Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 190, issue C, 2021
- Challenging the ecological economics of water: Social and political perspectives

- Arnaud Buchs, Iratxe Calvo-Mendieta, Olivier Petit and Philippe Roman
- Risk averse policies foster bio-economic sustainability in mixed fisheries

- Eric Tromeur, Luc Doyen, Violaine Tarizzo, L. Richard Little, Sarah Jennings and Olivier Thébaud
- The determinants of common bean variety selection and diversification in Colombia

- Hernan Botero, Andrew P. Barnes, Lisset Perez, David Rios and Julian Ramirez-Villegas
- The profile of time allocation in the metabolic pattern of society: An internal biophysical limit to economic growth

- Michele Manfroni, Raúl Velasco-Fernández, Laura Pérez-Sánchez, Sandra G.F. Bukkens and Mario Giampietro
- Policy-oriented versus market-induced: Factors influencing crop diversity across China

- Xiaoqing Song, Xiong Wang, Xinyi Li, Weina Zhang and Jürgen Scheffran
- A methodological framework for understanding shared social values in deliberative valuation

- Georgia Mavrommati, Mark E. Borsuk, Allison I. Kreiley, Christopher Larosee, Shannon Rogers, Klancey Burford and Richard B. Howarth
- Measuring the economic value of urban river restoration

- Dan Dai, Roy Brouwer and Kun Lei
- Towards a science of deep transformations: Initiating a dialogue between degrowth and critical realism

- Hubert Buch-Hansen and Iana Nesterova
- Predicting uptake of a malignant catarrhal fever vaccine by pastoralists in northern Tanzania: Opportunities for improving livelihoods and ecosystem health

- Catherine Decker, Nick Hanley, Mikolaj Czajkowski, Thomas A. Morrison, Julius Keyyu, Linus Munishi, Felix Lankester and Sarah Cleaveland
- Between you and I: A portfolio theory of the circular economy

- Frank Figge, Andrea Stevenson Thorpe and Siarhei Manzhynski
- Ecological compensation: How much and where?

- Pascal Gastineau, Pascal Mossay and Emmanuelle Taugourdeau
- Travel-cost method for assessing the monetary value of recreational services in the Ömerli Catchment

- Nuket Ipek Cetin, Gulhan Bourget and Azime Tezer
- Volatility-reducing biodiversity conservation under strategic interactions

- Emmanuelle Augeraud-Véron, Giorgio Fabbri and Katheline Schubert
- Natural hazard risk and life satisfaction – Empirical evidence for hurricanes

- Michael Berlemann and Marina Eurich
- On physical and social-cost-based CO2 equivalents for transient albedo-induced forcing

- Jussi Lintunen and Aapo Rautiainen
- The heat is on: A framework for measuring financial stress under disruptive energy transition scenarios

- Robert Vermeulen, Edo Schets, Melanie Lohuis, Barbara Kölbl, David-Jan Jansen and Willem Heeringa
- Socio-ecological transition in a Mediterranean agroecosystem: What energy flows tell us about agricultural landscapes ruled by landlords, peasants and tourism (Mallorca, 1860-1956-2012)

- O. Fullana Llinàs, E. Tello Aragay, I. Murray Mas, G. Jover-Avellà and J. Marull López
- Health benefits of local government sustainability efforts: A social cognitive perspective

- Hyunjung Ji and Su Hyun Shin
- Moderately radical? Stakeholders' perspectives on societal roles and transformative potential of organic agriculture

- Lukas Zagata, Tomas Uhnak and Jiří Hrabák
- It takes two to dance: Institutional dynamics and climate-related financial policies

- Moritz Baer, Emanuele Campiglio and Jérôme Deyris
- Ex-ante assessment of the cost-effectiveness of public policies to sequester carbon in soils

- Jean-Marc Blazy, J. Subervie, J. Paul, F. Causeret, L. Guindé, S. Moulla, Alban Thomas and J. Sierra
- Intentional degrowth and its unintended consequences: Uneven journeys towards post-growth transformations

- Thomas S.J. Smith, Mariusz Baranowski and Benedikt Schmid
Volume 189, issue C, 2021
- Improving the validity and credibility of the sociocultural valuation of ecosystem services in Amman, Jordan

- Megan Peck and Luna Khirfan
- Motivations for maintaining crop diversity: Evidence from Vermont's seed systems

- Carina Isbell, Daniel Tobin and Travis Reynolds
- Guiding cities under increased droughts: The limits to sustainable urban futures

- Roger Cremades, Anabel Sanchez-Plaza, Richard J Hewitt, Hermine Mitter, Jacopo A. Baggio, Marta Olazabal, Annelies Broekman, Bernadette Kropf and Nicu Constantin Tudose
- Have environmental preferences and willingness to pay remained stable before and during the global Covid-19 shock?

