Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 41, issue 3, 2002
- Introduction to the special issue on the dynamics and value of ecosystem services: integrating economic and ecological perspectives pp. 367-373

- Robert Costanza and Steve Farber
- Economic and ecological concepts for valuing ecosystem services pp. 375-392

- Stephen C. Farber, Robert Costanza and Matthew A. Wilson
- A typology for the classification, description and valuation of ecosystem functions, goods and services pp. 393-408

- Rudolf S. de Groot, Matthew A. Wilson and Roelof M. J. Boumans
- Complex systems and valuation pp. 409-420

- Karin E. Limburg, Robert V. O'Neill, Robert Costanza and Stephen Farber
- Accounting for the value of ecosystem services pp. 421-429

- Richard B. Howarth and Stephen Farber
- Discourse-based valuation of ecosystem services: establishing fair outcomes through group deliberation pp. 431-443

- Matthew A. Wilson and Richard B. Howarth
- Designing an integrated knowledge base to support ecosystem services valuation pp. 445-456

- Ferdinando Villa, Matthew A. Wilson, Rudolf de Groot, Steven Farber, Robert Costanza and Roelof M. J. Boumans
- Ecological production based pricing of biosphere processes pp. 457-478

- Murray G. Patterson
- Measuring contributions to economic production--use of an Index of Captured Ecosystem Value pp. 479-490

- Kent Gustavson, Stephen C. Lonergan and Jack Ruitenbeek
- Evaluating scale dependence of ecosystem service valuation: a comparison of NOAA-AVHRR and Landsat TM datasets pp. 491-507

- Keri M. Konarska, Paul C. Sutton and Michael Castellon
- Global estimates of market and non-market values derived from nighttime satellite imagery, land cover, and ecosystem service valuation pp. 509-527

- Paul C. Sutton and Robert Costanza
- Modeling the dynamics of the integrated earth system and the value of global ecosystem services using the GUMBO model pp. 529-560

- Roelof Boumans, Robert Costanza, Joshua Farley, Matthew A. Wilson, Rosimeiry Portela, Jan Rotmans, Ferdinando Villa and Monica Grasso
Volume 41, issue 2, 2002
- Special Section: European Environmental History and Ecological Economics pp. 175-176

- Joan Martinez-Alier and Heinz Schandl
- The process of industrialization from the perspective of energetic metabolism: Socioeconomic energy flows in Austria 1830-1995 pp. 177-201

- Fridolin Krausmann and Helmut Haberl
- Changes in the United Kingdom's natural relations in terms of society's metabolism and land-use from 1850 to the present day pp. 203-221

- Heinz Schandl and Niels Schulz
- Predicting future emissions based on characteristics of stocks pp. 223-234

- Ester van der Voet, Rene Kleijn, Ruben Huele, Masanobu Ishikawa and Evert Verkuijlen
- Industry, environment and health through 200 years in Manchester pp. 235-255

- Ian Douglas, Rob Hodgson and Nigel Lawson
- Environmental constraints on agricultural growth in 19th century granada (Southern Spain) pp. 257-270

- Manuel Gonzalez de Molina
- Decline or increase? The standing timber stock in Finland, 1800-1997 pp. 271-288

- Timo Myllyntaus and Timo Mattila
- Evolutionary psychology in ecological economics: consilience, consumption and contentment pp. 289-303

- Tim Jackson
- Agglomeration bonus: an incentive mechanism to reunite fragmented habitat for biodiversity conservation pp. 305-328

- Gregory M. Parkhurst, Jason Shogren, Chris Bastian, Paul Kivi, Jennifer Donner and Rodney B. W. Smith
- Northwest coast indigenous institutions that supported resilience and sustainability pp. 329-344

- Ronald L. Trosper
- The EU's Agenda 2000 reform for the agricultural sector: environmental and economic effects in Denmark pp. 345-359

- Mette Wier, Johnny M. Andersen, Jorgen Jensen and Thomas C. Jensen
- Scale and topology in the ecological economics sustainability paradigm pp. 361-366

- Geraldine J. Jordan and Marie-Josee Fortin
Volume 41, issue 1, 2002
- Ecological economics in China: origins, dilemmas and prospects pp. 5-20

- Tian Shi
- Time preference in global warming calculations: a proposal for a unified index pp. 21-31

- Philip Fearnside
- Fearnside's unified index for time preference: a comment pp. 33-34

