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Ecological Economics

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland

From Elsevier
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Volume 35, issue 3, 2000

PREFACE pp. 307-310 Downloads
Marco A. Janssen and Wander Jager
Beyond Homo economicus: evidence from experimental economics pp. 311-322 Downloads
Herbert Gintis
Political ecology and ecological resilience:: An integration of human and ecological dynamics pp. 323-336 Downloads
Garry Peterson
Policy assessment and simulation of actor orientation for sustainable development pp. 337-355 Downloads
Hartmut Bossel
Behaviour in commons dilemmas: Homo economicus and Homo psychologicus in an ecological-economic model pp. 357-379 Downloads
W. Jager, M. A. Janssen, H. J. M. De Vries, J. De Greef and C. A. J. Vlek
Environment and institutions: a complex dynamical systems approach pp. 381-391 Downloads
Gerard Weisbuch
On modeling human behavior and institutions in simple ecological economic systems pp. 393-412 Downloads
John M. Anderies

Volume 35, issue 2, 2000

Illuminating the need for ecological knowledge in economic valuation of mangroves under different management regimes -- a critique pp. 135-141 Downloads
Patrik Ronnback and Jurgenne H. Primavera
Use of environmental functions to communicate the values of a mangrove ecosystem under different management regimes. Response to a critique pp. 141-143 Downloads
Ron Janssen, Alison Gilbert and Joe Padilla
The economics of the adoption of BMPs: the case of mariculture water management pp. 145-155 Downloads
Denise L. Stanley
The usury debate, the sustainability debate, and the call for a moral economy pp. 157-171 Downloads
Raymond A. Rogers
Economics for sustainable rural systems pp. 173-189 Downloads
Peter Midmore and Julie Whittaker
Measuring environmental quality: an index of pollution pp. 191-202 Downloads
Neha Khanna
The Kyoto protocol and payments for tropical forest:: An interdisciplinary method for estimating carbon-offset supply and increasing the feasibility of a carbon market under the CDM pp. 203-221 Downloads
Alexander Pfaff, Suzi Kerr, R. Flint Hughes, Shuguang Liu, G. Arturo Sanchez-Azofeifa, David Schimel, Joseph Tosi and Vicente Watson
Property rights and sustainable nature tourism: adaptation and mal-adaptation in Dalarna (Sweden) and Maine (USA) pp. 223-242 Downloads
David Vail and Lars Hultkrantz
Economics of charcoal production in miombo woodlands of eastern Tanzania: some hidden costs associated with commercialization of the resources pp. 243-257 Downloads
E. J. Luoga, E. T. F. Witkowski and K. Balkwill
Modelling species extinction: the case for non-consumptive values pp. 259-269 Downloads
Robert R. Alexander
Easter Island: historical anecdote or warning for the future? pp. 271-287 Downloads
Rafael Reuveny and Christopher S. Decker
Choice modelling and its potential application to tropical rainforest preservation pp. 289-302 Downloads
John Rolfe, Jeffrey Bennett and Jordan Louviere
Ester Boserup: My Professional Life and Publications 1929-1998, 1999, Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen, 62 pp., DKK 95, US$ 15, [UK pound]10, ISBN, 8772895209 pp. 303-303 Downloads
Michael Mortimore

Volume 35, issue 1, 2000

Valuation of wetlands in a landscape and institutional perspective pp. 1-6 Downloads
Tore Soderqvist, William J. Mitsch and R. Kerry Turner
Ecological-economic analysis of wetlands: scientific integration for management and policy pp. 7-23 Downloads
R. Kerry Turner, Jeroen van den Bergh, Tore Soderqvist, Aat Barendregt, Jan van der Straaten, Edward Maltby and Ekko van Ierland
The value of wetlands: importance of scale and landscape setting pp. 25-33 Downloads
William J. Mitsch and James G. Gosselink
Economic criteria for using wetlands as nitrogen sinks under uncertainty pp. 35-45 Downloads
Olof Bystrom, Hans Andersson and Ing-Marie Gren
Valuing the environment as input: review of applications to mangrove-fishery linkages pp. 47-61 Downloads
Edward Barbier
Approaches to valuing the hidden hydrological services of wetland ecosystems pp. 63-74 Downloads
Gayatri Acharya
Property rights and the utilisation of wetlands pp. 75-89 Downloads
W. Neil Adger and Cecilia Luttrell
Development and conservation of Philippine mangroves: institutional issues pp. 91-106 Downloads
J. H. Primavera
Wetland restoration, collective action and the role of water management institutions pp. 107-118 Downloads
Ian Hodge and Sandra McNally
Knowledges in action: an actor network analysis of a wetland agri-environment scheme pp. 119-132 Downloads
Jacquelin Burgess, Judy Clark and Carolyn M. Harrison

