Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 69, issue 12, 2010
- The Sustainable Value approach: A clarifying and constructive comment pp. 2303-2306

- Frederic Ang and Steven Van Passel
- Species-specific spatial characteristics in reserve site selection pp. 2307-2314

- Rolf Groeneveld
- Recreational shellfish harvesting and health risks: A pseudo-panel approach combining revealed and stated preference data with correction for on-site sampling pp. 2315-2322

- Olivier Beaumais and Gildas Appéré
- Towards an improved understanding of farmers' behaviour: The integrative agent-centred (IAC) framework pp. 2323-2333

- Giuseppe Feola and Claudia R. Binder
- Protecting endangered species: When are shoot-on-sight policies the only viable option to stop poaching? pp. 2334-2340

- Kent Messer
- The impact of capital trade and technological spillovers on climate policies pp. 2341-2355

- Marian Leimbach and Lavinia Baumstark
- Technology learning in the presence of public R&D: The case of European wind power pp. 2356-2362

- Kristina Ek and Patrik Söderholm
- A multivariate analysis of the energy intensity of sprawl versus compact living in the U.S. for 2003 pp. 2363-2373

- Md. R. Shammin, Robert A. Herendeen, Michelle J. Hanson and Eric J.H. Wilson
- Using an integrated fuzzy set and deliberative multi-criteria evaluation approach to facilitate decision-making in invasive species management pp. 2374-2382

- Shuang Liu, Wendy Proctor and David Cook
- To restore or not? A valuation of social and ecological functions of the Marais des Baux wetland in Southern France pp. 2383-2393

- Vanja Westerberg, Robert Lifran and Søren Olsen
- Farmers' preferences for crop variety traits: Lessons for on-farm conservation and technology adoption pp. 2394-2401

- Sinafikeh Asrat, Mahmud Yesuf, Fredrik Carlsson and Edilegnaw Wale
- Coexistence regulations and agriculture production: A case study of five Bt maize producers in Portugal pp. 2402-2408

- Theodoros Skevas, Pedro Fevereiro and Justus Wesseler
- Study on benefit transfer in an international setting. How to improve welfare estimates in the case of the countries' income heterogeneity? pp. 2409-2416

- Mikolaj Czajkowski and Milan Scasný
- An economic assessment of the value of tropical river ecosystem services: Heterogeneous preferences among Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians pp. 2417-2426

- Kerstin K. Zander and Anna Straton
- Non-consumptive values and optimal marine reserve switching pp. 2427-2434

- Satoshi Yamazaki, R. Quentin Grafton and Tom Kompas
- The impact of changing agricultural policies on jointly used rough pastures in the Bavarian Pre-Alps: An economic and ecological scenario approach pp. 2435-2447

- Norbert Roeder, Dirk Lederbogen, Juergen Trautner, Ariel Bergamini, Silvia Stofer and Christoph Scheidegger
- Land subsidence, production efficiency, and the decision of aquacultural firms in Taiwan to discontinue production pp. 2448-2456

- Hung-Hao Chang, Richard N. Boisvert and Ling-Yi Hung
- Embedding the drivers of emission efficiency at regional level -- Analyses of NAMEA data pp. 2457-2467

- Massimiliano Mazzanti and Anna Montini
- International inequality in energy intensity levels and the role of production composition and energy efficiency: An analysis of OECD countries pp. 2468-2474

- Juan Duro, Vicent Alcantara and Emilio Padilla Rosa
- The role of uncertainty and expectations in modeling (range)land use strategies: An application of dynamic optimization modeling with recursion pp. 2475-2485

- Stéphanie Domptail and Ernst-August Nuppenau
- From beef cattle to sheep under global warming? An analysis of adaptation by livestock species choice in South America pp. 2486-2494

- S. Niggol Seo, Bruce McCarl and Robert Mendelsohn
- Methods for greenhouse gas offset accounting: A case study of ocean iron fertilization pp. 2495-2509

- Wilfried Rickels, Katrin Rehdanz and Andreas Oschlies
- A hybrid multi-region method (HMR) for assessing the environmental impact of private consumption pp. 2510-2516

- Kees Vringer, René Benders, Harry Wilting, Corjan Brink, Eric Drissen, Durk Nijdam and Nico Hoogervorst
- Sewage pollution and institutional and technological change in the United States, 1830-1915 pp. 2517-2524

- Jouni Paavola
- Can ecolabels survive in the long run?: The role of initial conditions pp. 2525-2534

- Javier Lozano, Ester Blanco and Javier Rey-Maquieira
- Gains from expanded irrigation water trading in Egypt: An integrated basin approach pp. 2535-2548

- Abdelaziz A. Gohar and Frank A. Ward
- Estimating the ecosystem service losses from proposed land reclamation projects: A case study in Xiamen pp. 2549-2556

- Xuan Wang, Weiqi Chen, Luoping Zhang, Di Jin and Changyi Lu
- Evaluating the role of co-management in improving governance of marine protected areas: An experimental approach in the Colombian Caribbean pp. 2557-2567

- Rocio Moreno-Sanchez and Jorge Maldonado
- Does precipitation and runoff variability affect treaty cooperation between states sharing international bilateral rivers? pp. 2568-2581

- Ariel Dinar, Brian Blankespoor, Shlomi Dinar and Pradeep Kurukulasuriya
- Population aging and environmental preferences in OECD countries: The case of air pollution pp. 2582-2589

- Tobias Menz and Heinz Welsch
- Air pollution, health and economic benefits--Lessons from 20Â years of analysis pp. 2590-2597

- Jane V. Hall, Victor Brajer and Frederick W. Lurmann
- Beyond fuelwood savings: Valuing the economic benefits of introducing improved biomass cookstoves in the Purépecha region of Mexico pp. 2598-2605

- Eduardo García-Frapolli, Astrid Schilmann, Victor M. Berrueta, Horacio Riojas-Rodríguez, Rufus D. Edwards, Michael Johnson, Alejandro Guevara-Sanginés, Cynthia Armendariz and Omar Masera
- Quantifying U.S. aluminum in-use stocks and their relationship with economic output pp. 2606-2613

- Colin A. McMillan, Michael R. Moore, Gregory A. Keoleian and Jonathan W. Bulkley
- Economic valuation of the influence of invasive alien species on the economy of the Seychelles islands pp. 2614-2623