- Richard Tol
- Time preference: reply to Tol pp. 35-36

- Philip Fearnside
- An ecological-economic modelling procedure to design compensation payments for the efficient spatio-temporal allocation of species protection measures pp. 37-49

- Karin Johst, Martin Drechsler and Frank Watzold
- Embodied pollution in trade: estimating the 'environmental load displacement' of industrialised countries pp. 51-67

- Roldan Muradian, Martin O'Connor and Joan Martinez-Alier
- Intergenerational equity and sustainability pp. 69-83

- Emilio Padilla Rosa
- Pollution regulation and abatement efforts: evidence from China pp. 85-94

- Hua Wang
- Rice monoculture and integrated rice-fish farming in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam--economic and ecological considerations pp. 95-107

- Hakan Berg
- A time use perspective on the materials intensity of consumption pp. 109-123

- Mikko Jalas
- Market-based conservation and local benefits: the case of argan oil in Morocco pp. 125-144

- Travis Lybbert, Christopher Barrett and Hamid Narjisse
- Information access, income distribution, and the Environmental Kuznets Curve pp. 145-156

- Salvatore Bimonte
- A measure of sustainable national income for the Netherlands pp. 157-174

- Reyer Gerlagh, Rob Dellink, Marjan Hofkes and Harmen Verbruggen
Volume 40, issue 3, 2002
- Gasoline taxes, CAFE and the Kyoto Protocol pp. 317-320

- John Comeau and Duane Chapman
- Gasoline taxes, CAFE, and the Kyoto protocol pp. 321-322

- Kristin Sipes, Robert Mendelsohn and R. Costanza
- Homo oeconomicus and homo politicus in Ecological Economics pp. 323-333

- Malte Faber, Thomas Petersen and Johannes Schiller
- Debating concepts of human actors in ecological economics--a comment on Faber/Petersen/Schiller pp. 335-336

- Bernd Siebenhuner
- Environmental amenities and agricultural land values: a hedonic model using geographic information systems data pp. 337-349

- Chris T. Bastian, Donald M. McLeod, Matthew J. Germino, William A. Reiners and Benedict J. Blasko
- Causality between income and emission: a country group-specific econometric analysis pp. 351-367

- Dipankor Coondoo and Soumyananda Dinda
- Economic diversity, development capacity and sustainable development of China pp. 369-378

- Zhongmin Xu, Guodong Cheng, Dongjin Chen and Paul H. Templet
- Economic inequality and burden-sharing in the provision of local environmental quality pp. 379-395

- Juan-Camilo Cardenas, John Stranlund and Cleve Willis
- Local financial benefits of rain forests: comparative evidence from Amerindian societies in Bolivia and Honduras pp. 397-409

- R. Godoy, H. Overman, J. Demmer, L. Apaza, E. Byron, T. Huanca, W. Leonard, E. Perez, V. Reyes-Garcia and V. Vadez
- Restoration of the longleaf pine ecosystem on private lands in the US South: an ecological economic analysis pp. 411-419

- Janaki R. R. Alavalapati, George A. Stainback and Douglas R. Carter
- Organizational patterns of economies: an ecological perspective pp. 421-440

- Igor Matutinovic
- Development and government policies of the shrimp farming industry in Thailand in relation to mangrove ecosystems pp. 441-455

- Miriam Huitric, Carl Folke and Nils Kautsky
- Protecting the commons. A framework for resource management in the Americas: Edited by Joanna Burger, Elinor Ostrom, Richard B. Norgaard, David Policansky and Bernard D. Goldstein, Island Press, Washington DC, 2001, xii+342 pp., index (paperback). ISBN 1-55963-738-2 pp. 457-458

- Lars Carlsson
- Fragile dominion: complexity and the commons: By Simon Levin, Perseus Publishing, Cambridge, MA, 1999, 250 pp. ISBN 0738201111 pp. 458-459

- James Wilson
- Ecological economics--an introduction: Gareth Edwards-Jones, Ben Davies, Salman Hussain, Blackwell Science, Oxford, 2000, vi+266 pp. ISBN 0-865-42796-8 pp. 460-461

- Joan Martinez-Alier
Volume 40, issue 2, 2002
- In search of sustainable human settlements: Prefatory remarks pp. 151-155

- Roberta Capello and Peter Nijkamp
- Externalities in urban sustainability: Environmental versus localization-type agglomeration externalities in a general spatial equilibrium model of a single-sector monocentric industrial city pp. 157-179

