Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 138, issue C, 2017
- Buen Vivir vs Development (II): The Limits of (Neo-)Extractivism pp. 1-11

- C. Unai Villalba-Eguiluz and Iker Etxano
- Eco-efficiency of Virgin Resources: A Measure at the Interface Between Micro and Macro Levels pp. 12-21

- Frank Figge, Philippe Givry, Louise Canning, Elizabeth Franklin-Johnson and Andrea Thorpe
- A Multi-regional Economic Impact Analysis of Alaska Salmon Fishery Failures pp. 22-30

- Chang K. Seung
- Managing Forests for Carbon and Timber: A Markov Decision Model of Uneven-aged Forest Management With Risk pp. 31-39

- Craig Johnston and Patrick Withey
- Clarifying the Epistemology of Corporate Sustainability pp. 40-46

- Sigurd Sagen Vildåsen, Martina Keitsch and Annik Magerholm Fet
- Applying a ‘Value Landscapes Approach’ to Conflicts in Water Governance: The Case of the Paraguay-Paraná Waterway pp. 47-55

- Christopher Schulz, Julia Martin-Ortega, Antonio A.R. Ioris and Klaus Glenk
- Environmental Valuation With Periodical Payments in High-inflation Economies. An Argentinean Case Study pp. 56-63

- Verónica Farreras, Pere Riera and Pablo F. Salvador
- Stability of Willingness-to-Pay for Coastal Management: A Choice Experiment Across Three Time Periods pp. 64-73

- Yvonne Matthews, Riccardo Scarpa and Dan Marsh
- Shifting Priorities in Degrowth Research: An Argument for the Centrality of Human Needs pp. 74-81

- Max Koch, Hubert Buch-Hansen and Martin Fritz
- The impact of air pollution and noise on the real estate market. The case of the 2013 European Green Capital: Nantes, France pp. 82-89

- Rémy Le Boennec and Frédéric Salladarré
- Balancing Risks from Climate Policy Uncertainties: The Role of Options and Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation pp. 90-98

- Alexander Golub, Ruben Lubowski and Pedro Piris-Cabezas
- Gender Differences in Climate Change Adaptation Strategies and Participation in Group-based Approaches: An Intra-household Analysis From Rural Kenya pp. 99-108

- Marther W. Ngigi, Ulrike Mueller and Regina Birner
- Is the Gasoline Tax Regressive in the Twenty-First Century? Taking Wealth into Account pp. 109-125

- Jordi Teixido and Stefano F. Verde
- Local Environmental Non-Profit Organizations and the Green Investment Strategies of Family Firms pp. 126-138

- Daniela Maggioni and Grazia D. Santangelo
- Understanding and Overcoming the Barriers for Cost-effective Conservation pp. 139-144

- Linda Grand, Kent Messer and William Allen
- Long-Term Estimates of the Energy-Return-on-Investment (EROI) of Coal, Oil, and Gas Global Productions pp. 145-159

- Victor Court and Florian Fizaine
- Quantifying Market and Non-market Benefits and Costs of Hydraulic Fracturing in the United States: A Summary of the Literature pp. 160-167

- John Loomis and Michelle Haefele
- When to Pay? Adjusting the Timing of Payments in PES Design to the Needs of Poor Land-users pp. 168-177

- Henintsoa Randrianarison, Jeannot Ramiaramanana and Frank Wätzold
- An Economic Impact Report of Shale Gas Extraction in Pennsylvania with Stricter Assumptions pp. 178-185

- Kyle A. Hoy, Timothy W. Kelsey and Martin Shields
- Projected Increases in Hurricane Damage in the United States: The Role of Climate Change and Coastal Development pp. 186-198

- Terry Dinan
- Policy instruments to control Amazon fires: A simulation approach pp. 199-222

- Thiago Morello, Luke Parry, Nils Markusson and Jos Barlow
- Can Personality Traits Explain Where and With Whom You Recreate? A Latent-Class Site-Choice Model Informed by Estimates From Mixed-Mode LC Cluster Models With Latent-Personality Traits pp. 223-237

- Edward Morey and Mara Thiene
- Complexity and the Economics of Climate Change: A Survey and a Look Forward pp. 252-265

- T. Balint, Francesco Lamperti, Antoine Mandel, Mauro Napoletano, Andrea Roventini and A. Sapio
Volume 137, issue C, 2017
- The Non-market Value of Birding Sites and the Marginal Value of Additional Species: Biodiversity in a Random Utility Model of Site Choice by eBird Members pp. 1-12

