Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 56, issue 4, 2006
- Pesticide risk valuation in empirical economics: a comparative approach pp. 455-474

- Chiara Travisi, Peter Nijkamp and Gabriella Vindigni
- Distributional preferences in contingent valuation surveys pp. 475-487

- Laurie Tipton Johnson
- Policy failure and stakeholder dissatisfaction in complex ecosystem management: The case of the Dutch Wadden Sea shellfishery pp. 488-507

- R.J. Imeson and Jeroen van den Bergh
- The role of ecosystem valuation in environmental decision making: Hydropower relicensing and dam removal on the Elwha River pp. 508-523

- Charles Gowan, Kurt Stephenson and Leonard Shabman
- Ethics, economics and environmental management pp. 524-533

- Diego Azqueta and Gonzalo Delacamara
- Energy, money, and pollution pp. 534-545

- Antonio Roma
- Equity effects of alternative assignments of global environmental rights pp. 546-559

- Stephen DeCanio and Paul Niemann
- The assessment of households' recycling costs: The role of personal motives pp. 560-569

- Christer Berglund
- Biological reserves, rare species and the trade-off between species abundance and species diversity pp. 570-583

- Bertrand Hamaide, Charles S. ReVelle and Scott A. Malcolm
- A novel multiobjective programming approach dealing with qualitative and quantitative objectives for environmental management pp. 584-593

- Ming-Lung Hung, Wan-Fa Yang, Hwong-Wen Ma and Ya-Mei Yang
- Fair adaptation to climate change pp. 594-609

- Jouni Paavola and W. Neil Adger
- Implementing carbon credits for forests based on green accounting pp. 610-621

- Robert Cairns and Pierre Lasserre
Volume 56, issue 3, 2006
- Special issue on the Ecological Economics Think Tank, held in Auckland, New Zealand, 16 November 2003 pp. 309-311

- Murray G. Patterson, Anthony O. Cole and Nigel A. Jollands
- Development of ecological economics in Australia and New Zealand pp. 312-331

- Murray G. Patterson
- A quest for the economics of sustainability and the sustainability of economics pp. 332-342

- Matthias Ruth
- Technology and ecological economics: Promethean technology, Pandorian potential pp. 343-358

- Bruce Small and Nigel Jollands
- Concepts of efficiency in ecological economics: Sisyphus and the decision maker pp. 359-372

- Nigel Jollands
- The catchment care principle: A new equity principle for environmental policy, with advantages for efficiency and adaptive governance pp. 373-385

- Steve Hatfield-Dodds
- Reconciling economic and ecological conflicts for sustained management of grazing lands pp. 386-401

- N.D. MacLeod and J.G. McIvor
- A complex systems approach to the value of ecological resources pp. 402-411

- Anna Straton
- Ecological pricing and transformity: A solution method for systems rarely at general equilibrium pp. 412-423

- Murray G. Patterson, Graeme C. Wake, Robert McKibbin and Anthony O. Cole
- Treading lightly: Ecofootprints of New Zealand's ageing population pp. 424-439

- Garry W. McDonald, Vicky E. Forgie and Catherine MacGregor
- Using the Fisherian concept of income to guide a nation's transition to a steady-state economy pp. 440-453

- Philip Lawn
Volume 56, issue 2, 2006
- The necessity for environmental taxes for the avoidance of environmental thievery. A note on the paper "Environmental responsibility versus taxation" pp. 159-161

- Kostas Bithas
- Latent preferences and valuation of wetland ecosystem restoration pp. 162-175

- J. Walter Milon and David Scrogin
- Is there a turning point in the relationship between income and energy use and/or carbon emissions? pp. 176-189

- Amy K. Richmond and Robert Kaufmann
- Conserving energy in smallholder agriculture: A multi-objective programming case-study of northwest India pp. 190-208

- Samarthia Thankappan, Peter Midmore and Tim Jenkins
- Bringing economic opportunity into line with environmental influence: A discussion on the Coase theorem and the Porter and van der Linde hypothesis pp. 209-225

- Pontus Cerin
- An input-output model of water consumption: Analysing intersectoral water relationships in Andalusia pp. 226-240

- Esther Velazquez
- The Montreal Protocol's multilateral fund and sustainable development pp. 241-255

- Ralph Luken and Tamas Grof
- The systems dynamics of endogenous population growth in a renewable resource-based growth model pp. 256-267

- Kerry Krutilla and Rafael Reuveny
- The effects of El Nino on the mackerel purse-seine fishery harvests in Taiwan: An analysis integrating the barometric readings and sea surface temperature pp. 268-279

- Chin-Hwa Sun, Fu-Sung Chiang, Eugene Tsoa and Min-Hsiang Chen
- Environmentally sensitive productivity growth: A global analysis using Malmquist-Luenberger index pp. 280-293

- Surender Kumar
- The pricing of protected areas in nature-based tourism: A local perspective pp. 294-307

- Francisco Alpizar Rodriguez
Volume 56, issue 1, 2006
- Slash and burn and fires in Indonesia: A comment pp. 1-4

