Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 88, issue C, 2013
- Life satisfaction and air quality in Europe pp. 1-10

- Susana Ferreira, Alpaslan Akay, Finbarr Brereton, Juncal Cuñado, Peter Martinsson, Mirko Moro and Tine F. Ningal
- Understanding the uptake of organic farming: Accounting for heterogeneities among Irish farmers pp. 11-19

- Doris Läpple and Hugh Kelley
- Divestment of the English Forestry Estate: An economically sound choice? pp. 25-31

- Steven King and Iain Fraser
- Endogenous fiscal policies, environmental quality, and status-seeking behavior pp. 32-40

- Phu Nguyen-Van and Thi Kim Cuong Pham
- Conscientious vs. ambivalent consumers: Do concerns about energy availability and climate change influence consumer behaviour? pp. 41-48

- Pamela Wicker and Susanne Becken
- Beach ‘lovers’ and ‘greens’: A worldwide empirical analysis of coastal tourism pp. 49-56

- Laura Onofri and Paulo Nunes
- The relationship between international financial reporting standards, carbon emissions, and R&D expenditures: Evidence from European manufacturing firms pp. 57-66

- Nicholas Apergis, Sofia Eleftheriou and James Payne
- Effect of distance of transportation on willingness to pay for food pp. 67-75

- Carola Grebitus, Jayson Lusk and Rodolfo Nayga
- Dealing with preference uncertainty in contingent willingness to pay for a nature protection program: A new approach pp. 76-85

- Louinord Voltaire, Claudio Pirrone and Denis Bailly
- Forest management for timber and carbon sequestration in the presence of climate change: The case of Pinus Sylvestris pp. 86-96

- Renan Goetz, Natali Hritonenko, Ruben Mur, Angels Xabadia and Yuri Yatsenko
- Nonmarket values of major resources in the Korean DMZ areas: A test of distance decay pp. 97-107

- Andy Choi
- Evolutionary modelling of the macro-economic impacts of catastrophic flood events pp. 108-118

- Karolina Safarzyńska, Roy Brouwer and Marjan Hofkes
- Input–output analysis of CO2 emissions embodied in trade and the driving forces: Processing and normal exports pp. 119-125

- Bin Su, B.W. Ang and Melissa Low
- A proactive approach for assessing alternative management programs for an invasive alien pollinator species pp. 126-132

- Aliza Fleischer, Sharoni Shafir and Yael Mandelik
- Sustainability of national consumption from a water resources perspective: The case study for France pp. 133-147

- A. Ertug Ercin, Mesfin M. Mekonnen and Arjen Y. Hoekstra
- An international assessment of energy security performance pp. 148-158

- Benjamin K. Sovacool
- A critique of the perceived solid conceptual foundations of ISEW & GPI — Irving Fisher's cognisance of human-health capital in ‘net psychic income’ pp. 159-166

- Andrew John Brennan
- The failure of the ISEW and GPI to fully account for changes in human-health capital — A methodological shortcoming not a theoretical weakness pp. 167-177

- Philip Lawn
- Transaction costs, collective action and adaptation in managing complex social–ecological systems pp. 185-194

- Graham Marshall
- Understanding the evolution and performance of water markets and allocation policy: A transaction costs analysis framework pp. 195-205

- Dustin Garrick, Stuart Whitten and Anthea Coggan
- Talk is cheap, or is it? The cost of consulting about uncertain reallocation of water in the Murray–Darling Basin, Australia pp. 206-213

- Lin Crase, Sue O'Keefe and Brian Dollery
- Transaction costs of alternative greenhouse gas policies in the Australian transport energy sector pp. 214-221

- Albert Ofei-Mensah and Jeffrey Bennett
- Factors that influence transaction costs in development offsets: Who bears what and why? pp. 222-231

- Anthea Coggan, Edwin Buitelaar, Stuart Whitten and Jeffrey Bennett
- Transaction costs of carbon offset projects: A comparative study pp. 232-243

