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Ecological Economics

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland

From Elsevier
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Volume 60, issue 4, 2007

Strengthening the threshold hypothesis: Economic and biophysical limits to growth pp. 667-672 Downloads
Valentina Niccolucci, Federico M. Pulselli and Enzo Tiezzi
On the conversion between local and global hectares in Ecological Footprint analysis pp. 673-677 Downloads
Thomas Wiedmann and Manfred Lenzen
The inherent dangers of using computable general equilibrium models as a single integrated modelling framework for sustainability impact assessment. A critical note on Bohringer and Loschel (2006) pp. 678-684 Downloads
S. Serban Scrieciu
The buffet syndrome, midday menu and terry towels pp. 685-687 Downloads
Jerome Ballet
Channels of transmission of environmental policy to economic growth: A survey of the theory pp. 688-699 Downloads
Francesco Ricci
MFA model to assess economic and environmental consequences of food production and consumption pp. 700-711 Downloads
Helmi Risku-Norja and Ilmo Maenpaa
Reconciling sustainability and discounting in Cost-Benefit Analysis: A methodological proposal pp. 712-725 Downloads
Carmen Almansa Saez and Javier Calatrava Requena
Developing and applying a framework to evaluate participatory research for sustainability pp. 726-742 Downloads
K.L. Blackstock, G.J. Kelly and B.L. Horsey
Choice modeling at the "market stall": Individual versus collective interest in environmental valuation pp. 743-751 Downloads
Begona Alvarez-Farizo, Nick Hanley, Ramon Barberan and Angelina Lazaro
Socioeconomic predictors of forest use values in the Peruvian Amazon: A potential tool for biodiversity conservation pp. 752-762 Downloads
Michael C. Gavin and Gregory J. Anderson
Site accessibility and prioritization of nature reserves pp. 763-773 Downloads
Hayri Onal and Pornchanok Yanprechaset
Economic and environmental efficiency using a social accounting matrix pp. 774-786 Downloads
Carmen Morilla, Gaspar Llanes Diaz-Salazar and Manuel Alejandro Cardenete
Factors affecting women's participation in forestry in Turkey pp. 787-796 Downloads
Erdogan Atmis, Ismet Dasdemir, Wietze Lise and Omur Yildiran
Exploring the hedonic value of ambient water quality: A local watershed-based study pp. 797-806 Downloads
P. Joan Poor, Keri L. Pessagno and Robert W. Paul
Indigenous livelihoods, slash-and-burn agriculture, and carbon stocks in Eastern Panama pp. 807-820 Downloads
Petra Tschakert, Oliver T. Coomes and Catherine Potvin
The geography of market failure: Edge-effect externalities and the location and production patterns of organic farming pp. 821-833 Downloads
Dawn Parker and Darla Munroe
Using choice question formats to determine compensable values: The case of a landfill-siting process pp. 834-846 Downloads
Arthur Caplan, Therese Grijalva and Douglas Jackson-Smith
Robert A. Young, Determining the Economic Value of Water: Concepts and Methods, Resources For the Future, Washington DC (2005) ISBN 1891853988 (pbk.), 374 pp pp. 847-848 Downloads
Robert Johnston
William Blomquist, Edella Schlager and Tanya Heikkila, Common Waters, Diverging Streams: Linking Institutions and Water Management in Arizona, California, and Colorado, Resources for the Future, Washington, DC, USA (2004) ISBN 1891853864 205 pp pp. 848-849 Downloads
Peter F. Ffolliott
Andrea Baranzini and Phillipe Thalmann, Editors, Voluntary Approaches in Climate Policy, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK (2004) ISBN 1843763222 328 pp pp. 849-850 Downloads
Ekko van Ierland
Richard Weisskoff, The Economics of Everglades Restoration, Edward Elgar Publishing (2005) ISBN 1843762420 345 pp pp. 850-851 Downloads
Storm Cunningham
Erratum to "Mapping ecosystem services: Practical challenges and opportunities in linking GIS and value transfer" [Ecological Economics 60 (2006) 435-449] pp. 852-853 Downloads
Austin Troy and Matthew A. Wilson

