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Ecological Economics

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland

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Volume 68, issue 12, 2009

Linking political ecology with ecological economics in tree plantation conflicts in Cameroon and Ecuador pp. 2885-2889 Downloads
Julien-François Gerber, Sandra Veuthey and Joan Martínez-Alier
Distributional impacts of car road pricing: Settlement structures determine divergence across countries pp. 2890-2896 Downloads
Dominika Kalinowska and Karl W. Steininger
Globalization and the connection of remote communities: A review of household effects and their biodiversity implications pp. 2897-2909 Downloads
Daniel Boyd Kramer, Gerald Urquhart and Kristen Schmitt
Valuing changes in forest biodiversity pp. 2910-2917 Downloads
Mikolaj Czajkowski, Malgorzata Buszko-Briggs and Nick Hanley
A strategic performance measurement system for firms across supply and demand chains on the analogy of ecological succession pp. 2918-2929 Downloads
Xiao Li, Xin Jian Gu and Zheng Gang Liu
Beyond Kyoto, plan B: A climate policy master plan based on transparent metrics pp. 2930-2937 Downloads
Aviel Verbruggen
Modeling a policy making framework for urban sustainability: Incorporating system dynamics into the Ecological Footprint pp. 2938-2949 Downloads
Wei Jin, Linyu Xu and Zhifeng Yang
Wealth differentiation in household use and trade in non-timber forest products in South Africa pp. 2950-2959 Downloads
F. Paumgarten and C.M. Shackleton
Fishery externalities and biodiversity: Trade-offs between the viability of shrimp trawling and the conservation of Frigatebirds in French Guiana pp. 2960-2968 Downloads
Vincent Martinet and Fabian Blanchard
Constant per capita consumption paths with exhaustible resources and decaying produced capital pp. 2969-2973 Downloads
Alexei F. Cheviakov and John Hartwick
Does a voluntary conservation program result in a representative protected area network?: The case of Finnish privately owned forests pp. 2974-2984 Downloads
Artti Juutinen, Mikko Mönkkönen and Anna-Liisa Ylisirniö
A transitions model for sustainable mobility pp. 2985-2995 Downloads
Jonathan Köhler, Lorraine Whitmarsh, Björn Nykvist, Michel Schilperoord, Noam Bergman and Alex Haxeltine
Innovation and diffusion of environmental technology: Industrial NOx abatement in Sweden under refunded emission payments pp. 2996-3006 Downloads
Thomas Sterner and Bruno Turnheim
A dynamic ecological-economic modeling approach for aquaculture management pp. 3007-3017 Downloads
A.M. Nobre, J.K. Musango, Martin de Wit and J.G. Ferreira
Fair Trade organic coffee production in Nicaragua -- Sustainable development or a poverty trap? pp. 3018-3025 Downloads
Joni Valkila
Wasted waste: An evolutionary perspective on industrial by-products pp. 3026-3033 Downloads
Jakub Kronenberg and Ralph Winkler
Challenges of responding to sustainability with implications for affordable housing pp. 3034-3041 Downloads
Michael Arman, Jian Zuo, Lou Wilson, George Zillante and Stephen Pullen
Deliberative valuation without prices: A multiattribute prioritization for watershed ecosystem management pp. 3042-3051 Downloads
Timothy Randhir and Deborah M. Shriver
Compensation for environmental services and intergovernmental fiscal transfers: The case of India pp. 3052-3059 Downloads
Surender Kumar and Shunsuke Managi
Modeling the human-induced spread of an aquatic invasive: The case of the zebra mussel pp. 3060-3071 Downloads
Levente Timar and Daniel Phaneuf
Socioeconomic dimensions of mercury pollution abatement: Engaging artisanal mining communities in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 3072-3083 Downloads
Samuel J. Spiegel
J.C. Kumarappa. Mahatma Gandhi's economist, Mark Lindley, Popular Prakashan, Mumbai, 2007, 223 p. + Index pp. 3084-3084 Downloads
Joan Martinez-Alier
Larry L. Rockwood, Ronald E. Stewart and Thomas Dietz, Editors, Foundations of Environmental Sustainability: The Coevolution of Science and Policy, Oxford University Press (2008) ISBN 978-0-19-530945-4 (hardbound), ix + 456 pages pp. 3084-3085 Downloads
Richard Norgaard
Peter A. Victor, Managing Without Growth; Slower by Design, Not Disaster, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA (2008) ISBN 978 1 84720 078 5 (cased), 978 1 84844 205 4 (paperback), viii+ 260pp pp. 3085-3086 Downloads
Frank G. Müller
Peter Soderbaum, Understanding sustainability economics: Towards Pluralism in Economics (1st Edition), Earthscan (2008) ISBN: 978-1-84407-627-7, paperback, 160 pp pp. 3086-3087 Downloads
Jeffrey Wagner

Volume 68, issue 11, 2009

Implications of happiness research for environmental economics pp. 2735-2742 Downloads
Heinz Welsch
Environmental diversity in recreational choice modelling pp. 2743-2750 Downloads
Angel Bujosa Bestard and Antoni Riera Font
Joint estimation of discount rates and willingness to pay for public goods pp. 2751-2759 Downloads
Craig A. Bond, Kelly Giraud Cullen and Douglas M. Larson
Broadening the picture: Negotiating payment schemes for water-related environmental services in the Netherlands pp. 2760-2767 Downloads
Roland B.A. de Groot and Leon M. Hermans
A GIS-based approach for mapping direct use value of ecosystem services at a county scale: Management implications pp. 2768-2776 Downloads
Nengwang Chen, Huancheng Li and Lihong Wang
Moral development of the economic actor pp. 2777-2784 Downloads
Stig Ingebrigtsen and Ove Jakobsen
Gender and forest conservation: The impact of women's participation in community forest governance pp. 2785-2799 Downloads
Bina Agarwal
Impact of irrigation water quality on human health: A case study in India pp. 2800-2807 Downloads
Jeena T. Srinivasan and V. Ratna Reddy
Electrification and energy productivity pp. 2808-2817 Downloads
Kerstin Enflo, Astrid Kander and Lennart Schön
Analysis of the major drivers of the ecological footprint using the STIRPAT model and the PLS method--A case study in Henan Province, China pp. 2818-2824 Downloads
Junsong Jia, Hongbing Deng, Jing Duan and Jingzhu Zhao
Optimizing the shares of native tree species in forest plantations with biased financial parameters pp. 2825-2833 Downloads
Patrick Hildebrandt and Thomas Knoke
A comparison of citizen and "expert" preferences using an attribute-based approach to choice pp. 2834-2841 Downloads
Sergio Colombo, A. Angus, J. Morris, D.J. Parsons, M. Brawn, K. Stacey and N. Hanley
The dynamics of environmentalism and the environment pp. 2842-2849 Downloads
Ingmar Schumacher
Monetary valuation of aircraft noise: A hedonic analysis around Amsterdam airport pp. 2850-2858 Downloads
Jasper Dekkers and J. Willemijn van der Straaten
Time-saving innovations, time allocation, and energy use: Evidence from Canadian households pp. 2859-2867 Downloads
Vera Brencic and Denise Young
Applying agent-based modeling to the evolution of eco-industrial systems pp. 2868-2876 Downloads
Kai Cao, Xiao Feng and Hui Wan
Environmental policy, fuel prices and the switching to natural gas in Santiago, Chile pp. 2877-2884 Downloads
Jessica Coria

