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Ecological Economics

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland

From Elsevier
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Volume 83, issue C, 2012

The value of reducing eutrophication in European marine areas — A Bayesian meta-analysis pp. 1-10 Downloads
Heini Ahtiainen and Jarno Vanhatalo
Global governance for sustainable energy: The contribution of a global public goods approach pp. 11-18 Downloads
Sylvia I. Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen, Nigel Jollands and Lawrence Staudt
Understanding the impacts of the 2007–08 Global Financial Crisis on sustainable forest management in the Brazilian Amazon: A case study pp. 19-31 Downloads
Natalia P. Canova and Gordon M. Hickey
A framework for evaluating collective action and informal institutional dynamics under a resource management policy of decentralization pp. 32-41 Downloads
H.M. Tuihedur Rahman, Gordon M. Hickey and Swapan Kumar Sarker
On the deliberative capacity of private multi-stakeholder governance: The Roundtables on Responsible Soy and Sustainable Palm Oil pp. 42-50 Downloads
Greetje Schouten, Pieter Leroy and Pieter Glasbergen
Shifting environmental perspectives in agriculture: Repeated Q analysis and the stability of preference structures pp. 51-57 Downloads
Ben B. Davies and Ian Hodge
Does eco-certification have environmental benefits? Organic coffee in Costa Rica pp. 58-66 Downloads
Allen Blackman and Maria A. Naranjo
An evaluation of monetary and non-monetary techniques for assessing the importance of biodiversity and ecosystem services to people in countries with developing economies pp. 67-78 Downloads
Mike Christie, Ioan Fazey, Rob Cooper, Tony Hyde and Jasper Kenter
Enhancing U.S. hazardous waste accounting through economic modeling pp. 79-89 Downloads
Christa Court
The role of farmers' property rights in soil ecosystem services conservation pp. 90-96 Downloads
Sébastien Foudi
Comparison of energy flow accounting, energy flow metabolism ratio analysis and ecological footprinting as tools for measuring urban sustainability: A case-study of an Irish city-region pp. 97-107 Downloads
David Browne, Bernadette O'Regan and Richard Moles
Economic value of the nutrient retention function of restored floodplain wetlands in the Elbe River basin pp. 108-117 Downloads
Malte Grossmann
An integrated assessment model with endogenous growth pp. 118-131 Downloads
Michael Hübler, Lavinia Baumstark, Marian Leimbach, Ottmar Edenhofer and Nico Bauer
International and domestic pressures and responses of Chinese firms to greening pp. 144-153 Downloads
Qinghua Zhu, James Cordeiro and Joseph Sarkis
Environmental and social responsibility in supply chains: The practise of choice and inter-organisational management pp. 154-163 Downloads
Beatrice Kogg and Oksana Mont
The shaping of environmental impacts from Danish production and consumption of clothing pp. 164-173 Downloads
Michael Søgaard Jørgensen and Charlotte Louise Jensen
Greening of supply chain in developing countries: Diffusion of lead (Pb)-free soldering in ICT manufacturers in China pp. 174-182 Downloads
Xin Tong, Jin Shi and Yu Zhou
Government interventions in sustainable supply chain governance: Experience in Dutch front-running cases pp. 183-196 Downloads
W.J.V. Vermeulen and M.T.J. Kok
National contexts matter: The co-evolution of sustainability standards in global value chains pp. 197-209 Downloads
Stephan Manning, Frank Boons, Oliver von Hagen and Juliane Reinecke
Sustainability solution space of the Swiss milk value added chain pp. 210-220 Downloads
C.R. Binder, Allan Schmid and J.K. Steinberger
International trade and shared environmental responsibility by sector. An application to the Spanish economy pp. 221-235 Downloads
María-Ángeles Cadarso, Luis López, Nuria Gómez and María-Ángeles Tobarra
Extended producer responsibility instruments and innovation in eco-design: An exploration through a simulation model pp. 236-245 Downloads
Eric Brouillat and Vanessa Oltra

