Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 152, issue C, 2018
- Prioritising Invasive Species Control Actions: Evaluating Effectiveness, Costs, Willingness to Pay and Social Acceptance pp. 1-8

- Michaela Roberts, Will Cresswell and Nick Hanley
- Simulating Crop-Water Production Functions Using Crop Growth Models to Support Water Policy Assessments pp. 9-21

- T. Foster and Nicholas Brozovic
- Carbon Costs and Bushmeat Benefits of Hunting in Tropical Forests pp. 22-26

- Jedediah F. Brodie
- Climate Change and Agriculture: Do Environmental Preservation and Ecosystem Services Matter? pp. 27-39

- Alexandre Gori Maia, Bruno César Brito Miyamoto and Junior Garcia
- Accounting for Raw Material Embodied in Imports by Multi-regional Input-Output Modelling and Life Cycle Assessment, Using Finland as a Study Case pp. 40-50

- Pablo Piñero, Ignacio Cazcarro, Iñaki Arto, Ilmo Mäenpää, Artti Juutinen and Eva Pongrácz
- Divesting, Fast and Slow: Affective and Cognitive Drivers of Fading Voter Support for a Nuclear Phase-Out pp. 51-61

- Adrian Rinscheid and Rolf Wüstenhagen
- Productivity, Social Capital and Perceived Environmental Threats in Small-Island Fisheries: Insights from Indonesia pp. 62-75

- Satoshi Yamazaki, Budy Resosudarmo, Wardis Girsang and Eriko Hoshino
- Escaping the “Teenage” Years: The Politics of Rigor and the Evolution of Private Environmental Standards pp. 76-87

- Caleb Gallemore, Amy Guisinger, Mikkel Kruuse, Denis Ruysschaert and Kristjan Jespersen
- The Things We Share: Sharing in Daily Life and Experimental Settings Among Punan Tubu, Indonesian Borneo pp. 88-97

- Lucentezza Napitupulu, Jetske Bouma and Victoria Reyes-García
- Automatic Responses of Crop Stocks and Policies Buffer Climate Change Effects on Crop Markets and Price Volatility pp. 98-105

- Wyatt Thompson, Yaqiong Lu, Scott Gerlt, Xianyu Yang, J. Elliott Campbell, Lara M. Kueppers and Mark A. Snyder
- Mapping Watershed-Level Ecosystem Service Bundles in the Pearl River Delta, China pp. 106-117

- Mingyue Zhao, Jian Peng, Yuanxin Liu, Tianyi Li and Yanglin Wang
- Can degrowth overcome the leakage problem of unilateral climate policy? pp. 118-130

- Mario Larch, Markus Löning and Joschka Wanner
- Socioeconomic Vulnerability to Disaster Risk: A Case Study of Flood and Drought Impact in a Rural Sri Lankan Community pp. 131-140

- M.M.G.T. De Silva and Akiyuki Kawasaki
- A Policy Evaluation of the Direct Payment Scheme for Collective Stewardship of Common Property Resources in Japan pp. 141-151

- Junichi Ito, Hart Feuer, Shinichi Kitano and Midori Komiyama
- An Empirical Analysis of Institutional Demand for Valuation Knowledge pp. 152-160

- Eeva Primmer, Heli Saarikoski and Arild Vatn
- Marketing Channels for Local Food pp. 161-171

- Iryna Printezis and Carola Grebitus
- Allocation and Valuation of Smallholder Maize Residues in Western Kenya pp. 172-182

- Julia Berazneva, David R. Lee, Frank Place and George Jakubson
- Identifying Legal Priorities for Policy Making: A Forest-society-economy Context Analysed by 3-D Sustainability pp. 183-190

- Volker Mauerhofer
- Re-establishing Justice as a Pillar of Ecological Economics Through Feminist Perspectives pp. 191-198

- Phoebe Spencer, Patricia E. Perkins and Jon D. Erickson
- Looking for Medium-term Conservation and Development Impacts of Community Management Agreements in Uganda's Rwenzori Mountains National Park pp. 199-206

- Pamela Jagger, Samuel Sellers, Noah Kittner, Ipsita Das and Glenn K. Bush
- Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Ecosystem Management With Ecosystem Services: From Theory to Practice pp. 207-218

- A. Boerema, S. Van Passel and P. Meire
- Climate Change, Financial Stability and Monetary Policy pp. 219-234

- Yannis Dafermos, Maria Nikolaidi and Giorgos Galanis
- Accelerating diffusion of climate-friendly technologies: A network perspective pp. 235-245

- Solmaria Halleck-Vega, Antoine Mandel and Katrin Millock
- Achieving Global Climate and Environmental Goals by Governmental Regulatory Targeting pp. 246-259

- Nicholas A. Ashford and Ralph P. Hall
- Incentivising Participation and Spatial Coordination in Payment for Ecosystem Service Schemes: Forest Disease Control Programs in Finland pp. 260-272

- Oleg Sheremet, Enni Ruokamo, Artti Juutinen, Rauli Svento and Nick Hanley
- Not So Natural: Unequal Effects of Public Policies on the Occurrence of Disasters pp. 273-281

- André Albuquerque Sant'Anna
- A Bottom-up Approach to Environmental Cost-Benefit Analysis pp. 282-295

- Johannes Friedrich Carolus, Nick Hanley, Søren Olsen and Søren Marcus Pedersen
- The Sustainable Welfare Index: Towards a Threshold Effect for Italy pp. 296-309