Volume 68, issue 10, 2009

Beyond the Stern Review: Lessons from a risky venture at the limits of the cost-benefit analysis pp. 2479-2484 Downloads
Jean-Charles Hourcade, Philippe Ambrosi and Patrice Dumas
Linking forestry, sustainability and aesthetics pp. 2485-2489 Downloads
Thomas Panagopoulos
Theories of practice -- New inspiration for ecological economic studies on consumption pp. 2490-2497 Downloads
Inge Røpke
Dynamic modeling of environmental amenity-driven migration with ecological feedbacks pp. 2498-2510 Downloads
Yong Chen, Elena Irwin and Ciriyam Jayaprakash
The role of property rights in determining the environmental quality-income relationship pp. 2511-2524 Downloads
Haimanti Bhattacharya and Dean Lueck
Giving the consumer the choice: A methodology for Product Ecological Footprint calculation pp. 2525-2534 Downloads
Elena Alexandra Mamouni Limnios, Anas Ghadouani, Steven G.M. Schilizzi and Tim Mazzarol
A critical review of multi-criteria decision making methods with special reference to forest management and planning pp. 2535-2548 Downloads
Jayanath Ananda and Gamini Herath
Ecosystem services and regional development: An application to Sweden pp. 2549-2559 Downloads
Ing-Marie Gren and Lina Isacs
Dynamic multidimensional assessment of sustainability at the macro level: The case of Austria pp. 2560-2573 Downloads
Stanislav E. Shmelev and Beatriz Rodríguez-Labajos
Cost-benefit analysis of alien vegetation clearing for water yield and tourism in a mountain catchment in the Western Cape of South Africa pp. 2574-2579 Downloads
Bianca Currie, Suzanne J. Milton and J.C. Steenkamp
Simulating the diffusion of organic farming practices in two New EU Member States pp. 2580-2593 Downloads
Peter Kaufmann, Sigrid Stagl and Daniel W. Franks
The extraction of natural resources: The role of thermodynamic efficiency pp. 2594-2606 Downloads
Antonio Roma and Davide Pirino
Assessing poverty-deforestation links: Evidence from Swat, Pakistan pp. 2607-2618 Downloads
Shaheen Rafi Khan and Shahrukh Rafi Khan
The market for bushmeat: Colobus Satanas on Bioko Island pp. 2619-2626 Downloads
Wayne Morra, Gail Hearn and Andrew Buck
Modeling national flood insurance policy holding at the county scale in Florida, 1999-2005 pp. 2627-2636 Downloads
Sammy Zahran, Stephan Weiler, Samuel D. Brody, Michael K. Lindell and Wesley E. Highfield
The impact of demographic change on energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in Germany pp. 2637-2645 Downloads
Tobias Kronenberg
Amenity values of spatial configurations of forest landscapes over space and time in the Southern Appalachian Highlands pp. 2646-2657 Downloads
Seong-Hoon Cho, SeungGyu Kim, Roland Roberts and Suhyun Jung
CO2 emissions, research and technology transfer in China pp. 2658-2665 Downloads
James Ang
Integrated basin management: Water and food policy options for Turkey pp. 2666-2678 Downloads
Serkan Gürlük and Frank A. Ward
Policy mechanism choice for environmental management by non-commercial "lifestyle" rural landholders pp. 2679-2687 Downloads
David Pannell and Roger Wilkinson
Institutions and the R&D of GM-crops pp. 2688-2695 Downloads
Valborg Kvakkestad
Growth in global materials use, GDP and population during the 20th century pp. 2696-2705 Downloads
Fridolin Krausmann, Simone Gingrich, Nina Eisenmenger, Karl-Heinz Erb, Helmut Haberl and Marina Fischer-Kowalski
Energy consumption, carbon emissions, and economic growth in China pp. 2706-2712 Downloads
Xing-Ping Zhang and Xiao-Mei Cheng
Radiative forcing and the optimal rotation age pp. 2713-2720 Downloads
Matthew P. Thompson, Darius Adams and John Sessions
Estimating the social cost of pesticide use: An assessment from acute poisoning in Brazil pp. 2721-2728 Downloads
Wagner Lopes Soares and Marcelo Firpo de Souza Porto
Economics of biodiversity and sustainable fisheries management pp. 2729-2733 Downloads
Wisdom Akpalu

