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Ecological Economics

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland

From Elsevier
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Volume 150, issue C, 2018

The Economic Value of Climate Information in Adaptation Decisions: Learning in the Sea-level Rise and Coastal Infrastructure Context pp. 1-10 Downloads
David A. Dawson, Alistair Hunt, Jon Shaw and W. Roland Gehrels
Payment for Environmental “Self-Service”: Exploring the Links Between Farmers' Motivation and Additionality in a Conservation Incentive Programme in the Bolivian Andes pp. 11-23 Downloads
Patrick Bottazzi, Emma Wiik, David Crespo and Julia P.G. Jones
Which Agglomeration Payment for a Sustainable Management of Organic Soils in Switzerland? – An Experiment Accounting for Farmers' Cost Heterogeneity pp. 24-33 Downloads
Marie Ferré, Stefanie Engel and Elisabeth Gsottbauer
Is the ‘Troika’ Bad for the Environment? An Analysis of EU Countries' Environmental Performance in Times of Economic Downturn and Austerity Memoranda pp. 34-51 Downloads
Iosif Botetzagias, Marouko Tsagkari and Chrysovalantis Malesios
Carbon Pricing: Effectiveness and Equity pp. 52-61 Downloads
James K. Boyce
Non-binding Restrictions, Cooperation, and Coral Reef Protection: Experimental Evidence from Indonesian Fishing Communities pp. 62-71 Downloads
Carlo Gallier, Jörg Langbein and Colin Vance
The Voluntary Coffee Standard Index (VOCSI). Developing a Composite Index to Assess and Compare the Strength of Mainstream Voluntary Sustainability Standards in the Global Coffee Industry pp. 72-87 Downloads
Thomas Dietz, Jennie Auffenberg, Andrea Estrella Chong, Janina Grabs and Bernard Kilian
Green Investment and Coordination Failure: An Investors' Perspective pp. 88-95 Downloads
Jahel Mielke and Gesine A. Steudle
Relationships Between Ecosystem Services: Comparing Methods for Assessing Tradeoffs and Synergies pp. 96-106 Downloads
Améline Vallet, Bruno Locatelli, Harold Levrel, Sven Wunder, Ralf Seppelt, Robert J. Scholes and Johan Oszwald
How Can We Motivate Consumers to Purchase Certified Forest Coffee? Evidence From a Laboratory Randomized Experiment Using Eye-trackers pp. 107-121 Downloads
Ryo Takahashi, Yasuyuki Todo and Yukihiko Funaki
Direct and Indirect Costs of Frost in the Australian Wheatbelt pp. 122-136 Downloads
Duc-Anh An-Vo, Shahbaz Mushtaq, Bangyou Zheng, Jack T. Christopher, Scott C. Chapman and Karine Chenu
Urban Quality of Life and Capabilities: An Experimental Study pp. 137-152 Downloads
Bianca Biagi, Maria Gabriela Ladu and Marta Meleddu
Urban Social-ecological Innovation: Implications for Adaptive Natural Resource Management pp. 153-164 Downloads