- P. Mwebaze, A. MacLeod, D. Tomlinson, H. Barois and J. Rijpma
- A common-pool resource experiment with postgraduate subjects from 41 countries pp. 2624-2633

- T.K. Ahn, Elinor Ostrom and James Walker
- Assessing the causes of anthropogenic methane emissions in comparative perspective, 1990-2005 pp. 2634-2643

- Andrew Jorgenson and Ryan Birkholz
- Jay R. Lund, Ellen Hanak, William E. Fleenor, William A. Bennett, Richard E. Howitt, Jeffrey F. Mount and Peter B. Moyle, Comparing Futures for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, University of California Press (2010) 978-0-520-26197-6 (cloth), 231pp pp. 2644-2644

- Kristan Cockerill
- M. Pulselli, S. Bastianoni, N. Marchettini and E. Tiezzi, The Road to Sustainability: GDP and Future Generations, WIT Press (2008) ISBN 978-1-84564-140-5 197 pp pp. 2645-2645

- Joy Hecht
- Henrik Selin, Global Governance of Hazardous Chemicals: Challenges of Multilevel Management, MIT Press (2010) ISBN 978-0-262-51390-6 (paperback) 240 pp pp. 2645-2646

- Michael E. Kraft
- Andreas Schäfer, John B. Heywood, Henry D. Jackson and Ian A. Waitz, Editors, Transportation in a Climate Constrained World, The MIT Press (2009) ISBN 978-0-262-51234-3 pp. 2646-2647

- Bill Anderson
- Laurie Mazur, Editor, A Pivotal Moment: Population, Justice and The Environmental Challenge, Island Press, Washington DC (2010) ISBN-13:978-1-59726-661-1, 432pp pp. 2647-2649

- Anne H. Ehrlich and Paul R. Ehrlich
- Tim Jackson, Prosperity without Growth: Economics for a Finite Planet, Earthscan. Hardcover, London (2009) ISBN 9781844078943. 280 pp pp. 2649-2650

- Peter H. May
Volume 69, issue 11, 2010
- On the Ehrlich-Simon bet: Both were unskilled and Simon was lucky pp. 2045-2046

- Philip Lawn
- Externality or sustainability economics? pp. 2047-2052

- Jeroen van den Bergh
- Use and usefulness of sustainability economics pp. 2053-2055

- Peter Bartelmus
- Sustainability economics -- General versus specific, and conceptual versus practical pp. 2056-2059

- Stefan Baumgärtner and Martin Quaas
- Payments for ecosystem services: From local to global pp. 2060-2068

- Joshua Farley and Robert Costanza
- Determining when payments are an effective policy approach to ecosystem service provision pp. 2069-2074

- Robin J. Kemkes, Joshua Farley and Christopher J. Koliba
- Global mechanisms for sustaining and enhancing PES schemes pp. 2075-2084

- Josh Farley, André Aquino, Amy Daniels, Azur Moulaert, Dan Lee and Abby Krause
- Ecosystem services from agriculture: Steps for expanding markets pp. 2085-2092

- Marc Ribaudo, Catherine Greene, LeRoy Hansen and Daniel Hellerstein
- Targeting and implementing payments for ecosystem services: Opportunities for bundling biodiversity conservation with carbon and water services in Madagascar pp. 2093-2107

- Kelly J. Wendland, Miroslav Honzák, Rosimeiry Portela, Benjamin Vitale, Samuel Rubinoff and Jeannicq Randrianarisoa
- Designing spatially explicit incentive programs for habitat conservation: A case study of the Bicknell's thrush wintering grounds pp. 2108-2115

- Charles Kerchner, Miroslav Honzák, Robin Kemkes, Amanda Richardson, Jason Townsend and Christopher C. Rimmer
- Understanding the impacts of Costa Rica's PES: Are we asking the right questions? pp. 2116-2126

- Amy E. Daniels, Kenneth Bagstad, Valerie Esposito, Azur Moulaert and Carlos Manuel Rodriguez
- Why and how much are firms willing to invest in ecosystem services from tropical forests? A comparison of international and Costa Rican firms pp. 2127-2139

- Thomas Koellner, Joachim Sell and Guillermo Navarro
- Investing in human and natural capital: An alternative paradigm for sustainable development in Awassa, Ethiopia pp. 2140-2150

- Travis W. Reynolds, Joshua Farley and Candice Huber
- Valuing the environmental externalities of oasis farming in Left Banner, Alxa, China pp. 2151-2157

- Yongping Wei, Robert White, Kelin Hu and Ian Willett
- Goal programming synthetic indicators: An application for sustainable tourism in Andalusian coastal counties pp. 2158-2172

- Francisco J. Blancas, Rafael Caballero, Mercedes González, Macarena Lozano-Oyola and Fátima Pérez
- Between estimates of the emissions-income elasticity pp. 2173-2182

- David Stern
- The demand for earmarking: Results from a focus group study pp. 2183-2190

- Steffen Kallbekken and Marianne Aasen
- Corruption and the environmental Kuznets Curve: Empirical evidence for sulfur pp. 2191-2201

- Alexandra Leitão
- Ecolabeling, consumers' preferences and taxation pp. 2202-2212

- Ingmar Schumacher
- The end of economic growth? A contracting threshold hypothesis pp. 2213-2223

- Philip Lawn and Matthew Clarke
- Responsibility and trade emission balances: An evaluation of approaches pp. 2224-2232

- Mònica Serrano and Erik Dietzenbacher
- The effects of wildfire and environmental amenities on property values in northwest Montana, USA pp. 2233-2243

- Kyle M. Stetler, Tyron Venn and David E. Calkin
- Evaluating the impact of regional development policies on future landscape services pp. 2244-2254

- Louise Willemen, Lars Hein and Peter Verburg
- On the causal dynamics between emissions, nuclear energy, renewable energy, and economic growth pp. 2255-2260

- Nicholas Apergis, James Payne, Kojo Menyah and Yemane Wolde-Rufael
- On the relationship between scale, allocation, and distribution pp. 2261-2270

- Deepak Malghan
- Can de-growth be considered a policy option? A historical note on Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen and the Club of Rome pp. 2271-2278

- Clement Levallois
- Insurance, prevention or just wait and see? Public preferences for water management strategies in the context of climate change pp. 2279-2291

- Klaus Glenk and Anke Fischer
- A value chain analysis of the organic cotton industry: The case of UK retailers and Indian suppliers pp. 2292-2302

