Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 146, issue C, 2018
- Decomposing the Macroeconomic Effects of Natural Disasters: A National Income Accounting Perspective pp. 1-9

- Preeya Mohan, Bazoumana Ouattara and Eric Strobl
- Conservation by Innovation: What Are the Triggers for Participation Among Swiss Farmers? pp. 10-16

- Stefan Mann
- Integrating Watershed Hydrology and Economics to Establish a Local Market for Water Quality Improvement: A Field Experiment pp. 17-25

- Emi Uchida, Stephen K. Swallow, Arthur J. Gold, James Opaluch, Achyut Kafle, Nathaniel H. Merrill, Clayton Michaud and Carrie Anne Gill
- Reconsidering Monetary Policy: An Empirical Examination of the Relationship Between Interest Rates and Nominal GDP Growth in the U.S., U.K., Germany and Japan pp. 26-34

- Kang-Soek Lee and Richard Werner
- The Challenge of Mitigating Climate Change through Forestry Activities: What Are the Rules of the Game? pp. 35-43

- Gerrit van Kooten
- Valuation Languages Along the Coal Chain From Colombia to the Netherlands and to Turkey pp. 44-59

- Andrea Cardoso
- Outdoor Recreation as a Sustainable Export Industry: A Case Study of the Boundary Waters Wilderness pp. 60-68

- Evan E. Hjerpe
- Less than 2°C? An Economic-Environmental Evaluation of the Paris Agreement pp. 69-84

- Jaime Nieto, Óscar Carpintero and Luis J. Miguel
- A New Approach Within ANP-SWOT Framework for Prioritization of Ecosystem Management and Case Study of National Park Djerdap, Serbia pp. 85-95

- Sanela Arsić, Djordje Nikolić, Ivan Mihajlović, Aleksandra Fedajev and Živan Živković
- A Household's Burden – The Embodied Resource Use of Household Equipment in Germany pp. 96-105

- Jens Teubler, Johannes Buhl, Michael Lettenmeier, Kathrin Greiff and Christa Liedtke
- Public Attitudes Toward Climate Policies: The Effect of Institutional Contexts and Political Values pp. 106-114

- Marianne Aasen and Arild Vatn
- Human Appropriation of Net Primary Productivity and Rural Livelihoods: Findings From Six Villages in Zimbabwe pp. 115-124

- Rose Pritchard, Casey M. Ryan, Isla Grundy and Dan van der Horst
- Joint Management of an Interconnected Coastal Aquifer and Invasive Tree pp. 125-135

- Sittidaj Pongkijvorasin, Kimberly Burnett and Christopher Wada
- Can Private Vehicle-augmenting Technical Progress Reduce Household and Total Fuel Use? pp. 136-147

- Gioele Figus, J.Kim Swales and Karen Turner
- Crop Production, Export of Virtual Water and Water-saving Strategies in Arizona pp. 148-156

- Jinwon Bae and Sandy Dall'erba
- The Prerequisites for a Degrowth Paradigm Shift: Insights from Critical Political Economy pp. 157-163

- Hubert Buch-Hansen
- Economic Growth, Income Distribution, and Climate Change pp. 164-172

- Armon Rezai, Lance Taylor and Duncan Foley
- Soil Matters? A Multivariate Analysis of Socioeconomic Constraints to Urban Expansion in Mediterranean Europe pp. 173-183

- Ilaria Zambon, Anna Benedetti, Carlotta Ferrara and Luca Salvati
- The Great Recession, the Treadmill of Production and Ecological Disorganization: Did the Recession Decrease Toxic Releases Across US States, 2005–2014? pp. 184-192

- Michael A. Long, Michael J. Lynch and Paul B. Stretesky
- Reducing Toxic Chemical Pollution in Response to Multiple Information Signals: The 33/50 Voluntary Program and Toxicity Disclosures pp. 193-202

- Phi Cong Hoang, William McGuire and Aseem Prakash
- Visualisations in Choice Experiments: Comparing 3D Film-sequences and Still-images to Analyse Housing Development Alternatives pp. 203-217

- Wolfgang Rid, Wolfgang Haider, Andrea Ryffel and Ben Beardmore
- Forest Resource-based Household Economy in the Communities of the Nanay River Basin, Peruvian Amazonia pp. 218-227

