Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 39, issue 3, 2001
- Modeling carrying capacity for national parks pp. 321-331

- Tony Prato
- Change in ecosystem service values in the San Antonio area, Texas pp. 333-346

- Urs P. Kreuter, Heather G. Harris, Marty D. Matlock and Ronald E. Lacey
- Ecosystem appropriation by Hong Kong and its implications for sustainable development pp. 347-359

- Kimberley Warren-Rhodes and Albert Koenig
- Carbon sinks and human freshwater dependence in Stockholm County pp. 361-370

- Asa Jansson and Peter Nohrstedt
- Energy consumption patterns in the accommodation sector--the New Zealand case pp. 371-386

- Susanne Becken, Chris Frampton and David Simmons
- Financial returns under uncertainty for conventional and reduced-impact logging in permanent production forests of the Brazilian Amazon pp. 387-398

- Frederick Boltz, Douglas R. Carter, Thomas P. Holmes and Rodrigo Pereira
- Transferring economic values on the basis of an ecological classification of nature pp. 399-408

- E. C. M. Ruijgrok
- Energy and carbon embodied in the international trade of Brazil: an input-output approach pp. 409-424

- Giovani Machado, Roberto Schaeffer and Ernst Worrell
- Borrowing green: economic and environmental effects of green fiscal policy in The Netherlands pp. 425-435

- Bert Scholtens
- Can non-timber forest products match tropical forest conservation and development objectives? pp. 437-447

- J. E. Michael Arnold and M. Ruiz Perez
- Why farmers continue to use pesticides despite environmental, health and sustainability costs pp. 449-462

- Clevo Wilson and Clement Tisdell
- Constructing a farm level indicator of sustainable agricultural practice pp. 463-478

- Dan Rigby, Phil Woodhouse, Trevor Young and Michael Burton
- Game Theory Evolving. A Problem-Centered Introduction to Modelling Strategic Interaction,: Herbert Gintis, Princeton University Press, 2000. ISBN 0-691-00942-2, 0-691-00943-0. pp. 532 pp. 479-480

- Jan Ekman
Volume 39, issue 2, 2001
- Saving tropical forests as a global warming countermeasure: an issue that divides the environmental movement pp. 167-184

- Philip Fearnside
- Globalisation and sustainability: environmental Kuznets curve and the WTO pp. 185-196

- Clement Tisdell
- A note on the economics of biological invasions pp. 197-202

- Edward Barbier
- Economic valuation of biodiversity: sense or nonsense? pp. 203-222

- Paulo Nunes and Jeroen van den Bergh
- Reformulating the foundations of consumer choice theory and environmental valuation pp. 223-237

- John Gowdy and Kozo Mayumi
- The aspects and the role of diversity in socioeconomic systems: an evolutionary perspective pp. 239-256

- Igor Matutinovic
- The CO2 emission reduction benefits of Chinese energy policies and environmental policies:: A case study for Shanghai, period 1995-2020 pp. 257-270

- Dolf Gielen and Chen Changhong
- Benefits of water quality policies: the Chesapeake Bay pp. 271-284

- Cynthia Morgan and Nicole Owens
- How sustainable is the use of peat for commercial energy production? pp. 285-293

- Anne Jelle Schilstra
- Do international commodity prices drive natural resource booms? An empirical analysis of small-scale gold mining in Suriname pp. 295-308

- Marieke Heemskerk
- 1) Feeding a World Population of More Than Eight Billion People. A Challenge to Science: Edited by Waterlow J., Armstrong D., Fowden L. and Riley R., Oxford University Press, 1998, 280 pp. ISBN 0-19-511312-8 pp. 309-311

- Malin Falkenmark
- Physioeconomics: The Basis for Long-Run Economic Growth, by Philip Parker, The MIT Press, 2000, ISBN 0-262-16194-Z pp. 312-313

- Mick Common
- Pricing the Planet: Economic Analysis for Sustainable Development: Edited by Peter H. May and Ronaldo Seroa da Motta, Columbia University Press, New York, 1996, 220 pp. ISBN 231101740 pp. 314-315

- Siddharth Chandra
- Blueprint for a Sustainable Economy, Edited by David W., Pearce, Edward B. Barbier, Earthscan Publications Ltd.: London, 2000, 273 pp. ISBN 1 85383 515 3; US $27.50 pp. 316-316