- Alison Rieple and Rajbir Singh
Volume 69, issue 10, 2010
- Environmental sustainability as the first principle of distributive justice: Towards an ecological communitarian normative foundation for ecological economics pp. 1887-1894

- Nathan Pelletier
- Low discount rates and insignificant environmental values pp. 1895-1903

- Colin Price
- Energy use and economic development: A comparative analysis of useful work supply in Austria, Japan, the United Kingdom and the US during 100Â years of economic growth pp. 1904-1917

- Benjamin Warr, Robert Ayres, Nina Eisenmenger, Fridolin Krausmann and Heinz Schandl
- A directional distance function approach to regional environmental-economic assessments pp. 1918-1925

- Alexander J. Macpherson, Peter P. Principe and Elizabeth R. Smith
- A theoretical model of agrobiodiversity as a supporting service for sustainable agricultural intensification pp. 1926-1933

- Amani Omer, Unai Pascual and Noel Russell
- Analysis of genuine saving and potential green net national income: Portugal, 1990-2005 pp. 1934-1942

- Rui Mota, Tiago Domingos and Victor Martins
- Sustainable governance of the agriculture and the Baltic Sea -- Agricultural reforms, food production and curbed eutrophication pp. 1943-1951

- Markus Larsson and Artur Granstedt
- Farming vs forests: Trade-off between agriculture and the extraction of non-timber forest products pp. 1952-1963

- Prabodh Illukpitiya and John F. Yanagida
- The role of ambiguity in the evaluation of the net benefits of the MOSE system in the Venice lagoon pp. 1964-1972

- Fulvio Fontini, Georg Umgiesser and Lucia Vergano
- Trade-offs between ecosystem services: Water and carbon in a biodiversity hotspot pp. 1973-1987

- Ryan A. Chisholm
- Does encouraging the use of wetlands in water quality trading programs make economic sense? pp. 1988-1994

- Matthew T. Heberling, Jorge García and Hale W. Thurston
- Trade, environmental regulations and industrial mobility: An industry-level study of Japan pp. 1995-2002

- Matthew Cole, Robert Elliott and Toshihiro Okubo
- Austria's CO2 responsibility and the carbon content of its international trade pp. 2003-2019

- Pablo Muñoz and Karl W. Steininger
- Valuing marine turtle conservation: A cross-country study in Asian cities pp. 2020-2026

- Jianjun Jin, Anabeth Indab, Orapan Nabangchang, Truong Dang Thuy, Dieldre Harder and Rodelio F. Subade
- Refuting two claims about virtual water trade pp. 2027-2032

- Erik Ansink
- An experimental investigation of revealed environmental concern pp. 2033-2041

- Natalia V. Czap and Hans J. Czap
- Christos Zografos and Richard B. Howarth, Editors, Deliberative Ecological Economics, Oxford University Press (2008) ISBN 9780195696974 271 pp pp. 2042-2043

- Alex Lo
Volume 69, issue 9, 2010
- Sustainable de-growth: Mapping the context, criticisms and future prospects of an emergent paradigm pp. 1741-1747

- Joan Martínez-Alier, Unai Pascual, Franck-Dominique Vivien and Edwin Zaccai
- Evaluating China's urban environmental sustainability with Data Envelopment Analysis pp. 1748-1755

- Yan Yu and Zongguo Wen
- The (limited) political influence of ecological economics: A case study on Dutch environmental policies pp. 1756-1764

- Daan Boezeman, Pieter Leroy, Rob Maas and Sonja Kruitwagen
- Measuring and decomposing sustainable efficiency in agricultural production: A cumulative exergy balance approach pp. 1765-1776

- Viet-Ngu Hoang and D.S. Prasada Rao
- Influences of transaction costs in environmental policy pp. 1777-1784

- Anthea Coggan, Stuart Whitten and Jeffrey Bennett
- Certified organic agriculture in China and Brazil: Market accessibility and outcomes following adoption pp. 1785-1793

- Myles Oelofse, Henning Høgh-Jensen, Lucimar S. Abreu, Gustavo F. Almeida, Qiao Yu Hui, Tursinbek Sultan and Andreas de Neergaard
- The bare necessities: How much household carbon do we really need? pp. 1794-1804

- Angela Druckman and Tim Jackson
- An improved input-output model for energy analysis: A case study of Suzhou pp. 1805-1813

- Sai Liang, Can Wang and Tianzhu Zhang
- Moral concerns on tradable pollution permits in international environmental agreements pp. 1814-1823

- Johan Eyckmans and Snorre Kverndokk
- Public acceptability of personal carbon trading and carbon tax pp. 1824-1837

- Abigail L. Bristow, Mark Wardman, Alberto Zanni and Phani K. Chintakayala
- The physical dimension of international trade: Part 1: Direct global flows between 1962 and 2005 pp. 1838-1847

- Monika Dittrich and Stefan Bringezu
- Peace, health or fortune?: Preferences for chicken traits in rural Benin pp. 1848-1857

- Vidogbèna Faustin, Anselme A. Adégbidi, Stephen T. Garnett, Delphin O. Koudandé, Valentin Agbo and Kerstin K. Zander
- A framework for classifying and quantifying the natural capital and ecosystem services of soils pp. 1858-1868

- Estelle Dominati, Murray Patterson and Alec Mackay
- Who bears the environmental burden in China--An analysis of the distribution of industrial pollution sources? pp. 1869-1876

- Chunbo Ma
- Regional sustainability in Northern Australia --A quantitative assessment of social, economic and environmental impacts pp. 1877-1882

- Richard Wood and Stephen Garnett
- Magali A. Delmas and Oran R. Young, Editors, Governance for the Environment, New Perspectives, Cambridge University Press (2009) ISBN 0521743001 300 pp pp. 1883-1884

- Niki Frantzeskaki
- Debal Deb, Beyond developmentality: constructive inclusive freedom and sustainability, Earthscan, London (2009) ISBN 978-1-84407-712-0 583 pp pp. 1884-1884

- John Gowdy and Aneel Salman
- Wim Soetaert and Eric J. Vandamme, Editors, Biofuels, Wiley Publishers (2009) ISBN:0470026774X, 256 pp pp. 1885-1885

- David Pimentel
Volume 69, issue 8, 2010
- The state of the art of environmental valuation with discrete choice experiments pp. 1595-1603