Volume 68, issue 8-9, 2009

A response to the commentary on "Compensated Successful Efforts" pp. 2179-2181 Downloads
R. Pirard, Pascale Motel Combes and P. Combes Motel
The dispersion and development of consumer preferences for genetically modified food -- A meta-analysis pp. 2182-2192 Downloads
Astrid Dannenberg
The neoclassical production function as a relic of anti-George politics: Implications for ecological economics pp. 2193-2197 Downloads
Brian Czech
Valuation in morally charged situations: The role of deontological stances and intuition for trade-off making pp. 2198-2206 Downloads
Susanne Menzel and Arnim Wiek
An institutional analysis of methods for environmental appraisal pp. 2207-2215 Downloads
Arild Vatn
An economic approach to environmental indices pp. 2216-2223 Downloads
Moriah J. Bellenger and Alan T. Herlihy
An ecological-economic model for catchment management: The case of Tonameca, Oaxaca, México pp. 2224-2231 Downloads
V.S. Avila-Foucat, C. Perrings and D. Raffaelli
Environmental efficiency measurement with translog distance functions: A parametric approach pp. 2232-2242 Downloads
Rafael A. Cuesta, C. Lovell and José Zofío
Organic farming in Scandinavia -- Productivity and market exit pp. 2243-2254 Downloads
Johannes Sauer and Tim Park
The environmental consequences of globalization: A country-specific time-series analysis pp. 2255-2264 Downloads
Jungho Baek, Yongsung Cho and Won W. Koo
Willingness of homeowners to mitigate climate risk through insurance pp. 2265-2277 Downloads
Wouter Botzen, J.C.J.H. Aerts and Jeroen van den Bergh
Relating life cycle assessment indicators to gross value added for Dutch dairy farms pp. 2278-2284 Downloads
M.A. Thomassen, M.A. Dolman, K.J. van Calker and I.J.M. de Boer
The effects of customer benefit and regulation on environmental product innovation.: Empirical evidence from appliance manufacturers in Germany pp. 2285-2295 Downloads
Daniel Kammerer
Rule making in community forestry institutions: The difference women make pp. 2296-2308 Downloads
Bina Agarwal
Footprints on the prairies: Degradation and sustainability of Canadian agricultural land in a globalizing world pp. 2309-2315 Downloads
Meidad Kissinger and William E. Rees
Understanding the use of non-compensatory decision rules in discrete choice experiments: The role of emotions pp. 2316-2326 Downloads
Jorge Araña and Carmelo J. León
Economic growth, industrial pollution and human development in the Mediterranean Region pp. 2327-2335 Downloads
Serkan Gürlük
Joint environmental and cost efficiency analysis of electricity generation pp. 2336-2343 Downloads
Eric Welch and Darold Barnum
Examining the consequences and character of "heir property" pp. 2344-2353 Downloads
B. Deaton, Jamie Baxter and Carolyn S. Bratt
Waterfront land use change and marine resource conditions: The case of New Bedford and Fairhaven, Massachusetts pp. 2354-2362 Downloads
Michelle E. Portman, Di Jin and Eric Thunberg
First-movers, non-movers, and social gains from subsidising entry in markets for nature-based recreational goods pp. 2363-2371 Downloads
Suzanne Elizabeth Vedel, Bo Thorsen and Jette Bredahl Jacobsen
The influence of cultural identity on the WTP to protect natural resources: Some empirical evidence pp. 2372-2381 Downloads
David Hoyos, Petr Mariel and Javier Fernandez-Macho
Nitrogen and sulphur outcomes of a carbon emissions target excluding traded allowances -- The Swedish case 2020 pp. 2382-2389 Downloads
Göran Östblom
Developing a social perspective to farm performance analysis pp. 2390-2398 Downloads
Mary Graham
Structural decomposition analysis of sources of decarbonizing economic development in China; 1992-2006 pp. 2399-2405 Downloads
Youguo Zhang
Growth and environmental quality: Testing the double convergence hypothesis pp. 2406-2411 Downloads
Salvatore Bimonte
Scholar-participated governance as an alternative solution to the problem of collective action in social-ecological systems pp. 2412-2425 Downloads
Lihua Yang and Jianguo Wu
The influence of decision-making rules on individual preferences for ecological restoration: Evidence from an experimental survey pp. 2426-2431 Downloads
Nobuyuki Ito, Kenji Takeuchi, Koichi Kuriyama, Yasushi Shoji, Takahiro Tsuge and Yohei Mitani
Impact of cap-and-trade policies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions on U.S. households pp. 2432-2438 Downloads
Md Rumi Shammin and Clark W. Bullard
Livestock depredation by wolves and the ranching economy in the Northwestern U.S pp. 2439-2450 Downloads
Tyler B. Muhly and Marco Musiani
Evaluation and effectiveness of breeding and production services for dairy goat farmers in Kenya pp. 2451-2460 Downloads
R.C. Bett, H.K. Bett, A.K. Kahi and K.J. Peters
Property rights and deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon pp. 2461-2468 Downloads
Claudio Araujo, Catherine Araujo Bonjean, Jean-Louis Combes, Pascale Combes Motel and Eustaquio J. Reis
Compensated successful efforts for avoided deforestation vs compensated reductions pp. 2469-2472 Downloads
Luca Tacconi
Kevin P. Gallagher and Lyuba Zarsky, The Enclave Economy. Foreign Investment and Sustainable Development in Mexico's Silicon Valley, The MIT Press (2007) ISBN 978-0-262-57242-2 214 pp pp. 2473-2474 Downloads
María Eugenia Ibarrarán
Murray Patterson and Bruce Glavovic, Editors, Ecological Economics of the Oceans and Coasts, Edward Elgar (2008) ISBN 978 84542 319 3 pp. 2473-2473 Downloads
Marjan van den Belt

Volume 68, issue 7, 2009

Pollution without subsidy? What is the environmental performance index overlooking? pp. 1903-1907 Downloads
Cemal Atici
Assessing the relationship between economic and ecological performance: Distinguishing system levels and the role of innovation pp. 1908-1914 Downloads
Frank Boons and Marcus Wagner
Global warming and livestock husbandry in Kenya: Impacts and adaptations pp. 1915-1924 Downloads
Jane Kabubo-Mariara
Methodological advancements in footprint analysis pp. 1925-1927 Downloads
Mathis Wackernagel
Towards a global multi-regional environmentally extended input-output database pp. 1928-1937 Downloads
Arnold Tukker, Evgueni Poliakov, Reinout Heijungs, Troy Hawkins, Frederik Neuwahl, José Rueda-Cantuche, Stefan Giljum, Stephan Moll, Jan Oosterhaven and Maaike Bouwmeester
Trading spaces: Calculating embodied Ecological Footprints in international trade using a Product Land Use Matrix (PLUM) pp. 1938-1951 Downloads
Daniel D. Moran, Mathis C. Wackernagel, Justin A. Kitzes, Benjamin W. Heumann, Doantam Phan and Steven H. Goldfinger
Incorporating methane into ecological footprint analysis: A case study of Ireland pp. 1952-1962 Downloads
Conor Walsh, Bernadette O'Regan and Richard Moles
Human appropriation of natural capital: A comparison of ecological footprint and water footprint analysis pp. 1963-1974 Downloads
A.Y. Hoekstra
A first empirical comparison of energy Footprints embodied in trade -- MRIO versus PLUM pp. 1975-1990 Downloads
Thomas Wiedmann
A research agenda for improving national Ecological Footprint accounts pp. 1991-2007 Downloads
Justin Kitzes, Alessandro Galli, Marco Bagliani, John Barrett, Gorm Dige, Sharon Ede, Karlheinz Erb, Stefan Giljum, Helmut Haberl, Chris Hails, Laurent Jolia-Ferrier, Sally Jungwirth, Manfred Lenzen, Kevin Lewis, Jonathan Loh, Nadia Marchettini, Hans Messinger, Krista Milne, Richard Moles, Chad Monfreda, Dan Moran, Katsura Nakano, Aili Pyhälä, William Rees, Craig Simmons, Mathis Wackernagel, Yoshihiko Wada, Connor Walsh and Thomas Wiedmann
Ecological-economic viability as a criterion of strong sustainability under uncertainty pp. 2008-2020 Downloads
Stefan Baumgärtner and Martin Quaas
Towards a systemic development approach: Building on the Human-Scale Development paradigm pp. 2021-2030 Downloads
Ivonne Cruz, Andri Stahel and Manfred Max-Neef
Dynamic modelling of water demand, water availability and adaptation strategies for power plants to global change pp. 2031-2039 Downloads
Hagen Koch and Stefan Vögele
A conjoint analysis of farmer preferences for community forestry contracts in the Sumber Jaya Watershed, Indonesia pp. 2040-2050 Downloads
Bustanul Arifin, Brent M. Swallow, S. Suyanto and Richard D. Coe
Choosing the "cargo" for Noah's Ark - Applying Weitzman's approach to Borana cattle in East Africa pp. 2051-2057 Downloads
Kerstin K. Zander, Adam G. Drucker, Karin Holm-Müller and Henner Simianer
The environment as a challenge for governmental responsibility -- The case of the European Water Framework Directive pp. 2058-2065 Downloads
Thomas Petersen, Bernd Klauer and Reiner Manstetten
The carbon footprint of UK households 1990-2004: A socio-economically disaggregated, quasi-multi-regional input-output model pp. 2066-2077 Downloads
Angela Druckman and Tim Jackson
Consumer support for environmental policies: An application to purchases of green cars pp. 2078-2086 Downloads
Alex Coad, Peter de Haan and Julia Sophie Woersdorfer
Economic prosperity, biodiversity conservation, and the environmental Kuznets curve pp. 2087-2095 Downloads
Julianne H. Mills and Thomas A. Waite
Hybrid input-output analysis of wastewater treatment and environmental impacts: A case study for the Tokyo Metropolis pp. 2096-2105 Downloads
Chen Lin
Monitoring and sanctioning in the commons: An application to forestry pp. 2106-2113 Downloads
Eric A. Coleman and Brian C. Steed
Agri-environmental schemes: Adverse selection, information structure and delegation pp. 2114-2121 Downloads
Joan Canton, Stéphane De Cara and Pierre-Alain Jayet
Decomposition of energy-related CO2 emission over 1991-2006 in China pp. 2122-2128 Downloads
Ming Zhang, Hailin Mu, Yadong Ning and Yongchen Song
The ghost of extinction: Preservation values and minimum viable population in wildlife models pp. 2129-2136 Downloads
Mark E. Eiswerth and Gerrit van Kooten
Valuing climate protection through willingness to pay for biomass ethanol pp. 2137-2144 Downloads
Barry D. Solomon and Nicholas H. Johnson
Too much of a good thing? Why altruism can harm the environment? pp. 2145-2149 Downloads
Gilles Grolleau, Lisette Ibanez and Naoufel Mzoughi
Barriers to energy efficiency: A comparison across the German commercial and services sector pp. 2150-2159 Downloads
Joachim Schleich
Too poor to be green consumers? A field experiment on revealed preferences for firewood in rural Guatemala pp. 2160-2167 Downloads
Luuk van Kempen, Roldan Muradian, César Sandóval and Juan-Pablo Castañeda
Exploring the existence of Kuznets curve in countries' environmental efficiency using DEA window analysis pp. 2168-2176 Downloads
George Halkos and Nickolaos G. Tzeremes
Climate Change and Forests. Emerging Policy and Market Opportunities.C. Streck, R. O'Sullivan, T. Janson-Smith and R. Tarasofsky, Editors, Emerging Policy and Market Opportunities, Chatham House, Brookings Institution Press (2008) 346 pp. ISBN 978-0-8157-8192-9 pp. 2177-2177 Downloads
Tobias Plieninger
J. Aronson, S.J. Milton and J.N. Blignaut, Editors, Restoring Natural Capital: Science, Business, and Practice, Society for Ecological Restoration International and Island Press (2007) ISBN 978-1-59726-077-0 (pbk.), 384 pp pp. 2178-2178 Downloads
Asa L. Aradottir