- Sonja Kolstoe and Trudy Cameron
- Optimal Phosphorus Abatement Redefined: Insights From Coupled Element Cycles pp. 13-19

- Antti Iho, Lassi Ahlvik, Petri Ekholm, Jouni Lehtoranta and Pirkko Kortelainen
- The Case of Legume-Cereal Crop Mixtures in Modern Agriculture and the Transtheoretical Model of Gradual Adoption pp. 20-28

- Dominic Lemken, Achim Spiller and Marie von Meyer-Höfer
- Valuing Air Quality Using Happiness Data: The Case of China pp. 29-36

- Xin Zhang, Xiaobo Zhang and Xi Chen
- The Implications of Industrial Development for Diversification of Fuels pp. 37-46

- Karolina Safarzynska
- Respondent Uncertainty and Ordering Effect on Willingness to Pay for Salt Marsh Conservation in the Brest Roadstead (France) pp. 47-55

- Louinord Voltaire, Hermann Donfouet, Claudio Pirrone and Agathe Larzillière
- Exploring Citizen Support for Different Types of Climate Policy pp. 56-69

- Ekaterina Rhodes, Jonn Axsen and Mark Jaccard
- Assessing Impacts From Climate Change on Local Social-ecological Systems in Contexts Where Information is Lacking: An Expert Elicitation in the Bolivian Altiplano pp. 70-82

- Adan Martinez-Cruz, Miriam Juarez and Santiago Guerrero
- Expert Elicitation, Uncertainty, and the Value of Information in Controlling Invasive Species pp. 83-90

- Fred A. Johnson, Brian J. Smith, Mathieu Bonneau, Julien Martin, Christina Romagosa, Frank Mazzotti, Hardin Waddle, Robert N. Reed, Jennifer Kettevrlin Eckles and Laurie J. Vitt
- Supply, Demand, and Uncertainty: Implications for Prelisting Conservation Policy pp. 91-98

- Christopher S. Galik and David McAdams
- Feeding the Household, Growing the Business, or Just Showing Off? Farmers' Motivations for Crop Diversity Choices in Papua New Guinea pp. 99-109

- Stella Nordhagen, Unai Pascual and Adam G. Drucker
- Climate change mitigation and agricultural development models: Primary commodity exports or local consumption production? pp. 110-125

- Alassane Drabo
- Common Patrimony: A Concept to Analyze Collective Natural Resource Management. The Case of Water Management in France pp. 126-132

- Iratxe Calvo-Mendieta, Olivier Petit and Franck-Dominique Vivien
- Picking Winners: Modelling the Costs of Technology-specific Climate Policy in the U.S. Passenger Vehicle Sector pp. 133-147

- Jacob Fox, Jonn Axsen and Mark Jaccard
- Rethinking Resilience in Industrial Symbiosis: Conceptualization and Measurements pp. 148-162

- Luca Fraccascia, Ilaria Giannoccaro and Vito Albino
- Exploring the links between community-based governance and sustainable energy use: Quantitative evidence from Flanders pp. 163-172

- Thomas Bauwens and Nick Eyre
- Risk Perception of Climate Change: Empirical Evidence for Germany pp. 173-183

- Manuel Frondel, Michael Simora and Stephan Sommer
- A Global Meta-Analysis of the Value of Ecosystem Services Provided by Lakes pp. 184-194

- Arnaud Reynaud and Denis Lanzanova
- Understanding the Amenity Impacts of Wind Development on an International Border pp. 195-206

- Martin D. Heintzelman, Richard Vyn and Sarah Guth
- Measuring Localisation Nationally to Form a Global Index pp. 207-219

- Michelle M. Olivier, Ben P. Wilson and Johnathon L. Howard
- Degrowth – Taking Stock and Reviewing an Emerging Academic Paradigm pp. 220-230

- Martin Weiss and Claudio Cattaneo
Volume 136, issue C, 2017
- Bridging the Gap Between Revealed and Stated Preferences in Flood-prone Housing Markets pp. 1-13

- Koen de Koning, Tatiana Filatova and Okmyung Bin
- Quantifying Spatial Variation in Ecosystem Services Demand: A Global Mapping Approach pp. 14-29

- S. Wolff, C.J.E. Schulp, T Kastner and P.H. Verburg
- Decentralized Land Use Zoning Reduces Large-scale Deforestation in a Major Agricultural Frontier pp. 30-40

