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Ecological Economics

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland

From Elsevier
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Volume 18, issue 3, 1996

If tropical log export bans are so perverse, why are there so many? pp. 189-196 Downloads
Robert Goodland and Herman Daly
Economic benefits of rare and endangered species: summary and meta-analysis pp. 197-206 Downloads
John Loomis and Douglas S. White
Preservation or use A contingent valuation study of wilderness designation in Utah pp. 207-214 Downloads
John Keith, Chris Fawson and Van Johnson
Changes in the economic use value of elephant in Botswana: the effect of international trade prohibition pp. 215-230 Downloads
J. I. Barnes
Fiscal policy and greenhouse gases: the case of the Netherlands pp. 231-241 Downloads
Fouad Laroui and Marko van Leeuwen
A comparison of stated preference methods for environmental valuation pp. 243-253 Downloads
Peter Boxall, Wiktor Adamowicz, Joffre Swait, Michael Williams and Jordan Louviere
Economic theory for environmentalists: John Gowdy and Sabine O'Hara, St. Lucie Press, Delray Beach, FL, 1994, ISBN 1-884015-00-X. $39.95 pp. 255-256 Downloads
John H. Cumberland
Full house: Reassessing the earth's population carrying capacity: Lester Brown and Hal Kane, W.W. Norton, New York, NY, 1994, 261 pp., ISBN 0-393-03713-8 (pbk) pp. 256-258 Downloads
Richard P. Cincotta
Earth politics: Ernst Ulrich von Weizsacker. Zed Books, London and New Jersey, 1992. ISBN 1 85649 1749. [UK pound]14.95 pp. 258-259 Downloads
Michael Young
Sustainable development: Science, ethics, and public policy: edited by John Lemons and Donald A. Brown. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1995 pp. 259-260 Downloads
Matthias Ruth
The fissured land: An ecological history of India: Madhav Gadgil and Ramachandra Guha. Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1992, 274 pp. ISBN 019-563027-02750-9 pp. 260-261 Downloads
Robert Kaufmann
The economics of the tropical timber trade: Edward B. Barbier, Joanne C. Burgess, Joshua Bishop and Bruce Aylward. Earthscan Publications Ltd., London. ISBN 1-85383-219-7 pp. 261-262 Downloads
Thomas Andersson
Dealing in diversity: America's market for nature conservation: Victoria Edwards. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1995, ISBN 0-521-46567-2 (hardback) pp. 262-263 Downloads
Jeffrey A. McNeely Chief Scientist
The future eaters: An ecological history of the Australasian lands and people: Timothy F. Flannery. Reed Press, Port Melbourne, Australia, 1994, 423 pp., ISBN 0-7301-0487-7 pp. 263-265 Downloads
Robert Costanza

Volume 18, issue 2, 1996

Three persistent myths in the environmental debate pp. 81-88 Downloads
Roefie Hueting
Socio-ecological indicators for sustainability pp. 89-112 Downloads
Christian Azar, John Holmberg and Kristian Lindgren
The stork, the plow, rural social structure and tropical deforestation in poor countries? pp. 113-131 Downloads
Michael T. Rock
Institutional solutions to market failure on the landscape scale pp. 133-140 Downloads
Robert Gottfried, David Wear and Robert Lee
Managing aquaculture for sustainability in tropical Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe pp. 141-159 Downloads
Hakan Berg, Petra Michelsen, Max Troell, Carl Folke and Nils Kautsky
An activity analysis model of the environmental performance of firms--application to fossil-fuel-fired electric utilities pp. 161-175 Downloads
Rolf Fare, Shawna Grosskopf and Daniel Tyteca
Bilateral or multilateral bargaining in the face of global environmental change? pp. 177-187 Downloads
Gilles Rotillon, Tarik Tazdaït and Sylvain Zeghni

