Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 109, issue C, 2015
- Motivations for implementing environmental management practices in Indian industries pp. 1-8

- Neelam Singh, Suresh Jain and Prateek Sharma
- 100 percent reserve banking: A critical review of green perspectives pp. 9-16

- Kristofer Dittmer
- Understanding how income influences willingness to pay for joint programs: A more equitable value measure for the less wealthy pp. 17-25

- William S. Breffle, Mark E. Eiswerth, Daya Muralidharan and Jeffrey Thornton
- The power of environmental indifference. A critical discourse analysis of a collaboration of tourism firms pp. 26-33

- Heidi Rapp Nilsen and May-Britt Ellingsen
- Metaphor as a mechanism of global climate change governance: A study of international policies, 1992–2012 pp. 34-40

- Christopher Shaw and Brigitte Nerlich
- The fragility of the Environmental Kuznets Curve: Revisiting the hypothesis with Chinese data via an “Extreme Bound Analysis” pp. 41-58

- Haisheng Yang, Jie He and Shaoling Chen
- Where is the value in valuing pollination ecosystem services to agriculture? pp. 59-70

- Andony P. Melathopoulos, G. Christopher Cutler and Peter Tyedmers
- The Vermont Common Assets Trust: An institution for sustainable, just and efficient resource allocation pp. 71-79

- Joshua Farley, Robert Costanza, Gary Flomenhoft and Daniel Kirk
- Publisher's Note pp. 80-80

- Julian Rode, Erik Gómez-Baggethun and Torsten Krause
- The Kenneth E. Boulding Memorial Award 2014 pp. 93-100

- Peter A. Victor
- The unfinished journey of ecological economics pp. 101-108

- Robert L. Nadeau
- Bigger cakes with fewer ingredients? A comparison of material use of the world economy pp. 109-121

- Frank Pothen and Michael Schymura
- Actions and intentions to pay for climate change mitigation: Environmental concern and the role of economic factors pp. 122-129

- Christian Dienes
- ‘Yes-in-my-backyard’: Spatial differences in the valuation of forest services and local co-benefits for carbon markets in México pp. 130-141

- Arturo Balderas Torres, Douglas C. MacMillan, Margaret Skutsch and Jon C. Lovett
- Connecting net energy with the price of energy and other goods and services pp. 142-149

- Robert A. Herendeen
- Unraveling the effects of environmental outcomes and processes on financial performance: A non-linear approach pp. 150-160

- Nicola Misani and Stefano Pogutz
- Ecosystem services and economic development in Austrian agricultural landscapes — The impact of policy and climate change scenarios on trade-offs and synergies pp. 161-174

- Mathias Kirchner, Johannes Schmidt, Georg Kindermann, Veronika Kulmer, Hermine Mitter, Franz Prettenthaler, Johannes Rüdisser, Thomas Schauppenlehner, Martin Schönhart, Franziska Strauss, Ulrike Tappeiner, Erich Tasser and Erwin Schmid
- Leaving oil underground in Ecuador: The Yasuní-ITT initiative from a multi-criteria perspective pp. 175-185

- María Cristina Vallejo, Rafael Burbano, Fander Falconi and Carlos Larrea
- Explaining the economic ‘irrationality’ of farmers' land use behaviour: The role of productivist attitudes and non-pecuniary benefits pp. 186-193

- Peter Howley, Cathal Buckley, Cathal O Donoghue and Mary Ryan
- Unraveling the veil of fuzziness: A thick description of sustainability economics pp. 194-202

- Moritz C. Remig
- Identifying the role of final consumption in structural path analysis: An application to water uses pp. 203-210

- Maria Llop and Xavier Ponce-Alifonso
- Towards a thick understanding of sustainability transitions — Linking transition management, capabilities and social practices pp. 211-221

- Felix Rauschmayer, Tom Bauler and Niko Schäpke
- A framework for guiding the management of urban stream health pp. 222-233

- H.K. Millington, J.E. Lovell and C. Lovell
Volume 108, issue C, 2014
- Economic incentives and natural resource management among small-scale farmers: Addressing the missing link pp. 1-7

