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Ecological Economics

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland

From Elsevier
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Volume 31, issue 3, 1999

International greenhouse gas emissions trading: who should be held liable for the non-compliance by sellers? pp. 323-329 Downloads
ZhongXiang Zhang
Globalisation, transport and the environment: new perspectives for ecological economics pp. 331-346 Downloads
Danielle B. van Veen-Groot and Peter Nijkamp
Consumption and environment: some conceptual issues pp. 347-363 Downloads
Thomas Princen
Evolution of economy and environment: an application to land use in lowland Vietnam pp. 365-379 Downloads
W. Neil Adger
Is energy cost an accurate indicator of natural resource quality? pp. 381-394 Downloads
David Stern
Carrying capacity reconsidered: from Malthus' population theory to cultural carrying capacity pp. 395-408 Downloads
Irmi Seidl and Clement Tisdell
The environmental Kuznets curve: does one size fit all? pp. 409-423 Downloads
John List and Craig A. Gallet
Bargaining to preserve a unique ecosystem: the role of anticipatory investments to establish stronger bargaining positions pp. 425-437 Downloads
John K. Stranlund
Enriching the rainforest with native fruit trees: an ecological and economic analysis in Los Tuxtlas (Veracruz, Mexico) pp. 439-448 Downloads
Martin Ricker, Robert Mendelsohn, Douglas C. Daly and Guillermo Angeles
Dynamics of soil acidification: an economic analysis pp. 449-462 Downloads
Erik C. Schmieman and Ekko van Ierland

Volume 31, issue 2, 1999

Ecological economics and sustainable governance of the oceans pp. 171-187 Downloads
Robert Costanza, Francisco Andrade, Paula Antunes, Marjan van den Belt, Don Boesch, Dee Boersma, Fernando Catarino, Susan Hanna, Karin Limburg and Bobbi Low
The role of science in ocean governance pp. 189-198 Downloads
Donald F. Boesch
The ecological, economic, and social importance of the oceans pp. 199-213 Downloads
Robert Costanza
Integrated environmental management of the oceans pp. 215-226 Downloads
Paula Antunes and Rui Santos
Human-ecosystem interactions: a dynamic integrated model pp. 227-242 Downloads
Bobbi Low, Robert Costanza, Elinor Ostrom, James Wilson and Carl P. Simon
Scale misperceptions and the spatial dynamics of a social-ecological system pp. 243-257 Downloads
James Wilson, Bobbi Low, Robert Costanza and Elinor Ostrom
Mapping institutional diversity for implementing the Lisbon principles pp. 259-274 Downloads
Steve Rayner
Strengthening governance of ocean fishery resources pp. 275-286 Downloads
Susan S. Hanna
Limiting abuse: marine protected areas, a limited solution pp. 287-304 Downloads
P. Dee Boersma and Julia K. Parrish
The design of fishing-right systems -- the NSW experience pp. 305-316 Downloads
Michael Young

Volume 31, issue 1, 1999

Should the rules of allocating emissions permits be harmonised? pp. 11-18 Downloads
ZhongXiang Zhang
Discussion pp. 19-21 Downloads
Discussion pp. 23-29 Downloads
Discussion pp. 31-37 Downloads
European environmental taxes and charges: recent experience, issues and trends pp. 39-62 Downloads
Paul Ekins
Estimating the loss of agricultural productivity in the Amazon pp. 63-76 Downloads
Diana Weinhold
Can solar cooking save the forests? pp. 77-89 Downloads
Michael Tucker
Non-renewability in forest rotations: implications for economic and ecosystem sustainability pp. 91-106 Downloads
Jon D. Erickson, Duane Chapman, Timothy J. Fahey and Martin J. Christ
Sustainable ecological economies pp. 107-121 Downloads
John E. Cantlon and Herman E. Koenig
No chance for incentive-oriented environmental policies in representative democracies? A Public Choice analysis pp. 123-138 Downloads
Friedrich Schneider and Juergen Volkert
Trust law, sustainability, and responsible action pp. 139-154 Downloads
Antony Scott
The mineral economy: how prices and costs can falsely signal decreasing scarcity pp. 155-166 Downloads
Douglas B. Reynolds
Book Review pp. 167-168 Downloads
Book Review pp. 168-169 Downloads