Volume 18, issue 1, 1996

Land Use Dynamics in the Brazilian Amazon pp. 1-2 Downloads
Robert Walker
Upland agricultural and forestry development in the Amazon: sustainability, criticality and resilience pp. 3-13 Downloads
Emmanuel Adilson S. Serrao, Daniel Nepstad and Robert Walker
Agroforestry trajectories among smallholders in the Brazilian Amazon: innovation and resiliency in pioneer and older settled areas pp. 15-27 Downloads
Nigel J. H. Smith, Italo C. Falesi, Paulo de T. Alvim and Emmanuel Adilson S. Serrao
Cropping and fallowing sequences of small farms in the "terra firme" landscape of the Brazilian Amazon: a case study from Santarem, Para pp. 29-40 Downloads
Frederick N. Scatena, Robert T. Walker, Alfredo Kingo Oyama Homma, Arnaldo Jose de Conto, Celio Armando Palheta Ferreira, Rui de Amorim Carvalho, Antonio C.P. Neves da Rocha, Antonio I. Moreira dos Santos and Pedro Mourao de Oliveira
Restoration of vegetation cover in the eastern Amazon pp. 41-54 Downloads
Emilio F. Moran, Alissa Packer, Eduardo Brondizio and Joanna Tucker
Land degradation and property regimes pp. 55-66 Downloads
Paul Beaumont and Robert T. Walker
Land use and land cover dynamics in the Brazilian Amazon: an overview pp. 67-80 Downloads
Robert Walker and Alfredo Kingo Oyama Homma

Volume 17, issue 3, 1996

Discounting of long-term costs: What would future generations prefer us to do? pp. 137-145 Downloads
Ari Rabl
The concept of weak sustainability pp. 147-156 Downloads
Maite Cabeza Gutes
Land use and cover in ecological economics pp. 157-181 Downloads
Roy Darwin, Marinos Tsigas, Jan Lewandrowski and Anton Raneses
Evaluating and Monitoring the Health of Large Scale Ecosystems: Edited by D. Rapport, C.L. Gaudet and P. Calow. NATO ASI Series/Springer Verlag, New York, 1995, 454 pp., ISBN 3-540-58805-1 pp. 183-188 Downloads
Bengt Mansson

Volume 17, issue 2, 1996

In memory of Kenneth E. Boulding pp. 67-71 Downloads
D. J. Rapport
Solar cookers--cheap technology with high ecological benefits pp. 73-81 Downloads
Shyam S. Nandwani
The impact of environmental policies on household incomes for different socio-economic classes: The case of air pollutants in Indonesia pp. 83-94 Downloads
Budy Resosudarmo and Erik Thorbecke
World agricultural futures: regional sustainability and ecological limits pp. 95-115 Downloads
Jonathan M. Harris
Regional pollution and multinational firms pp. 117-125 Downloads
Hamid Beladi and Ralph Frasca
Power surge: A guide to the coming energy revolution: Christopher Flavin and Nicholas Lenssen. Worldwatch Institute/Earthscan, London, 1995, 382 pp. ISBN 1 85383 205 7 pp. 127-128 Downloads
Lars Kristoferson
Linking species and ecosystems: Clive G. Jones and John H. Lawton. (Editors). Chapman & Hall, New York, 1995, 387 pp. ISBN 0 412 04801 9 pp. 128-129 Downloads
Brian H. Walker
Ecology, technology and culture: Essays in environmental philosophy: Wim Zweers and Jan J. Boersema. (Editors). 1995 The White Horse Press. Cambridge, UK. ISBN 1-874267-11-1 (cloth), [UK pound]35; ISBN 1-874267-12-X (paper) [UK pound]14.95 pp. 129-130 Downloads
Gish Palsson
Is sustainability optimal? Examining the differences between economists and environmentalists [Ecological Economics (1995) 15: 43-57] pp. 131-131 Downloads
William K. Jaeger

