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Ecological Economics

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland

From Elsevier
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Volume 52, issue 4, 2005

On the ethics of environmental economics as seen from textbooks pp. 421-435 Downloads
Ralf Eriksson
Additional costs of nature management caused by deposition pp. 437-451 Downloads
G.W.W. Wamelink, J.J. de Jong, H.F. Van Dobben and M.N. Van Wijk
Biological "hot spots" and their effect on optimal bioeconomic marine reserve formation pp. 453-468 Downloads
Kurt Erik Schnier
Modeling the dynamics of regulated resource systems: a fishery example pp. 469-479 Downloads
Al-Amin M. Ussif and Ussif R. Sumaila
Carbon offsets as an economic alternative to large-scale logging: a case study in Guyana pp. 481-496 Downloads
Tracey Osborne and Clyde Kiker
Land use intensification potential in slash-and-burn farming through improvements in technical efficiency pp. 497-511 Downloads
Unai Pascual
Mixing methods within stated preference environmental valuation: choice experiments and post-questionnaire qualitative analysis pp. 513-526 Downloads
N.A. Powe, G.D. Garrod and P.L. McMahon
Transaction cost measurement for evaluating environmental policies pp. 527-542 Downloads
Laura McCann, Bonnie Colby, K. Easter, Alexander Kasterine and K.V. Kuperan
How to argue with an economist: reopening political debate in Australia pp. 543-544 Downloads
Steve Hatfield-Dodds
In: Judith A. Cherni, Editor, Economic Growth versus the Environment: The Politics of Wealth, Health and Air Pollution, Palgrave, Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK (2002) ISBN 033392956X 264 pp pp. 544-545 Downloads
Timothy O'Riordan
Ethics, Equity and International Negotiations on Climate Change pp. 545-546 Downloads
Rick Reibstein
Stefan Schaltegger, Roger Burritt and Holger Petersen, An Introduction to Corporate Environmental Management, Greenleaf Publishing (2003) ISBN 1874719659 384 pp pp. 546-547 Downloads
Adrian Henriques
Environmental Conflict. In Search for Common Ground pp. 548-549 Downloads
Peter Soderbaum

Volume 52, issue 3, 2005

Integrating ecology and economics to address bioinvasions pp. 267-271 Downloads
Jason Shogren and John Tschirhart
Update on the environmental and economic costs associated with alien-invasive species in the United States pp. 273-288 Downloads
David Pimentel, Rodolfo Zuniga and Doug Morrison
Tradeable risk permits to prevent future introductions of invasive alien species into the Great Lakes pp. 289-304 Downloads
Richard D. Horan and Frank Lupi
How trade politics affect invasive species control pp. 305-313 Downloads
Michael Margolis, Jason Shogren and Carolyn Fischer
Mitigation and adaptation strategies for the control of biological invasions pp. 315-325 Downloads
Charles Perrings
Managing exotic pests under uncertainty: optimal control actions and bioeconomic investigations pp. 327-339 Downloads
Jean-Daniel M. Saphores and Jason Shogren
Importing exotic plants and the risk of invasion: are market-based instruments adequate? pp. 341-354 Downloads
Duncan Knowler and Edward Barbier
Bang for buck: cost-effective control of invasive species with different life histories pp. 355-366 Downloads
Eric R. Buhle, Michael Margolis and Jennifer L. Ruesink
The importance of bioeconomic feedback in invasive species management pp. 367-381 Downloads
David Finnoff, Jason Shogren, Brian Leung and David Lodge
The bioeconomics of tritrophic systems: applications to invasive species pp. 383-396 Downloads
Andrew Paul Gutierrez and Uri Regev
Identifying, preventing and controlling invasive plant species using their physiological traits pp. 397-416 Downloads
David Finnoff and John Tschirhart