- David Hoyos
- Dimensions and logarithmic function in economics: A short critical analysis pp. 1604-1609

- Kozo Mayumi and Mario Giampietro
- Applying methodological pluralism to wildlife and the economy pp. 1610-1616

- Shekhar K. Niraj, Vikram Dayal and Paul R. Krausman
- Incidence of forest income on reduction of inequality: Evidence from forest dependent households in milieu of joint forest management pp. 1617-1625

- Nimai Das
- User financing in a national payments for environmental services program: Costa Rican hydropower pp. 1626-1638

- Allen Blackman and Richard Woodward
- Place oriented ecological footprint analysis -- The case of Israel's grain supply pp. 1639-1645

- Meidad Kissinger and Dan Gottlieb
- The value of urban tree cover: A hedonic property price model in Ramsey and Dakota Counties, Minnesota, USA pp. 1646-1656

- Heather Sander, Stephen Polasky and Robert G. Haight
- Fat tails, exponents, extreme uncertainty: Simulating catastrophe in DICE pp. 1657-1665

- Frank Ackerman, Elizabeth A. Stanton and Ramón Bueno
- An economic analysis of Midwestern US criteria pollutant emissions trends from 1970 to 2000 pp. 1666-1674

- Zhining Tao, Geoffrey Hewings and Kieran Donaghy
- Income effects and the inconvenience of private provision of public goods for bads: The case of recycling in Finland pp. 1675-1681

- Anni Huhtala
- CO2 emissions of international freight transport and offshoring: Measurement and allocation pp. 1682-1694

- María-Ángeles Cadarso, Luis López, Nuria Gómez and María-Ángeles Tobarra
- Seeds for livelihood: Crop biodiversity and food production in Ethiopia pp. 1695-1702

- Salvatore Di Falco, Mintewab Bezabih and Mahmud Yesuf
- Focus: (Re)productivity: Sustainable relations both between society and nature and between the genders pp. 1703-1711

- Adelheid Biesecker and Sabine Hofmeister
- Public participation for sustainability and social learning: Concepts and lessons from three case studies in Europe pp. 1712-1722

- Eneko Garmendia and Sigrid Stagl
- Efficiency of public goods provision in space pp. 1723-1730

- Travis Warziniack
- Using ecological indices to measure economic and environmental performance of irrigated agriculture pp. 1731-1739

- Md A.S. Azad and Tiho Ancev
Volume 69, issue 7, 2010
- Luck or skill? An examination of the Ehrlich-Simon bet pp. 1365-1367

- Katherine Kiel, Victor Matheson and Kevin Golembiewski
- Bridging theories on environmental governance: Insights from free-market approaches and institutional ecological economics perspectives pp. 1368-1372

- Lenka Slavíková, Tatiana Kluvánková-Oravská and Jirina Jílková
- How costly is mitigation of non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture?: A meta-analysis pp. 1373-1386

- Bruno Vermont and Stéphane De Cara
- Ecosystem services valuation in China pp. 1387-1388

- Shuang Liu and Robert Costanza
- Ecosystem services research in China: Progress and perspective pp. 1389-1395

- Biao Zhang, Wenhua Li and Gaodi Xie
- Total embodied energy requirements and its decomposition in China's agricultural sector pp. 1396-1404

- Shuyan Cao, Gaodi Xie and Lin Zhen
- Spatial and temporal flows of China's forest resources: Development of a framework for evaluating resource efficiency pp. 1405-1415

- Shengkui Cheng, Zengrang Xu, Yun Su and Lin Zhen
- Water conservation of forest ecosystem in Beijing and its value pp. 1416-1426

- Zhang Biao, Li Wenhua, Xie Gaodi and Xiao Yu
- Variations in ecosystem service value in response to land use changes in Shenzhen pp. 1427-1435

- Li Tianhong, Li Wenkai and Qian Zhenghan
- Valuing environmental externalities from rice-wheat farming in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River pp. 1436-1442

- Yao Lv, Shu-zhong Gu and Dong-mei Guo
- Arable land requirements based on food consumption patterns: Case study in rural Guyuan District, Western China pp. 1443-1453

- Lin Zhen, Shuyan Cao, Shengkui Cheng, Gaodi Xie, Yunjie Wei, Xuelin Liu and Fen Li
- Impacts of the Natural Forest Conservation Program on the livelihoods of residents of Northwestern China: Perceptions of residents affected by the program pp. 1454-1462

- Shixiong Cao, Xiuqing Wang, Yuezhen Song, Li Chen and Qi Feng
- Multiple criteria evaluation of ecosystem services for the Ruoergai Plateau Marshes in southwest China pp. 1463-1470

- Xiaoyun Zhang and Xianguo Lu
- Energy quality pp. 1471-1478

- David Stern
- Valuing ecosystem services on the basis of service-providing units: A potential approach to address the 'endpoint problem' and improve stated preference methods pp. 1479-1487

- Areti Kontogianni, Gary W. Luck and Michalis Skourtos
- Finding common ground between ecological economics and post-Keynesian economics pp. 1488-1494

- Tobias Kronenberg
- Paying the piper and calling the tune?: A meta-regression analysis of the double-dividend hypothesis pp. 1495-1502

- Niels Anger, Christoph Böhringer and Andreas Löschel
- The economics of cropland conversion in Amazonia: The importance of agricultural rent pp. 1503-1509

- Michael L. Mann, Robert Kaufmann, Dana Bauer, Sucharita Gopal, Maria Del Carmen Vera-Diaz, Daniel Nepstad, Frank Merry, Jennifer Kallay and Gregory S. Amacher
- A framework for the assessment of ecosystem goods and services; a case study on lowland floodplains in England pp. 1510-1523

- H. Posthumus, J.R. Rouquette, J. Morris, D.J.G. Gowing and T.M. Hess
- The citizen versus consumer distinction: An exploration of individuals' preferences in Contingent Valuation studies pp. 1524-1531

- Peter Howley, Stephen Hynes and Cathal O'Donoghue
- Preferences for site and environmental functions when selecting forthcoming national parks pp. 1532-1544

- Jette Bredahl Jacobsen and Bo Thorsen
- Decoupling waste generation from economic growth -- A CGE analysis of the Swedish case pp. 1545-1552

- Magnus Sjöström and Göran Östblom
- The role of corporate sustainability performance for economic performance: A firm-level analysis of moderation effects pp. 1553-1560