- Christoph Nolte, Beatriz Gobbi, Yann le Polain de Waroux, María Piquer-Rodríguez, Van Butsic and Eric F. Lambin
- Beach Recreationalists' Willingness to Pay and Economic Implications of Coastal Water Quality Problems in Hawaii pp. 41-52

- Marcus Peng and Kirsten L.L. Oleson
- Brazil's National Environmental Registry of Rural Properties: Implications for Livelihoods pp. 53-61

- Suhyun Jung, Laura Vang Rasmussen, Cristy Watkins, Peter Newton and Arun Agrawal
- The Carbon Footprint of European Households and Income Distribution pp. 62-72

- Mark Sommer and Kurt Kratena
- Global Climate Policy Will Have Net Benefits Larger Than Anyone Thinks (and Welfare Gains, Strangely, Are Likely To Be Much Larger Yet) pp. 73-76

- Philip Graves
- The Choice of the Sustainability Assessment Tool Matters: Differences in Thematic Scope and Assessment Results pp. 77-85

- Evelien M. de Olde, Eddie A.M. Bokkers and Imke J.M. de Boer
- The Impact of Technological Green New Product Introductions on Firm Profitability pp. 86-93

- Mark Palmer and Yann Truong
- Generous Sustainability pp. 94-100

- Reyer Gerlagh
- Smallholder Farmers and the Dynamics of Degradation of Peatland Ecosystems in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia pp. 101-113

- Medrilzam Medrilzam, Carl Smith, Ammar Abdul Aziz, John Herbohn and Paul Dargusch
- Consistency and stability analysis of models of a monetary growth imperative pp. 114-125

- Oliver Richters and Andreas Siemoneit
- What are Households Willing to Pay for Improved Water Access? Results from a Meta-Analysis pp. 126-135

- George L. Van Houtven, Subhrendu Pattanayak, Faraz Usmani and Jui-Chen Yang
- Impact Fees Coupled With Conservation Payments to Sustain Ecosystem Structure: A Conceptual and Numerical Application at the Urban-Rural Fringe pp. 136-147

- Yong Jiang and Stephen K. Swallow
- Addressing Contextual and Location Biases in the Assessment of Protected Areas Effectiveness on Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazônia pp. 148-158

- Eric Kere, Johanna Choumert-Nkolo, Pascale Combes Motel, Pascale Motel Combes, Olivier Santoni and Sonia Schwartz
- The Displacement Effect of Convenience: The Case of Recycling pp. 159-168

- Andrew Abbott, Shasikanta Nandeibam and Lucy O'Shea
- Piketty and the Growth Dilemma Revisited in the Context of Ecological Economics pp. 169-177

- Jamie Morgan
- Allocating Environmental Water and Impact on Basin Unemployment: Role of A Diversified Economy pp. 178-188

- M. Roobavannan, J. Kandasamy, S. Pande, S. Vigneswaran and M. Sivapalan
- Relationship between Consumer Behavior and Success of Urban Agriculture pp. 189-200

- Carola Grebitus, Iryna Printezis and Antonios Printezis
- Green Space and Adult Obesity in the United States pp. 201-212

- Ramesh Ghimire, Susana Ferreira, Gary T. Green, Neelam C. Poudyal, H. Ken Cordell and Janani R. Thapa
- Public Willingness to Pay and Policy Preferences for Tidal Energy Research and Development: A Study of Households in Washington State pp. 213-225

- Hilary Jacqueline Polis, Stacia Jeanne Dreyer and Lekelia Danielle Jenkins
- Economic Opportunities and Trade-Offs in Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration pp. 226-239

- Alan A. Ager, Kevin C. Vogler, Michelle A. Day and John D. Bailey
- Adoption of Energy Efficiency Measures for Non-residential Buildings: Technological and Organizational Heterogeneity in the Trade, Commerce and Services Sector pp. 240-254

- Mark Olsthoorn, Joachim Schleich and Simon Hirzel
- Identifying Five Different Perspectives on the Ecosystem Services Concept Using Q Methodology pp. 255-265

- Verena Hermelingmeier and Kimberly A. Nicholas
- Optimal Versus Sustainable Degrowth Policies pp. 266-281

- Marc Germain
- How Do Multi-criteria Assessments Address Landscape-level Problems? A Review of Studies and Practices pp. 282-295

- Sandrine Allain, Gaël Plumecocq and Delphine Leenhardt
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