Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 49, issue 4, 2004
- Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis: A Survey pp. 431-455

- Soumyananda Dinda
- Marx's reproduction schemes and the environment pp. 457-467

- Paul Burkett
- Increasing off-site water yield and grassland bird habitat in Texas through brush treatment practices pp. 469-484

- Keith L. Olenick, R. Neal Wilkins and J. Richard Conner
- The land we share: Eric T. Freyfogle, Island Press, 2003, ISBN:1559638907, 344 pp pp. 485-486

- Daniel Bromley
- Just Sustainabilities: Development in an Unequal World: Julian Agyeman, Robert D. Bullard, and Bob Evans (Eds.), MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2003, ISBN:0262511312, 352 pp pp. 486-487

- Rachel Massey
- Wildlife responses to climate change, North American case studies: Stephen H. Schneider and Terry L. Root (Eds.), Island Press, Washington, DC, 2002, ISBN:1559639253, xv+437 pp pp. 487-488

- Stephen DeStefano
- Panarchy: understanding transformations in human and natural systems: Lance H. Gunderson and C.S. Holling (Eds.), Island Press, Washington, DC, 2002, ISBN: 1559638575, 450 pp pp. 488-491

- Elinor Ostrom
- Analytical Tools for Environmental Design and Management: Nicholine Wrisberg and Helias Udo de Haes (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, ISBN: 1402004532, 276 pp pp. 491-493

- Michele Blazek
Volume 49, issue 3, 2004
- The problem of assigning responsibility for greenhouse gas emissions pp. 253-257

- Simone Bastianoni, Federico Maria Pulselli and Enzo Tiezzi
- Gains from an integrated market for tradable renewable energy credits pp. 259-272

- Pallab Mozumder and Achla Marathe
- Do children matter? An examination of gender differences in environmental valuation pp. 273-286

- Diane Dupont
- Towards a centerpiece for ecological economics pp. 287-301

- William M. Hayes and Gary D. Lynne
- Exploiting decision heuristics and IT in the design of a DSS for voluntary agri-environmental programs pp. 303-315

- Dennis Collentine, Martin Larsson and Nils Hannerz
- Portfolio management of wild fish stocks pp. 317-329

- Steven F. Edwards, Jason S. Link and Barbara P. Rountree
- A comparative evaluation of money-based and energy-based cost-benefit analyses of tertiary municipal wastewater treatment using forested wetlands vs. sand filtration in Louisiana pp. 331-347

- Jae-Young Ko, John W. Day, Robert R. Lane and Jason N. Day
- Valuing environmental benefits of silvopasture practice: a case study of the Lake Okeechobee watershed in Florida pp. 349-359

- Ram K. Shrestha and Janaki R. R. Alavalapati
- Asymmetric outcomes: assessing central aspects of the biological, economic and social sustainability of a mangrove crab fishery, Ucides cordatus (Ocypodidae), in North Brazil pp. 361-373

- Marion Glaser and Karen Diele
- Energy requirements of Sydney households pp. 375-399

- Manfred Lenzen, Christopher Dey and Barney Foran
- In search of a natural systems sustainability index pp. 401-405

- Luis Diaz-Balteiro and Carlos Romero
- Farmers, Scientists and Plant Breeding: Edited by Cleveland D.A. and Soleri, Oxford University Press, 2002, ISBN: 0851995853, 360 pp pp. 407-408

- Fleming Nielsen
- The Economic Dynamics of Environmental Law: David M. Driesen, MIT Press, 2003, ISBN: 0262541394, 272 pp pp. 408-410

- Nicholas A. Ashford
- Ideology, Social Theory, and the Environment: William D. Sunderlin, Rowman and Littlefield, 2003, ISBN: 0742519708, 256 pp pp. 410-411

- Richard B. Norgaard
- International trade and sustainable development: Gallagher, K. and Werksman, J. (Eds.), Earthscan, London, 2002, ISBN: 185383887X, 405 pp pp. 411-412

- Paul Ekins
- Greening Chinese Business: barriers, trends and opportunities for environmental management: Ulrich, Steger, Fang Zhaoben, and Lu Wei, Greenleaf Publishing, 2003, ISBN: 1874719586, 189 pages pp. 412-413

- Kelly Sims Gallagher
- Status, Growth and the Environment: Goods as Symbols in Applied Welfare Economics: K.A. Brekke and R.B. Howarth, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, UK, 2002, ISBN: 1840644338, 198 pp pp. 414-415