Volume 60, issue 3, 2007

Making future generations count: Comment on "Remembering the future" pp. 487-488 Downloads
U. Rashid Sumaila and Carl Walters
"The worth of a wildflower": Precautionary perspectives on the environmental risk of GMOs pp. 489-497 Downloads
Iulie Aslaksen and Anne Ingeborg Myhr
Categorising tools for sustainability assessment pp. 498-508 Downloads
Barry Ness, Evelin Urbel-Piirsalu, Stefan Anderberg and Lennart Olsson
Environmental degradation and happiness pp. 509-516 Downloads
Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell and John Gowdy
Comparative analysis of non-market valuation techniques for the Eduardo Avaroa Reserve, Bolivia pp. 517-525 Downloads
Lindsey Ellingson and Andrew Seidl
Spatial autocorrelation in country-level models of species imperilment pp. 526-532 Downloads
Ram Pandit and David Laband
An environmental accounting framework applied to green space ecosystem planning for small towns in China as a case study pp. 533-542 Downloads
Lingxian Zhang, Qing Liu, Nigel W. Hall and Zetian Fu
Destructive interjurisdictional competition: Firm, capital and labor mobility in a model of direct emission control pp. 543-549 Downloads
Mitch Kunce and Jason Shogren
Environmental assessment of Swedish agriculture pp. 550-563 Downloads
Rebecka Engstrom, Anders Wadeskog and Goran Finnveden
Sequestration offsets versus direct emission reductions: Consideration of environmental co-effects pp. 564-571 Downloads
Levan Elbakidze and Bruce McCarl
Global potential for carbon sequestration: Geographical distribution, country risk and policy implications pp. 572-583 Downloads
Pablo C. Benitez, Ian McCallum, Michael Obersteiner and Yoshiki Yamagata
Bringing biophysical models into the economic laboratory: An experimental analysis of sediment trading in Australia pp. 584-595 Downloads
John Tisdell
Phasing out of environmentally harmful subsidies: Consequences of the 2003 CAP reform pp. 596-604 Downloads
Erwin Schmid, Franz Sinabell and Markus F. Hofreither
Time series analysis of a predator-prey system: Application of VAR and generalized impulse response function pp. 605-612 Downloads
Bradley Ewing, Kent Riggs and Keith L. Ewing
Issues of paradigm, ideology and democracy in sustainability assessment pp. 613-626 Downloads
Peter Soderbaum
Endangerment and likeability of wildlife species: How important are they for payments proposed for conservation? pp. 627-633 Downloads
Clement Tisdell, Hemanath Swarna Nantha and Clevo Wilson
Market governance failure pp. 634-641 Downloads
Richard B. Norgaard and Xuemei Liu
Preferences for multiple use forest management in Ireland: Citizen and consumer perpectives pp. 642-653 Downloads
Greig Andrew Mill, Tom M. van Rensburg, Stephen Hynes and Conor Dooley
Environmental regulations impact on agricultural spills and citizen complaints pp. 654-660 Downloads
Alfons Weersink and Mark Raymond
Maren A. Jochimsen, Careful Economics. Integrating Caring Activities and Economic Science, Kluwer Academic Press, Boston (2003) ISBN 1402074670 136 pp pp. 661-662 Downloads
Margarita M. Balmaceda
Lance H. Gunderson and Lowell Pritchard Jr., Editors, Resilience and the Behavior of Large-Scale System, Island Press (2002) ISBN 1559639717 287 pp pp. 662-663 Downloads
James Wilson
Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich, One with Nineveh: Politics, Consumption, and the Human Future, Island Press (2004) ISBN 1559638796 376 pp pp. 663-664 Downloads
Richard B. Norgaard
John Proops and Paul Safonov, Editors, Modelling in Ecological Economics, Edgar Elgar, Cheltenham, UK (2004) ISBN 184376 2226 ix+203 pp pp. 664-665 Downloads
Peter J. Stauvermann