- Marcus Wagner
- Two unannounced environmental tax reforms in the UK: The fuel duty escalator and income tax in the 1990s pp. 1561-1568

- Paul Ekins, Harold Kleinman, Sarah Bell and Andrew Venn
- Balancing the use of wetlands for economic well-being and ecological security: The case of the Limpopo wetland in southern Africa pp. 1569-1579

- Wellington Jogo and Rashid Hassan
- Balancing state and volunteer investment in biodiversity monitoring for the implementation of CBD indicators: A French example pp. 1580-1586

- Harold Levrel, Benoît Fontaine, Pierre-Yves Henry, Frédéric Jiguet, Romain Julliard, Christian Kerbiriou and Denis Couvet
- Anxiety and technological change -- Explaining the inverted U-curve of sulphur dioxide emissions in late 20th century Finland pp. 1587-1593

- Jan Kunnas and Timo Myllyntaus
Volume 69, issue 6, 2010
- Know, live and let live: Towards a redefinition of the knowledge-based economy -- sustainable development nexus pp. 1193-1201

- Gabriela L. Sabau
- Reconciling theory and practice: An alternative conceptual framework for understanding payments for environmental services pp. 1202-1208

- Roldan Muradian, Esteve Corbera, Unai Pascual, Nicolás Kosoy and Peter H. May
- The history of ecosystem services in economic theory and practice: From early notions to markets and payment schemes pp. 1209-1218

- Erik Gómez-Baggethun, Rudolf de Groot, Pedro L. Lomas and Carlos Montes
- Ecosystem services: From eye-opening metaphor to complexity blinder pp. 1219-1227

- Richard B. Norgaard
- Payments for ecosystem services as commodity fetishism pp. 1228-1236

- Nicolás Kosoy and Esteve Corbera
- Exploring the links between equity and efficiency in payments for environmental services: A conceptual approach pp. 1237-1244

- Unai Pascual, Roldan Muradian, Luis C. Rodríguez and Anantha Duraiappah
- An institutional analysis of payments for environmental services pp. 1245-1252

- Arild Vatn
- Common pool resource management and PES: Lessons and constraints for water PES in Tanzania pp. 1253-1261

- Brendan Fisher, Kassim Kulindwa, Iddi Mwanyoka, R. Kerry Turner and Neil D. Burgess
- The role of fairness and benefit distribution in community-based Payment for Environmental Services interventions: A case study from Menabe, Madagascar pp. 1262-1271

- Matthew Sommerville, Julia P.G. Jones, Michael Rahajaharison and E.J. Milner-Gulland
- Direct conservation payments in the Brazilian Amazon: Scope and equity implications pp. 1272-1282

- Jan Börner, Sven Wunder, Sheila Wertz-Kanounnikoff, Marcos Rügnitz Tito, Ligia Pereira and Nathalia Nascimento
- Payments for biodiversity conservation in the context of weak institutions: Comparison of three programs from Cambodia pp. 1283-1291

- Tom Clements, Ashish John, Karen Nielsen, Dara An, Setha Tan and E.J. Milner-Gulland
- Participation in the world's first clean development mechanism forest project: The role of property rights, social capital and contractual rules pp. 1292-1302

- Yazhen Gong, Gary Bull and Kathy Baylis
- Comprehensive bioeconomic modelling of multiple harmful non-indigenous species pp. 1303-1312

- L. Roman Carrasco, J.D. Mumford, A. MacLeod, J.D. Knight and R.H.A. Baker
- Restoring and managing natural capital towards fostering economic development: Evidence from the Drakensberg, South Africa pp. 1313-1323

- James Blignaut, Myles Mander, Roland Schulze, Mark Horan, Chris Dickens, Catherine Pringle, Khulile Mavundla, Isaiah Mahlangu, Adrian Wilson, Margaret McKenzie and Steve McKean
- Energy savings from tree shade pp. 1324-1329

- Ram Pandit and David Laband
- Estimating natural resource harvests: Conjectures? pp. 1330-1335

- Mary C.S. Menton, Anna Lawrence, Frank Merry and Nick D. Brown
- Unravelling the argument for bioenergy production in developing countries: A world-economy perspective pp. 1336-1343

- Magdalena Kuchler
- The production and allocation of information as a good that is enhanced with increased use pp. 1344-1354

- Ida Kubiszewski, Joshua Farley and Robert Costanza
- Property rights in UK uplands and the implications for policy and management pp. 1355-1363

- C.H. Quinn, E.D.G. Fraser, K. Hubacek and M.S. Reed
Volume 69, issue 5, 2010
- Facilitating the transition to a steady-state economy: Some macroeconomic fundamentals pp. 931-936

- Philip Lawn
- The art of the cognitive war to save the planet pp. 937-943

- Miklós Antal and Janne I. Hukkinen
- Pig genetic resource conservation: The Southern African perspective pp. 944-951

- T.E. Halimani, F.C. Muchadeyi, M. Chimonyo and K. Dzama
- Climate change, economics and Buddhism -- Part I: An integrated environmental analysis framework pp. 952-961

- Peter L. Daniels
- Climate change, economics and Buddhism -- Part 2: New views and practices for sustainable world economies pp. 962-972

- Peter L. Daniels
- Boulding's welfare approach of communicative deliberation pp. 973-977

- Stefan Kesting
- Can the concept of ecosystem services be practically applied to improve natural resource management decisions? pp. 978-987

- Lisa A. Wainger, Dennis M. King, Richard N. Mack, Elizabeth W. Price and Thomas Maslin
- Consistent and unbiased carbon dioxide emission multipliers: Performance of Danish emission reductions via external trade pp. 988-998

- José Rueda-Cantuche and Antonio Amores
- Water and poverty in rural China: Developing an instrument to assess the multiple dimensions of water and poverty pp. 999-1009

- Alasdair Cohen and Caroline A. Sullivan
- Testing different types of benefit transfer in valuation of ecosystem services: New Zealand winegrowing case studies pp. 1010-1022

- Ramesh Baskaran, Ross Cullen and Sergio Colombo
- A meta-analysis of contingent valuation forest studies pp. 1023-1030

- Melina Barrio and Maria Loureiro
- Reconfiguring an irrigation landscape to improve provision of ecosystem services pp. 1031-1042