- Luca Tacconi and Andrew P. Vayda
- Changing concepts of 'land' in economic theory: From single to multi-disciplinary approaches pp. 5-27

- Klaus Hubacek and Jeroen van den Bergh
- Allocating ecological footprints to final consumption categories with input-output analysis pp. 28-48

- Thomas Wiedmann, Jan Minx, John Barrett and Mathis Wackernagel
- Deriving values for the ecological support function of wildlife: An indirect valuation approach pp. 49-57

- Bryon P. Allen and John Loomis
- Entropy and its misuse, I. Energy, free and otherwise pp. 58-70

- Stephen L. Gillett
- Entropy, free energy, work, and other thermodynamic variables in economics pp. 71-78

- Gabriel A. Lozada
- Making development simple. The genetic deterministic hypothesis for economic development pp. 79-88

- Stephen Morse
- Shadow prices and pollution costs in U.S. agriculture pp. 89-103

- Rolf Fare, Shawna Grosskopf and William L. Weber
- The role of uncertainty in the relationship between fairness evaluations and willingness to pay pp. 104-124

- Bradley S. Jorgensen, Geoffrey J. Syme and Blair E. Nancarrow
- Poverty and pollution abatement: Evidence from lead phase-out pp. 125-131

- F.G. Hilton
- Willingness to pay for forest amenities: The case of non-industrial owners in the south central United States pp. 132-143

- Ronald Raunikar and Joseph Buongiorno
- "Green" preferences as regulatory policy instrument pp. 144-154

- Timothy Brennan
- Erratum to "Environmental responsibility and environmental thievery: A reply to Bithas" [Ecol. Econ. (2005)] pp. 156-158

- Jerome Ballet, Damien Bazin and D. Touahri
Volume 55, issue 4, 2005
- Environmental responsibility and environmental thievery: A reply to Xenarios pp. 453-455

- Jerome Ballet, Damien Bazin and D. Touahri
- Evaluating the Hirsch Hypothesis: A response pp. 456-458

- Kjell Arne Brekke, Richard B. Howarth and Karine Nyborg
- Crop biodiversity, risk management and the implications of agricultural assistance pp. 459-466

- Salvatore Di Falco and Charles Perrings
- Using GIS-based ecological-economic modeling to evaluate policies affecting agricultural watersheds pp. 467-484

- Christopher L. Lant, Steven E. Kraft, Jeffrey Beaulieu, David Bennett, Timothy Loftus and John Nicklow
- The edges of conflict and consensus: a case for creativity in regional forest policy in Southwest Finland pp. 485-498

- Juha Hiedanpaa
- Urban form and the ecological footprint of commuting. The case of Barcelona pp. 499-514

- Ivan Muniz and Anna Galindo
- Evaluating environmental programs: The perspective of modern evaluation research pp. 515-526

- Manuel Frondel and Christoph Schmidt
- Environmental pressure group strength and air pollution: An empirical analysis pp. 527-538

- Seth Binder and Eric Neumayer
- Ranking versus scale rating in conjoint analysis: Evaluating landscapes in mountainous regions in southeastern Spain pp. 539-550

- Samir Sayadi, M. Carmen Gonzalez Roa and Javier Calatrava Requena
- How to compare companies on relevant dimensions of sustainability pp. 551-563

- Damjan Krajnc and Peter Glavic
- Environmental tax reform and the double dividend: A meta-analytical performance assessment pp. 564-583

- Roberto Patuelli, Peter Nijkamp and Eric Pels
- Greenhouse gas abatement policies and the value of carbon sinks: Do grazing and cropping systems have different destinies? pp. 584-598

- Felicity Flugge and Steven Schilizzi
- The World Bank's 'genuine savings' measure and sustainability pp. 599-609

- J.Ram Pillarisetti
- The wealth of nature: How mainstream economics has failed the environment pp. 610-611

- Perkins, Patricia E. (Ellie)
Volume 55, issue 3, 2005
- Prices and quantities: Unsustainable consumption and the global economy pp. 309-320

- Juliet B. Schor
- Economic evaluation of biological invasions--a survey pp. 321-336

- Wanda Born, Felix Rauschmayer and Ingo Brauer
- Models for policy-making in sustainable development: The state of the art and perspectives for research pp. 337-350

- Paul-Marie Boulanger and Thierry Bréchet
- Estimates of trends in global income and resource inequalities pp. 351-364

- Fredrik Hedenus and Christian Azar
- Existence value and optimal timber-wildlife management in a flammable multistand forest pp. 365-379

- Daniel A. Spring and John Kennedy
- Secondary forests as temporary carbon sinks? The economic impact of accounting methods on reforestation projects in the tropics pp. 380-394

- Roland Olschewski and Pablo C. Benitez
- Environmental Kuznets curve: threatened species and spatial effects pp. 395-407

- Michael A. McPherson and Michael Nieswiadomy
- Evaluating public risk preferences in forest land-use choices using multi-attribute utility theory pp. 408-419

- Jayanath Ananda and Gamini Herath
- Simulation of common pool resource field experiments: a behavioral model of collective action pp. 420-436

- Daniel Castillo and Ali Kerem Saysel
- Valuing copper mined from ore deposits pp. 437-443