- K. C. Urama
Volume 49, issue 2, 2004
- Introducing the Proceedings of the biennial meeting of the International Society for Ecological Economics pp. 117-117

- Cutler J. Cleveland
- Conservation in the optimal use of rangelands pp. 119-128

- Charles Perrings and Brian Walker
- Environmental responsibility versus taxation pp. 129-134

- Damien Bazin, Jerome Ballet and D. Touahri
- Forest biodiversity and timber extraction: an analysis of the interaction of market and non-market mechanisms pp. 135-148

- Kanchan Chopra and Pushpam Kumar
- Reducing dependence on chemical fertilizers and its financial implications for farmers in India pp. 149-162

- Nilabja Ghosh
- Mexico's Maquiladora expansion during the 1990s: an environmental assessment pp. 163-185

- Pablo Hernandez
- Diffusion of agricultural biotechnology and intellectual property rights: emerging issues in India pp. 187-198

- N. Lalitha
- The environmental-social interface of sustainable development: capabilities, social capital, institutions pp. 199-214

- Markku Lehtonen
- Inequality, differential technology for resource extraction and voluntary collective action in commons pp. 215-230

- Lekha Mukhopadhyay
- Learning and knowing collectively pp. 231-241

- Richard B. Norgaard
- Land clearance and social capital in mountain agro-ecosystems: the case of Opuntia scrubland in Ayacucho, Peru pp. 243-252

- Luis Carlos Rodriguez and Unai Pascual
Volume 49, issue 1, 2004
- Transition towards improved regional wood flows by integrating material flux analysis and agent analysis: the case of Appenzell Ausserrhoden, Switzerland pp. 1-17

- Claudia R. Binder, Christoph Hofer, Arnim Wiek and Roland W. Scholz
- Contingent valuation, net marginal benefits, and the scale of riparian ecosystem restoration pp. 19-30

- Thomas P. Holmes, John Bergstrom, Eric Huszar, Susan B. Kask and Fritz Orr
- Hunting for models: grounded and rational choice approaches to analyzing climate effects on subsistence hunting in an Arctic community pp. 31-46

- Matthew Berman and Gary Kofinas
- First impressions count: interviewer appearance and information effects in stated preference studies pp. 47-55

- Ian Bateman and James Mawby
- The economics of community watershed management: some evidence from Nicaragua pp. 57-71

- Nancy L. Johnson and Maria Eugenia Baltodano
- The dynamics of relative attractiveness--a case study in mineral exploration and development pp. 73-87

- Bernadette O'Regan and Richard Moles
- The economic cost of the use of fire in the Amazon pp. 89-105

- Mario Jorge Cardoso de Mendonca, Maria del Carmen Vera Diaz, Daniel Nepstad, Ronaldo Seroa da Motta, Ane Alencar, Joao Carlos Gomes and Ramon Ortiz
- Perspectives on Industrial Ecology: Dominique Bourg and Suren Erkman, Editors, Greenleaf Publishing, 2003, ISBN: 1874719462, 356 pp pp. 107-109

- John R. Ehrenfeld
- Monitoring ecosystems: interdisciplinary approaches for evaluating ecoregional initiatives: By David E. Busch and Joel C. Trexler (eds.), Island Press, Washington, D.C., 2003, ISBN: 1559638516, 384 pp pp. 109-110

- Tammy A. Coe
- Achieving Sustainable Freshwater Systems: a web of connections: By M.M. Holland, E.R. Blood and L.R. Shaffer (eds.), Island Press, 2003, ISBN: 1559639288 (hardcover) and ISBN: 1559639296 (paperback), p. 351 pp. 110-111

- Paul P. Schot
- Ecological Restoration of Southwestern Ponderosa Pine Forests: Peter Friederici (editor), Island Press, 2003, ISBN: 155963653X, 561 pp pp. 112-113

- Stephen J. Pyne
- The Economics of Waste: Richard C. Porter, RFF Press, Washington DC, 2002, ISBN: 1891853430, 314 pp pp. 113-114

- Frank Ackerman
- Corrigendum to "Making long-term economic growth more sustainable: evaluating the costs and benefits" [Ecol. Econ. 47(2-3) (2003) 149-166] pp. 115-115

- Sardar M. N. Islam, Mohan Munasinghe and Matthew Clarke
Volume 48, issue 4, 2004
- Squaring the circle? Some thoughts on the idea of sustainable development pp. 369-384

- John Robinson
- Optimal climate policy is a utopia: from quantitative to qualitative cost-benefit analysis pp. 385-393