- Neville D. Crossman, Jeffrey D. Connor, Brett A. Bryan, David M. Summers and John Ginnivan
- Performance-based environmental index weights: Are all metrics created equal? pp. 1043-1050

- Moriah J. Bellenger and Alan T. Herlihy
- Valuing ecosystem services from wetlands restoration in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley pp. 1051-1061

- W. Aaron Jenkins, Brian Murray, Randall Kramer and Stephen P. Faulkner
- Empirical evaluation of agricultural sustainability using composite indicators pp. 1062-1075

- José A. Gómez-Limón and Gabriela Sanchez-Fernandez
- Triple win for trade in renewable resource goods by use of export taxes pp. 1076-1082

- Ola Flaaten and Carl Erik Schulz
- Environmental Kuznets curve for CO2 in Canada pp. 1083-1093

- Jie He and Patrick Richard
- Institutional and ecological interplay for successful self-governance of community-based fisheries pp. 1094-1103

- Xavier Basurto and Eric Coleman
- Not irrational but habitual: The importance of "behavioural lock-in" in energy consumption pp. 1104-1114

- Kevin Maréchal
- Detecting the 'conservation effect' on the maintenance of natural capital flow in different natural parks pp. 1115-1123

- Irene Petrosillo, Teodoro Semeraro and Giovanni Zurlini
- Valuing quality changes in Caribbean coastal waters for heterogeneous beach visitors pp. 1124-1139

- Nesha Beharry-Borg and Riccardo Scarpa
- Assessing regional and global water footprints for the UK pp. 1140-1147

- Yang Yu, Klaus Hubacek, Kuishuang Feng and Dabo Guan
- Global patterns of materials use: A socioeconomic and geophysical analysis pp. 1148-1158

- Julia K. Steinberger, Fridolin Krausmann and Nina Eisenmenger
- Robust Corporate Social Responsibility investment screening pp. 1159-1169

- Filip Van den Bossche, Nicky Rogge, Kurt Devooght and Tom Van Puyenbroeck
- An empirical assessment of U.S. state-level immigration and environmental emissions pp. 1170-1175

- Jay Squalli
- One solution for cross-country transport-sustainability evaluation using a modified ELECTRE method pp. 1176-1186

- Natasa Bojkovic, Ivan Anic and Snezana Pejcic-Tarle
- Geoffrey Heal, When principles pay: Corporate social responsibility and the bottom line, Columbia University Press (2008) ISBN 0231144008 288 pp pp. 1187-1188

- Andrew J. Hoffman
- Institutions and Environmental Change: Principal Findings, Applications, and Research Frontiers, Edited by Oran R. Young, Leslie A. King, and Heike Schroeder, The MIT Press, 2008, ISBN 978-0-262-24057-4, Pp. i-xxi; 1-373 pp. 1188-1189

- Thráinn Eggertsson
- Nicholas Ashford and Charles Caldart, Environmental law, policy and economics: Reclaiming the environmental agenda, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, Cambridge (2008) pp. 1189-1190

- Rick Reibstein
- Tim Jackson, Prosperity without Growth: Economics for a Finite Planet, Earthscan, London (2009) pp. 1190-1191

- David Stern
Volume 69, issue 4, 2010
- Economists, time to team up with the ecologists! pp. 675-679

- Hilde Karine Wam
- A conservation industry for sustaining natural capital and ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes pp. 680-689

- Wanhong Yang, Brett A. Bryan, Darla Hatton MacDonald, John R. Ward, Geoff Wells, Neville D. Crossman and Jeffrey D. Connor
- Coevolutionary ecological economics pp. 690-699

- Giorgos Kallis and Richard B. Norgaard
- Darwinian coevolution of organizations and the environment pp. 700-706

- Geoffrey Hodgson
- Bridging ecological and social systems coevolution: A review and proposal pp. 707-717

- Miguel A. Gual and Richard B. Norgaard
- New evolutionary foundations: Theoretical requirements for a science of sustainability pp. 718-730

- Timothy Waring
- Niche construction, co-evolution and biodiversity pp. 731-736

- Kevin N. Laland and Neeltje J. Boogert
- Coevolution, Symbiosis and Sociology pp. 737-742

- Myra J. Hird
- Evolving power and environmental policy: Explaining institutional change with group selection pp. 743-752

- Karolina Safarzynska and Jeroen van den Bergh
- The evolution of social and moral behavior: Evolutionary insights for public policy pp. 753-761

- Mikko Manner and John Gowdy
- Notes from the greenhouse world: A study in coevolution, planetary sustainability, and community structure pp. 762-769

- Lee Worden
- A coevolutionary understanding of agroenvironmental change: A case-study of a rural community in Brazil pp. 770-778

- Raquel Moreno-Peñaranda and Giorgos Kallis
- The Buddha mushroom: Conservation behavior and the development of institutions in Bhutan pp. 779-795

- Jeremy S. Brooks
- Coevolution in water resource development: The vicious cycle of water supply and demand in Athens, Greece pp. 796-809

- Giorgos Kallis
- Measuring sustainable welfare: A new approach to the ISEW pp. 810-819

- Pedro Beça and Rui Santos
- Stream ecosystem service markets under no-net-loss regulation pp. 820-827

- Martin W. Doyle and Andrew Yates
- An ex ante ecological economic assessment of the benefits arising from marine protected areas designation in the UK pp. 828-838

- S. Salman Hussain, Alexandra Winrow-Giffin, Dominic Moran, Leonie A. Robinson, Abdulai Fofana, Odette A.L. Paramor and Chris L.J. Frid
- Assessing the economic viability of alternative water resources in water-scarce regions: Combining economic valuation, cost-benefit analysis and discounting pp. 839-847

- Ekin Birol, Phoebe Koundouri and Yiannis Kountouris
- What determines the inclusion in a sustainability stock index?: A panel data analysis for european firms pp. 848-856

- Andreas Ziegler and Michael Schröder
- Valuing cattle on mixed smallholdings in the Eastern Amazon pp. 857-867

- M. Siegmund-Schultze, B. Rischkowsky, J.B. da Veiga and J.M. King
- What is the role of openness for China's aggregate industrial SO2 emission?: A structural analysis based on the Divisia decomposition method pp. 868-886

- Jie He
- Strategic importance of green water in international crop trade pp. 887-894

- M.M. Aldaya, J.A. Allan and A.Y. Hoekstra
- The effect of Africanized honey bees on honey production in the United States: An informational approach pp. 895-904