Volume 68, issue 6, 2009

Contingent valuation: confusions, problems, and solutions pp. 1569-1571 Downloads
Felix Schläpfer
Eco-efficiency: From focused technical tools to reflective sustainability analysis pp. 1572-1574 Downloads
Gjalt Huppes
Reduction of acidification from electricity -- Generating industries in Taiwan by Life Cycle Assessment and Monte Carlo optimization pp. 1575-1582 Downloads
Ying-Hsien Yang, Sue-Jane Lin and Charles Lewis
Cost data quality considerations for eco-efficiency measures pp. 1583-1590 Downloads
Andreas Ciroth
Using the budget constraint to monetarise impact assessment results pp. 1591-1598 Downloads
Bo Pedersen Weidema
R&D decision support by parallel assessment of economic, ecological and social impact -- Adipic acid from renewable resources versus adipic acid from crude oil pp. 1599-1604 Downloads
Cecilia Makishi Colodel, Thilo Kupfer, Leif-Patrik Barthel and Stefan Albrecht
Justifying the incorporation of the materials balance principle into frontier-based eco-efficiency models pp. 1605-1614 Downloads
Ludwig Lauwers
Eco-efficiency of intensification scenarios for milk production in New Zealand pp. 1615-1625 Downloads
Claudine Basset-Mens, Stewart Ledgard and Mark Boyes
Benefit and cost analysis of mariculture based on ecosystem services pp. 1626-1632 Downloads
Wei Zheng, Honghua Shi, Shang Chen and Mingyuan Zhu
Environmental cost-benefit analysis of alternative timing strategies in greenhouse gas abatement: A data envelopment analysis approach pp. 1633-1642 Downloads
Timo Kuosmanen, Neil Bijsterbosch and Rob Dellink
Environmental performance and returns to pollution abatement in China pp. 1643-1651 Downloads
Shunsuke Managi and Shinji Kaneko
Different scenarios for achieving radical reduction in carbon emissions: A decomposition analysis pp. 1652-1666 Downloads
Paolo Agnolucci, Paul Ekins, Giorgia Iacopini, Kevin Anderson, Alice Bows, Sarah Mander and Simon Shackley
Energy consumption, economic growth, and carbon emissions: Challenges faced by an EU candidate member pp. 1667-1675 Downloads
Ugur Soytas and Ramazan Sari
Linking material and energy flow analyses and social theory pp. 1676-1686 Downloads
Frank Schiller
Eco-efficiency guiding micro-level actions towards sustainability: Ten basic steps for analysis pp. 1687-1700 Downloads
Gjalt Huppes and Masanobu Ishikawa
Preferences for change: Do individuals prefer voluntary actions, soft regulations, or hard regulations to decrease fossil fuel consumption? pp. 1701-1710 Downloads
Shahzeen Z. Attari, Mary Schoen, Cliff I. Davidson, Michael L. DeKay, Wändi Bruine de Bruin, Robyn Dawes and Mitchell J. Small
Modelling of forest conversion planning with an adaptive simulation-optimization approach and simultaneous consideration of the values of timber, carbon and biodiversity pp. 1711-1722 Downloads
Rasoul Yousefpour and Marc Hanewinkel
Government investment in natural capital pp. 1723-1739 Downloads
Joe Ruggeri
Inefficiency and common property regimes pp. 1740-1748 Downloads
Daniel Fuentes-Castro
Distribution of phosphorus resources between rich and poor countries: The effect of recycling pp. 1749-1755 Downloads
Hans-Peter Weikard and Demet Seyhan
Determinants of residential water demand in Germany pp. 1756-1769 Downloads
Joachim Schleich and Thomas Hillenbrand
Why environmental management may yield no-regret pollution abatement options pp. 1770-1777 Downloads
Thierry Bréchet and Pierre-André Jouvet
Quantification of the environmental impacts of road conditions in Brazil pp. 1778-1786 Downloads
Daniela Bacchi Bartholomeu and Jos Vicente Caixeta Filho
Smallholder timber sale decisions on the Amazon frontier pp. 1787-1796 Downloads
Gregory S. Amacher, Frank D. Merry and Maria S. Bowman
Towards an integrated model of socioeconomic biodiversity drivers, pressures and impacts. A feasibility study based on three European long-term socio-ecological research platforms pp. 1797-1812 Downloads
Helmut Haberl, Veronika Gaube, Ricardo Díaz-Delgado, Kinga Krauze, Angelika Neuner, Johannes Peterseil, Christoph Plutzar, Simron J. Singh and Angheluta Vadineanu
Upstream-downstream transactions and watershed externalities: Experimental evidence from Kenya pp. 1813-1824 Downloads
B. Kelsey Jack
Environmental justice and enforcement of the safe drinking water act: The Arizona arsenic experience pp. 1825-1837 Downloads
Dennis C. Cory and Tauhidur Rahman
Environmental criteria in the public purchases above the EU threshold values by three Nordic countries: 2003 and 2005 pp. 1838-1849 Downloads
A. Nissinen, K. Parikka-Alhola and H. Rita
The cost of natural capital consumption: Accounting for a sustainable world economy pp. 1850-1857 Downloads
Peter Bartelmus
Respondent uncertainty in a contingent market for carbon offsets pp. 1858-1863 Downloads
Sonia Akter, Roy Brouwer, Luke Brander and Pieter van Beukering
The relation between forest clearance and household income among native Amazonians: Results from the Tsimane' Amazonian panel study, Bolivia pp. 1864-1871 Downloads
Ricardo Godoy, Victoria Reyes-García, Vincent Vadez, William R. Leonard, Susan Tanner, Toms Huanca and David Wilkie
What is sustainable agriculture? Empirical evidence of diverging views in Switzerland and New Zealand pp. 1872-1882 Downloads
Philipp Aerni
Ambient-based pollution mechanisms: A comparison of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups of emitters pp. 1883-1892 Downloads
Jordan Suter, Christian Vossler and Gregory Poe
Environmental amenities and optimal agricultural land use: The case of Israel pp. 1893-1898 Downloads
Iddo Kan, David Haim, Mickey Rapaport-Rom and Mordechai Shechter
Toms Hk, Bedrich Moldan and Arthur Lyon Dahl, Editors, Review of Sustainability Indicators: A Scientific Assessment, Island Press (2007) ISBN-13: 978-1-59726-130-2, 413 pages pp. 1899-1900 Downloads
Philip Lawn
Sustainability or Collapse?.Robert Costanza, Lisa J. Graumlich and Will Steffen, Editors, An Integrated History and Future of Peoples on Earth, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (2007), p. 495 ISBN-13: 978-0-262-03366-4 pp. 1900-1901 Downloads
Paul Raskin
Marine Natural Resources and Technological Development. An Economic analysis of the Wealth from the Oceans, Marco Colazingari, Routhledge Publishers, 2007, 256 pp, ISBN: 0415958520 pp. 1900-1900 Downloads
Rögnvaldur Hannesson