- Mirko Armiento
- Nudging Farmers to Comply With Water Protection Rules – Experimental Evidence From Germany pp. 310-321

- Denise Peth, Oliver Musshoff, Katja Funke and Norbert Hirschauer
- Preferences for Attributes of Sacred Groves and Temples along an Urbanization Gradient in the National Capital Region of India pp. 322-335

- David Grace and Marc Jeuland
- A Quantitative Approach for Assessing Sustainability Performance of Corporations pp. 336-346

- Payman Ahi, Cory Searcy and Mohamad Y. Jaber
- Anaerobic Digester Production and Cost Functions pp. 347-357

- Cortney Cowley and B Brorsen
- Valuing Improvements in Biodiversity Due to Controls on Atmospheric Nitrogen Pollution pp. 358-366

- Laurence Jones, Alice Milne, Jane Hall, Gina Mills, Allan Provins and Michael Christie
- “They're All Really Important, But…”: Unpacking How People Prioritize Values for the Marine Environment in Haida Gwaii, British Columbia pp. 367-377

- Philip A. Loring and Megan S. Hinzman
- Economic Impacts of Payments for Environmental Services on Livelihoods of Agro-extractivist Communities in the Brazilian Amazon pp. 378-388

- Helena Nery Alves-Pinto, Joseph E. Hawes, Peter Newton, Rafael Feltran-Barbieri and Carlos A. Peres
Volume 151, issue C, 2018
- The Art of the State to Intervene: Insights Into Agricultural Land Management in Russia pp. 1-9

- Yuliana Griewald
- The Energy-emissions Trap pp. 10-21

- Martin R. Sers and Peter A. Victor
- Fishers' Preference Heterogeneity and Trade-offs Between Design Options for More Effective Monitoring of Fisheries pp. 22-33

- Chi Nguyen Thi Quynh, Steven Schilizzi, Atakelty Hailu and Sayed Iftekhar
- Institutional Analysis in Climate Change Adaptation Research: A Systematic Literature Review pp. 34-43

- Alexander Bisaro, Matteo Roggero and Sergio Villamayor-Tomas
- The Role of Restoration and Key Ecological Invasion Mechanisms in Optimal Spatial-Dynamic Management of Invasive Species pp. 44-54

- Heidi Albers, Kim Meyer Hall, Katherine Lee, Majid Alkaee Taleghan and Thomas G. Dietterich
- Mindsets for Sustainability: Exploring the Link Between Mindfulness and Sustainable Climate Adaptation pp. 55-61

- Christine Wamsler and Ebba Brink
- Evaluating the Contribution of Community-based Ecotourism (CBET) to Household Income and Livelihood Changes: A Case Study of the Chambok CBET Program in Cambodia pp. 62-69

- Pichdara Lonn, Nobuya Mizoue, Tetsuji Ota, Tsuyoshi Kajisa and Shigejiro Yoshida
- Including Value Orientations in Choice Models to Estimate Benefits of Wildlife Management Policies pp. 70-81

- Gianluca Grilli, Sandra Notaro and Danny Campbell
- Estimating the Benefits of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive in Atlantic Member States: A Spatial Value Transfer Approach pp. 82-94

- Daniel Norton and Stephen Hynes
- Differential Impacts of Conservation Agriculture Technology Options on Household Income in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 95-105

- Justice A. Tambo and Jonathan Mockshell
- Does the Identifiable Victim Effect Matter for Plants? Results From a Quasi-experimental Survey of French Farmers pp. 106-113

- Claire Pellegrin, Gilles Grolleau, Naoufel Mzoughi and Claude Napoleone
- Modeling the Relationship Between Pesticide Use and Farmers' Beliefs about Water Pollution in Burkina Faso pp. 114-121

- Achille Diendéré, Geneviève Nguyen, Jean-Pierre Del Corso and Charilaos Kephaliacos
- Temporal Dynamics of Ecosystem Services pp. 122-130

- Anna-Lena Rau, Henrik von Wehrden and David J. Abson
- Difference in Preferences or Multiple Preference Orderings? Comparing Choices of Environmental Bureaucrats, Recreational Anglers, and the Public pp. 131-141

- Håkan Eggert, Mitesh Kataria and Elina Lampi
- Evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation Alternatives for Smallholder Farmers in the Upper Blue-Nile Basin pp. 142-150

- Yalemzewd Nigussie, Edwin van der Werf, Xueqin Zhu, Belay Simane and Ekko van Ierland
- The Determinants of the Adoption Intention of Eco-friendly Functional Food in Different Market Segments pp. 151-161

- Ingrid Moons, Camilla Barbarossa and Patrick De Pelsmacker
- Trade-offs and Synergies Between Economic Gains and Plant Diversity Across a Range of Management Alternatives in Boreal Forests pp. 162-172

- Si Chen, Chander Shahi, Han Y.H. Chen, Praveen Kumar, Zilong Ma and Brian McLaren
- Climate Change, Population Ageing and Public Spending: Evidence on Individual Preferences pp. 173-183

- Mark Andor, Christoph Schmidt and Stephan Sommer
- Changes in Human Well-being and Rural Livelihoods Under Natural Disasters pp. 184-194

- Hongbo Yang, Thomas Dietz, Wu Yang, Jindong Zhang and Jianguo Liu
- The Effects of Source Water Quality on Drinking Water Treatment Costs: A Review and Synthesis of Empirical Literature pp. 195-209

- James I. Price and Matthew T. Heberling
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