- Grigorios Livanis and Charles Moss
- A further inquiry into the Pollution Haven Hypothesis and the Environmental Kuznets Curve pp. 905-919

- Aaron Kearsley and Mary Riddel
- International trade and Austria's livestock system: Direct and hidden carbon emission flows associated with production and consumption of products pp. 920-929

- Olga Gavrilova, Matthias Jonas, Karlheinz Erb and Helmut Haberl
Volume 69, issue 3, 2010
- What is sustainability economics? pp. 445-450

- Stefan Baumgärtner and Martin Quaas
- Private valuation of carbon sequestration in forest plantations pp. 451-458

- Adriana Bussoni Guitart and L.C. Estraviz Rodriguez
- Sustaining Human Carrying Capacity: A tool for regional sustainability assessment pp. 459-468

- M.L.M. Graymore, Neil G. Sipe and Roy E. Rickson
- Analysis of the carbon sequestration costs of afforestation and reforestation agroforestry practices and the use of cost curves to evaluate their potential for implementation of climate change mitigation pp. 469-477

- Arturo Balderas Torres, Rob Marchant, Jon C. Lovett, James C.R. Smart and Richard Tipper
- The ecological importance of species and the Noah's Ark problem pp. 478-485

- Neil Perry
- The Four-Sector Diagram of Benefits (FSDOB) as a method for evaluating strategic interactions between humans and the environment: The case study of hydrogen fuel cell buses pp. 486-494

- Corrado Giannantoni and Mariangela Zoli
- The joint discourse 'reflexive sustainable development' -- From weak towards strong sustainable development pp. 495-501

- Heidi Rapp Nilsen
- Conceptualising uncertainty in environmental decision-making: The example of the EU water framework directive pp. 502-510

- Katja Sigel, Bernd Klauer and Claudia Pahl-Wostl
- Estimating land degradation risk for agriculture in Italy using an indirect approach pp. 511-518

- Luca Salvati and Margherita Carlucci
- Cost-effective management of invasive species using linear-quadratic control pp. 519-527

- Julie Blackwood, Alan Hastings and Christopher Costello
- Heterogeneous preferences for water quality attributes: The Case of eutrophication in the Gulf of Finland, the Baltic Sea pp. 528-538

- Anna-Kaisa Kosenius
- Regionalization of climatic factors and income indicators for milk production in Honduras pp. 539-552

- Peter Lentes, Michael Peters and Federico Holmann
- Modelling regional markets for co-produced timber and biofuel pp. 553-561

- A. Korobeinikov, P. Read, A. Parshotam and J. Lermit
- The determination of optimal climate policy pp. 562-568

- Asbjørn Aaheim
- Cost of potential emerald ash borer damage in U.S. communities, 2009-2019 pp. 569-578

- Kent Kovacs, Robert G. Haight, Deborah G. McCullough, Rodrigo J. Mercader, Nathan W. Siegert and Andrew M. Liebhold
- Q methodology to select participants for a stakeholder dialogue on energy options from biomass in the Netherlands pp. 579-591

- Eefje Cuppen, Sylvia Breukers, Matthijs Hisschemöller and Emmy Bergsma
- Household income strategies and natural disasters: Dynamic livelihoods in rural Nicaragua pp. 592-602

- Marrit van den Berg
- Externalities in an endogenous growth model with social and natural capital pp. 603-612

- Catarina Roseta-Palma, Alexandra Lopes and Tiago Sequeira
- Public participation and willingness to cooperate in common-pool resource management: A field experiment with fishing communities in Brazil pp. 613-622

- Carina Cavalcanti, Felix Schläpfer and Bernhard Schmid
- Sulfur dioxide allowances: Trading and technological progress pp. 623-631

- Surender Kumar and Shunsuke Managi
- Invasive species and delaying the inevitable: Valuation evidence from a national survey pp. 632-640

- Christopher McIntosh, Jason Shogren and David Finnoff
- On the non-convergence of energy intensities: Evidence from a pair-wise econometric approach pp. 641-650

- Yannick Le Pen and Benoît Sévi
- Accounting for cultural heritage -- A theoretical and empirical exploration with focus on Swedish reindeer husbandry pp. 651-657

- Göran Bostedt and Tommy Lundgren
- The economics of global light pollution pp. 658-665

- Terrel Gallaway, Reed N. Olsen and David M. Mitchell
- The cost of carbon abatement through community forest management in Nepal Himalaya pp. 666-672

- Bhaskar Singh Karky and Margaret Skutsch
- Outliers: the story of success, Malcom Gladwell, 2008, Little, Brown and Company, ISBN: 0316017922, 320 pp pp. 673-674

- Marjan van den Belt
Volume 69, issue 2, 2009
- A review of recent multi-region input-output models used for consumption-based emission and resource accounting pp. 211-222

- Thomas Wiedmann
- Political economy of climate change, ecological destruction and uneven development pp. 223-234

- Phillip Anthony O'Hara
- How not to measure sustainable value (and how one might) pp. 235-243

- Timo Kuosmanen and Natalia Kuosmanen
- Not measuring sustainable value at all: A response to Kuosmanen and Kuosmanen pp. 244-249

- Frank Figge and Tobias Hahn
- Analyzing the global human appropriation of net primary production -- processes, trajectories, implications. An introduction pp. 250-259

- Karl-Heinz Erb, Fridolin Krausmann, Veronika Gaube, Simone Gingrich, Alberte Bondeau, Marina Fischer-Kowalski and Helmut Haberl
- Trajectories in human domination of ecosystems: Human appropriation of net primary production in the Philippines during the 20th century pp. 260-269

- Thomas Kastner
- Human appropriation of net primary production in the United Kingdom, 1800-2000: Changes in society's impact on ecological energy flows during the agrarian-industrial transition pp. 270-281

- Annabella Musel
- Human appropriation of aboveground net primary production in Spain, 1955-2003: An empirical analysis of the industrialization of land use pp. 282-291

- Elmar Schwarzlmüller
- Land use change, biomass production and HANPP: The case of Hungary 1961-2005 pp. 292-300

- Norbert Kohlheb and Fridolin Krausmann
- Biomass consumed in anthropogenic vegetation fires: Global patterns and processes pp. 301-309

- Christian Lauk and Karl-Heinz Erb
- The global loss of net primary production resulting from human-induced soil degradation in drylands pp. 310-318