M. Dennis and P. James
How Do Capital Asset Interactions Affect Livelihood Sensitivity to Climatic Stresses? Insights From the Northeastern Floodplains of Bangladesh pp. 165-176 Downloads
H.M. Tuihedur Rahman, Brian E. Robinson, James D. Ford and Gordon M. Hickey
Environmentally-Targeted Sectors and Linkages in the Global Supply-Chain Complexity of Transport Equipment pp. 177-183 Downloads
Shohei Tokito
Confronting Tradeoffs Between Agricultural Ecosystem Services and Adaptation to Climate Change in Mali pp. 184-193 Downloads
Kurt B. Waldman and Robert B. Richardson
Organic Food Retailing and the Conventionalisation Debate pp. 194-203 Downloads
Marion Desquilbet, Elise Maigné and Sylvette Monier-Dilhan
Dematerialization, Decoupling, and Productivity Change pp. 204-216 Downloads
Eric Kemp-Benedict
Distributional Weights in Environmental Valuation and Cost-benefit Analysis: Theory and Practice pp. 217-228 Downloads
Väinö Nurmi and Heini Ahtiainen
Does Might Make Right? An Experiment on Assigning Property Rights pp. 229-240 Downloads
Hans J. Czap, Natalia V. Czap, Mark E. Burbach and Gary D. Lynne
Technological Change and Energy Efficiency in Large Chinese Firms pp. 241-250 Downloads
Junming Zhu, Limin Niu, Matthias Ruth and Lei Shi
Tourists' values and empathic attitude toward sustainable development in tourism pp. 251-263 Downloads
Charles A. Adongo, Francis Taale and Issahaku Adam
Barriers to the Circular Economy: Evidence From the European Union (EU) pp. 264-272 Downloads
Julian Kirchherr, Laura Piscicelli, Ruben Bour, Erica Kostense-Smit, Jennifer Muller, Anne Huibrechtse-Truijens and Marko Hekkert
After the Paris Agreement: Measuring the Global Decarbonization Wedges From National Energy Scenarios pp. 273-289 Downloads
Sandrine Mathy, Philippe Menanteau and Patrick Criqui
Consumer Preferences for Foodstuffs Produced in a Socio-environmentally Responsible Manner: A Threat to Fair Trade Producers? pp. 290-296 Downloads
Celia Sama, Eva Crespo-Cebada, Carlos Díaz-Caro, Miguel Escribano and Francisco Mesias
Longevity and Circularity as Indicators of Eco-Efficient Resource Use in the Circular Economy pp. 297-306 Downloads
Frank Figge, Andrea Stevenson Thorpe, Philippe Givry, Louise Canning and Elizabeth Franklin-Johnson
Comparing the Profitability of Organic and Conventional Production in Family Farming: Empirical Evidence From Brazil pp. 307-314 Downloads
Anderson G. Froehlich, Andrea S.S.A. Melo and Breno Sampaio
Faraway, So Close: Coupled Climate and Economic Dynamics in an Agent-based Integrated Assessment Model pp. 315-339 Downloads
F. Lamperti, Giovanni Dosi, Mauro Napoletano, Andrea Roventini and A. Sapio