Volume 60, issue 2, 2006

Valuing environmental goods and services using benefit transfer: The state-of-the art and science pp. 335-342 Downloads
Matthew A. Wilson and John P. Hoehn
Reducing barriers in future benefit transfers: Needed improvements in primary study design and reporting pp. 343-350 Downloads
John Loomis and Randall S. Rosenberger
Using meta-analysis for benefits transfer: Theory and practice pp. 351-360 Downloads
John Bergstrom and Laura Taylor
Structural benefit transfer: An example using VSL estimates pp. 361-371 Downloads
V. Kerry Smith, Subhrendu Pattanayak and George Van Houtven
Measurement, generalization, and publication: Sources of error in benefit transfers and their management pp. 372-378 Downloads
Randall S. Rosenberger and Tom D. Stanley
Transferring environmental value estimates: Issues and alternatives pp. 379-388 Downloads
Clive Spash and Arild Vatn
Methods to address selection effects in the meta regression and transfer of ecosystem values pp. 389-398 Downloads
John P. Hoehn
Do stated preference methods stand the test of time? A test of the stability of contingent values and models for health risks when facing an extreme event pp. 399-406 Downloads
Roy Brouwer
Characterizing the effects of valuation methodology in function-based benefits transfer pp. 407-419 Downloads
Robert Johnston, Elena Y. Besedin and Matthew Ranson
Prospects for the use of choice modelling for benefit transfer pp. 420-428 Downloads
Mark Morrison and Olvar Bergland
International benefit transfer: Methods and validity tests pp. 429-434 Downloads
Richard Ready and Stale Navrud
Mapping ecosystem services: Practical challenges and opportunities in linking GIS and value transfer pp. 435-449 Downloads
Austin Troy and Matthew A. Wilson
The aggregation of environmental benefit values: Welfare measures, distance decay and total WTP pp. 450-460 Downloads
Ian Bateman, Brett H. Day, Stavros Georgiou and Iain Lake
International valuation databases: Overview, methods and operational issues pp. 461-472 Downloads
Greg McComb, Van Lantz, Katrina Nash and Robyn Rittmaster
Clean water, ecological benefits, and benefits transfer: A work in progress at the U.S. EPA pp. 473-482 Downloads
Richard Iovanna and Charles Griffiths