- Michael Zika and Karl-Heinz Erb
- To settle or protect? A global analysis of net primary production in parks and urban areas pp. 319-327

- Daniel W. O'Neill and David J. Abson
- Embodied HANPP: Mapping the spatial disconnect between global biomass production and consumption pp. 328-334

- Karl-Heinz Erb, Fridolin Krausmann, Wolfgang Lucht and Helmut Haberl
- Selfishness, cooperation, the evolutionary point of view and its implications for economics pp. 335-344

- Dariusz Pienkowski
- Applying input-output analysis to scenario analysis of ecological footprints pp. 345-354

- Jiun-Jiun Ferng
- Flooding risk and housing values: An economic assessment of environmental hazard pp. 355-365

- Vanessa E. Daniel, Raymond Florax and Piet Rietveld
- Water markets and freshwater ecosystem services: Policy reform and implementation in the Columbia and Murray-Darling Basins pp. 366-379

- D. Garrick, M.A. Siebentritt, B. Aylward, C.J. Bauer and A. Purkey
- Natural capital, subjective well-being, and the new welfare economics of sustainability: Some evidence from cross-country regressions pp. 380-388

- Hans-Jurgen Engelbrecht
- OECD organisational discourse, peer reviews and sustainable development: An ecological-institutionalist perspective pp. 389-397

- Markku Lehtonen
- Expanding the solution set: Organizational economics and agri-environmental policy pp. 398-405

- Scott R. Steele
- Common property, information, and cooperation: Commercial fishing in the Bering Sea pp. 406-413

- Alan C. Haynie, Robert L. Hicks and Kurt E. Schnier
- Basin impacts of irrigation water conservation policy pp. 414-426

- Hilary R. Brinegar and Frank A. Ward
- Peak globalization: Climate change, oil depletion and global trade pp. 427-434

- Fred Curtis
- A model of technological breakthrough in the renewable energy sector pp. 435-444

- Robert C. Schmidt and Robert Marschinski
Volume 69, issue 1, 2009
- Between a rock and a soft place: Ecological and feminist economics in policy debates pp. 1-8

- Julie Nelson
- The DPSIR scheme for analysing biodiversity loss and developing preservation strategies pp. 9-11

- Joachim H. Spangenberg, Joan Martinez-Alier, Ines Omann, Iliana Monterroso and Rosa Binimelis
- An analysis of risks for biodiversity under the DPSIR framework pp. 12-23

- Laura Maxim, Joachim H. Spangenberg and Martin O'Connor
- Climate change as a threat to biodiversity: An application of the DPSIR approach pp. 24-31

- Ines Omann, Andrea Stocker and Jill Jäger
- An application of DPSIR framework to identify issues of pollinator loss pp. 32-42

- Piret Kuldna, Kaja Peterson, Helen Poltimae and Jaan Luig
- Driving forces of chemical risks for the European biodiversity pp. 43-54

- Laura Maxim and Joachim H. Spangenberg
- Catalan agriculture and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) -- An application of DPSIR model pp. 55-62

- Rosa Binimelis, Iliana Monterroso and Beatriz Rodríguez-Labajos
- Multi-level driving forces of biological invasions pp. 63-75

- Beatriz Rodríguez-Labajos, Rosa Binimelis and Iliana Monterroso
- Quantifying economic sustainability: Implications for free-enterprise theory, policy and practice pp. 76-81

- Sally J. Goerner, Bernard Lietaer and Robert E. Ulanowicz
- The external water footprint of the Netherlands: Geographically-explicit quantification and impact assessment pp. 82-92

- P.R. van Oel, M.M. Mekonnen and A.Y. Hoekstra
- Spatial planning of offshore wind farms: A windfall to marine environmental protection? pp. 93-103

- Maarten Punt, Rolf Groeneveld, Ekko van Ierland and Jan H. Stel
- A dynamic approach to voluntary environmental contributions in tourism pp. 104-114

- Ester Blanco, Javier Lozano and Javier Rey-Maquieira
- Determinants of demand for green products: An application to eco-label demand for fish in Europe pp. 115-125

- Dorothée Brécard, Boubaker Hlaimi, Sterenn Lucas, Yves Perraudeau and Frédéric Salladarré
- Optimal design of pro-conservation incentives pp. 126-134

- Astrid Zabel and Brian Roe
- Long-run determinants of pollution: A robustness analysis pp. 135-144

- Michael Lamla
- Lifestyles, technology and CO2 emissions in China: A regional comparative analysis pp. 145-154

- Kuishuang Feng, Klaus Hubacek and Dabo Guan
- Responding to environmental risks: What can Albert Hirschman contribute? pp. 155-165

- Bertrand Zuindeau
- Determinants of pro-environmental consumption: The role of reference groups and routine behavior pp. 166-176

- Heinz Welsch and Jan Kühling
- Explaining the performance of state-community joint forest management in India pp. 177-185

- Bhagirath Behera
- Measurement and communication of greenhouse gas emissions from U.S. food consumption via carbon calculators pp. 186-196

- Brent Kim and Roni Neff
- Description, prescription and the choice of discount rates pp. 197-205

- Seth D. Baum
- ,Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development.Rinaldo Brau, Alessandro Lanza and Stefano Usai, Editors, Macroeconomic Models and Empirical Methods, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK (2008) ISBN 978 1 84720 650 3 245 pp pp. 206-207

- Stefan Gössling
- Molly Scott Cato, Green economics, an introduction to theory, policy and practice, Earthscan, London (2009) ISBN 978-1-84407-571-3, 224 pp pp. 206-206

- Peter Söderbaum
- Andreas Kontoleon, Unai Pascual and Timothy Swanson, Editors, Biodiversity economics: Principles, methods and applications, Cambridge University Press, New York (2008) ISBN 978-0-521-86683-5, p. xxv + 664 pp. 207-208

- Clem Tisdell
- Ines Dombrowsky, Conflict, Cooperation and Institutions in International Water Management: An Economic Analysis, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham UK, Northampton, MA, USA (2007) 978-1-84720-341-0, 376 pp pp. 208-208

- Phoebe Koundouri
- Corrigendum to "Dynamic multidimensional assessment of sustainability at the macro level: The case of Austria" [Ecological Economics 68 (2009) 2560-2573] pp. 209-209

- Stanislav E. Shmelev and Beatriz Rodríguez-Labajos
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