Volume 149, issue C, 2018

Wellbeing Indices: A Comprehensive Inventory of Standards and a Review of Current Comparative Measures pp. 1-11 Downloads
J. Haavard Maridal, Les Palich, Grant Morgan, Steven Gardner, Joe McKinney and Corneliu Bolbocean
Using Water Allocation in Israel as a Proxy for Imputing the Value of Agricultural Amenities pp. 12-20 Downloads
Erez Yerushalmi
Turn It Up and Open the Window: On the Rebound Effects in Residential Heating pp. 21-39 Downloads
Cécile Hediger, Mehdi Farsi and Sylvain Weber
Economic Outcome of Classical Biological Control: A Case Study on the Eucalyptus Snout Beetle, Gonipterus platensis, and the Parasitoid Anaphes nitens pp. 40-47 Downloads
Carlos Valente, Catarina I. Gonçalves, Fernanda Monteiro, João Gaspar, Margarida Silva, Miguel Sottomayor, Maria Rosa Paiva and Manuela Branco
Meta-Analysis of Livelihood Impacts of Payments for Environmental Services Programmes in Developing Countries pp. 48-61 Downloads
Zhaoyang Liu and Andreas Kontoleon
Environmental Impact of Consumption by Czech Households: Hybrid Input–Output Analysis Linked to Household Consumption Data pp. 62-73 Downloads
Radomír Mach, Jan Weinzettel and Milan Ščasný
Controlling an Invasive Species through Consumption: The Case of Lionfish as an Impure Public Good pp. 74-79 Downloads
William L. Huth, David McEvoy and O. Ashton Morgan
What Makes the Difference in Raw Material Equivalents Calculation Through Environmentally Extended Input-Output Analysis? pp. 80-87 Downloads
Jan Kovanda, Jan Weinzettel and Karl Schoer
Opposition and Isomorphism with the Neoliberal Logic in Community Exchange Systems pp. 88-97 Downloads
Laura Guéorguieva-Bringuier and Fiona Ottaviani
Incorporating Ecosystem Health and Fire Resilience Within the Unified Economic Model of Fire Program Analysis pp. 98-104 Downloads
Ryan A. Fitch and Yeon Su Kim
How Green Self Image is Related to Subjective Well-Being: Pro-Environmental Values as a Social Norm pp. 105-119 Downloads
Heinz Welsch and Jan Kühling
Competitive Bioeconomy? Comparing Bio-based and Non-bio-based Primary Sectors of the World pp. 120-128 Downloads
Raphael Asada and Tobias Stern
Green Consumption and Relative Preferences in a Vertically Differentiated International Oligopoly pp. 129-139 Downloads
Giulia Ceccantoni, Ornella Tarola and Skerdilajda Zanaj
Profit Sharing as a Management Strategy for a State-owned Teak Plantation at High Risk for Illegal Logging pp. 140-148 Downloads
Joung Hun Lee, Yuki Kubo, Takahiro Fujiwara, Ratih Madya Septiana, Slamet Riyanto and Yoh Iwasa
Tropical Vegetation and Residential Property Value: A Hedonic Pricing Analysis in Singapore pp. 149-159 Downloads
Richard N. Belcher and Ryan A. Chisholm
The Different Dimensions of Livelihood Impacts of Payments for Environmental Services (PES) Schemes: A Systematic Review pp. 160-183 Downloads
Genowefa Blundo-Canto, Vincent Bax, Marcela Quintero, Gisella S. Cruz-Garcia, Rolf A. Groeneveld and Lisset Perez-Marulanda
Using Contingent Valuation and Numerical Methods to Determine Optimal Locations for Environmental Facilities: Public Arboretums in South Korea pp. 184-201 Downloads
Hyunhong Choi and Yoonmo Koo
Do European Agri-environment Measures Help Reduce Herbicide Use? Evidence From Viticulture in France pp. 202-211 Downloads
Laure Kuhfuss and Julie Subervie
The Case for a New Discipline: Technosphere Science pp. 212-225 Downloads
Carsten Herrmann-Pillath
Addressing Maladaptive Coping Strategies of Local Communities to Changes in Ecosystem Service Provisions Using the DPSIR Framework pp. 226-238 Downloads
Makoto Ehara, Kimihiko Hyakumura, Ren'ya Sato, Kiyoshi Kurosawa, Kunio Araya, Heng Sokh and Ryo Kohsaka
A Financial Macro-Network Approach to Climate Policy Evaluation pp. 239-253 Downloads
Veronika Stolbova, Irene Monasterolo and Stefano Battiston
Protecting Imperiled Wildlife Species on Private Lands: Forest Owner Values and Response to Government Interventions pp. 254-264 Downloads
Melissa M. Kreye, Damian Adams and Holly K. Ober
Why Should Ecosystem Services Be Governed to Support Poverty Alleviation? Philosophical Perspectives on Positions in the Empirical Literature pp. 265-273 Downloads
Ina Lehmann, Adrian Martin and Janet A. Fisher
Environmental Uncertainty and Self-monitoring in the Commons: A Common-pool Resource Experiment Framed Around Bushmeat Hunting in the Republic of Congo pp. 274-284 Downloads
Sergio Marrocoli, Tsegaye Tagesse Gatiso, David Morgan, Martin Reinhardt Nielsen and Hjalmar Kühl
Sea Bass Angling in Ireland: A Structural Equation Model of Catch and Effort pp. 285-293 Downloads
Gianluca Grilli, John Curtis, Stephen Hynes and O’Reilly, Paul
Benefits From Water Related Ecosystem Services in Africa and Climate Change pp. 294-305 Downloads
Laetitia Pettinotti, Amaia de Ayala and Elena Ojea
Page updated 2025-03-28