Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 174, issue C, 2020
- Sustainability of agricultural basin development under uncertain future climate and economic conditions: A socio-hydrological analysis

- M. Roobavannan, J. Kandasamy, S. Pande, S. Vigneswaran and M. Sivapalan
- Potential benefits and challenges of the relationship between social movements and the commons in the city of Barcelona

- Marina Pera
- Environmental attitudes and place identity as determinants of preferences for ecosystem services

- Michela Faccioli, Mikolaj Czajkowski, Klaus Glenk and Julia Martin-Ortega
- Analysis of proposed 20-year mineral leasing withdrawal in Superior National Forest

- James H. Stock and Jacob Bradt
- Use and misuse of the net present value in environmental studies

- Thomas Knoke, Elizabeth Gosling and Carola Paul
- Do market and trust contexts spillover into public goods contributions? Evidence from experimental games in Papua New Guinea

- Cristian Rojas and Joshua Cinner
- The evolution of household-induced value chains and their environmental implications

- Alberto Franco Solís, Andre Avelino and André Carrascal-Incera
- How do resource mobility and group size affect institutional arrangements for rule enforcement? A qualitative comparative analysis of fishing groups in South Korea

- Hoon C. Shin, David J. Yu, Samuel Park, John M. Anderies, Joshua K. Abbott, Marco A. Janssen and T.K. Ahn
- Privatization or communalization: A multi-level analysis of changes in forest property regimes in China

- Jun He, Bereket Kebede, Adrian Martin and Nicole Gross-Camp
- Motivating individuals for social transition: The 2-pathway model and experiential strategies for pro-environmental behaviour

- Ute B. Thiermann and William R. Sheate
- Governance of Payments for Ecosystem Ecosystem services influences social and environmental outcomes in Costa Rica

- Katherine Brownson, Elizabeth P. Anderson, Susana Ferreira, Seth Wenger, Laurie Fowler and Laura German
- Do individuals free ride on participation in environmental policies? Personal values and waste management practices

- Shigeru Matsumoto
- Simulating the effects of environmental and market variability on fishing industry structure

- Stéphane Thanassekos and Andrew M. Scheld
- What are the benefits of delisting endangered species and who receives them?: Lessons from the gray wolf recovery in Greater Yellowstone

- Charles Sims, David Aadland, David Finnoff and Jacob Hochard
- The power of green defaults: the impact of regional variation of opt-out tariffs on green energy demand in Germany

- Micha Kaiser, Manuela Bernauer, Cass R. Sunstein and Lucia A. Reisch
Volume 173, issue C, 2020
- Comparing energy and material efficiency rebound effects: an exploration of scenarios in the GEM-E3 macroeconomic model

- Alexandra C.H. Skelton, Leonidas Paroussos and Julian M. Allwood
- Acquiring environmental flows: ecological economics of policy development in western U.S

- Bonnie Colby
- Socioecological economics of water development in the Brazilian Amazon: Elements for a critical reflection

- Antonio A.R. Ioris
- Trading off visual disamenity for renewable energy: Willingness to pay for seaweed farming for energy production

- Simona Demel, Alberto Longo and Petr Mariel
- A tale of two utopias: Work in a post-growth world

- Simon Mair, Angela Druckman and Tim Jackson
- Ecosystem accounting for marine protected areas: A proposed framework

- B. Cavalletti, C. Di Fabio, Elena Lagomarsino and P. Ramassa
- Climate change costs more than we think because people adapt less than we assume

- David Gawith, Ian Hodge, Fraser Morgan and Adam Daigneault
- A multifunctional assessment of integrated and ecological farming in olive agroecosystems in southwestern Spain using the Analytic Hierarchy Process

- A.A. Rodríguez Sousa, Carlos Parra-López, S. Sayadi-Gmada, J.M. Barandica and A.J. Rescia
- Rooted water collectives: Towards an analytical framework

- Jeroen Vos, Rutgerd Boelens, Jean-Philippe Venot and Marcel Kuper
- Do commons management and movements reinforce each other? Comparative insights from Mexico and Sri Lanka

- Sergio Villamayor-Tomas, Gustavo García-López and Joeri Scholtens
- Regulation, governance and the role of the informal sector in influencing environmental quality?

- Ranjula Bali Swain, Uma Kambhampati and Amin Karimu
- Biodiversity conservation in a dynamic world may lead to inefficiencies due to lock-in effects and path dependence

- Martin Drechsler and Frank Wätzold
Volume 172, issue C, 2020
- Comparing the economic value of virtual water with volumetric and stress-weighted approaches: A case for the tea supply chain

- Benjamin H. Lowe, David R. Oglethorpe and Sonal Choudhary
- An Ecology and Economy Coupling Model. A global stationary state model for a sustainable economy in the Hamiltonian formalism

- Massimo Scalia, Aurelio Angelini, Francesca Farioli, Gianni Francesco Mattioli, Orlando Ragnisco and Marialuisa Saviano
- Measuring and modeling energy resilience

- Andrea Gatto and Carlo Drago
- The on-paper hydropower boom: A case study of corruption in the hydropower sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina

- Özge Can Dogmus and Jonas Østergaard Nielsen
- Uncertainties in macroeconomic assessments of low-carbon transition pathways - The case of the European iron and steel industry

