Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 7, issue 3, 1993
- Human economics: A non-human perspective pp. 183-202

- Wolfgang Sterrer
- Sustainable development: An institutional approach pp. 203-222

- Hans Opschoor and Jan van der Straaten
- Effects of different descriptions of the ecological good on willingness to pay values pp. 223-238

- R. Hoevenagel and J. W. van der Linden
- Dynamic inconsistency in valuing environmental goods pp. 239-254

- Thomas D. Crocker and Jason Shogren
- Alternative economic indicators: Victor Anderson. Routledge, London, 1991. 106 pp. ISBN 0-415-04164-3 pp. 255-256

- Richard B. Norgaard
- Alternative economic indicators: Victor Anderson. Routledge, London, 1991. 106 pp. ISBN 0-415-04164-3 pp. 256-257

- Laszlo Zsolnai
- International banks and the environment: From growth to sustainability, an unfinished agenda: Raymond F. Mikesell and Larry Williams. Sierra Club Books, San Francisco, CA, 1992. $30. ISBN 0-87156-640-0 pp. 257-258

- Robert Costanza
- Beyond oil: The threat to food and fuel in the coming decades: John Gever, Robert Kaufmann, David Skole and Charles Vorosmarty. University Press of Colorado, Niwot, CO, 1991 (3rd edition) pp. 258-259

- Clifford Cobb
- Dynamics of complex interconnected biological systems: Thomas L. Vincent, Alistair I. Mees, and Leslie S. Jennings (editors). Birkhauser, Boston, 1990, ISBN 0-8176-3504-1 pp. 259-260

- Robert Costanza and Thomas Maxwell
- Community and the economy: The theory of public co-operation: Jonathan S. Boswell. Routledge, London, 1990, 240 pp., [UK pound]30.00, ISBN 0 415 05556 3 pp. 260-262

- Mary E. Clark
- IMAGE: An integrated model to assess the greenhouse effect: Jan Rotmans, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 1990, 289 pp., ISBN 0 7923 0957 X pp. 262-263

- Leon Braat
Volume 7, issue 2, 1993
- Sustainable rural development in Latin America: building from the bottom-up pp. 93-121

- Miguel A. Altieri and Omar Masera
- An exploration of alternative measures of natural resource scarcity: the case of petroleum resources in the U.S pp. 123-157

- Cutler J. Cleveland
- Alternative nitrogen reduction policies in the Malar region, Sweden pp. 159-172

- Ing-Marie Gren
- Free market environmentalism: Terry L. Anderson and Donald R. Leal. Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy and Westview Press, Boulder, CO, 1991 pp. 173-176

- Herman Daly
- Land use changes in Europe: Floor M. Brouwer, A.J. Thomas and Michael J. Chadwick (Editors). Kluwer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 1991, 528 pp., US $149.90, ISBN 0 7923 1099 3 pp. 176-177

- David Pimentel
- Amazon conservation in the age of development: The limits of providence: Ronald A. Foresta. The University of Florida Press, Gainesville, FL, 1991, 366 pp., [UK pound]38.50, ISBN 0 8130 1092 6 pp. 178-179

- Ariel E. Lugo
- Steady-state economics: Second edition with new essays: Herman E. Daly. Island Press, Washington, DC, 1991, 302 pp., ISBN 1 55963 072 8 pp. 179-180

- Kenneth E. Boulding
- Friday morning reflections at the World Bank: Essays on values and development: David Beckman, Ramgopal Agarwala, Sven Burmester and Ismail Serageldin. Seven Locks Press, Washington, DC, 1991, 80 pp., ISBN 0 932020 78 X pp. 180-181

- Hjort (Af Ornas), Anders
Volume 7, issue 1, 1993
- Value standards in sub-sustainable development. On limits of ecological economics pp. 1-18

- Soren Bergstrom
- Ecologically sustainable development and project appraisal in developing countries pp. 19-42

- Michiel J. F. van Pelt
- Intertemporal valuation in an unpredictable environment pp. 43-67

- Friedhelm R. Drepper and Bengt A. Mansson
- The second law of thermodynamics and the economic process pp. 69-71

- A. G. Williamson
- The population explosion: Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich, Simon & Schuster, New York, USA, 1990. 330 pp., U$18.95. ISBN 0 671 68984 3 pp. 73-75

- Nathan Keyfitz
- Blueprint for a green economy: David Pearce, Anil Markandya and Edward B. Barbier. Earthscan, London, Great Britain, 1989. 192 pp., [UK pound]6.95. ISBN 1 85383 066 6.: Blueprint 2: Greening the World Economy: David Pearce (Editor). Earthscan, London, Great Britain, 1991. 232 pp. [UK pound]7.95. ISBN 1 85383 076 3 pp. 75-78

- Robert Kaufmann
- Natural resources, growth and development: Natural resources, growth and development: Economics, Ecology and Resource Scarcity. Clement Tisdell, Praeger, New York, 1990. 186 pp pp. 78-79

- David Pearce
- Man, nature & technology: Essays on the role of ideological perceptions: Erik Baark and Uno Svedin (Editors). The Macmillan Press, London, Great Britain, 1988. Hardcover 150 pp. ISBN 0 333 42812 9 pp. 79-83

- David J. Rapport
Volume 6, issue 3, 1992
- Allocation, distribution, and scale: towards an economics that is efficient, just, and sustainable pp. 185-193