- Stephen Hynes, Claire W. Armstrong, Bui Bich Xuan, Isaac Ankamah-Yeboah, Katherine Simpson, Robert Tinch and Adriana Ressurreição
- Contingent valuation estimates for environmental goods: Validity and reliability

- Angel Perni, Jesús Barreiro-Hurlé and J. Martinez-Paz
- The economic values of global forest ecosystem services: A meta-analysis

- Fitalew Agimass Taye, Maja Vinde Folkersen, Christopher M. Fleming, Andrew Buckwell, Brendan Mackey, K.C. Diwakar, Dung Le, Syezlin Hasan and Chantal Saint Ange
- The provision of drinking water in First Nations communities and Ontario municipalities: Insight into the emergence of water sharing arrangements

- B. Deaton and Bethany Lipka
- Are investors aware of climate-related transition risks? Evidence from mutual fund flows

- Juan Reboredo and Luis A. Otero
- The value of carbon emission reduction induced by Renewable Energy Sources in the Italian power market

- Filippo Beltrami, Fulvio Fontini and Luigi Grossi
- The economics of biodiversity: Accounting for human impact in the biosphere

- Nuno Martins
- Unfolding differences in the distribution of coastal marine ecosystem services values among developed and developing countries

- Nadia Selene Zamboni, Eurico Mesquita Noleto Filho and Adriana Rosa Carvalho
- Sustainable welfare: How do universal basic income and universal basic services compare?

- Milena Büchs
- Air pollution in an urban world: A global view on density, cities and emissions

- David Castells-Quintana, Elisa Dienesch and Melanie Krause
- An estimate of the Genuine Progress Indicator for Iceland, 2000–2019

- David Cook and Brynhildur Davíðsdóttir
- Sustainable consumption behavior of Europeans: The influence of environmental knowledge and risk perception on environmental concern and behavioral intention

- Ulla A. Saari, Svenja Damberg, Lena Frömbling and Christian M. Ringle
- Weather, climate and economic outcomes: Evidence from Italy

- Alessandro Olper, Maurizio Maugeri, Veronica Manara and Valentina Raimondi
- Carbon pricing of basic materials: Incentives and risks for the value chain and consumers

- Jan Stede, Stefan Pauliuk, Gilang Hardadi and Karsten Neuhoff
- The role of non-cognitive skills in farmers' adoption of climate change mitigation measures

- Cordelia Kreft, Robert Huber, David Wuepper and Robert Finger
- What drives clearing of old-growth forest over secondary forests in tropical shifting cultivation systems? Evidence from the Peruvian Amazon

- Oliver T. Coomes, Yuanyu Cheng, Yoshito Takasaki and Christian Abizaid
- Fostering critical pluralism with systems theory, methods, and heuristics

- K. Kish, D. Mallery, G. Yahya Haage, R. Melgar-Melgar, M. Burke, C. Orr, N.L. Smolyar, S. Sanniti and J. Larson
- Towards the development of economic damage functions for weather and climate extremes

- Christian L.E. Franzke
- What determines consumers' use of eco-labels? Taking a close look at label trust

- Matthew Gorton, Barbara Tocco, Ching-Hua Yeh and Monika Hartmann
- Birds of a feather lockdown together: Mutual bird-human benefits during a global pandemic

- Michael Brock, Jacqueline Doremus and Liqing Li
- Taking the discourse seriously: Rational self-interest and resistance to mining in Kyrgyzstan

- Beril Ocaklı, Tobias Krueger, Marco A. Janssen and Ulan Kasymov
- To what extent do brands contribute to sustainability transition in agricultural production practices? Lessons from three European case studies

- Paul Swagemakers, Markus Schermer, María Dolores Domínguez García, Pierluigi Milone and Flaminia Ventura
- Market failure, tradable discharge permit, and pollution reduction: Evidence from industrial firms in China