Volume 34, issue 3, 2000

Economic specialization versus ecological diversification: the trade policy implications of taking the ecosystem approach seriously pp. 285-292 Downloads
Fred P. Gale
Is bioprospecting a viable strategy for conserving tropical ecosystems? pp. 293-300 Downloads
Christopher Barrett and Travis Lybbert
Putting postmodernity into practice: endogenous development and the role of traditional cultures in the rural development of marginal regions pp. 301-313 Downloads
T. N. Jenkins
Narrative valuation in a policy judgment context pp. 315-331 Downloads
Terre Satterfield, Paul Slovic and Robin Gregory
Intentional introductions of nonindigenous species: a principal-agent model and protocol for revocable decisions pp. 333-345 Downloads
Michael H. Thomas and Alan Randall
On the methodology of ISEW, GPI and related measures: some constructive suggestions and some doubt on the 'threshold' hypothesis pp. 347-361 Downloads
Eric Neumayer
Interrelationships between economic policy and agri-environmental indicators: an investigative framework with examples from South Africa pp. 363-377 Downloads
Jamie Morrison and Richard Pearce
Factors influencing people's participation in forest management in India pp. 379-392 Downloads
Wietze Lise
Project analysis as input to public debate: Environmental valuation versus physical unit indicators pp. 393-408 Downloads
Karine Nyborg
Air quality and economic growth: an empirical study pp. 409-423 Downloads
Soumyananda Dinda, Dipankor Coondoo and Manoranjan Pal
Natural capital and the theory of economic growth pp. 425-431 Downloads
Richard W. England
What Is Natural? Coral Reef Crisis. Jan Saap, Oxford University Press, New York, 275 pp., 1999, ISBN 0195123646 pp. 433-434 Downloads
T. Done

Volume 34, issue 2, 2000

The VALSE project -- an introduction pp. 165-174 Downloads
Martin O'Connor
Pathways for environmental evaluation: a walk in the (Hanging) Gardens of Babylon pp. 175-193 Downloads
Martin O'Connor
Ecosystems, contingent valuation and ethics: the case of wetland re-creation pp. 195-215 Downloads
Clive Spash
Citizens and wetlands: evaluating the Ely citizens' jury pp. 217-232 Downloads
Jonathan Aldred and Michael Jacobs
The social construction of scarcity. The case of water in Tenerife (Canary Islands) pp. 233-245 Downloads
Federico Aguilera-Klink, Eduardo Perez-Moriana and Juan Sanchez-Garcia
The Bouchereau woodland and the transmission of socio-ecological economic value pp. 247-266 Downloads
Jean-Francois Noël, Martin O'Connor and Jessy Tsang King Sang
Combining participative and institutional approaches with multicriteria evaluation. An empirical study for water issues in Troina, Sicily pp. 267-282 Downloads
B. De Marchi, S. O. Funtowicz, Silvestro Lo Cascio and Giuseppe Munda

Volume 34, issue 1, 2000

Economic issues and the diet and the distribution of environmental impact pp. 5-8 Downloads
Andrew Seidl
State governments, ecosystem management, and the enlibra doctrine in the US pp. 9-17 Downloads
Charles R. Malone
Environmental tax reform: does it work? A survey of the empirical evidence pp. 19-32 Downloads
Benoit Bosquet
Confusing liquidation with income in BC's forests: economic analysis and the BC forest industry pp. 33-46 Downloads
Tom L. Green
The discursive community: evolving institutional structures for planning sustainability pp. 47-61 Downloads
Tony Meppem
Valuing watershed quality improvements using conjoint analysis pp. 63-76 Downloads
Stephen Farber and Brian Griner
The effect of environmental taxes on the volume of international trade pp. 77-87 Downloads
Robert E. Kohn
Tools for recreation management in parks: the case of the greater Yellowstone's blue-ribbon fishery pp. 89-100 Downloads
Joe Kerkvliet and Clifford Nowell
Sustainability -- in light of competitiveness pp. 101-113 Downloads
Viki Sonntag
Ecological footprints of Benin, Bhutan, Costa Rica and the Netherlands pp. 115-130 Downloads
D. P. van Vuuren and E. M. W. Smeets
Live long and prosper: collective action, social capital and social vision pp. 131-144 Downloads
Murray Rudd
Diet and the distribution of environmental impact pp. 145-153 Downloads
Thomas White
The Kyoto Protocol, Sebastian Oberthur and Hermann E. Ott, Springer, Berlin, 1999. 359 pp., ISBN-3540-66470-x pp. 155-156 Downloads
Axel Michaelowa
Biodiversity, Conservation and Sustainable Development. Principles and Practices with Asian Examples, Clem Tisdell, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Cheltenham, 1999, 263 pp. ISBN 1-85898-735-0 pp. 156-157 Downloads
Clement Tisdell
The Natural Wealth of Nations: Harnessing the Market for the Environment, David Malin Roodman. WW Norton and Company, New York, 1998. ISBN 0-393-31852-4 pp. 158-160 Downloads
Joshua C. Farley
Oyster Wars and the Public Trust, by B.J. McCay, The University of Arizona Press, Tucson, Arizona, 1998. ISBN 0-8165-1804-1 pp. 160-161 Downloads
Susan Hanna
Page updated 2025-03-28