- Herman Daly
- Consumption, production and technological progress: a unified entropic approach pp. 195-210

- Tran Huu Dung
- Ecological economics and scientific controversies. Lessons from some recent policy making in the EEC pp. 211-233

- Jean-Charles Hourcade, Jean-Michel Salles and Daniel Thery
- Land use regulation in the Lake George basin: an ecological economic perspective pp. 235-252

- Peg R. Olsen and John Gowdy
- Towards an ecologically sustainable economy: Britt Aniansson and Uno Svedin (Editors). Swedish Council for Planning and Coordination of Research, Report 90/6, Stockholm, Sweden, 1990. 144 pp. ISBN 91-86174-67-3 pp. 253-254

- Robert Goodland
- Conservation for the twenty-first century: David Western and Mary C. Pearl (Editors). Oxford University Press for Wildlife Conservation International and the New York Zoological Society, Oxford, Great Britain, 1989 US$36.96. ISBN 0195054741 pp. 254-255

- Lloyd L. Loope
- The preservation and valuation of biological resources: G.H. Orians, G.M. Brown, W.E. Kunin and J.E. Swierzbinski (Editors). University of Washington Press, Seattle, 1990. x + 301. ISBN 0-295-97029-4 pp. 256-259

- Charles Perrings
- Linking the natural environment and the economy: Essays from the eco-eco group: Carl Folke and Tomas Kaberger (Editors). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 1991 pp. 259-261

- Daniel A. Underwood
Volume 6, issue 2, 1992
- Policy implications of Gaian theory pp. 103-118

- Richard R. Wallace and Bryan G. Norton
- The human firm in the natural environment: a socio-economic analysis of its behavior pp. 119-138

- John Tomer
- Energy quality and energy surplus in the extraction of fossil fuels in the U.S pp. 139-162

- Cutler J. Cleveland
- Economic returns from forest conversion in the Peruvian Amazon pp. 163-173

- Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez, Daniel Zarin and Peter Jipp
- Wetlands. Market and intervention failures. Four case studies: Kerry Turner and Tom Jones (Editors). Earthscan Publications Limited, London, United Kingdom, 1M990. 202 pp., [UK pound]12.95. ISBN 1-85383-102-6 pp. 175-176

- Ing-Marie Andreasson-Gren
- Economy and ecology: Towards sustainable development: F. Archibugi and P. Nijkamp (Editors). Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1989. 348 pp. ISBN 0-7923- 0477-2 pp. 176-180

- R. K. Turner
- Uncertainty and quality in science for policy: S.O. Funtowicz and J.R. Ravetz. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1990. 229 pp., bibliography, index. ISBN 0 7923 0799 2 pp. 180-182

- Timothy O'Riordan
- The global citizen: Donella H. Meadows. Island Press, Washington, DC, 1991. 300 pp., US$14.95 pp. 182-184

- Rafal Serafin
Volume 6, issue 1, 1992
- Pascal's wager and conomics in a hotter time pp. 1-6

- David W. Orr
- Towards an ecological economics of sustainability pp. 7-34

- Mick Common and Charles Perrings
- A biophysical analysis of the energy/real GDP ratio: implications for substitution and technical change pp. 35-56

- Robert Kaufmann
- The rainforest supply price: a tool for evaluating rainforest conservation expenditures pp. 57-78

- H. Jack Ruitenbeek
- Endogenous environmental degradation and land conservation: agricultural land use in a large region pp. 79-101

- Donald Jones and R. V. O'Neill
Volume 5, issue 3, 1992
- International lending and resource development in Mexico: can environmental quality be assured? pp. 197-211

- Luis A. Bojorquez-Tapia and Enrique Ongay-Delhumeau
- An assessment of alternative agricultural policies to reduce nitrogen fertilizer use pp. 213-234

- Wen-Yuan Huang and Noel D. Uri
- Allocating conservation expenditures: accounting for inter-species genetic distinctiveness pp. 235-249

- Mark E. Eiswerth and J. Christopher Haney
- Regulation of externalities in an open economy pp. 251-265

- Eun Choi and Stanley R. Johnson
Volume 5, issue 2, 1992
- Introduction to this special issue on the May 1990 ISEE conference pp. iii-iv

- R. Costanza
- Economics and ecology: a comparison of experimental methodologies and philosophies pp. 101-126

- Jason Shogren and Clifford Nowell
- Neoclassical and institutional approaches to development and the environment pp. 127-144

- Peter Soderbaum
- The value of a watershed as a series of linked multiproduct assets pp. 145-161

- Robert R. Gottfried
- Failure of irrigation projects and consequences for a different approach: a case study pp. 163-178

- Robert Zwahlen
- Comparison of alternative nonmarket valuation methods for an economic assessment of a public program pp. 179-196

- Kun H. John, Richard G. Walsh and Chester G. Moore
Volume 5, issue 1, 1992
- A systems perspective on the interrelations between natural, human-made and cultural capital pp. 1-8

- Fikret Berkes and Carl Folke
- U.N. conferences on environment and development: Retrospect on Stockholm and prospects for Rio pp. 9-14

- Herman Daly
- A pricing system for air quality management pp. 15-49

- Heinz Welsch
- Ecological economics of the Swedish Baltic Empire: An essay on energy and power, 1560-1720 pp. 51-72

- Ulf Sundberg
- Gain, loss and personal responsibility: The role of motivation in resource valuation decision-making pp. 73-92

- Charles C. Harris and Greg Brown
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