- Jeroen van den Bergh
- Location-specific modeling for optimizing wildlife management on crop farms pp. 395-407

- J. H. van Wenum, Ada Wossink and J. A. Renkema
- Assessing the substitutability of mitigation wetlands for natural sites: estimating restoration lag costs of wetland mitigation pp. 409-424

- John J. Gutrich and Fred J. Hitzhusen
- On the life cycle metaphor: where ecology and economics diverge pp. 425-438

- Robert U. Ayres
- US environmental load displacement: examining consumption, regulations and the role of NAFTA pp. 439-450

- Matthew Cole
- Functions, commodities and environmental impacts in an ecological-economic model pp. 451-467

- Sangwon Suh
- Governing snowmobilers in multiple-use landscapes: Swedish and Maine (USA) cases pp. 469-483

- David Vail and Tobias Heldt
- Economic Theory for the Environment: Essays in honour of Karl Goran Maler: Bengt Kristrom, Partha Dasgupta and Karl-Gustav Lofgren (eds.), Edward Elgar, 2002, ISBN: 1840648872, 360 pp pp. 485-487

- Ben Groom and Phoebe Koundouri
- The Contingent Valuation of National Parks: Assessing the Warmglow Propensity Factor: Paulo A.L.D. Nunes, Edward Elgar, 2002, ISBN: 1840649453, 288 pp pp. 488-489

- Thomas H. Stevens
- Environmental Accounting in Action: Case Studies from Southern Africa: Glenn-Marie Lange, Rashid Hassan and Kirk Hamilton, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham, UK, 2003, ISBN: 1843760762, pp. 240 pp. 489-490

- Gary Luck
- Human Ecology: Following Nature's Lead: Frederick Steiner, Island Press, 2002, ISBN: 1559639954, pp. 237 pp. 490-492

- Manfred Max-Neef
- Environmental Law and Policy: James Salzman and Barton H. Thompson, Jr. Foundation Press, 2003, ISBN: 1566629845, 306 pp pp. 492-493

- Shi-Ling Hsu
Volume 48, issue 3, 2004
- Property evaluation and biodiversity conservation: Decision support for making hard choices pp. 279-291

- William Trousdale and Robin Gregory
- Cross-national meat and fish consumption: exploring the effects of modernization and ecological context pp. 293-302

- Richard York and Marcia Hill Gossard
- Evaluating ecological tradeoffs in fisheries management: a study case for the yellowfin tuna fishery in the Eastern Pacific Ocean pp. 303-315

- Roberto Ramon Enriquez-Andrade and Juan Guillermo Vaca-Rodriguez
- Market efficiency, competition, and communication in electric power markets: experimental results pp. 317-327

- D. Chapman, Christian Vossler, T. D. Mount, V. Barboni, R. J. Thomas and R. D. Zimmerman
- Would developing country commitments affect US households' support for a modified Kyoto Protocol? pp. 329-343

- Hui Li, Robert Berrens, Alok Bohara, Hank C. Jenkins-Smith, Carol L. Silva and David Weimer
- Comparing futures: a positional approach to population ethics pp. 345-357

- Lynn Mainwaring
- Water Follies: Groundwater Pumping and the Fate of America's Fresh Waters: Robert Glennon, Island Press, 2002, ISBN: 1559632232, 304 pp pp. 359-360

- Josh Clemons
- Invasion biology. Critique of a pseudoscience: D.I. Theodoropoulos, Avvar Books, 2003, ISBN: 0970850417, xiv+237 pp pp. 360-362

- Daniel Simberloff
- The Trade in Wildlife: Regulation for Conservation: Sara Oldfield, Earthscan Publications, 2002, ISBN: 185383954X, 232 pp pp. 363-364

- David Favre
- Sustainability and Endogenous Growth: Karen Pittel, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2002, ISBN: 1843760479, 211 pp pp. 364-366

- Phoebe Koundouri and Ben Groom
- Climate Affairs: A Primer: By: Michael H. Glantz, Island Press, 2003, ISBN:1559639199, 291 pp pp. 366-367

- Anthony Patt
Volume 48, issue 2, 2004
- Evaluating strategies for sustainable development: fuzzy logic reasoning and sensitivity analysis pp. 149-172

- Luc A. Andriantiatsaholiniaina, Vassilis S. Kouikoglou and Yannis A. Phillis
- Sustainable Value Added--measuring corporate contributions to sustainability beyond eco-efficiency pp. 173-187

- Frank Figge and Tobias Hahn
- 'Ecological value added' in an integrated ecosystem-economy model--an indicator for sustainability pp. 189-200