Volume 82, issue C, 2012

Valuing impacts of the invasive alga Didymosphenia geminata on recreational angling pp. 1-10 Downloads
Stephen T. Beville, Geoffrey N. Kerr and Kenneth F.D. Hughey
Opportunism and environmental management systems: Certification as a smokescreen for stakeholders pp. 11-22 Downloads
Gustavo Lannelongue and Javier González-Benito
Land use change and its effects on the value of ecosystem services along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico pp. 23-32 Downloads
G. Mendoza-González, M.L. Martínez, D. Lithgow, O. Pérez-Maqueo and P. Simonin
Do ecosystem services influence household wealth in rural Mali? pp. 33-44 Downloads
Danielle King Liebenow, Matthew J. Cohen, Thomas Gumbricht, Keith D. Shepherd and Gemma Shepherd
Fishing industry borrows from natural capital at high shadow interest rates pp. 45-52 Downloads
Martin Quaas, Rainer Froese, Helmut Herwartz, Till Requate, Jörn O. Schmidt and Rüdiger Voss
The impacts of pollution and exposure pathways on home values: A stated preference analysis pp. 53-63 Downloads
Dennis Guignet
Lifestyle practices and pro-environmental technology pp. 64-74 Downloads
Jonn Axsen, Jennifer TyreeHageman and Andy Lentz
The build-up of local sustainable development politics: A case study of company leaders in France pp. 75-87 Downloads
Anne Musson
What factors influence the uptake of GPP (green public procurement) practices? New evidence from an Italian survey pp. 88-96 Downloads
Francesco Testa, Fabio Iraldo, Marco Frey and Tiberio Daddi
William Stanley Jevons' The Coal Question (1865), beyond the rebound effect pp. 97-103 Downloads
Antoine Missemer
Navigating coastal values: Participatory mapping of ecosystem services for spatial planning pp. 104-113 Downloads
Sarah C. Klain and Kai M.A. Chan
Creating physical environmental asset accounts from markets for ecosystem conservation pp. 114-122 Downloads
Gary Stoneham, Andrew O'Keefe, Mark Eigenraam and David Bain
The Clean Development Mechanism in the Solid Waste Management Sector: Sustainable for Whom? pp. 123-125 Downloads
Candace A. Martinez and J.D. Bowen
Water futures: Reviewing water-scenario analyses through an original interpretative framework pp. 126-137 Downloads
Hug March, Olivier Therond and Delphine Leenhardt

Volume 81, issue C, 2012

Global environmental governance and planetary boundaries: An introduction pp. 1-3 Downloads
Victor Galaz, Frank Biermann, Carl Folke, Måns Nilsson and Per Olsson
Planetary boundaries and earth system governance: Exploring the links pp. 4-9 Downloads
Frank Biermann
Reprint of “Can Earth system interactions be governed? Governance functions for linking climate change mitigation with land use, freshwater and biodiversity protection” pp. 10-20 Downloads
Måns Nilsson and Åsa Persson
Polycentric systems and interacting planetary boundaries — Emerging governance of climate change–ocean acidification–marine biodiversity pp. 21-32 Downloads
Victor Galaz, Beatrice Crona, Henrik Österblom, Per Olsson and Carl Folke
Designing institutions for governing planetary boundaries — Lessons from global forest governance pp. 33-40 Downloads
Gunilla Reischl
Optimised whole-landscape ecological metrics for effective delivery of connectivity-focused conservation incentive payments pp. 48-59 Downloads
Kristen J. Williams, Andrew Reeson, Michael J. Drielsma and Jamie Love
Testing benefit transfer of reef protection values between local case studies: The Great Barrier Reef in Australia pp. 60-69 Downloads
John Rolfe and Jill Windle
Biocomplexity—conceptual challenges for institutional analysis in biodiversity governance pp. 70-79 Downloads
Martina Padmanabhan and Stefan Jungcurt
Environmental externalities and immiserizing structural changes in an economy with heterogeneous agents pp. 80-91 Downloads
Angelo Antoci, Paolo Russu and Elisa Ticci
Dynamic analysis of aluminum stocks and flows in the United States: 1900–2009 pp. 92-102 Downloads
Wei-Qiang Chen and T.E. Graedel
Beyond “benefits”? Looking at ecosystem services through the capability approach pp. 103-111 Downloads
Yuliana Polishchuk and Felix Rauschmayer
Can altruism stabilise international climate agreements? pp. 112-120 Downloads
Thomas van der Pol, Hans-Peter Weikard and Ekko van Ierland
Conservation of forest biodiversity using temporal conservation contracts pp. 121-129 Downloads
Artti Juutinen, Pasi Reunanen, Mikko Mönkkönen, Olli-Pekka Tikkanen and Jari Kouki
Environmental Regulation and Competitiveness: Evidence from Romania pp. 130-139 Downloads
Mohamed Arouri, Guglielmo Maria Caporale, Christophe Rault, Robert Sova and Anamaria Sova
The tragedy of the commons in a fishery when relative performance matters pp. 140-154 Downloads
Ngo Long and Stephanie McWhinnie
Energy consumption in service industries: Challenging the myth of non-materiality pp. 155-164 Downloads
Charlotte Fourcroy, Faïz Gallouj and Fabrice Decellas
A resilience-based policy evaluation framework: Application to European rural development policies pp. 165-175 Downloads
Marleen A.H. Schouten, C. Martijn van der Heide, Wim J.M. Heijman and Paul F.M. Opdam
Page updated 2025-03-28