- Ruth De Oñate-Calvín, Jose Oviedo and Matti Salo
- Stability of Zero-growth Economics Analysed with a Minskyan Model pp. 228-239

- Adam B. Barrett
- Rancher Preferences for a Payment for Ecosystem Services Program in Southwestern Wyoming pp. 240-249

- Kristiana Hansen, Esther Duke, Craig Bond, Melanie Purcell and Ginger Paige
- Comparing Contingent Valuation and Averting Expenditure Estimates of the Costs of Irregular Water Supply pp. 250-264

- Jennifer Orgill-Meyer, Marc Jeuland, Jeff Albert and Nathan Cutler
- Challenges in Assessing Public Opinion on Economic Growth Versus Environment: Considering European and US Data pp. 265-272

- Stefan Drews, Miklós Antal and Jeroen van den Bergh
- The Bristol Pound: A Tool for Localisation? pp. 273-281

- Adam P. Marshall and Daniel W. O'Neill
- Rule of Law and Avoided Deforestation from Protected Areas pp. 282-289

- Ryan Abman
- Look at me Saving the Planet! The Imitation of Visible Green Behavior and its Impact on the Climate Value-Action Gap pp. 290-303

- Zakaria Babutsidze and Andreas Chai
- Offsetting Externalities in Estimating MEY in Multispecies Fisheries pp. 304-311

- Sean Pascoe, Trevor Hutton and Eriko Hoshino
- The Dynamics of Human–Environment Interactions in the Collapse of the Classic Maya pp. 312-324

- Sabin Roman, Erika Palmer and Markus Brede
- When Does Corporate Sustainability Performance Pay off? The Impact of Country-Level Sustainability Performance pp. 325-333

- Chengyong Xiao, Qian Wang, Taco van der Vaart and Dirk Pieter van Donk
- Economic and Environmental Analysis of Maize Inoculation by Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria in the French Rhône-Alpes Region pp. 334-346

- Myriam Bounaffaa, Alessandro Florio, Xavier Le Roux and Pierre-Alain Jayet
- Context Matters: Exploring the Cost-effectiveness of Fixed Payments and Procurement Auctions for PES pp. 347-358

- Liv Lundberg, U. Martin Persson, Francisco Alpizar Rodriguez and Kristian Lindgren
- The Role of Precaution in Stock Recovery Plans in a Fishery with Habitat Effect pp. 359-369

- Rachel Nichols, Satoshi Yamazaki and Sarah Jennings
- Standard Ecological Footprint Method for Small, Highly Specialized Economies pp. 370-380

- S.E. Jóhannesson, B. Davíðsdóttir and J.T. Heinonen
- Economic Growth and Cancer Incidence pp. 381-396

- Tommaso Luzzati, Angela Parenti and T. Rughi
- Exploring a Gap between Australia and Japan in the Economic Valuation of Whale Conservation pp. 397-407

- Mihoko Wakamatsu, Kong Joo Shin, Clevo Wilson and Shunsuke Managi
- Can't See the Forest for the Trees: Can Declining Deforestation Trends in the Argentinian Chaco Region be Ascribed to Efficient Law Enforcement? pp. 408-413

- José Norberto Volante and Lucas Seghezzo
- How Technological Efficiency Improvements Change Consumer Preferences: Towards a Psychological Theory of Rebound Effects pp. 414-424

- Tilman Santarius and Martin Soland
- Teaching and Learning Ecosystem Assessment and Valuation pp. 425-434

- David Löw Beer
- Improving Environmental Quality Through Aid: An Experimental Analysis of Aid Structures With Heterogeneous Agents pp. 435-446

- Paul E. Chambers, E. Dutcher and R. Isaac
- The Role of Community Involvement Mechanisms in Reducing Resistance to Energy Infrastructure Development pp. 447-474

- Marie Hyland and Valentin Bertsch
- Natural and Environmental Amenities: A Review of Definitions, Measures and Issues pp. 475-496

- Y. Schaeffer and J.-C. Dissart
- The Agricultural Water Rebound Effect in China pp. 497-506

- Jianfeng Song, Yanan Guo, Pute Wu and SHikun Sun
- The Institutional Work of Payments for Ecosystem Services: Why the Mundane Should Matter pp. 507-519

