rashid Sumaila
- Phillip Lawn, Frontier issues in ecological economics, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK (2007) ISBN 978 1 84542 840 2 374 pp pp. 211-212

- John Gowdy
- ,Environmental valuation in developed countries.David Pearce, Editor, Case Studies, Edward Elgar (2006) ISBN-13:978 1 84064 147 9, 458 pages pp. 212-212

- Glenn-Marie Lange
- Susanne Stoll-Kleemann and Martin Welp, Editors, Stakeholder Dialogues in Natural Resources Management Theory and Practice XXVIII, Springer Verlag (2006) ISBN 978-3-540-36916-5 386 p. 20 illus pp. 213-214

- Frank Wätzold
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