- Maarten J. de Wit
- The new consumers: The influence of affluence on the environment pp. 444-445

- Juliet B. Schor
- Hooked on growth: Economic addictions and the environment pp. 445-448

- K.C. Urama
- Ecological Economics: Principles And Applications pp. 448-449

- Patricia Norris and Satish Joshi
- The economics of industrial ecology: Materials, structural change, and spatial scales pp. 449-451

- Iddo K. Wernick
Volume 55, issue 2, 2005
- Response to Zakir Husain and Rabindra Bhattacharya's "Common pool resources and contextual factors: Evolution of a fishermen's cooperative in Calcutta" pp. 139-142

- Elinor Ostrom
- Measuring individuals' valuation distributions using a stochastic payment card approach pp. 143-154

- Hua Wang and Dale Whittington
- On the foundation of a general theory of stocks pp. 155-172

- Malte Faber, Karin Frank, Bernd Klauer, Reiner Manstetten, Johannes Schiller and Christian Wissel
- Resource compensation and negotiation support in an aboriginal context: Using community-based multi-attribute analysis to evaluate non-market losses pp. 173-186

- Timothy L. McDaniels and William Trousdale
- Diet shifts towards meat and the effects on cereal use: can we feed the animals in 2030? pp. 187-202

- Michiel Keyzer, M.D. Merbis, I.F.P.W. Pavel and Cornelia van Wesenbeeck
- Rationality, institutions and environmental policy pp. 203-217

- Arild Vatn
- Extending Weitzman's economic ranking of biodiversity protection: combining ecological and genetic considerations pp. 218-223

- C. Martijn van der Heide, Jeroen van den Bergh and Ekko van Ierland
- Anthropogenic climate change and abatement in a multi-region world with endogenous growth pp. 224-234

- Alfred Greiner
- An empirical investigation of air pollution from fossil fuel combustion and its impact on health in India during 1973-1974 to 1996-1997 pp. 235-250

- Kakali Mukhopadhyay and Osmo Forssell
- Valuation by conflict pp. 251-261

- Byung In Lim and Jason Shogren
- Trends in the development of ecological economics from the late 1980s to the early 2000s pp. 262-290

- Inge Ropke
- Marine reserves, a guide to science, design, and use pp. 291-292

- Raymond E. Grizzle
- Mark Sagoff, Price, Principle, and the Environment, Cambridge University Press (2004) ISBN 052154596X 294 pp pp. 292-294

- Frank Ackerman
- Capitalism and Collapse: Contradictions of Jared Diamond's market meliorist strategy to save the humans pp. 294-306

- Richard Smith
- Rivers for Life: Managing water for people and nature pp. 306-307

- Edella Schlager
Volume 55, issue 1, 2005
- Tsunamis and a secure future for fishing communities pp. 1-4

- John Kurien
- The importance of sound biological information and theory for ecological economics studies valuing Brazilian biodiversity: A response to Mendonça et al. (2003) pp. 5-10

- Daniel Brito
- Waste treatment in physical input-output analysis pp. 11-23

- Erik Dietzenbacher
- Managing invasive species: Rules of thumb for rapid assessment pp. 24-36

- Brian Leung, David Finnoff, Jason Shogren and David Lodge
- What is environmental income? pp. 37-46

- Espen Sjaastad, Arild Angelsen, Pål Vedeld and Jan Bojö
- Using contingent valuation to value a noxious weeds control program: the effects of including an unsure response category pp. 47-60

- Patricia A. Champ, Anna Alberini and Ignacio Correas
- The economics of biodiversity conservation: a study of a coffee growing region in the Western Ghats of India pp. 61-72

- Karachepone Ninan and Jyothis Sathyapalan
- Determinants of environmental performance in the Canadian pulp and paper industry: An assessment from inside the industry pp. 73-84

- Julie Doonan, Paul Lanoie and Benoit Laplante
- Evaluation of the importance of fisheries management objectives using choice-experiments pp. 85-95

- Premachandra Wattage, Simon Mardle and Sean Pascoe
- A theory of economic growth with material/energy resources and dematerialization: Interaction of three growth mechanisms pp. 96-118

- Robert U. Ayres and Jeroen van den Bergh
- Baumol's disease and dematerialization of the economy pp. 119-130

- Astrid Kander
- Stephen J. DeCanio, Economic models of climate change: a critique, Palgrave-Macmillan (2003) ISBN 1-4039-6335-5 (hardcover) 1-4039-6336-3 (paperback), 203 pages pp. 131-132

- Jonathan G. Koomey
- New dimensions in ecological economics: Integrated approaches to people and nature pp. 133-134

- Peter Nijkamp
- Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich, One with Nineveh: Politics, Consumption, and the Human Future, Island Press, Washington DC (2004) ISBN 1559638796 447 pp pp. 134-135

- Norman Myers
- Marjan van den Belt, Mediated Modeling: A System Dynamics Approach to Environmental Consensus Building, Island Press (2004) ISBN 155963961X (pbk). 339 pp pp. 135-137

- Kristan Cockerill
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