- G. Bachner, J. Mayer, K.W. Steininger, A. Anger-Kraavi, A. Smith and Terry Barker
- The economic impacts of water supply restrictions due to climate and policy change: A transboundary river basin supply-side input-output analysis

- Leila Eamen, Roy Brouwer and Saman Razavi
- Contemporary capitalisms and their social relation to the environment

- Louison Cahen-Fourot
- Scaling up but losing out? Water commons' dilemmas between transnational movements and grassroots struggles in Latin America

- Emilie Dupuits, Michiel Baud, Rutgerd Boelens, Fabio de Castro and Barbara Hogenboom
- Natural resources and conflict: A meta-analysis of the empirical literature

- Paola Vesco, Shouro Dasgupta, Enrica De Cian and Carlo Carraro
- How Green Public Procurement can drive conversion of farmland: An empirical analysis of an organic food policy

- Hanna Lindström, Sofia Lundberg and Per-Olov Marklund
- The social and environmental influences of population growth rate and demographic pressure deserve greater attention in ecological economics

- Jane N. O'Sullivan
- Between Ostrom and Nordhaus: The research landscape of sustainability economics

- Moritz Drupp, Stefan Baumgärtner, Moritz Meyer, Martin Quaas and Henrik von Wehrden
- Unequal raw material exchange between and within countries: Galicia (NW Spain) as a core-periphery economy

- Pablo Piñero, David Pérez-Neira, Juan Infante-Amate, Maria-Luisa Chas-Amil and Xoán R. Doldán-García
- Prices, information and nudges for residential electricity conservation: A meta-analysis

- Penelope Buckley
- Characteristics of the global copper raw materials and scrap trade systems and the policy impacts of China's import ban

- Xiaoqian Hu, Chao Wang, Ming K. Lim and Wei-Qiang Chen
- Ecological macroeconomics in the open economy: Sustainability, unequal exchange and policy coordination in a center-periphery model

- Jeffrey Althouse, Giulio Guarini and Gabriel Porcile
- The commodification of nature, a review in social sciences

- Jacob Smessaert, Antoine Missemer and Harold Levrel
Volume 171, issue C, 2020
- Resource management and joint-planning in fragmented societies

- Bill Schultz
- Land tenure, climate and risk management

- Matthias Kalkuhl, Gregor Schwerhoff and Katharina Waha
- Ecosystem wealth in the Barents Sea

- Sturla F. Kvamsdal, Leif K. Sandal and Diwakar Poudel
- How much can we learn about voluntary climate action from behavior in public goods games?

- Timo Goeschl, Sara Elisa Kettner, Johannes Lohse and Christiane Schwieren
- Perceptions of deforestation in the Argentinean Chaco: Combining Q-method and environmental justice

- Elena Zepharovich, M. Graziano Ceddia and Stephan Rist
- Multi-household grassland management pattern promotes ecological efficiency of livestock production

- Ruxin Zhang, Shuhao Tan, David Hannaway and Weizhu Dai
- Sweet spots are in the food system: Structural adjustments to co-control regional pollutants and national GHG emissions in China

- Li-Jing Liu, Qiao-Mei Liang, Felix Creutzig, Hauke Ward and Kun Zhang
- An assessment of energy vulnerability in Small Island Developing States

- Anna Genave, Stéphane Blancard and Sabine Garabedian
- An ecological monetary theory

- Joe Ament
- The performance of natural resource management interventions in agriculture: Evidence from alternative meta-regression analyses

- Luis A. De los Santos-Montero, Boris E. Bravo-Ureta, Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel and Eva Hasiner
- The rhizomatic expansion of commoning through social movements

- Angelos Varvarousis
- Leverage points for sustainability transformation: a review on interventions in food and energy systems

- Christian Dorninger, David J. Abson, Cristina I. Apetrei, Pim Derwort, Christopher D. Ives, Kathleen Klaniecki, David P.M. Lam, Maria Langsenlehner, Maraja Riechers, Nathalie Spittler and Henrik von Wehrden
- The bandwidth problem in telecoupled systems governance: Certifying sustainable winemaking in Australia and Chile

- Elena Marola, Judith Schöpfner, Caleb Gallemore and Kristjan Jespersen
- International trade and air pollution damages in the United States

- Yan Xu, Erik Dietzenbacher and Bart Los
- Timber or carbon? Evaluating forest conservation strategies through a discrete choice experiment

- Corinne Bocci, Brent Sohngen, Frank Lupi and Bayron Milian
- The local effects of an innovation: Evidence from the French fish market

- Laurent Gobillon and François-Charles Wolff
- Economics of underproduction: A polycentric approach for a depopulated commons in Japan

- Ashutosh Sarker
- Measurement and economic valuation of carbon sequestration in Nova Scotian wetlands

- Kirsten Gallant, Patrick Withey, Dave Risk, Gerrit van Kooten and Lynsay Spafford
- Valuing diversification benefits through intercropping in Mediterranean agroecosystems: A choice experiment approach

- Francisco Alcon, Cristina Marín-Miñano, Jose A. Zabala, María-Dolores de-Miguel and J. Martinez-Paz
- Contributions of tourism-based Marine Conservation Agreements to natural resource management in Fiji

- Sangeeta Mangubhai, Helen Sykes, Marita Manley, Kiji Vukikomoala and Madeline Beattie
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