Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu ( Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 59, issue 4, 2006
- Environmental Keynesian macroeconomics: Some further discussion pp. 401-405
- Nicholas Sim
- An adaptive learning process for developing and applying sustainability indicators with local communities pp. 406-418
- Mark S. Reed, Evan D.G. Fraser and Andrew J. Dougill
- The income-environment relationship: Evidence from a binary response model pp. 419-428
- Tom Verbeke and Marc De Clercq
- Cost-efficient eutrophication control in a shallow lake ecosystem subject to two steady states pp. 429-439
- Lars Hein
- Pension funds, corporate responsibility and sustainability pp. 440-450
- Franck Amalric
- The EKC for SO2: Does firm size matter? pp. 451-461
- Bruno Merlevede, Tom Verbeke and Marc De Clercq
- Accounting for India's forest wealth pp. 462-476
- Giles Atkinson and Haripriya Gundimeda
- Environmental compliance by firms in the manufacturing sector in Mexico pp. 477-486
- Lata Gangadharan
- Relative and absolute scarcity of nature. Assessing the roles of economics and ecology for biodiversity conservation pp. 487-498
- Stefan Baumgärtner, Christian Becker, Malte Faber and Reiner Manstetten
- Transboundary effects of environmental policy: Markets and emission leakages pp. 499-510
- Annegrete Bruvoll and Taran Faehn
- The differential impact of user heterogeneity in resource management: A case study from India pp. 511-518
- Jeena Srinivasan
- Colombian international trade from a physical perspective: Towards an ecological "Prebisch thesis" pp. 519-529
- Mario Alejandro Perez-Rincon
- Users and non-users of conservation areas: Are there differences in WTP, motives and the validity of responses in CVM surveys? pp. 530-539
- Matleena Kniivila
- Erratum to "Evolving knowledge and the precautionary principle" [Ecological Economics 53 (2005) 169-176] pp. 540-540
- Peter Dorman
Volume 59, issue 3, 2006
- Critique to Rodrigues et al. 2005. Ecological Economics 54, 382-396 pp. 243-244
- Jorge Ares
- Constraints on dematerialisation and allocation of natural capital along a sustainable growth path: Reply to Jorge Ares pp. 245-246
- Joao Rodrigues, Tiago Domingos, Pedro Conceicao and José Belbute
- A pilot test of a new stated preference valuation method: Continuous attribute-based stated choice pp. 247-255
- Richard Ready, Ann Fisher, Dennis Guignet, Richard Stedman and Junchao Wang
- Designing an indicator of environmental responsibility pp. 256-266
- Joao Rodrigues, Tiago Domingos, Stefan Giljum and Francois Schneider
- Protein consumption and sustainability: Diet diversity in EU-15 pp. 267-274
- Joop de Boer, Martine Helms and Harry Aiking
- Modeling the environmental collaboration process: A deductive approach pp. 275-286
- Christopher Bruce
- The economic impact of global climate change on Mediterranean rangeland ecosystems: A Space-for-Time approach pp. 287-295
- Aliza Fleischer and Marcelo Sternberg
- Organizing a public ecosystem service economy for sustaining biodiversity pp. 296-304
- Franz Gatzweiler
- Comparing aggregating methods for constructing the composite environmental index: An objective measure pp. 305-311
- Peng Zhou, B.W. Ang and K.L. Poh
- Globalization, firm-level characteristics and environmental management: A study of Japan pp. 312-323
- Matthew Cole, Robert Elliott and Kenichi Shimamoto
- The polluter pays principle and potential conflicts in society pp. 324-330
- Irina Glazyrina, Vasiliy Glazyrin and Sergey Vinnichenko
- Causes and consequences of lexicographic choices in stated choice studies pp. 331-340
- Kjartan Saelensminde
- Power distribution, the external environment and common property forest governance: A local user groups model pp. 341-352
- Vanessa Perez-Cirera and Jon C. Lovett
- The relative value of farm animal welfare pp. 353-363
- Susan M. Chilton, Diane Burgess and W. George Hutchinson
- Economic valuation of a seed dispersal service in the Stockholm National Urban Park, Sweden pp. 364-374
- Cajsa Hougner, Johan Colding and Tore Söderqvist
- Constructing physical input-output tables for environmental modeling and accounting: Framework and illustrations pp. 375-393
- Rutger Hoekstra and Jeroen van den Bergh
- Beyond oil the view from Hubbert's peak pp. 394-394
- James Baldwin