Volume 68, issue 5, 2009

A new method for assessing the sustainability of land-use systems (I): Identifying the relevant issues pp. 1275-1287 Downloads
Christof Walter and Hartmut Stützel
A new method for assessing the sustainability of land-use systems (II): Evaluating impact indicators pp. 1288-1300 Downloads
Christof Walter and Hartmut Stützel
Mapping community values for natural capital and ecosystem services pp. 1301-1315 Downloads
Christopher M. Raymond, Brett A. Bryan, Darla Hatton MacDonald, Andrea Cast, Sarah Strathearn, Agnes Grandgirard and Tina Kalivas
An econometric analysis of willingness-to-pay for sustainable development: A case study of the Volcji Potok landscape area pp. 1316-1328 Downloads
Miroslav Verbič and Renata Slabe-Erker
Economic growth, international trade and air pollution: A decomposition analysis pp. 1329-1339 Downloads
Anna Kukla-Gryz
Data Envelopment Analysis of different climate policy scenarios pp. 1340-1354 Downloads
Valentina Bosetti and Barbara Buchner
Effects of political institutions on air quality pp. 1355-1365 Downloads
Thomas Bernauer and Vally Koubi
Managing invasive alien species with professional and hobby farmers: Insights from ecological-economic modelling pp. 1366-1374 Downloads
Michele Graziano Ceddia, J. Heikkil and J. Peltola
An assessment of environmental sustainability in Northern Australia using the ecological footprint and with reference to Indigenous populations and remoteness pp. 1375-1384 Downloads
Richard Wood and Stephen Garnett
Environmental degradation as engine of undesirable economic growth via self-protection consumption choices pp. 1385-1397 Downloads
Angelo Antoci
Does clean air matter in developing countries' megacities? A hedonic price analysis of the Jakarta housing market, Indonesia pp. 1398-1407 Downloads
Arief Yusuf and Budy Resosudarmo
Economic and environmental impact of the CAP mid-term review on arable crop farming in South-western France pp. 1408-1416 Downloads
Claire Mosnier, Aude Ridier, Charilaos Kphaliacos and Françoise Carpy-Goulard
Economic implications of maintaining rangeland ecosystem health in a semi-arid savanna pp. 1417-1429 Downloads
W.R. Teague, U.P. Kreuter, W.E. Grant, H. Diaz-Solis and M.M. Kothmann
Asymmetric information, signaling and environmental taxes in oligopoly pp. 1430-1440 Downloads
Manel Antelo and Maria Loureiro
Life satisfaction and air quality in London pp. 1441-1453 Downloads
George MacKerron and Susana Mourato
Are virtual water "flows" in Spanish grain trade consistent with relative water scarcity? pp. 1454-1464 Downloads
P. Novo, A. Garrido and C. Varela-Ortega
Habitat preservation and restoration: Do homebuyers have preferences for quality habitat? pp. 1465-1475 Downloads
R.H. Bark, D.E. Osgood, Bonnie Colby, G. Katz and J. Stromberg
Stability of international climate coalitions -- A comparison of transfer schemes pp. 1476-1487 Downloads
Miyuki Nagashima, Rob Dellink, Ekko van Ierland and Hans-Peter Weikard
Buy local, pollute less: What drives households to join a community supported farm? pp. 1488-1495 Downloads
Douadia Bougherara, Gilles Grolleau and Naoufel Mzoughi
The projected costs and benefits of water diversion from and to the Sultan Marshes (Turkey) pp. 1496-1506 Downloads
Filiz Dadaser-Celik, Jay Coggins, Patrick L. Brezonik and Heinz G. Stefan
Polycentricity, reciprocity, and farmer adoption of conservation practices under community-based governance pp. 1507-1520 Downloads
Graham Marshall
The dynamics of optimal abatement strategies for multiple pollutants--An illustration in the Greenhouse pp. 1521-1534 Downloads
Ulf Moslener and Till Requate
The total economic value of threatened, endangered and rare species: An updated meta-analysis pp. 1535-1548 Downloads
Leslie Richardson and John Loomis
Social capital in community level environmental governance: A critique pp. 1549-1562 Downloads
Hiroe Ishihara and Unai Pascual
Jonathan Isham and Sissel Waage, Editors, Ignition, What You Can Do To Fight Global Warming and Spark A Movement, Island Press (2007) ISBN: 1597261564, 296 pp pp. 1563-1564 Downloads
Rick Reibstein
Neil A. Powe, Redesigning Environmental Valuation: Mixing Methods Within Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK (2007) ISBN 978 1 84542 279 0 202 pp pp. 1564-1565 Downloads
Robert Johnston
John M. Polimeni, Kozo Mayumi, Mario Giampietro and Blake Alcott, The Jevons Paradox and the myth of resource efficiency improvements, Earthscan, London & Sterling VA (2008) ISBN 978-1-84407-462-4 (hbk), pp xvi + 184 pp. 1565-1566 Downloads
John Peet
K.N. Ninan, Editor, The Economics of Biodiversity Conservation: Valuation in Tropical Forest Ecosystems, Earthscan (2007) ISBN: 1-84407-364-5 and 978-1-88407-364-1, 288 pp pp. 1566-1567 Downloads
Clement Tisdell