- Maogang Tang, Zhen Li, Fengxia Hu, Baijun Wu and Ruihan Zhang
- Does corporate environmentalism affect corporate insolvency risk? The role of market power and competitive intensity

- Saqib Aziz, Mahabubur Rahman, Dildar Hussain and Duc K. Nguyen
Volume 188, issue C, 2021
- Impact of aircraft lifetime change on lifecycle CO2 emissions and costs in Japan

- Minami Kito
- Nutrient load compensation as a means of maintaining the good ecological status of surface waters

- Sanna Lötjönen, Markku Ollikainen, Niina Kotamäki, Markus Huttunen and Inese Huttunen
- Self-selection bias in estimating the determinants of landowners' Re-enrollment decisions in forest incentive programs

- Yohei Mitani and Hideki Shimada
- Informal institutions and grassland protection: Empirical evidence from pastoral regions in China

- Dongqing Li, Lingling Hou and Alec Zuo
- Re-building historical commons: How formal institutions affect participation in community forests in Galicia, Spain

- M. Nieto-Romero, C. Parra and B. Bock
- The dual effects of heterogeneous environmental regulation on the technological innovation of Chinese steel enterprises—Based on a high-dimensional fixed effects model

- Xuehong Zhu, Xuguang Zuo and Hailing Li
- Demand drivers and changes in food-related emissions in the UK: A decomposition approach

- Beatrice Biondi, Concetta Castiglione and Mario Mazzocchi
- Investment, insurance and weather shocks: Evidence from Cambodia

- Chiara Falco, Valentina Rotondi, Douch Kong and Valeria Spelta
- Getting the Costs of Environmental Protection Right: Why Climate Policy Is Inexpensive in the End

- Lucas Bretschger
- Consumers' knowledge and perceptions of endangered livestock breeds: How wording influences conservation efforts

- Anna Katharina Menger and Ulrich Hamm
- The micronutrient content of the European Union's agricultural trade

- Farina Hoffmann, Thomas Koellner and Thomas Kastner
- Canadian efforts to slow the spread of Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire) are economically efficient

- Emily S. Hope, Daniel W. McKenney, John H. Pedlar, Kevin Lawrence and Heather MacDonald
- Tracing Austria's biomass consumption to source countries: A product-level comparison between bioenergy, food and material

- Gerald Kalt, Lisa Kaufmann, Thomas Kastner and Fridolin Krausmann
- Does sustainability-promoting policy making reduce our welfare?

- Ulrich Witt
- Twenty-five years of social multi-criteria evaluation (SMCE) in the search for sustainability: Analysis of case studies

- Iker Etxano and Unai Villalba-Eguiluz
- Interest-bearing loans and unpayable debts in slow-growing economies: Insights from ten historical cases

- Tilman Hartley and Giorgos Kallis
- Gone with the wind: Impact of soil-dust storms on farm income

- Heydar Gholizadeh, Mohammad Hossein Zoghipour, Mohammad Torshizi, Mohammad Reza Nazari and Narges Moradkhani
- Water resource quality effects on water treatment costs: An analysis for the Brazilian case

- André Felipe Danelon, Fernanda Gaudio Augusto and Humberto Francisco Silva Spolador
- The value of responsibly farmed fish: A hedonic price study of ASC-certified whitefish

- Frank Asche, Julia Bronnmann and Andreea L. Cojocaru
- Nature-based recreation in Germany: Insights into volume and economic significance

- Johannes Hermes, Christina von Haaren, Dirk Schmücker and Christian Albert
- Integrated modelling of cost-effective policies to regulate Western Corn Rootworm under climate scenarios in Austria

- Katharina Falkner, Erwin Schmid and Hermine Mitter
- Access to marine ecosystems services: Inequalities in Scotland's young people

- Estelle Jones and Cornilius Chikwama
- Climate change and species decline: Distinct sources of European consumer concern supporting more sustainable diets

- Joop de Boer and Harry Aiking
- Integrating the green economy, circular economy and bioeconomy in a strategic sustainability framework

- D. D'Amato and J. Korhonen
- Full speed ahead or floating around? Dynamics of selected circular bioeconomies in Europe

- Maximilian Kardung and Dušan Drabik
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