Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 155, issue C, 2019
- Transition Towards a Resource Efficient Circular Economy in Europe: Policy Lessons From the EU and the Member States pp. 7-19

- Teresa Domenech and Bettina Bahn-Walkowiak
- Business Model Innovation for Resource-efficiency, Circularity and Cleaner Production: What 143 Cases Tell Us pp. 20-35

- Fernando Diaz Lopez, Ton Bastein and Arnold Tukker
- Concepts Fostering Resource Efficiency: A Trade-off Between Ambitions and Viability pp. 36-45

- Arnold Tukker and Paul Ekins
- Global Governance of Resources and Implications for Resource Efficiency in Europe pp. 46-58

- Ben Milligan and Michelle O'Keeffe
- A Policy Mix for Resource Efficiency in the EU: Key Instruments, Challenges and Research Needs pp. 59-69

- Henning Wilts and Meghan O'Brien
- Three Scenario Narratives for a Resource-Efficient and Low-Carbon Europe in 2050 pp. 70-79

- Karin Schanes, Jill Jäger and Paul Drummond
- Imperfect Markets and the Properties of Macro-economic-environmental Models as Tools for Policy Evaluation pp. 80-87

- Bernd Meyer and Gerd Ahlert
- Pathways to a Resource-Efficient and Low-Carbon Europe pp. 88-104

- Martin Distelkamp and Mark Meyer
Volume 154, issue C, 2018
- Identifying Consensus on Coastal Lagoons Ecosystem Services and Conservation Priorities for an Effective Decision Making: A Q Approach pp. 1-13

- Mariam Maki Sy, Hélène Rey-Valette, Monique Simier, Vanina Pasqualini, Charles Figuieres and Rutger De Wit
- Rebound Effects in Practice: An Invitation to Consider Rebound From a Practice Theory Perspective pp. 14-21

- Marco Sonnberger and Matthias Gross
- What Is Invasion Biology? pp. 22-30

- Mark Sagoff
- Understanding Poverty in Cash-crop Agro-forestry Systems: Evidence from Ghana and Ethiopia pp. 31-41

- M. Hirons, E. Robinson, C. McDermott, A. Morel, R. Asare, E. Boyd, T. Gonfa, T.W. Gole, Y. Malhi, J. Mason and K. Norris
- Can Land Fragmentation Reduce the Exposure of Rural Households to Weather Variability? pp. 42-51

- Stefanija Veljanoska
- Maximum Economic Yield Fishery Management in the Face of Global Warming pp. 52-61

- Bassirou Diop, Nicolas Sanz, Yves Jamont Junior Duplan, El Hadji Mama Guene, Fabian Blanchard, Jean-Christophe Pereau and Luc Doyen
- From Land to Water Grabbing: A Property Rights Perspective on Linked Natural Resources pp. 62-70

- Insa Theesfeld
- Hungry Birds and Angry Farmers: Using Choice Experiments to Assess “Eco-compensation” for Coastal Wetlands Protection in China pp. 71-87

- Michael T. Bennett, Yazhen Gong and Riccardo Scarpa
- Eat Your Fish and Sell It, Too – Livelihood Choices of Small-Scale Fishers in Rural Cambodia pp. 88-98

- Rebecca Hartje, Dorothee Bühler and Ulrike Grote
- Climatic Cost-benefit Analysis Under Uncertainty and Learning on Climate Sensitivity and Damages pp. 99-106

- Tommi Ekholm
- Evidence of a Shared Value for Nature pp. 107-116

- Lisa A. Wainger, Ryan Helcoski, Kevin W. Farge, Brandy A. Espinola and Gary T. Green
- Conflicts in Transdisciplinary Research: Reviewing Literature and Analysing a Case of Climate Adaptation in Northwestern Germany pp. 117-127

- Bernd Siebenhüner
- Communicating Resourcefully: A Natural Field Experiment on Environmental Framing and Cognitive Dissonance in Going Paperless pp. 128-144