Volume 68, issue 4, 2009

Mismeasuring biological diversity: Response to Hoffmann and Hoffmann (2008) pp. 925-928 Downloads
Lou Jost
Interpretation and application of the Ecological Footprint: A reply to Fiala (2008) pp. 929-930 Downloads
Justin Kitzes, Daniel Moran, Alessandro Galli, Yoshihiko Wada and Mathis Wackernagel
Participation and evaluation for sustainable river basin governance pp. 931-939 Downloads
Paula Antunes, Giorgos Kallis, Nuno Videira and Rui Santos
3 pillars and 1 beam: Quality of river basin governance processes pp. 940-954 Downloads
Ângela Guimarães Pereira and Serafin Corral
Motives behind willingness to pay for improving biodiversity in a water ecosystem: Economics, ethics and social psychology pp. 955-964 Downloads
Clive Spash, Kevin Urama, Rob Burton, Wendy Kenyon, Peter Shannon and Gary Hill
Scoping river basin management issues with participatory modelling: The Baixo Guadiana experience pp. 965-978 Downloads
Nuno Videira, Paula Antunes and Rui Santos
Beyond the manual: Practicing deliberative visioning in a Greek island pp. 979-989 Downloads
Giorgos Kallis, Dionyssia Hatzilacou, Alexandra Mexa, Harry Coccossis and Eleni Svoronou
Participative multi-criteria analysis for the evaluation of water governance alternatives. A case in the Costa del Sol (Málaga) pp. 990-1005 Downloads
P. Paneque Salgado, Serafin Corral, Â. Guimarães Pereira, L. del Moral Ituarte and B. Pedregal Mateos
Conceptualizing sustainable development: An assessment methodology connecting values, knowledge, worldviews and scenarios pp. 1006-1019 Downloads
Bert J.M. de Vries and Arthur C. Petersen
The shadow price of assimilative capacity in optimal flow pollution control pp. 1020-1031 Downloads
Marc Leandri
The economic impacts of drought on the economy of Iran: An integration of linear programming and macroeconometric modelling approaches pp. 1032-1039 Downloads
Habibollah Salami, Naser Shahnooshi and Kenneth J. Thomson
Pollution and life expectancy: How environmental policy can promote growth pp. 1040-1051 Downloads
Xavier Pautrel
The water footprint of energy from biomass: A quantitative assessment and consequences of an increasing share of bio-energy in energy supply pp. 1052-1060 Downloads
P.W. Gerbens-Leenes, A.Y. Hoekstra and Th. van der Meer
Ecological and economic sustainability in fishery management: A multi-agent model for understanding competition and cooperation pp. 1061-1073 Downloads
Todd BenDor, Jürgen Scheffran and Bruce Hannon
Agricultural impacts on water quality and implications for virtual water trading decisions pp. 1074-1082 Downloads
J.M. Dabrowski, K. Murray, P.J. Ashton and J.J. Leaner
Applying tradable permits to biodiversity conservation: Effects of space-dependent conservation benefits and cost heterogeneity on habitat allocation pp. 1083-1092 Downloads
Martin Drechsler and Frank Wätzold
Substitutability and weighting of ecological and economic indicators: Exploring the importance of various components of a synthetic index pp. 1093-1099 Downloads
Luca Salvati and Marco Zitti
The uncertain moral context of price changes pp. 1100-1105 Downloads
Luiz Freitas and Jeffrey Wagner
Conflict between groups of players in coupled socio-economic and ecological dynamics pp. 1106-1115 Downloads
Yukari Suzuki and Yoh Iwasa
EU Emission Allowances and the stock market: Evidence from the electricity industry pp. 1116-1126 Downloads
Ulrich Oberndorfer
Adjusted net saving and welfare change pp. 1127-1139 Downloads
Yacouba Gnègnè
The impact of offering two versus three alternatives in choice modelling experiments pp. 1140-1148 Downloads
John Rolfe and Jeffrey Bennett
Taking the "U" out of Kuznets: A comprehensive analysis of the EKC and environmental degradation pp. 1149-1159 Downloads
Jill L. Caviglia-Harris, Dustin Chambers and James Kahn
Relating the environmental impact of consumption to household expenditures: An input-output analysis pp. 1160-1170 Downloads
Annemarie C. Kerkhof, Sanderine Nonhebel and Henri C. Moll
Transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge in the development of organic agriculture in Switzerland pp. 1171-1181 Downloads
Andrea Aeberhard and Stephan Rist
Environmental efficiency and labour productivity: Trade-off or joint dynamics? A theoretical investigation and empirical evidence from Italy using NAMEA pp. 1182-1194 Downloads
Massimiliano Mazzanti and Roberto Zoboli
Testing for the presence of some features of increasing returns to adoption factors in energy system dynamics: An analysis via the learning curve approach pp. 1195-1212 Downloads
Sondès Kahouli
Measuring fossil resource inequality--A case study for the UK between 1968 and 2000 pp. 1213-1225 Downloads
Eleni Papathanasopoulou and Tim Jackson
Optimal dynamic scale and structure of a multi-pollution economy pp. 1226-1238 Downloads
Stefan Baumgärtner, Frank Jöst and Ralph Winkler
Institutionalized pollution havens pp. 1239-1256 Downloads
Matthew Cole and Per Fredriksson
The social value of carbon sequestered in Great Britain's woodlands pp. 1257-1267 Downloads
Julii Brainard, Ian Bateman and Andrew A. Lovett
P. Peeters, Editor, Tourism and Climate Change Mitigation, Methods, Greenhouse Gas Reductions and Policies, Stichting NHTV (2007) ISBN 978 90 72766533 pp. 1268-1269 Downloads
Edward H. Huijbens
Robert Repetto, Editor, Punctuated Equilibrium and the Dynamics of U.S. Environmental Policy,, Yale University Press, New Haven and London (2006) ISBN:13:978-0-300-11076-0, 292 pp pp. 1269-1270 Downloads
Niki Frantzeskaki
Rationality and the Environment, Decision-making in Environmental Politics and Assessment, Bo Elling, Earthscan, London (2008) ISBN 978-1-84407-524-9 281 pp pp. 1270-1272 Downloads
Niki Frantzeskaki and Wil Thissen
John O'Neill, Alan Holland and Andrew Light, Environmental values, Routledge (2008) pp. 1272-1273 Downloads
Felix Rauschmayer