Volume 30, issue 3, 1999

New directions in emissions trading: the potential contribution of new institutional economics pp. 371-387 Downloads
Barry D. Solomon
Different ways of knowing: a communicative turn toward sustainability pp. 389-404 Downloads
Tony Meppem and Simon Bourke
Travel patterns and environmental effects now and in the future:: implications of differences in energy consumption among socio-economic groups pp. 405-417 Downloads
Annika Carlsson-Kanyama and Anna-Lisa Linden
Value of land as a pollutant sink for international waters pp. 419-431 Downloads
Ing-Marie Gren
The double dividend, second-best worlds, and real-world environmental policy pp. 433-439 Downloads
James Kahn and Amy Farmer
Natural capital and quality of life: a model for evaluating the sustainability of alternative regional development paths pp. 441-460 Downloads
Cecilia Collados and Timothy P. Duane
Incorporating distributional considerations in the safe minimum standard approach: endangered species and local impacts pp. 461-474 Downloads
Robert Berrens, Michael McKee and Michael C. Farmer
An economic model of waterlogging and salinization in arid regions pp. 475-491 Downloads
Dennis Wichelns

Volume 30, issue 2, 1999

ECECMOD: an interdisciplinary modelling system for analyzing nutrient and soil losses from agriculture pp. 189-206 Downloads
Arild Vatn, Lars Bakken, Peter Botterweg and Eirik Romstad
Multiple attribute decision analysis for ecosystem management pp. 207-222 Downloads
Tony Prato
Energy, diversity and development in economic systems; an empirical analysis pp. 223-233 Downloads
Paul H. Templet
Environmental drag: evidence from Norway pp. 235-249 Downloads
Annegrete Bruvoll, Solveig Glomsrod and Haakon Vennemo
Economic incentives for sustainable management: a small optimal control model for tropical forestry pp. 251-265 Downloads
Christian Friis Bach
Knowledge and the environment pp. 267-284 Downloads
Paul R. Ehrlich, Gary Wolff, Gretchen C. Daily, Jennifer B. Hughes, Scott Daily, Michael Dalton and Lawrence Goulder
Aspects of the optimal management of cyclical ecological-economic systems pp. 285-292 Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal
Metapopulation dynamics and stochastic bioeconomic modeling pp. 293-299 Downloads
Erwin Bulte and Gerrit van Kooten
Costing an international public good: the case of the Baltic Sea pp. 301-316 Downloads
Agnieszka Markowska and Tomasz Zylicz
Accounting for nitrogen in Denmark--a structural decomposition analysis pp. 317-331 Downloads
Mette Wier and Berit Hasler
Managing nutrient fluxes and pollution in the Baltic: an interdisciplinary simulation study pp. 333-352 Downloads
R. Kerry Turner, Stavros Georgiou, Ing-Marie Gren, Fredric Wulff, Scott Barrett, Tore Soderqvist, Ian Bateman, Carl Folke, Sindre Langaas and Tomasz Zylicz

Volume 30, issue 1, 1999

The genuine progress indicator methodological developments and results from Australia pp. 13-28 Downloads
Clive Hamilton
Alleviating soil erosion/pollution stock externalities: alternative roles for government pp. 29-46 Downloads
Edna T. Loehman and Timothy O. Randhir
Evaluation of risks of metal flows and accumulation in economy and environment pp. 47-65 Downloads
J. B. Guinee, Jeroen van den Bergh, J. Boelens, P. J. Fraanje, G. Huppes, P. P. A. A. H. Kandelaars, Th. M. Lexmond, S. W. Moolenaar, A. A. Olsthoorn and H. A. Udo de Haes
Weathering climate change: some simple rules to guide adaptation decisions pp. 67-78 Downloads
Sam Fankhauser, Joel B. Smith and Richard Tol
Global environmental costs of beef production pp. 79-91 Downloads
Susan Subak
An assessment of alternative methods of estimating the effect of the ivory trade ban on poaching effort pp. 93-106 Downloads
Michael Burton
Forest resource use change during early market integration in tropical rain forests: the Huaorani of upper Amazonia pp. 107-119 Downloads
Rodrigo Sierra, Fabian Rodriguez and Elizabeth Losos
Farmer risk assessment for voluntary insecticide reduction pp. 121-130 Downloads
Luanne Lohr, Timothy Park and Leon Higley
Sustainable management of uneven-aged private forests: a case study from Ontario, Canada pp. 131-146 Downloads
Shashi Kant
Comprehensive cost-effectiveness analysis of measures to reduce nitrogen emissions in Switzerland pp. 147-159 Downloads
Reto Schleiniger
Green accounting and the welfare gap pp. 161-175 Downloads
Paul Turner and John Tschirhart
Page updated 2025-03-28