- Greer K. Gosnell
- Estimating the Societal Benefits of Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Through Peatland Restoration pp. 145-155

- Emily Pindilli, Rachel Sleeter and Dianna Hogan
- Supplemental irrigation water rights and climate change adaptation pp. 156-167

- Daniel P. Bigelow and Hongliang Zhang
- Directed Technological Change in a Post-Keynesian Ecological Macromodel pp. 168-188

- Asjad Naqvi and Engelbert Stockhammer
- Greening Development Lending in the Americas: Trends and Determinants pp. 189-200

- Fei Yuan and Kevin P. Gallagher
- Eco-labeling in the Fresh Produce Market: Not All Environmentally Friendly Labels Are Equally Valued pp. 201-210

- Xuqi Chen, Zhifeng Gao, Marilyn Swisher, Lisa House and Xin Zhao
- The Endogenous Evolution of Common Property Management Systems pp. 211-217

- Mihoko Wakamatsu and Christopher M. Anderson
- PES What a Mess? An Analysis of the Position of Environmental Professionals in the Conceptual Debate on Payments for Ecosystem Services pp. 218-237

- Julia Martin-Ortega and Kerry A. Waylen
- Coming Out Clean: Australian Carbon Pricing and Clean Technology Adoption pp. 238-246

- Sasan Bakhtiari
- The Impact of Deforestation on Malaria Infections in the Brazilian Amazon pp. 247-256

- Augusto Seabra Santos and Alexandre Almeida
- Assessing Global CO2 Emission Inequality From Consumption Perspective: An Index Decomposition Analysis pp. 257-271

- H. Wang and Peng Zhou
- Sustainable Land-use Management Under Biodiversity Lag Effects pp. 272-281

- A.-S. Lafuite, G. Denise and M. Loreau
- Forest-attacking Invasive Species and Infant Health: Evidence From the Invasive Emerald Ash Borer pp. 282-293

- Benjamin Jones
- Behavioural attitudes towards waste prevention and recycling pp. 294-305

- Marianna Gilli, Francesco Nicolli and Paola Farinelli
- Structuring Legal Trade in Rhino Horn to Incentivize the Participation of South African Private Landowners pp. 306-316

- Elena C. Rubino, Elizabeth F. Pienaar and José R. Soto
- How Does MMEY Mitigate the Bioeconomic Effects of Climate Change for Mixed Fisheries pp. 317-332

- A. Lagarde, Luc Doyen, A. Ahad-Cissé, N. Caill-Milly, S. Gourguet, O. Le Pape, C. Macher, G. Morandeau and O. Thébaud
- Structural Loop Analysis of Complex Ecological Systems pp. 333-342

- Joseph J. Abram and James G. Dyke
- Forest Preservation Under REDD+ Schemes With Incentives Distortions pp. 343-348

- Jon Strand
- Taking a Stand through Food Choices? Characteristics of Political Food Consumption and Consumers in Finland pp. 349-360

- Mari Niva and Piia Jallinoja
- Objective and Subjective Indicators of Life Satisfaction in Australia: How Well Do People Perceive What Supports a Good Life? pp. 361-372

- Ida Kubiszewski, Nabeeh Zakariyya and Robert Costanza
- Modelling the Interplay Between Institutions and Circular Economy Business Models: A Case Study of Battery Recycling in Finland and Chile pp. 373-382

- Jarkko Levänen, Tatu Lyytinen and Sebastian Gatica
- Consumer Response to Climate Adaptation Strategies in the Food Sector: An Australian Scenario pp. 383-393

- Anoma Ariyawardana, Lilly Lim-Camacho, Steven Crimp, Michael Wellington and Simon Somogyi
- Investing in Climate Change Adaptation: Motivations and Green Incentives in the Fiji Islands pp. 394-408

- Salvatore Di Falco and Sindra Sharma
- The Economic Evaluation of Forest Protection Service Against Rockfall: A Review of Experiences and Approaches pp. 409-418