- Kindie Getnet, Catherine Pfeifer and Charlotte MacAlister
- Wasteland energy-scapes: A comparative energy flow analysis of India's biofuel and biomass economies pp. 8-17

- Jennifer Baka and Robert Bailis
- The complex role of attitudes toward science in pro-environmental consumption in the Nordic countries pp. 18-27

- Annukka Vainio and Riikka Paloniemi
- The culturality of ecosystem services. Emphasizing process and transformation pp. 28-35

- Michael Pröpper and Felix Haupts
- Socio-cultural valuation of ecosystem services: uncovering the links between values, drivers of change, and human well-being pp. 36-48

- Irene Iniesta-Arandia, Marina García-Llorente, Pedro A. Aguilera, Carlos Montes and Berta Martín-López
- Adoption of greenhouse gas mitigation in agriculture: An analysis of dairy farmers' perceptions and adoption behaviour pp. 49-58

- Klaus Glenk, Vera Eory, Sergio Colombo and Andrew Barnes
- Dependence on environmental resources and implications for household welfare: Evidence from the Kalahari drylands, South Africa pp. 59-67

- Gladman Thondhlana and Edwin Muchapondwa
- Estimating stocks and flows of nitrogen: Application of dynamic nutrient balance to European agriculture pp. 68-78

- Natalia Kuosmanen
- Using Choice Modeling to estimate the effects of environmental improvements on local development: When the purpose modifies the tool pp. 79-90

- Mª. Helena Guimarães, Lívia Madureira, Luis Nunes, José Lima Santos, Carlos Sousa, Tomasz Boski and Tomaz Dentinho
- Investigating fishers' preferences for the design of marine Payments for Environmental Services schemes pp. 91-103

- Rhona F. Barr and Susana Mourato
- Aldo Leopold's unrealized proposals to rethink economics pp. 104-114

- Qi Feng Lin
- Perceptions of the services provided by pond fish farming in Lorraine (France) pp. 115-123

- Thierry Blayac, Syndhia Mathé, Hélène Rey-Valette and Pascal Fontaine
- Measuring the environmental cost of hypocrisy pp. 124-135

- Arthur Caplan, Charles Sims and Elliot Jordan Anderson
- Extending the concept of the resource curse: Natural resources and public spending on health pp. 136-149

- Lara Cockx and Nathalie Francken
- Green tangible investment strategies and export performance: A firm-level investigation pp. 150-161

- Roberto Antonietti and Alberto Marzucchi
- Present bias predicts participation in payments for environmental services: Evidence from a behavioral experiment in Uganda pp. 162-170

- Sophie Clot and Charlotte Y. Stanton
- Fukushima and the preference for nuclear power in Europe: Evidence from subjective well-being data pp. 171-179

- Heinz Welsch and Philipp Biermann
- Food labeling and eco-friendly consumption: Experimental evidence from a Belgian supermarket pp. 180-190

- Pieter Vlaeminck, Ting Jiang and Liesbet Vranken
- Potentials for prosperity without growth: Ecological sustainability, social inclusion and the quality of life in 38 countries pp. 191-199

- Martin Fritz and Max Koch
- The water footprint of the Spanish agricultural sector: 1860–2010 pp. 200-207

- Rosa Duarte, Vicente Pinilla and Ana Serrano
- The strange case of cultural services: Limits of the ecosystem services paradigm pp. 208-214

- Robert H. Winthrop
- A gravity model of virtual water trade pp. 215-228

- Andrea Fracasso
- Valuing conservation benefits of an offshore marine protected area pp. 229-241

- Tobias Börger, Caroline Hattam, Daryl Burdon, Jonathan P. Atkins and Melanie C. Austen
- Happy for how long? How social capital and economic growth relate to happiness over time pp. 242-256

- Stefano Bartolini and Francesco Sarracino
- Ecosystem services concepts and approaches in conservation: Just a rhetorical tool? pp. 257-265