- Oscar Cacho, Leslie Lipper and Jonathan Moss
- Improving environmental decisions: A transaction-costs story pp. 244-252

- David Pannell, Anna M. Roberts, Geoff Park and Jennifer Alexander
- Transaction costs and environmental policy design pp. 253-262

- Laura McCann
Volume 87, issue C, 2013
- Farm-level Autonomous Adaptation of European Agricultural Supply to Climate Change pp. 1-14

- David Leclère, Pierre-Alain Jayet and Nathalie de Noblet-Ducoudré
- A methodology for facilitating the feedback between mental models and institutional change in industrial ecosystem governance: A waste management case-study from northern Finland pp. 15-23

- Jarkko O. Levänen and Janne I. Hukkinen
- A dynamic approach to PES pricing and finance for interlinked ecosystem services: Watershed conservation and groundwater management pp. 24-33

- James Roumasset and Christopher Wada
- Towards systemic and adaptive governance: Exploring the revealing and concealing aspects of contemporary social-learning metaphors pp. 34-42

- Ray Ison, Chris Blackmore and Benjamin L. Iaquinto
- REDD+and community-controlled forests in low-income countries: Any hope for a linkage? pp. 43-52

- Randall Bluffstone, Elizabeth Robinson and Paul Guthiga
- Dynamic hypothetical bias in discrete choice experiments: Evidence from measuring the impact of corporate social responsibility on consumers demand pp. 53-61

- Jorge Araña and Carmelo J. León
- The cost of reducing CO2 emissions: Integrating abatement technologies into economic modeling pp. 62-71

- Olga Kiuila and T.F. Rutherford
- Stakeholders' incentives for land-use change and REDD+: The case of Indonesia pp. 75-83

- Silvia Irawan, Luca Tacconi and Irene Ring
- Agreeing to pay under value disagreement: Reconceptualizing preference transformation in terms of pluralism with evidence from small-group deliberations on climate change pp. 84-94

- Alex Lo
- Climatic impacts across agricultural crop yield distributions: An application of quantile regression on rice crops in Andhra Pradesh, India pp. 95-109

- Prabhat Barnwal and Koji Kotani
- Estimating compensation payments for on-farm conservation of agricultural biodiversity in developing countries pp. 110-123

- Vijesh Krishna, Adam G. Drucker, Unai Pascual, Prabhakaran T. Raghu and Edwin Devarathna Israel King
- Mandatory disclosure of plant emissions into the environment and worker chemical exposure inside plants pp. 124-136

- Stephen R. Finger and Shanti Gamper-Rabindran
- Water flows, energy demand, and market analysis of the informal water sector in Kisumu, Kenya pp. 137-144

- Laura C. Sima, Evan Kelner-Levine, Matthew J. Eckelman, Kathleen M. McCarty and Menachem Elimelech
- Rewards for providing environmental services — Where indigenous Australians' and western perspectives collide pp. 145-154

- Kerstin K. Zander, Desleigh R. Dunnett, Christine Brown, Otto Campion and Stephen T. Garnett
- Keeping up appearances: Motivations for socially desirable responding in contingent valuation interviews pp. 155-165

- Tobias Börger
Volume 86, issue C, 2013
- A global map of coastal recreation values: Results from a spatially explicit meta-analysis pp. 1-15

- Andrea Ghermandi and Paulo Nunes
- Wind tunnel simulation and evaluation of soil conservation function of alpine grassland in Qinghai–Tibet Plateau pp. 16-20

- Chun-xia Lu, Ge Yu, Yu Xiao and Gao-di Xie
- Water reallocation in the input–output model pp. 21-27

- Maria Llop
- Flows, funds and the complexity of deprivation: Using concepts from ecological economics for the study of poverty pp. 28-36

- Arnim Scheidel
- Analysis of environmental efficiency variations: A nutrient balance approach pp. 37-46

- Viet-Ngu Hoang and Trung Thanh Nguyen
- Adoption of climate change mitigation practices by risk-averse farmers in the Ashanti Region, Ghana pp. 47-54