- Kurt Kratena
- Trajectories towards clean technology: example of volatile organic compound emission reductions pp. 201-220

- Marie-Claude Bélis-Bergouignan, Vanessa Oltra and Maider Saint Jean
- On resource use in food production systems: the value of livestock as 'rest-stream upgrading system' pp. 221-230

- Sanderine Nonhebel
- Using exergy to analyze the sustainability of an urban area pp. 231-244

- C. Balocco, S. Papeschi, G. Grazzini and R. Basosi
- Household characteristics and forest dependency: evidence from common property forest management in Nepal pp. 245-257

- Bhim Adhikari, Salvatore Di Falco and Jon C. Lovett
- Thresholds in concave renewable resource models pp. 259-267

- Franz Wirl
- Environmental Policy in the European Union: Actors, Institutions and Processes: Andrew Jordan (Ed.), Earthscan Publications, London, 2002, 548 pages, ISBN: 1853837954 pp. 269-270

- Pamela M. Barnes
- The Essence of Time: Enzo Tiezzi, WIT Press, Billerica, MA, 2002, ISBN: 18S3129496, 123 pp pp. 270-271

- Matthias Ruth
- Integrated Public Lands Management: Principles and Applications to National Forests, Parks, Wildlife Refuges, and BLM Lands: John B. Loomis, Columbia University Press, 2nd edition, 2002, ISBN: 0-231-12444-9, 596 pp pp. 271-273

- John Polimeni
- The Consumer's Guide to Effective Environmental Choices: Michael Brower and Warren Leon, Three Rivers Press, 1999, ISBN: 0-609-80281-X, 304 pp pp. 273-276

- Faye Duchin
- Deforestation and land use in the Amazon: Charles H. Wood and Roberto Porro, Editors, University Press of Florida, 2002, ISBN: 0813024641, 400 pp pp. 276-277

- Kirsten M. Silvius
Volume 48, issue 1, 2004
- Response to William J. Mates' "income, investment, and sustainability" pp. 5-7

- Philip Lawn
- A note on the calculus for physical input-output analysis and its application to land appropriation of international trade activities pp. 9-17

- Sangwon Suh
- Beyond the simple material balance: a reply to Sangwon Suh's note on physical input-output analysis pp. 19-22

- Stefan Giljum, Klaus Hubacek and Laixiang Sun
- Ecological economics as a policy science: rhetoric or commitment towards an improved decision-making process on sustainability pp. 23-36

- Tian Shi
- Measuring environmental performance of state manufacturing through changes in pollution intensities: a DEA framework pp. 37-47

- Osman Zaim
- The use of habitat equivalency analysis in natural resource damage assessments pp. 49-70

- Richard W. Dunford, Thomas C. Ginn and William H. Desvousges
- Trade, the pollution haven hypothesis and the environmental Kuznets curve: examining the linkages pp. 71-81

- Matthew Cole
- The growth and distributional consequences of international trade in natural resources and capital goods: a neo-Austrian analysis pp. 83-91

- John Proops
- The net benefit of saving the Asian elephant: a policy and contingent valuation study pp. 93-107

- Ranjith Bandara and Clement Tisdell
- An institutional framework for designing and monitoring ecosystem-based fisheries management policy experiments pp. 109-124

- Murray Rudd
- Exploring methods and practicalities of conducting sector-wide energy consumption accounting in the tourist accommodation industry pp. 125-141

- Jan Warnken, Melanie Bradley and Chris Guilding
- Civic Entrepreneurship: A Civil Society Perspective on Sustainable Development. Volume I: Global Synthesis: Edited by Tariq Banuri, Adil Najam, Gandhara Academy Press, Islamabad, 2002. 173 pp. ISBN 0-9722919-0-3 pp. 143-144

- Michele N. Ferenz
- Making Global Trade Work for People: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Earthscan Publications Ltd. London, 2003, ISBN: 1 85383 982 5 (paperback); 1 85383 981 7 (hardback), xxxi+341 pp pp. 144-145

- Roldan Muradian
- The Economic and Environmental Impacts of Agbiotech. A Global Perspective: Edited by Nicholas G. Kalaitzandonakes, KluwerAcademic/Plenum Publishers, 2003, ISBN 0-306-47501-4, 336pp pp. 146-147

- Susannah Bolton
- Erratum to "Regional imbalances and sustainable crop farming in the Uttaranchal Himalaya, India" [Ecol. Econ. 46 (2003) 419-435] pp. 148-148

- Jagdish C. Kuniyal
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