- Erik Verhoef and Peter Nijkamp
- An economic-ecological model of urban growth and urban externalities: empirical evidence from Italy pp. 181-198

- Roberta Capello and Alessandra Faggian
- Urban mobility and urban form: the social and environmental costs of different patterns of urban expansion pp. 199-216

- Roberto Camagni, Maria Cristina Gibelli and Paolo Rigamonti
- City management and urban environmental indicators pp. 217-233

- Kenneth Button
- Success factors for sustainable urban brownfield development: A comparative case study approach to polluted sites pp. 235-252

- Peter Nijkamp, Caroline A. Rodenburg and Alfred J. Wagtendonk
- Growth, environment, and culture--encompassing competing ideologies in one 'new growth' model pp. 253-267

- Rob Hart
- Selecting farming systems using a new multiple criteria decision model: the balancing and ranking method pp. 269-277

- Gunter Strassert and Tony Prato
- The role of the public administrations in the promotion of the environmental activity in Spanish industrial companies pp. 279-294

- Jesus Angel del Brio, Esteban Fernandez and Beatriz Junquera
- Willingness to pay in different policy-planning methods: insights into respondents' decision-making processes pp. 295-311

- Eija Pouta, Mika Rekola, Jari Kuuluvainen, Chuan-Zhong Li and Olli Tahvonen
- Human ecology, human economy: Mark Diesendorf and Clive Hamilton (Eds.), Allen & Unwin, Australia, 1997, 378 pp. ISBN 1-864-48288-5 pp. 313-314

- Manfred Max-Neef
- Environmental Economics: A Critical Overview: Alan Gilpin, JW Wiley, 2000, 334 pp. ISBN 0-471-98559-7 pp. 314-315

- John A. Dixon
- Freshwater ecoregions of North America. A conservation assessment: R.A. Abell, D.M. Olson, E. Dinerstein, P.T. Hurley et al. (WWF), Island Press, Washington, DC, 2000, 368 pp. ISBN 1-55963-734-X pp. 315-315

- Christer Nilsson
Volume 40, issue 1, 2002
- How environmental concern influences the investment decision: an application of capital theory pp. 1-12

- Stefan Baumgärtner, Malte Faber and John Proops
- Business incentives for sustainability: a property rights approach pp. 13-22

- Pontus Cerin and Lennart Karlson
- Economic growth and greenhouse gas emissions pp. 23-37

- Alberto Ansuategi and Marta Escapa
- Chinese traditional thought and practice: lessons for an ecological economics worldview pp. 39-52

- T. N. Jenkins
- Toward a scenario analysis framework for energy footprints pp. 53-69

- Jiun-Jiun Ferng
- Quantifying the impacts on biodiversity of policies for carbon sequestration in forests pp. 71-87

- Stephen Matthews, Raymond O'Connor and Andrew J. Plantinga
- Assessment of the performance and sustainability of mining sub-soil assets for economic development in South Africa pp. 89-101

- James Blignaut and R. M. Hassan
- A general equilibrium analysis of the insurance bonding approach to pollution threats pp. 103-115

- John Merrifield
- International shark fin markets and shark management: an integrated market preference-cohort analysis of the blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus) pp. 117-130

- Quentin S. W. Fong and James Anderson
- Quantifying Sustainable Development: The Future of Tropical Economies.: Edited by Charles Hall, Academic Press, San Diego, 2000, 792 pp. ISBN 0123188601 pp. 131-132

- Michael Young
- Fish, Markets and Fishermen. The Economics of Overfishing: Suzanne Ludicello, Michael Weber and Robert Wieland (Eds.), Earthscan Publications Ltd., 1999. ISBN 1-85383-651-6 (pb) and 1-85383-652-4 (hb); pp. 192. UK[UK pound]14.95 pp. 132-133

- Ragnar Arnason
- The Root Causes of Biodiversity Loss: Edited by Alexander Wood, Pamela Stedman-Edwards and Johanna Mang, Earthscan, London, 2000, 399 pp. ISBN 1-85383-699-0 pp. 133-135

- David Simpson
- Eco-socialism or eco-capitalism? A critical analysis of humanity's fundamental choices: Saral Sarkar, Zed books, London and New York, 1999, 304 pp. ISBN 1-856-49600-7 pp. 135-137

- Janne Bengtsson
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