Volume 68, issue 3, 2009

A matter of opinion--How ecological and neoclassical environmental economists and think about sustainability and economics pp. 594-604 Downloads
Lydia Illge and Reimund Schwarze
Critical natural capital revisited: Ecological resilience and sustainable development pp. 605-612 Downloads
Fridolin Brand
Forest incomes and rural livelihoods in Chiradzulu District, Malawi pp. 613-624 Downloads
Penjani Kamanga, Paul Vedeld and Espen Sjaastad
Risk management instruments for debt driven conservation efforts: The case of India's Project Tiger pp. 625-633 Downloads
A. Damodaran
What exactly is corporate responsibility towards nature?: Ecological responsibility or management of nature?: A pluri-disciplinary standpoint pp. 634-642 Downloads
Damien Bazin
Defining and classifying ecosystem services for decision making pp. 643-653 Downloads
Brendan Fisher, R. Kerry Turner and Paul Morling
Identifying cost-effective hotspots for restoring natural capital and enhancing landscape multifunctionality pp. 654-668 Downloads
Neville D. Crossman and Brett A. Bryan
An empirical study of the initial adoption of ISO 14001 in Japanese manufacturing firms pp. 669-679 Downloads
Kimitaka Nishitani
A methodology to estimate impacts of domestic policies on deforestation: Compensated Successful Efforts for "avoided deforestation" (REDD) pp. 680-691 Downloads
P. Combes Motel, R. Pirard and Pascale Motel Combes
Do increases in energy efficiency improve environmental quality and sustainability? pp. 692-709 Downloads
Nick Hanley, Peter McGregor, J. Kim Swales and Karen Turner
How economic growth becomes a cost: The scarcity multiplier pp. 710-718 Downloads
Paul E. Smith
Why do manufacturing facilities introduce environmental management systems? Improving and/or signaling performance pp. 719-730 Downloads
Nick Johnstone and Julien Labonne
Public support for reducing US reliance on fossil fuels: Investigating household willingness-to-pay for energy research and development pp. 731-742 Downloads
Hui Li, Hank C. Jenkins-Smith, Carol L. Silva, Robert Berrens and Kerry G. Herron
Institutional dimensions of Payments for Ecosystem Services: An analysis of Mexico's carbon forestry programme pp. 743-761 Downloads
Esteve Corbera, Carmen González Soberanis and Katrina Brown
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of yellow-eyed penguin recovery pp. 762-776 Downloads
Jonah Busch and Ross Cullen
Can natural disasters have positive consequences? Investigating the role of embodied technical change pp. 777-786 Downloads
Stephane Hallegatte and Patrice Dumas
Impacts from restoration strategies: Assessment through valuation workshops pp. 787-797 Downloads
Begoña Álvarez-Farizo, José M. Gil and B.J. Howard
Institutional Resource Regimes: Towards sustainability through the combination of property-rights theory and policy analysis pp. 798-809 Downloads
Jean-David Gerber, Peter Knoepfel, Stéphane Nahrath and Frédéric Varone
Economic valuation of the vulnerability of world agriculture confronted with pollinator decline pp. 810-821 Downloads
Nicola Gallai, Jean-Michel Salles, Josef Settele and Bernard E. Vaissière
Modeling production externalities in the maquila industry pp. 822-835 Downloads
Becky Zerlentes, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings and Stephan Weiler
Equity weighting and the marginal damage costs of climate change pp. 836-849 Downloads
David Anthoff, Cameron Hepburn and Richard Tol
Consumers' motivational associations favoring free-range meat or less meat pp. 850-860 Downloads
Joop de Boer, Jan J. Boersema and Harry Aiking
The empirical analysis of the determinants for environmental technological change: A research agenda pp. 861-878 Downloads
Pablo del Río González
Increased ecoefficiency and gross rebound effect: Evidence from USA and six European countries 1960-2002 pp. 879-887 Downloads
Stig-Olof Holm and Göran Englund
Application of analytic hierarchy process-based model of Ratio of Comprehensive Cost to Comprehensive Profit (RCCCP) in pest management pp. 888-895 Downloads
Nianfeng Wan, Jiexian Jiang, Xiangyun Ji and Jianyu Deng
Climate change and its marginalizing effect on agriculture pp. 896-904 Downloads
Fernando Mestre-Sanchís and María Luisa Feijóo-Bello
Input-output subsystems and pollution: An application to the service sector and CO2 emissions in Spain pp. 905-914 Downloads
Vicent Alcantara and Emilio Padilla Rosa
The political economy of global carbon emissions reductions pp. 915-924 Downloads
Stephen DeCanio

