Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 216, issue C, 2024
- Household food waste and the opportunity cost of time

- Emmanuel Paroissien, Timothy Beatty and Antoine Nebout
- Global employment and skill level requirements for ‘Post-Carbon Europe’

- Martin Černý, Martin Bruckner, Jan Weinzettel, Kirsten Wiebe, Christian Kimmich, Christian Kerschner and Klaus Hubacek
- The nonlinear dependence of income inequality and carbon emissions: Potentials for a sustainable future

- Franziska Dorn, Simone Maxand and Thomas Kneib
- Inequality beyond income quantiles: Distributional effects of climate mitigation policies

- Daniel Rüb
- The role of physical constraints on production

- Ratbek Dzhumashev
- Impact of industrial intelligence on green total factor productivity: The indispensability of the environmental system

- Siying Yang and Fengshuo Liu
- The impact of climate change mitigation policies on European labour markets

- Eva Alexandri, José Ignacio Antón and Richard Lewney
- Can competing demands affect pro-environmental behaviour: a study of the impact of exposure to partly related sequential experiments

- Gloria Amaris, Stepan Vesely, Stephane Hess and Christian A. Klöckner
- Encouraging sustainable food consumption through nudges: An experiment with menu labels

- Arianna Buratto and Lorenzo Lotti
- Animal welfare as a public good

- Romain Espinosa and Nicolas Treich
- Challenging the growth-prosperity Nexus: Redefining undergraduate economics education for the Anthropocene

- Maximilian Tallgauer and Christoph Schank
- A hybrid electricity-economy model to assess the aggregate impacts of low-carbon transition: An application to France

- Darius Corbier and Frederic Gonand
- Is the digital economy an effective tool for decreasing energy vulnerability? A global case

- Kangyin Dong, Yang Liu, Jianda Wang and Xiucheng Dong
- Asymmetric effects of democracy and macroeconomic factors on happiness under high and low per capita incomes: A threshold panel analysis

- Srikanta Kundu, Ruma Kundu and Kul Bahadur Chettri
- Is environmental regulation keeping e-waste under control? Evidence from e-waste exports in the European Union

- Sónia Almeida Neves, António Cardoso Marques and Leonardo Batista de Sá Lopes
- Why is satisfaction from pro-environmental behaviors increasing in costs? Insights from the rational-choice decision-error framework

- Heinz Welsch
- Do Farmers Participating in Short Food Supply Chains Use Less Pesticides? Evidence from France

- Pierre Chiaverina, Sophie Drogué and Florence Jacquet
- Rethinking cost-share programs in consideration of economic equity: A case study of wildfire risk mitigation assistance for private landowners

- James Meldrum, Patricia A. Champ, Hannah Brenkert-Smith, Christopher M. Barth, Abby E. McConnell, Carolyn Wagner and Colleen Donovan
- Transcending the nature-society dichotomy: A dialogue between the Sumak Kawsay and the epistemology of complexity

- A. Malo Larrea, M. Ambrosi de la Cadena, J. Collado Ruano and L. Gallardo Fierro
- Corrigendum to “Trends in household demand and greenhouse gas footprints in Germany: Evidence from microdata of the last 20 years” [Ecological Economics 208 (2023) 1077575]

- Anke Jacksohn, Miguel Angel Tovar Reaños, Frank Pothen and Katrin Rehdanz
- Social comparison feedback in decision-making context: Environmental externality levels and psychological traits matter

- Shutong He, Julia Blasch, Peter John Robinson and Pieter van Beukering
Volume 215, issue C, 2024
- Safeguarding livelihoods against reductions in economic output

- Jefim Vogel, Gauthier Guerin, Daniel W. O'Neill and Julia K. Steinberger
- Assessing global agri-food system exceedance of national cropland limits for linking responsible consumption and production under SDG 12

- M. Abdullah Shaikh, Michalis Hadjikakou, Ozge Geyik and Brett A. Bryan
- Inconsistent definitions of GDP: Implications for estimates of decoupling

- Gregor Semieniuk
- The infrastructural conditions of (de-)growth: The case of the internet

- Mario Pansera, Javier Lloveras and Daniel Durrant
- Circular economy and macroeconomic performance: Evidence across 28 European countries

- George Hondroyiannis, Eleni Sardianou, V. Nikou, K. Evangelinos and I. Nikolaou
- Intergenerational altruism, pessimism bias on tenure insecurity, and sustainable land use: Evidence from household grassland management in China

- Fanzheng Yang, Lingling Hou and Fang Xia
- Does land tenure change accelerate deforestation? A matching-based four-country comparison