- Kristjan Jespersen and Caleb Gallemore
- Intertemporal Distribution, Sufficiency, and the Social Cost of Carbon pp. 520-535

- Martin C. Hänsel and Martin Quaas
- Revealing Preferences for Urban Green Spaces: A Scale-sensitive Hedonic Pricing Analysis for the City of Leipzig pp. 536-548

- Veronika Liebelt, Stephan Bartke and Nina Schwarz
- Critical Analysis of Methods for Integrating Economic and Environmental Indicators pp. 549-559

- Pau Huguet Ferran, Reinout Heijungs and Joost G. Vogtländer
- Private Transaction Costs of Water Trade in the Murray–Darling Basin pp. 560-573

- Adam Loch, Sarah Wheeler and Claire Settre
- Exploring the Characteristics of CO2 Emissions Embodied in International Trade and the Fair Share of Responsibility pp. 574-587

- Yongbin Zhu, Yajuan Shi, Jing Wu, Leying Wu and Wen Xiong
- Adaptation to Climate Change in Rainfed Agriculture in the Global South: Soil Biodiversity as Natural Insurance pp. 588-596

- Yoro Sidibé, Sébastien Foudi, Unai Pascual and Mette Termansen
- Price Determination of Non-timber Forest Products in Different Areas of South Africa pp. 597-606

- Worship Mugido and Charlie M. Shackleton
- A Cost–Benefit Approach for Prioritizing Invasive Species pp. 607-620

- Pierre Courtois, Charles Figuieres, Chloe Mulier and Joakim Weill
- The Distributional and Multi-Sectoral Impacts of Rainfall Shocks: Evidence From Computable General Equilibrium Modelling for the Awash Basin, Ethiopia pp. 621-632

- Edoardo Borgomeo, Bryan Vadheim, Firew B. Woldeyes, Tena Alamirew, Seneshaw Tamru, Katrina J. Charles, Seifu Kebede and Oliver Walker
- National Estimates of Values of Philippine Reefs' Ecosystem Services pp. 633-644

- Natasha Charmaine A. Tamayo, Jonathan A. Anticamara and Lilibeth Acosta-Michlik
- Building Sustainability on Deep Values Through Mindfulness Nurturing pp. 645-657

- Estrella Bernal, David Edgar and Bernard Burnes
- Carbon Label at a University Restaurant – Label Implementation and Evaluation pp. 658-667

- Florentine Brunner, Verena Kurz, David Bryngelsson and Fredrik Hedenus
- Is Flood Risk Capitalised Into Property Values? pp. 668-685

- Allan Beltrán, David Maddison and Robert Elliott
- When Cleaning Too Much Pollution Can Be a Bad Thing: A Field Experiment of Consumer Demand for Oysters pp. 686-695

- Maik Kecinski, Kent Messer and Audrey J. Peo
- The Importance of Wild Meat in the Global South pp. 696-705

- Martin R. Nielsen, Henrik Meilby, Carsten Smith-Hall, Mariève Pouliot and Thorsten Treue
- The Value of Ozone Air Quality Improvements to Renters: Evidence From Apartment Building Transactions in Los Angeles County pp. 706-721

- Claudia Hitaj, Lori Lynch, Kenneth E. McConnell and Constant I. Tra
- Energy Returns and The Long-run Growth of Global Industrial Society pp. 722-729

- Andrew Jarvis
- Technological Solutions to Authenticity Issues in International Trade: The Case of CITES Listed Endangered Species pp. 730-739

- Albert I. Ugochukwu, Jill Hobbs, Peter W.B. Phillips and William Kerr
- Fossil Fuel Divestment and Portfolio Performance pp. 740-748

- Arjan Trinks, Bert Scholtens, Machiel Mulder and Lammertjan Dam
- Correlating Localisation and Sustainability and Exploring the Causality of the Relationship pp. 749-765

- Michelle M. Olivier, Johnathon L. Howard, Ben P. Wilson and Wayne A. Robinson
- Profitability of Direct Greenhouse Gas Measurements in Carbon Credit Schemes of Peatland Rewetting pp. 766-771

- Anke Günther, Stefanie Böther, John Couwenberg, Silke Hüttel and Gerald Jurasinski
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