- Ettore Bianchi, Cristian Accastello, Daniel Trappmann, Simone Blanc and Filippo Brun
- A More Flexible Model or Simply More Effort? On the Use of Correlated Random Parameters in Applied Choice Studies pp. 419-429

- Petr Mariel and Jürgen Meyerhoff
Volume 153, issue C, 2018
- Integrating Sustainability Into City-level CO2 Accounting: Social Consumption Pattern and Income Distribution pp. 1-16

- Jing Tian, Celio Andraded, Julio Lumbreras, Dabo Guan, Fangzhi Wang and Hua Liao
- Inequality across China's Staple Crops in Energy Consumption and Related GHG Emissions pp. 17-30

- Wei Zhen, Quande Qin, Xiaoying Qian and Yi-Ming Wei
- The Role of Decision-making in Ecosystem Service Trade-offs in Lowland Bolivia's Amazonian Agricultural Systems pp. 31-42

- Rhys Manners and Consuelo Varela-Ortega
- Self-enforcing Biodiversity Agreements with Financial Support from North to South pp. 43-55

- Thomas Eichner and Rüdiger Pethig
- Titled Amazon Indigenous Communities Cut Forest Carbon Emissions pp. 56-67

- Allen Blackman and Peter Veit
- Identifying Barriers Toward a Post-growth Economy – A Political Economy View pp. 68-77

- Sebastian Strunz and Harry Schindler
- Economic Inequality and Household Energy Consumption in High-income Countries: A Challenge for Social Science Based Energy Research pp. 78-88

- Ray Galvin and Minna Sunikka-Blank
- A Comparative Analysis of Fishing Rights From a Transaction Cost Perspective pp. 89-99

- Jing Liu and Tianbao Qin
- Ignorance Is Bliss? Experimental Evidence on Wine Produced from Grapes Irrigated with Recycled Water pp. 100-110

- Tongzhe Li, Jill McCluskey and Kent Messer
- Coupled Climate-Economic Modes in the Sahel's Interannual Variability pp. 111-123

- Vivien Sainte Fare Garnot, Andreas Groth and Michael Ghil
- Subjective Well-being and Environmental Quality: The Impact of Air Pollution and Green Coverage in China pp. 124-138

- Liang Yuan, Kongjoo Shin and Shunsuke Managi
- Security Bonding in Unconventional Gas Development: Evidence from an Economic Experiment pp. 139-146

- Tiho Ancev and Danielle Merrett
- Environmentally Adjusted Multifactor Productivity: Methodology and Empirical Results for OECD and G20 Countries pp. 147-160

- Miguel Cárdenas Rodríguez, Ivan Haščič and Martin Souchier
- Tropical Forests, Tipping Points, and the Social Cost of Deforestation pp. 161-171

- Sergio L. Franklin and Robert Pindyck
- Some Good Reasons for Buying Fish Exclusively From Community-Supported Fisheries: The Case of Yeu Island in France pp. 172-180

- Frédéric Salladarré, Patrice Guillotreau, Gervaise Debucquet and Gilles Lazuech
- Quantification of the Indirect Use Value of Functional Group Diversity Based on the Ecological Role of Species in the Ecosystem pp. 181-194

- Silvie Daniels, J. Ryan Bellmore, Joseph R. Benjamin, Nele Witters, Jaco Vangronsveld and Steven Van Passel
- Searching for a Scientific Paradigm in Ecological Economics: The History of Ecological Economic Thought, 1880s–1930s pp. 195-203

- Marco Vianna Franco
- Maximum Yield Fishing and Optimal Fleet Composition. A Stage Structured Model Analysis With an Example From the Norwegian North-East Arctic Cod Fishery pp. 204-217

- Irmelin Slettemoen Helgesen, Anders Skonhoft and Arne Eide
- Investing in a Green Transition pp. 218-236

- Eric Kemp-Benedict
- The Distribution of Material Footprints in Germany pp. 237-251

- Frank Pothen and Miguel Angel Tovar Reaños
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