- Janet A. Fisher and Katrina Brown
Volume 107, issue C, 2014
- Does environmental concern change the tragedy of the commons? Factors affecting energy saving behaviors and electricity usage pp. 1-12

- Adrienne M. Ohler and Sherrilyn M. Billger
- Integrating the planetary boundaries and global catastrophic risk paradigms pp. 13-21

- Seth D. Baum and Itsuki C. Handoh
- Blue carbon: Knowledge gaps, critical issues, and novel approaches pp. 22-38

- Sebastian Thomas
- Environmental policy when pollutive consumption is sensitive to advertising: Norms versus status pp. 39-50

- Elisabeth Gsottbauer and Jeroen van den Bergh
- Negative income effect on perception of long-term environmental risk pp. 51-58

- Alex Lo
- Group certification supports an increase in the diversity of sustainable agriculture network–rainforest alliance certified coffee producers in Brazil pp. 59-64

- Luís Fernando Guedes Pinto, Toby Gardner, Constance L. McDermott and Karim Omar Lara Ayub
- Linking ecosystem services with the constituents of human well-being for poverty alleviation in eastern Himalayas pp. 65-75

- Harpinder Sandhu and Sukhbir Sandhu
- Green hypocrisy?: Environmental attitudes and residential space heating expenditure pp. 76-83

- Ian Lange, Mirko Moro and Laura Traynor
- Simulating the impact of new industries on the economy: The case of biorefining in Australia pp. 84-93

- Arunima Malik, Manfred Lenzen, Rômulo Neves Ely and Erik Dietzenbacher
- Identifying the drivers of environmental risk through a model integrating substance flow and input–output analysis pp. 94-103

- Pi-Cheng Chen, Douglas Crawford-Brown, Chi-Hui Chang and Hwong-wen Ma
- When ignorance is not bliss: Pest control decisions involving beneficial insects pp. 104-113

- Kelly A. Grogan
- What value São Pedro's procession? Ecosystem services from local people's perceptions pp. 114-121

- Luiz Eduardo Chimello de Oliveira and Fikret Berkes
- Protected area acquisition costs show economies of scale with area pp. 122-132

- Taeyoung Kim, Seong-Hoon Cho, Eric R. Larson and Paul R. Armsworth
- Optimal investment in ecological rehabilitation under climate change pp. 133-144

- Anke Leroux and Stuart Whitten
- Comparing instrumental and deliberative paradigms underpinning the assessment of social values for cultural ecosystem services pp. 145-156

- Christopher M. Raymond, Jasper Kenter, Tobias Plieninger, Nancy J. Turner and Karen A. Alexander
- Managing apparent competition between the feral pigs and native foxes of Santa Cruz Island pp. 157-162

- Richard Melstrom
- Waste prevention and social preferences: the role of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations pp. 163-176

- Grazia Cecere, Susanna Mancinelli and Massimiliano Mazzanti
- Buen Vivir (living well) in Ecuador: Community and environmental satisfaction without household material prosperity? pp. 177-184

- Jorge Guardiola and Fernando García-Quero
- Cross Compliance as payment for public goods? Understanding EU and US agricultural policies pp. 185-194

- Claas Meyer, Bettina Matzdorf, Klaus Müller and Christian Schleyer
- Determinants of trip choice, satisfaction and loyalty in an eco-tourism destination: a modelling study on the Shiretoko Peninsula, Japan pp. 195-205

- João Romão, Bart Neuts, Peter Nijkamp and Asami Shikida
- What makes people seal the green power deal? — Customer segmentation based on choice experiment in Germany pp. 206-215

- Andrea Tabi, Stefanie Lena Hille and Rolf Wüstenhagen
- Risk preferences and purchase of energy-efficient technologies in the residential sector pp. 216-229

- Yueming Qiu, Gregory Colson and Carola Grebitus
- The inverted pyramid: A neo-Ricardian view on the economy–environment relationship pp. 230-241

- Eric Kemp-Benedict
- Insiders, outsiders, and the role of local enforcement in forest management: An example from Tanzania pp. 242-248