- Valerie Luzadis and Suk-Hyun Park
- Northwest Atlantic Groundfish: Perspectives on a Fishery Collapse, Edited by J. Boreman, B.S. Nakashima, J.A. Wilson and R.L. Kendall, American Fisheries Society, 1997, 242 pp. ISBN 1888569069 pp. 317-318

- Evelyn Pinkerton
- Debunking Economics, Edited by Steven Keen, Pluto Press Australia, Annandale NSW and Zed Books, London and New York, 2001. ISBN 1856499928; 335pp+xvi pp. 319-320

- David Stern
Volume 39, issue 1, 2001
- A potential catch-22 for a sustainable American ideology pp. 3-12

- Brian Czech
- The (non-) economics of the nuclear fuel cycle: an historical and discourse analysis pp. 13-19

- John Proops
- Free trade and the environment-development system pp. 21-36

- Brantley Liddle
- Bringing stakeholder values into environmental policy choices: a community-based estuary case study pp. 37-52

- Robin Gregory and Katharine Wellman
- Measuring the productivity of threatened-species programs pp. 53-66

- Ross Cullen, Geoffrey A. Fairburn and Kenneth F. D. Hughey
- Testing a meta-analysis model for benefit transfer in international outdoor recreation pp. 67-83

- Ram K. Shrestha and John Loomis
- Economic growth and atmospheric pollution in Spain: discussing the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis pp. 85-99

- Jordi Roca, Emilio Padilla Rosa, Mariona Farre and Vittorio Galletto
- The human development index and sustainability -- a constructive proposal pp. 101-114

- Eric Neumayer
- Evaluating contingent and actual contributions to a local public good: Tsetse control in the Yale agro-pastoral zone, Burkina Faso pp. 115-130

- Mulumba Kamuanga, Brent M. Swallow, Hamade Sigue and Burkhard Bauer
- An analysis of externalities in agroforestry systems in the presence of land degradation pp. 131-143

- Oscar Cacho
- Industrial ecosystem in the Finnish forest industry: using the material and energy flow model of a forest ecosystem in a forest industry system pp. 145-161

- Jouni Korhonen, Margareta Wihersaari and Ilkka Savolainen
- Hunting for Sustainability in Tropical Forests. Edited by John G. Robinson and Elizabeth L. Bennett, Columbia University Press, New York, 2000, pp. xxi, 1-592. ISBN 0-231-10976-8 (alk. paper); 0-231-10977-6 (pbk.: alk. paper); (www.columbia.edu/cu/cup) pp. 163-164

- Nancy Turner
- Agriculture, Trade, and The Environment: The Impact of Liberalization on Sustainable Development: Edited by John M. Antle, Joseph N. Lekakis, and George P. Zanias, Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., Cheltenham, UK, 1998, 272 pp. ISBN 1-85898-783-0; [UK pound]59.95 pp. 164-165

- Walter P. Falcon
- Environmental Indicators and Agricultural Policy, Edited by Floor Brouwer and Bob Crabtree, CABI Publishing, 1999, pp. 305. ISBN 0-85199-289-7 pp. 165-166

- Eileen van Ravenswaay
Volume 38, issue 3, 2001
- Eco-efficiency as abandonment of nature pp. 311-315

- Janne Hukkinen
- African evidence on the relation of poverty, time preference and the environment pp. 317-326

- William G. Moseley
- A constructive approach to air-quality valuation in Korea pp. 327-344

- Seung-Jun Kwak, Seung-Hoon Yoo and Tai-Yoo Kim
- Non-separability and heterogeneity in integrated agronomic-economic analysis of nonpoint-source pollution pp. 345-357

- Ada Wossink, Alfons Oude Lansink and P. C. Struik
- Income inequality and the environment: aggregation bias in environmental Kuznets curves pp. 359-367

- Nico Heerink, Abay Mulatu and Erwin Bulte
- Scale, prices, and biophysical assessments pp. 369-382

- Philip A. Lawn
- Volcanic fertilization of Balinese rice paddies pp. 383-390

- J. Stephen Lansing, James N. Kremer, Vanda Gerhart, Patricia Kremer, Alit Arthawiguna, Sang Kaler Putu Surata, Suprapto, Ida Bagus Suryawan, I. Gusti Arsana and Vernon L. Scarborough
- Environmental values and the frame of reference pp. 391-402

- Lynn Mainwaring
- New technology in everyday life - social processes and environmental impact pp. 403-422

- Inge Ropke
- A village-level economic model of land clearing, grazing, and wood harvesting for sub-Saharan Africa: with a case study in southern Senegal pp. 423-440