- Chuan Liao, Suhyun Jung, Daniel G. Brown and Arun Agrawal
- The Transitional Gains Trap in Grandfathered Individual Transferable Quota Fisheries

- Conor Byrne, Maartje Oostdijk, Sveinn Agnarsson and Brynhildur Davidsdottir
- The effects of regional goal setting on household waste

- Yuichi Ishimura, Takayoshi Shinkuma, Kenji Takeuchi and Eiji Hosoda
Volume 214, issue C, 2023
- Habitat considerations in optimal fisheries recovery

- Rui Pedro Mota and Rachel Nichols
- Relaxing the production-conservation trade-off: Biodiversity spillover in the bioeconomic performance of ecological networks

- Valentin Cocco, Yann Kervinio and Lauriane Mouysset
- How to pay for saving the world: Modern Monetary Theory for a degrowth transition

- Christopher Olk, Colleen Schneider and Jason Hickel
- Embedding circularity: Theorizing the social economy, its potential, and its challenges

- Rafael Ziegler, Thomas Bauwens, Michael J. Roy, Simon Teasdale, Ambre Fourrier and Emmanuel Raufflet
- Value asymmetries in Norwegian forest governance: The role of institutions and power dynamics

- Elisabeth Veivåg Helseth, Paul Vedeld, Arild Vatn and Erik Gómez-Baggethun
- The complex relationships between non-food agriculture and the sustainable bioeconomy: The French case

- Pascal Grouiez, Romain Debref, Franck-Dominique Vivien and Nicolas Befort
- New officials, fresh outlooks on policy uncertainty: Leadership turnover in environmental protection bureaus and additional corporate environmental reporting

- Zhenbo Zhang, Junyi Xing, Anbang Wang and Xiaohua Meng
- Who benefits from payments for ecosystem services? Policy lessons from a forest carbon sink program in China

- Yuan Hu, Lena Kuhn, Weizhong Zeng and Thomas Glauben
- Indigenous people's perceptions of benefits and costs of China's second phase of the grain for green program and the influencing factors

- Lingling Qiu, Shashi Kant and Weizhong Zeng
- Climate and socioeconomic impacts on Maine's forests under alternative future pathways

- Jianheng Zhao, Adam Daigneault, Aaron Weiskittel and Xinyuan Wei
- Transitioning from Monoculture to Mixed Cropping Systems: The Case of Coffee, Pepper, and Fruit Trees in Vietnam

- Rigal Clément, Duong Tuan, Vo Cuong, Bon Le Van, Hoang quôc Trung and Chau Thi Minh Long
- Assessing the performance of voluntary environmental agreements under high monitoring costs: Evidence from the Brazilian Amazon

- Bruno Varella Miranda and Gustavo Magalhães de Oliveira
- Protected areas are effective on curbing fires in the Amazon

- Ana Carolina M. Pessôa, Thiago F. Morello R.S., Celso H.L. Silva-Junior, Juan Doblas, Nathália S. Carvalho, Luiz E.O.C. Aragão and Liana O. Anderson
- Combining economics and psychology: Does CO2 framing strengthen pro-environmental behaviors?

- Charles Collet, Pascal Gastineau, Benoît Chèze, Pierre-Alexandre Mahieu and Frédéric Martinez
- Can weather variables and electricity demand predict carbon emissions allowances prices? Evidence from the first three phases of the EU ETS

- Mohammadehsan Eslahi and Paolo Mazza
- Evaluation and determinants of satisfaction with the urban-rural interface area liveability toward “15-min city”: A case study in Henan Province, China

- Jing Chen, Shiyan Zhai, Genxin Song, Shaopu Huang, Huan Liu, Xintong Jiang, Jingjing Luo and Wei Wu
- Pathways to stringent carbon pricing: Configurations of political economy conditions and revenue recycling strategies. A comparison of thirty national level policies

- Daniel Muth
- Tracing carbon footprints to intermediate industries in the United Kingdom

- Diana Ivanova and Hanspeter Wieland
- Unpacking the black box of ‘energy technology’: How abstraction and resource fungibility obscure ecologically unequal exchange

- Alf Hornborg
- Procedural climate justice: Conceptualizing a polycentric solution to a global problem

- Kilian de Ridder, Felix Carl Schultz and Ingo Pies
- Making bird numbers count: Would Dutch farmers accept a result-based meadow bird conservation scheme?

- Insa Thiermann, Brechtje Silvius, Melody Splinter and Liesbeth Dries
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