Volume 68, issue 1-2, 2008

Volitional pragmatism pp. 1-13 Downloads
Daniel Bromley
Contribution values of biodiversity to ecosystem performances: A viability perspective pp. 14-23 Downloads
C. Béné and Luc Doyen
Participatory modeling of endangered wildlife systems: Simulating the sage-grouse and land use in Central Washington pp. 24-33 Downloads
Allyson Beall and Len Zeoli
Conserving what's important: Using choice model scenarios to value local cattle breeds in East Africa pp. 34-45 Downloads
Kerstin K. Zander and Adam G. Drucker
A note on the interaction between corporate social responsibility and financial performance pp. 46-55 Downloads
Bert Scholtens
Being green and export intensity of SMEs: The moderating influence of perceived uncertainty pp. 56-67 Downloads
Inmaculada Martin-Tapia, Juan Alberto Aragon-Correa and Maria Eugenia Senise-Barrio
Participative democracy and local environmental issues pp. 68-79 Downloads
Emmanuel Martinez, Tarik Tazdaït and Elisabeth Tovar
Luxury or 'lock-in'? An exploration of unsustainable consumption in the UK: 1968 to 2000 pp. 80-95 Downloads
Tim Jackson and Eleni Papathanasopoulou
Cost-efficient choice of measures in agriculture to reduce the nitrogen load flowing from the Danube River into the Black Sea: An analysis for Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania pp. 96-105 Downloads
Lena Fröschl, Roger Pierrard and Wilfried Schönbäck
A reexamination of the role of income for the trade and environment debate pp. 106-115 Downloads
Derek Kellenberg
Ecosystem service value assessment for constructed wetlands: A case study in Hangzhou, China pp. 116-125 Downloads
Wu Yang, Jie Chang, Bin Xu, Changhui Peng and Ying Ge
Long term trends in resource exergy consumption and useful work supplies in the UK, 1900 to 2000 pp. 126-140 Downloads
Benjamin Warr, Heinz Schandl and Robert U. Ayres
Watershed shift: Collaboration and employers in the New York City Catskill/Delaware Watershed from 1990-2003 pp. 141-161 Downloads
Joan Hoffman
Regional convergence of environmental variables: Empirical evidences from land degradation pp. 162-168 Downloads
Luca Salvati and Marco Zitti
Norms and economic motivation in the Swedish green electricity market pp. 169-182 Downloads
Kristina Ek and Patrik Söderholm
Coase, Pigou and the potato: Whither farmers' rights? pp. 183-193 Downloads
Enrico Bertacchini
A three-perspective view of greenhouse gas emission responsibilities in New Zealand pp. 194-204 Downloads
Robbie Andrew and Vicky Forgie
Environmental regulations and market power: The case of the Korean manufacturing industries pp. 205-209 Downloads
Myunghun Lee
Climate policy and ancillary benefits: A survey and integration into the modelling of international negotiations on climate change pp. 210-220 Downloads
Karen Pittel and Dirk Rübbelke
The sustainable residential water use: Sustainability, efficiency and social equity. The European experience pp. 221-229 Downloads
Kostas Bithas
Biosecurity incentives, network effects, and entry of a rapidly spreading pest pp. 230-239 Downloads
David Hennessy
The role of natural resource amenities in attracting retirees: Implications for economic growth policy pp. 240-248 Downloads
Neelam C. Poudyal, Donald G. Hodges and H. Ken Cordell
Industrial output restriction and the Kyoto protocol: An input-output approach with application to Canada pp. 249-258 Downloads
Benoit Lixon, Paul J. Thomassin and Bertrand Hamaide
Trust, cooperation, and implementation of sustainability programs: The case of Local Agenda 21 pp. 259-272 Downloads
Ann Owen and Julio Videras
Relationships between water pollutant discharges per capita (PDCs) and indicators of economic level, water supply and sanitation in developing countries pp. 273-287 Downloads
Yoshiaki Tsuzuki
Economic impact of alternative water policy scenarios in the Spanish production system: An input-output analysis pp. 288-294 Downloads
Maria Llop
Estimating optimal conservation in the context of agri-environmental schemes pp. 295-305 Downloads
Frank Wätzold, Nele Lienhoop, Martin Drechsler and Josef Settele
Eco-efficiency analysis of industrial system in China: A data envelopment analysis approach pp. 306-316 Downloads
Bing Zhang, Jun Bi, Ziying Fan, Zengwei Yuan and Junjie Ge
The biophysical perspective of a middle income economy: Material flows in Mexico pp. 317-327 Downloads
Ana Citlalic Gonzalez-Martinez and Heinz Schandl
Valuing black-faced spoonbill conservation in Macao: A policy and contingent valuation study pp. 328-335 Downloads
Jianjun Jin, Zhishi Wang and Xuemin Liu
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation in Cameroon -- Assessing costs and benefits pp. 336-344 Downloads
Valentin Bellassen and Vincent Gitz
Reexamination of stock price reaction to environmental performance: A GARCH application pp. 345-352 Downloads
Keiko Yamaguchi
Measuring consumption in households: Interpretations and strategies pp. 353-361 Downloads
Jesper Ole Jensen
Valuing local endangered species: The role of intra-species substitutes pp. 362-369 Downloads
Maria Loureiro and Elena Ojea
Swedish agriculture during the twentieth century in relation to sustainability pp. 370-380 Downloads
Basim Saifi and Lars Drake
Costs of climate change: The effects of rising temperatures on health and productivity in Germany pp. 381-393 Downloads
Michael Hübler, Gernot Klepper and Sonja Peterson
Long term changes in social metabolism and land use in Czechoslovakia, 1830-2000: An energy transition under changing political regimes pp. 394-407 Downloads
Petra Kuskova, Simone Gingrich and Fridolin Krausmann
Marginal CO2 cost pass-through under imperfect competition in power markets pp. 408-421 Downloads
Liliya Chernyavs'ka and Francesco Gullì
Increasing marginal returns and the danger of collapse of commercially valuable fish stocks pp. 422-428 Downloads
Jose M. Maroto and Manuel Moran
Wetland ownership and management in a common property resource setting: A case study of Hakaluki Haor in Bangladesh pp. 429-436 Downloads
Irina Ahmed, B. Deaton, Rakhal Sarker and Tasneem Virani
Valuing future development rights: The costs of conservation easements pp. 437-446 Downloads
Kathryn Anderson and Diana Weinhold
Employment impacts of EU biofuels policy: Combining bottom-up technology information and sectoral market simulations in an input-output framework pp. 447-460 Downloads
Frederik Neuwahl, Andreas Löschel, Ignazio Mongelli and Luis Delgado
A common-pool resource approach for water quality management: An Australian case study pp. 461-471 Downloads
Ashutosh Sarker, Helen Ross and Krishna K. Shrestha
Promoting environmentally sound furniture by green public procurement pp. 472-485 Downloads
Katriina Parikka-Alhola
Salinity in water markets: An experimental investigation of the Sunraysia Salinity Levy in Australia pp. 486-503 Downloads
Charlotte Duke and Lata Gangadharan
The 'neighbor effect': Simulating dynamics in consumer preferences for new vehicle technologies pp. 504-516 Downloads
Paulus Mau, Jimena Eyzaguirre, Mark Jaccard, Colleen Collins-Dodd and Kenneth Tiedemann
Estimating cost functions for the four large carnivores in Sweden pp. 517-524 Downloads
Göran Bostedt and Pontus Grahn
Farmers' satisfaction with aquaculture -- A logistic model in Vietnam pp. 525-531 Downloads
Duc Nguyen
Least-cost tradeable risk permit scheme for controlling risk of introducing invasive alien species by shipping pp. 532-535 Downloads
Hongli Feng and David Hennessy
Using attitudinal data to identify latent classes that vary in their preference for landscape preservation pp. 536-546 Downloads
Edward Morey, Mara Thiene, Maria De Salvo and Giovanni Signorello
The Environment and Well-Being in Urban China pp. 547-555 Downloads
Russell Smyth, Vinod Mishra and Xiaolei Qian
The threat of weighting biases in environmental decision analysis pp. 556-569 Downloads
Raimo P. Hämäläinen and Susanna Alaja
Bounded rationality in contingent valuation: Empirical evidence using cognitive psychology pp. 570-581 Downloads
Oliver Frör
Natural disasters impacting a macroeconomic model with endogenous dynamics pp. 582-592 Downloads
Stephane Hallegatte and Michael Ghil
Page updated 2025-03-28