- Frank Ackerman and Lisa Heinzerling, Priceless: On Knowing the Price of Everything and the Value of Nothing, The New Press (2004) ISBN 1-56584-850-0 277 pp pp. 394-395
- Charles A. Hernick
- Edwin Woerdman, The Institutional Economics of Market-Based Climate Policy, Elsevier, Amsterdam (2004) ISBN 0-444-51573-9 326 pp pp. 395-397
- Richard Howarth
- Limits to growth: The 30-year update pp. 397-399
- Robert Costanza
Volume 59, issue 2, 2006
- Migration, globalization and the environment--introduction to the special issue pp. 185-186
- Roldan Muradian, Eric Neumayer and Inge Ropke
- Population, migration, and globalization pp. 187-190
- Herman Daly
- Migration and sustainability--compatible or contradictory? pp. 191-194
- Inge Ropke
- Global environmental resources versus world population growth pp. 195-198
- David Pimentel and Marcia Pimentel
- Mass migrations, income inequality and ecosystems health in the second wave of a globalization pp. 199-203
- Igor Matutinovic
- The environment: One more reason to keep immigrants out? pp. 204-207
- Eric Neumayer
- Immigration and the environment: Underlying values and scope of analysis pp. 208-213
- Roldan Muradian
- Confessions of a Malthusian restrictionist pp. 214-219
- Robert L. Chapman
- Globalization, trade and migration: Undermining sustainability pp. 220-225
- William E. Rees
- Immigration reduction offers chance for softer landing pp. 226-230
- Virginia Deane Abernethy
- Remittances and the migration-development nexus--Challenges for the sustainable governance of migration pp. 231-236
- Conrad Heilmann
- Exploring sustainable production systems for agriculture: Implications for employment and investment under north-south trade scenario pp. 237-241
- Amita Shah
Volume 59, issue 1, 2006
- A comment on "Functions, commodities and environmental impacts in an ecological-economic model" pp. 1-6
- Glen Peters and Edgar G. Hertwich
- Reply: Downstream cut-offs in integrated hybrid life-cycle assessment pp. 7-12
- Sangwon Suh
- The contribution of built, human, social and natural capital to quality of life in intentional and unintentional communities pp. 13-23
- Kenneth Mulder, Robert Costanza and Jon Erickson
- Are stated preferences convergent with revealed preferences? Empirical evidence from Nigeria pp. 24-37
- Kevin C. Urama and Ian Hodge
- Linking ecological footprints with ecosystem valuation in the provisioning of urban freshwater pp. 38-47
- G. Darrel Jenerette, Wendy A. Marussich and Joshua P. Newell
- Estimated costs and admissible claims linked to the Prestige oil spill pp. 48-63
- Maria Loureiro, Alfonso Ribas, Edelmiro López-Iglesias and Elena Ojea
- Not just minor forest products: The economic rationale for the consumption of wild food plants by subsistence farmers pp. 64-73
- Claudio Delang
- Footprints in the cotton fields: The Industrial Revolution as time-space appropriation and environmental load displacement pp. 74-81
- Alf Hornborg
- Valuation of ecosystem goods and services: Part 1: An integrated dynamic approach pp. 82-93
- Ralph Winkler
- Valuation of ecosystem goods and services: Part 2: Implications of unpredictable novel change pp. 94-105
- Ralph Winkler
- Fishing down the value chain: Biodiversity and access regimes in freshwater fisheries -- the case of Malawi pp. 106-114
- Victor Kasulo and Charles Perrings
- Ecological-economic modelling for strategic regional waste management systems pp. 115-130
- Stanislav Shmelev and J.R. Powell
- On the efficiency of environmental service payments: A forest conservation assessment in the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica pp. 131-141
- Rodrigo Sierra and Eric Russman
- Stock dynamics for forecasting material flows--Case study for housing in The Netherlands pp. 142-156
- Daniel B. Muller
- Social multi-criteria evaluation of different development scenarios of the Aysen region, Chile pp. 157-170
- Gonzalo Gamboa
- Spatial cost-benefit thinking in multi-functional forestry; towards a framework for spatial targeting of policy interventions pp. 171-180
- Dan van der Horst
- The ecological economics of biodiversity methods and policy applications pp. 181-182
- Stefan Baumgärtner
- Alternative urban futures: Planning for sustainable development in cities throughout the world pp. 182-183
- Krissa Nichols
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