- Prem L. Sankhayan and Ole Hofstad
- On the efficient use of a catchment's land and water resources: dryland salinization in Australia pp. 441-458

- Romy Greiner and Oscar Cacho
- Transition to a sustainable society. A backcasting approach to modelling energy and ecology, Mulder, H.A.J., and Biesiot, W., Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 1998, ISBN 1-85898-731-8, p. 287 pp. 459-459

- Sven Hunhammar
Volume 38, issue 2, 2001
- Natural gas, cars and the environment. A (relatively) 'clean' and cheap fuel looking for users pp. 179-189

- Stefano Di Pascoli, Aldo Femia and Tommaso Luzzati
- Dynamic models for managing durables using a stratified approach: the case of Tunja, Colombia pp. 191-207

- Claudia Binder, Hans-Peter Bader, Ruth Scheidegger and Peter Baccini
- Getting the safe minimum standard to work in the real world: a case study in moral pragmatism pp. 209-226

- Michael C. Farmer
- Risk-indexed herbicide taxes to reduce ground and surface water pollution: an integrated ecological economics evaluation pp. 227-250

- David W. Archer and Jason Shogren
- Population density, soil nutrient depletion, and economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa pp. 251-258

- Pay Drechsel, Lucy Gyiele, Dagmar Kunze and Olufunke Cofie
- Maximizing conserved biodiversity: why ecosystem indicators and thresholds matter pp. 259-274

- Mark E. Eiswerth and J. Christopher Haney
- Resource use and technological progress in agriculture: a dynamic general equilibrium analysis pp. 275-291

- Elena Ianchovichina, Roy Darwin and Robbin Shoemaker
- Emissions trading and transaction costs: analyzing the flaws in the discussion pp. 293-304

- Edwin Woerdman
- Environmental sustainability. Practical global implications,: Edited by F. Smith, St Lucie Press, Boca Raton, 1997. ISBN 1-57444-077-2, p. 287 pp. 305-305

- Christo Fabricius
- Managing mobility in African Rangelands. The legitimization of transhumance.: Maryam Niamir-Fuller (Ed.), Intermediate Technology Publications Ltd., 1999, ISBN 1-85339473-4, p. 314 pp. 306-307

- Eric Lambin
Volume 38, issue 1, 2001
- Enhancing transdisciplinary dialogue in curricula development pp. 1-5

- Monica Hammer and Tore Soderqvist
- Ecological thresholds: a survey pp. 7-24

- Roldan Muradian
- How to calculate and interpret ecological footprints for long periods of time: the case of Austria 1926-1995 pp. 25-45

- Helmut Haberl, Karl-Heinz Erb and Fridolin Krausmann
- The economic costs to fisheries from marine sediment disposal: case study of Providence, RI, USA pp. 47-58

- Thomas Grigalunas, James Opaluch and Meifeng Luo
- Analyzing the economic cost of the Kyoto protocol pp. 59-69

- Neha Khanna
- The economic value of a forested catchment with timber, water and carbon sequestration benefits pp. 71-83

- John Creedy and Anke D. Wurzbacher
- Assessing the role of US agriculture in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and generating additional environmental benefits pp. 85-103

- Kazim Konyar
- Tenure security, private time preference, and use of natural resources among lowland Bolivian Amerindians pp. 105-118

- R. Godoy, K. Kirby and D. Wilkie
- Economic and environmental implications of alternative landscape designs in the Walnut Creek Watershed of Iowa pp. 119-139

- Colette Coiner, JunJie Wu and Stephen Polasky
- Ecosystem functions, services and their values - a case study in Xingshan County of China pp. 141-154

- Zhongwei Guo, Xiangming Xiao, Yaling Gan and Yuejun Zheng
- Natural resource valuation and policy in Brazil. Methods and cases: Peter H. May (Ed.), Columbia University Press, New York, 1999, p. 262, ISBN 0-231-10827-3 pp. 155-156

- Clovis Cavalcanti
- National parks and protected areas. Keystones to conservation and sustainable development: Nelson, J.G., Seratin, R. (Eds.), Springer, Berlin, 1997, p. 292, ISBN 35-4063-5270 pp. 156-157

- Jeffrey A. McNeely
- Externality and Institutions: Andreas A. Papandreou, Oxford University Press, 1998, ISBN 0198293070, p. 304 pp. 157-159

- Therese Lindahl
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