- Elizabeth Robinson, Heidi Albers, Guyslain Ngeleza and Razack B. Lokina
- Protected areas, local governments, and strategic interactions: The case of the ICMS-Ecológico in the Brazilian state of Paraná pp. 249-258

- Alexandre Sauquet, Sébastien Marchand and José Féres
- The raw and the carved: Shipping costs and ivory smuggling pp. 259-265

- Brendan Moyle
- Transaction network analysis for studying Local Exchange Trading Systems (LETS): Research potentials and limitations pp. 266-275

- Eva Fraňková, Jan Fousek, Lukáš Kala and Jan Labohý
- Green goals and full employment: Are they compatible? pp. 276-286

- Miklós Antal
- Modeling economic and carbon consequences of a shift to wood-based energy in a rural ‘cluster’; a network analysis in southeast Alaska pp. 287-298

- David Saah, Trista Patterson, Thomas Buchholz, David Ganz, David Albert and Keith Rush
- The Political Transaction Costs and Uncertainties of Establishing Environmental Rights pp. 299-309

- Kerry Krutilla and Alexander Alexeev
- What matters and why? Ecosystem services and their bundled qualities pp. 310-320

- Sarah C. Klain, Terre A. Satterfield and Kai M.A. Chan
- Benefits and costs of deforestation by smallholders: Implications for forest conservation and climate policy pp. 321-332

- Oscar J. Cacho, Sarah Milne, Ricardo Gonzalez and Luca Tacconi
- Natural disasters' impact, factors of resilience and development: A meta-analysis of the macroeconomic literature pp. 333-346

- Sara Lazzaroni and Peter Bergeijk
- Policy design and technological substitution: Investigating the REACH regulation in an agent-based model pp. 347-365

- Nabila Arfaoui, Eric Brouillat and Maïder Saint Jean
- Assessing the value of the Central Everglades Planning Project (CEPP) in Everglades restoration: An ecosystem service approach pp. 366-377

- Leslie Richardson, Kelly Keefe, Christopher Huber, Laila Racevskis, Gregg Reynolds, Scott Thourot and Ian Miller
- Developing an analytical framework for reconstructing the scalar reorganization of water governance as institutional change: The case of Southern Spain pp. 378-391

- Andreas Thiel
- A ZEN approach to post-2015 development goals for Asia and the Pacific pp. 392-401

- Douglas H. Brooks, Kaushal Joshi, John McArthur, Changyong Rhee and Guanghua Wan
- Environmental decentralization and political centralization pp. 402-410

- Per Fredriksson and Jim Wollscheid
- Modelling market diffusion of electric vehicles with real world driving data — Part I: Model structure and validation pp. 411-421

- Patrick Plötz, Till Gnann and Martin Wietschel
- Material transfer agreements: An economic and econometric analysis pp. 422-430

- Laura Onofri
- Sweet dreams (are made of cellulose): Sociotechnical imaginaries of second-generation bioenergy in the global debate pp. 431-437

- Magdalena Kuchler
- Towards global voluntary standards: Questioning the effectiveness in attaining conservation goals pp. 438-446

- Denis Ruysschaert and Denis Salles
- Applying Q-methodology to select and define attributes for non-market valuation: A case study from Northwest Wyoming, United States pp. 447-456

- Christopher A. Armatas, Tyron J. Venn and Alan E. Watson
- The second generation of ecological economics: How far has the apple fallen from the tree? pp. 457-468

- Gaël Plumecocq
- Complementarity of socio-economic and emergy evaluation of agricultural production systems: The case of Slovenian dairy sector pp. 469-481

- Tina Jaklič, Luka Juvančič, Stane Kavčič and Marko Debeljak
- Cooperation in common property regimes under extreme drought conditions: Empirical evidence from the use of pooled transferable quotas in Spanish irrigation systems pp. 482-493

- Sergio Villamayor-Tomas
- Regional variation in environmental inequality: Industrial air toxics exposure in U.S. cities pp. 494-509

- Klara Zwickl, Michael Ash and James K. Boyce
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