Volume 17, issue 1, 1996

The reliance of northern economies on southern biodiversity: biodiversity as information pp. 1-8 Downloads
Timothy Swanson
Decentralized economic incentives under technological indivisibilities: a cooperative game approach pp. 9-20 Downloads
Nir Becker and Mordechai Shechter
Discount rates, natural resources, and the measurement of aggregate economic growth in Africa pp. 21-32 Downloads
Alex Winter-Nelson
How can a "competitive" market for electricity be made compatible with the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions? pp. 33-48 Downloads
Mark Diesendorf
Distribution of ecological entitlements: Implications for economic security and population movement pp. 49-64 Downloads
H. Jack Ruitenbeek

Volume 16, issue 3, 1996

Environmental accounting: useful to whom and for what? pp. 179-190 Downloads
John Lintott
Biological diversity, ecosystem stability and economic development pp. 191-203 Downloads
Fraser Smith
Sustainable development: looking for new strategies pp. 205-216 Downloads
H. J. de Graaf, C. J. M. Musters and W. J. ter Keurs
A market approach to conserving biodiversity pp. 217-226 Downloads
John Meirifield
Democratising the global economy by ecologicalising economics: The example of global warming pp. 227-238 Downloads
T. N. Jenkins
Statistical measures of unsustainability pp. 239-255 Downloads
Robert U. Ayres
Balancing pollutant emissions and economic growth in a physically conservative world pp. 257-268 Downloads
David Cooper Crane

Volume 16, issue 2, 1996

Sustainable development and Girardian economics pp. 87-93 Downloads
Emery M. Roe
Discursive ethics in ecosystems valuation and environmental policy pp. 95-107 Downloads
Sabine U. O'Hara
Valuing riverside wetlands: the case of the "Donau-Auen" national park pp. 109-127 Downloads
Michael Kosz
The cost of soil erosion in Nicaragua pp. 129-145 Downloads
Knut Alfsen, Mario A. De Franco, Solveig Glomsrod and Torgeir Johnsen
Is sustainable tropical timber production financially viable? A comparative analysis of mahogany silviculture among small farmers in the Brazilian Amazon pp. 147-159 Downloads
John O. Browder, E.A. Trondoli Matricardi and Wilson Soares Abdala
The costs of land degradation in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 161-173 Downloads
Jan Bojo
The immigration dilemma: Avoiding the tragedy of the commons: Garrett Hardin. Federation for American Immigration Reform, Washington, DC, 1995. US $5, ISBN 0-935778-15-X pp. 175-176 Downloads
William M. Alexander
Real value for nature: An overview of global efforts to achieve true measures of economic progress: WWF International, World Wide Fund for Nature, Gland, Switzerland, April 1995, 158 pp., Index and References. ISBN 2-88085-169-6 pp. 176-178 Downloads
Salah El Serafy
Investing in natural capital: edited by AnnMari Jansson, Monica Hammer, Carl Folke, Robert Costanza. Island Press, Washington, DC, USA pp. 178-178 Downloads
David Pimentel

Volume 16, issue 1, 1996

Managing local commons in developing economies: an institutional approach pp. 1-12 Downloads
Timothy O. Randhir and John G. Lee
The secondary benefits of CO2 abatement: How much emission reduction do they justify? pp. 13-24 Downloads
Paul Ekin
Status effects and environmental externalities pp. 25-34 Downloads
Richard B. Howarth
An inventory-based procedure to estimate economic costs of forest management on a regional scale to conserve and sequester atmospheric carbon pp. 35-49 Downloads
David K. Lewis, David P. Turner and Jack K. Winjum
Charging the earth: The promotion of price-based measures for pollution control pp. 51-63 Downloads
Sharon Beder
Risk and forest policy: Issues and recent trends in the U.S pp. 65-72 Downloads
Claire A. Montgomery
Environmental policy under a non-market discount rate pp. 73-78 Downloads
John K. Horowitz
Page updated 2025-03-28