Volume 52, issue 2, 2005

Intergenerational discounting: a new intuitive approach pp. 135-142 Downloads
Ussif R. Sumaila and Carl Walters
Integrating sustainable chain management with triple bottom line accounting pp. 143-157 Downloads
Barney Foran, Manfred Lenzen, Christopher Dey and Marcela Bilek
Nitrogen sources and Gulf hypoxia: potential for environmental credit trading pp. 159-168 Downloads
Marc Ribaudo, Ralph Heimlich and Mark Peters
Analysing the evolution of industrial ecosystems: concepts and application pp. 169-186 Downloads
Jouni Korhonen and Juha-Pekka Snakin
Reassessing the costs of biological invasion: Mnemiopsis leidyi in the Black sea pp. 187-199 Downloads
D. Knowler
Dynamic efficiency of soil erosion and phosphor reduction policies combining economic and biophysical models pp. 201-218 Downloads
Renan Goetz and Alois Keusch
Economic considerations in the optimal size and number of reserve sites pp. 219-228 Downloads
Rolf Groeneveld
Aggregation and the matching of scales in spatial economics and landscape ecology: empirical evidence and prospects for integration pp. 229-237 Downloads
Jan E. Vermaat, Florian Eppink, Jeroen van den Bergh, Aat Barendregt and Jasper van Belle
Are CO2 taxes regressive? Evidence from the Danish experience pp. 239-251 Downloads
Mette Wier, Katja Birr-Pedersen, Henrik Klinge Jacobsen and Jacob Klok
Jack M. Hollander, The real environmental crisis: why poverty, not affluence, is the environment's number one enemy, University of California Press (2003) ISBN 0520237889 235 pp pp. 253-255 Downloads
William Rees
The Death of Our Planet's Species: A Challenge to Ecology and Ethics Martin Gorke translated from German by Patricia Nevers, Island Press, Washington, DC (2003) ISBN 1559639571 407 pp. (Original German edition J.G. Cotta'sche Buchandlung, Stuttgart, 1999) pp. 255-256 Downloads
Sarah E. Fredericks
Willard W. Cochrane, The Curse of American Agricultural Abundance: A Sustainable Solution, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln (2003) ISBN 0803215290 145 pp pp. 256-257 Downloads
David Pimentel
Lawrence Frank, Peter Engelke and Thomas Schmid, Health and Community Design: The Impact of the Built Environment on Physical Activity, Island Press (2003) ISBN 1559639172 253 pp pp. 258-259 Downloads
Rodney R. White

Volume 52, issue 1, 2005

Evaluating the "Hirsch hypothesis": a comment pp. 1-3 Downloads
John Lintott
Lead markets and regulation: a framework for analyzing the international diffusion of environmental innovations pp. 5-17 Downloads
Marian Beise and Klaus Rennings
An instrument for interactive setting development goals of a socio-environmental system pp. 19-29 Downloads
H.J. de Graaf, C.J.m Musters, M.A.W. Noordervliet and W.J. ter Keurs
Renewable resources, property-rights regimes and endogenous growth pp. 31-41 Downloads
Thomas R. Dalton, R. Morris Coats and Badiollah R. Asrabadi
Exploring past and future changes in the ecological footprint for world regions pp. 43-62 Downloads
Detlef P. van Vuuren and Lex F. Bouwman
Benefits of participating in contingent valuation mail surveys and their effects on respondent behavior: a panel analysis pp. 63-80 Downloads
Noboru Hidano, Takaaki Kato and Masakazu Aritomi
Do stock markets penalize environment-unfriendly behaviour? Evidence from India pp. 81-95 Downloads
Shreekant Gupta and Bishwanath Goldar
Timber harvesting versus forest reserves--producer prices for open-use areas in German beech forests (Fagus sylvatica L.) pp. 97-110 Downloads
Thomas Knoke and Martin Moog
Climate and happiness pp. 111-125 Downloads
Katrin Rehdanz and David Maddison
Eric Neumayer, Weak Versus Strong Sustainability (2nd edition), Edward Elgar Publishing (2003) ISBN 184064060X 256 pp pp. 127-128 Downloads
Peter A. Victor
Vaclav Smil, Energy at the Crossroads: Global Perspectives and Uncertainties, MIT Press (2003) ISBN 0262194929 448 pp pp. 128-129 Downloads
Ernst Worrell
In: R. Costanza and A. Voinov, Editors, Landscape Simulation Modeling: A Spatially Explicit, Dynamic Approach, Series: Modeling Dynamic Systems, Springer-Verlag, New York (2004) ISBN 0387008357 330 pages+XIII; 116 illustrations with CD-ROM pp. 130-131 Downloads
Shivanand Balram and Suzana Dragicevic
Robert C. Paelhke, Democracy's Dilemma: Environment, Social Equity and the Global Economy, MIT Press (2003) ISBN 0-262-16215-6 316 pp pp. 131-132 Downloads
Tania Mazumdar
In: Pier Paolo Saviotti, Editors, Applied Evolutionary Economics: New Empirical Methods and Simulation Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing (2003) ISBN 1840648473 349 pp pp. 132-134 Downloads
John McLaughlin
Page updated 2025-03-28