- Alessandro (Alex) De Pinto, Richard Robertson and Beatrice Darko Obiri
- Estimating the causal effect of water scarcity on the groundwater use efficiency of rice farming in South India pp. 55-64

- Shalet Korattukudy Varghese, Prakashan Chellattan Veettil, Stijn Speelman, Jeroen Buysse and Guido Van Huylenbroeck
- Growing green money? Mapping community currencies for sustainable development pp. 65-77

- Gill Seyfang and Noel Longhurst
- Optimal strategies for the surveillance and control of forest pathogens: A case study with oak wilt pp. 78-85

- Tetsuya Horie, Robert G. Haight, Frances R. Homans and Robert C. Venette
- Public praise vs. private pay: Effects of rewards on energy conservation in the workplace pp. 86-92

- Michel J.J. Handgraaf, Margriet A. Van Lidth de Jeude and Kirstin C. Appelt
- Collaborative approaches to water management and planning: An institutional perspective pp. 97-106

- Jayanath Ananda and Wendy Proctor
- Dominos in the dairy: An analysis of transgenic maize in Dutch dairy farming pp. 107-116

- Rolf Groeneveld, Justus Wesseler and Paul Berentsen
- Estimating the value of economic benefits associated with adaptation to climate change in a developing country: A case study of improvements in tropical cyclone warning services pp. 117-128

- Thanh Nguyen, Jackie Robinson, Shinji Kaneko and Satoru Komatsu
- Conflicting values and public decision: The Foz Côa case pp. 129-135

- Maria de Fátima Ferreiro, Maria Eduarda Gonçalves and Ana Costa
- Potential effects of the Nagoya Protocol on the exchange of non-plant genetic resources for scientific research: Actors, paths, and consequences pp. 136-147

- Eric W. Welch, Eunjung Shin and Jennifer Long
- Sensitivity analysis of environmentally extended input–output models as a tool for building scenarios of sustainable development pp. 148-155

- Tuomas Mattila, Sirkka Koskela, Jyri Seppälä and Ilmo Mäenpää
- The potential of ‘Urban Green Commons’ in the resilience building of cities pp. 156-166

- Johan Colding and Stephan Barthel
- Estimating a meta-damage regression model for large accidental oil spills pp. 167-175

- Maria Alló and Maria Loureiro
- Sustainability in the making? A historical estimate of Swedish sustainable and unsustainable development 1850–2000 pp. 176-187

- Magnus Lindmark and Sevil Acar
- Estimating direct and indirect rebound effects for U.S. households with input–output analysis. Part 2: Simulation pp. 188-198

- Brinda A. Thomas and Inês L. Azevedo
- Estimating direct and indirect rebound effects for U.S. households with input–output analysis Part 1: Theoretical framework pp. 199-210

- Brinda A. Thomas and Inês L. Azevedo
- Urban gardens, agriculture, and water management: Sources of resilience for long-term food security in cities pp. 224-234

- Stephan Barthel and Christian Isendahl
- Classifying and valuing ecosystem services for urban planning pp. 235-245

- Erik Gómez-Baggethun and David N. Barton
- Valuing green infrastructure in an urban environment under pressure — The Johannesburg case pp. 246-257

- Alexis Schäffler and Mark Swilling
- Why garden for wildlife? Social and ecological drivers, motivations and barriers for biodiversity management in residential landscapes pp. 258-273

- Mark A. Goddard, Andrew J. Dougill and Tim G. Benton
- Ecosystem services as technology of globalization: On articulating values in urban nature pp. 274-284

- Henrik Ernstson and Sverker Sörlin
- Reaching for a sustainable, resilient urban future using the lens of ecosystem services pp. 285-291

- Åsa Jansson
- Positive dependency and virtuous cycles: From resource dependence to resilience in urban social-ecological systems pp. 292-299

- Keith Tidball and Richard Stedman
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