Volume 60, issue 1, 2006

Some statistical properties of a generic container inspection policy in invasive species management pp. 1-4 Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal and Seung Jick Yoo
Some probabilistic attributes of inspection policies in alien species management pp. 5-8 Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal and Peter Nijkamp
An aggregate measure of what? A reply to Zerbe, Bauman, and Finkle pp. 9-13 Downloads
Mark Sagoff
A preference for an aggregate measure: A reply to Sagoff pp. 14-16 Downloads
Richard Zerbe, Yoram Bauman and Aaron Finkle
The human actor in ecological economics: Philosophical approach and research perspectives pp. 17-23 Downloads
Christian Becker
Remembering the future: A commentary on "Intergenerational discounting: A new intuitive approach" pp. 24-26 Downloads
Michael H. Prager and Kyle W. Shertzer
Inuit economic adaptations for a changing global climate pp. 27-35 Downloads
Timothy B. Leduc
Establishing a multi-stakeholder value index in medicinal plants--an economic study on selected plants in Kerala and Tamilnadu States of India pp. 36-48 Downloads
M.S. Suneetha and M.G. Chandrakanth
Computable general equilibrium models for sustainability impact assessment: Status quo and prospects pp. 49-64 Downloads
Christoph Bohringer and Andreas Löschel
Commercial collection of NTFPs and households living in or near the forests: Case study in Que, Con Cuong and Ma, Tuong Duong, Nghe An, Vietnam pp. 65-74 Downloads
Dang Viet Quang and Tran Nam Anh
In search of optimal stocking regimes in semi-arid grazing lands: One size does not fit all pp. 75-85 Downloads
Bruce M. Campbell, Iain J. Gordon, Martin Luckert, Lisa Petheram and Susanne Vetter
Sustainability indicators, policy and governance: Issues for ecological economics pp. 86-99 Downloads
Adnan A. Hezri and Stephen R. Dovers
Stakeholder participation in the design of environmental policy mixes pp. 100-110 Downloads
Rui Santos, Paula Antunes, Gualter Baptista, Pedro Mateus and Luisa Madruga
Slacks-based efficiency measures for modeling environmental performance pp. 111-118 Downloads
Peng Zhou, B.W. Ang and K.L. Poh
Implications of transdisciplinarity for sustainability research pp. 119-128 Downloads
Gertrude Hirsch Hadorn, David Bradley, Christian Pohl, Stephan Rist and Urs Wiesmann
Concepts of legitimacy within the context of adaptive water management strategies pp. 129-137 Downloads
Mary Gearey and Paul Jeffrey
Do declining discount rates lead to time inconsistent economic advice? pp. 138-144 Downloads
Anders Chr. Hansen
Using a choice experiment to account for preference heterogeneity in wetland attributes: The case of Cheimaditida wetland in Greece pp. 145-156 Downloads
Ekin Birol, Katia Karousakis and Phoebe Koundouri
Sustainability and growth when manufactured capital and natural capital are not substitutable pp. 157-167 Downloads
Paul Comolli
Application of the distance function to nonmarket valuation of environmental goods and services: An illustrative example pp. 168-175 Downloads
Deborah Vaughn Aiken
The economic value of coffee (Coffea arabica) genetic resources pp. 176-185 Downloads
Lars Hein and Franz Gatzweiler
The water footprint of cotton consumption: An assessment of the impact of worldwide consumption of cotton products on the water resources in the cotton producing countries pp. 186-203 Downloads
A.K. Chapagain, A.Y. Hoekstra, H.H.G. Savenije and R. Gautam
Stochastic frontier analysis of total factor productivity in the offshore oil and gas industry pp. 204-215 Downloads
Shunsuke Managi, James Opaluch, Di Jin and Thomas A. Grigalunas
Incorporating sea turtle interactions in a multi-objective programming model for Hawaii's longline fishery pp. 216-227 Downloads
Naresh C. Pradhan and PingSun Leung
Pollution haven hypothesis and environmental impacts of foreign direct investment: The case of industrial emission of sulfur dioxide (SO2) in Chinese provinces pp. 228-245 Downloads
Jie He
Integrated ecological economics accounting approach to evaluation of inter-basin water transfers: An application to the Lesotho Highlands Water Project pp. 246-259 Downloads
Mampiti Matete and Rashid Hassan
Assessment of land use and land use change and forestry (LULUCF) as CDM projects in Brazil pp. 260-270 Downloads
Marcos Alexandre Teixeira, Marcus Luke Murray and M.G. Carvalho
The index of sustainable economic welfare (ISEW) for a local authority: A case study in Italy pp. 271-281 Downloads
Federico Maria Pulselli, Francesca Ciampalini, Enzo Tiezzi and Carlo Zappia
The instability of the adjusted and unadjusted environmental Kuznets curves pp. 282-298 Downloads
Sabrina Auci and Leonardo Becchetti
Contingent valuation: Environmental polling or preference engine? pp. 299-307 Downloads
Douglas MacMillan, Nick Hanley and Nele Lienhoop
Determinants of visitors' willingness to pay for the National Marine Park of Zakynthos, Greece pp. 308-319 Downloads
Anatoli Togridou, Tasos Hovardas and John D. Pantis
The spatial econometrics of elephant population change: A note pp. 320-323 Downloads
Bjorn Frank and Per Botolf Maurseth
A sustainable perspective on the knowledge economy: A critique of Austrian and mainstream views pp. 324-332 Downloads
Brian Lin
Page updated 2025-03-28