Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 29, issue 3, 1999
- Some remarks on the 'System of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting' of the United Nations pp. 329-336

- Hans Werner Holub, Gottfried Tappeiner and Ulrike Tappeiner
- Toward consilience between biology and economics: the contribution of Ecological Economics pp. 337-348

- John Gowdy and Ada Ferreri Carbonell
- Balancing conservation and economic gain: a dynamic programming approach pp. 349-358

- Paul F. Doherty , Elizabeth A. Marschall and Thomas C. Grubb
- What environmental pressures are a region's industries responsible for? A method of analysis with descriptive indices and input-output models pp. 359-374

- Peter Eder and Michael Narodoslawsky
- National natural capital accounting with the ecological footprint concept pp. 375-390

- Mathis Wackernagel, Larry Onisto, Patricia Bello, Alejandro Callejas Linares, Ina Susana Lopez Falfan, Jesus Mendez Garcia, Ana Isabel Suarez Guerrero and Ma. Guadalupe Suarez Guerrero
- On biodiversity access, intellectual property rights, and conservation pp. 391-403

- Mahadev G. Bhat
- Ecological restructuring for sustainable development: evidence from the Australian economy pp. 405-425

- T. Picton and P. L. Daniels
- Modeling the effects of agricultural production. An integrated economic and environmental analysis using farm account statistics and GIS pp. 427-442

- E. Skop and J. S. Schou
- Carrying capacity in agriculture: global and regional issues pp. 443-461

- Jonathan M. Harris and Scott Kennedy
- Uncertainty, risk aversion, and the game theoretic foundations of the safe minimum standard: a reassessment pp. 463-472

- Dennis Palmini
- The second law, the fourth law, recycling and limits to growth pp. 473-483

- Robert U. Ayres
- Book review pp. 485-488

- A. Author
- An Introduction to Ecological Economics. Edited by Robert Costanza, John Cumberland, Herman Daly, Robert Goodland and Richard Norgaard, St. Lucie Press. ISBN: 1884015727, 1997, pp. 288 pp. 488-490

- Stephen Farber
Volume 29, issue 2, 1999
- The ecology of ecosystem services: introduction to the special issue pp. 179-182

- Karin E. Limburg and Carl Folke
- Linking Nature's services to ecosystems: some general ecological concepts pp. 183-202

- Jon Norberg
- Rediscovering place and accounting space: how to re-embed the human economy pp. 203-213

- Carina Borgstrom Hansson and Mathis Wackernagel
- Ecological goods and services of coral reef ecosystems pp. 215-233

- Fredrik Moberg and Carl Folke
- The ecological basis for economic value of seafood production supported by mangrove ecosystems pp. 235-252

- Patrik Ronnback
- Ecosystem services generated by fish populations pp. 253-268

- Cecilia M. Holmlund and Monica Hammer
- Impact of production intensity on the ability of the agricultural landscape to generate ecosystem services: an example from Sweden pp. 269-291

- Johanna Bjorklund, Karin E. Limburg and Torbjorn Rydberg
- Ecosystem services in urban areas pp. 293-301

- Per Bolund and Sven Hunhammar
- Ecotourism: a means to safeguard biodiversity and ecosystem functions? pp. 303-320

- Stefan Gossling
Volume 29, issue 1, 1999
- [Environmental sustainability in agriculture: diet matters, Ecol. Econ. 23, 189-200.] pp. 1-3

- A. Author
- Title pp. 3-4

- A. Author
- Prices are not worth much pp. 45-46

- Inge Ropke
- Spatial sustainability, trade and indicators: an evaluation of the 'ecological footprint' pp. 61-72

- Jeroen van den Bergh and Harmen Verbruggen
- Applying the concept of natural capital criticality to regional resource management pp. 73-87

- Daisy V. MacDonald, Nick Hanley and Ian Moffatt
- Is environmental degradation an inevitable consequence of economic growth: tunneling through the environmental Kuznets curve pp. 89-109

- Mohan Munasinghe
- Estimating costs of protecting global ecosystem diversity pp. 111-125

- J. Lewandrowski, R. F. Darwin, M. Tsigas and A. Raneses
- Power distribution, the environment, and public health: A state-level analysis pp. 127-140

- James K. Boyce, Andrew R. Klemer, Paul H. Templet and Cleve E. Willis
- Sustainable economic structures pp. 141-154

- Rob Dellink, M. Bennis and Harmen Verbruggen
- Green accounting for a sustainable economy: Policy use and analysis of environmental accounts in the Philippines pp. 155-170

- Peter Bartelmus
- Book review pp. 171-172

- John Peet
- Non-standard CAP pp. 173-174

- Elsevier Science
- Shadows in the Forest: Japan and the Politics of Timber in South east Asia pp. 174-175

- A. N. Author
Volume 28, issue 3, 1999
- Why the WTA-WTP disparity matters pp. 323-335

- Thomas C. Brown and Robin Gregory
- Seeking sustainability discourses with Q methodology pp. 337-345

- John Barry and John Proops
- Dealing with nature pp. 347-362

- E. Ruijgrok, P. Vellinga and H. Goosen
- Energy requirements of household consumption: a case study of The Netherlands pp. 367-383

- Wouter Biesiot and Klaas Jan Noorman
- The consumer as a social and environmental actor pp. 385-398

- Mario Cogoy
- The dynamics of willingness to consume pp. 399-420

- Inge Ropke
- Consumption, sustainable welfare and human needs--with reference to UK expenditure patterns between 1954 and 1994 pp. 421-441

- Tim Jackson and Nic Marks
- From ownership to service use lifestyle: the potential of car sharing pp. 443-453

- Franz E. Prettenthaler and Karl W. Steininger
- The social shaping of household consumption pp. 455-466

- Susse Georg
Volume 28, issue 2, 1999
- Values, ideology and politics in ecological economics pp. 161-170

- Peter Soderbaum
- Economic efficiency, resource conservation and the ivory trade ban pp. 171-181

- Erwin Bulte and Gerrit van Kooten
- Advancing ecology and economics through a business-science synthesis pp. 183-196

- Timothy C. Krehbiel, Raymond F. Gorman, O. Homer Erekson, Orie L. Loucks and Pamela C. Johnson
- A regulatory framework for a policy of sustainability: lessons from the neo-liberal school pp. 197-212

- Klaus Rennings, Henrike Koschel, Karl Ludwig Brockmann and Isabel Kuhn
- Has Australia surpassed its optimal macroeconomic scale? Finding out with the aid of 'benefit' and 'cost' accounts and a sustainable net benefit index pp. 213-229

- Philip A. Lawn and Richard D. Sanders
- An index of sustainable economic welfare (ISEW) for Chile pp. 231-244

- Beatriz E. Castaneda
- An ecological-economic model for agri-environmental policy analysis pp. 245-266

- David R. Oglethorpe and Roy A. Sanderson
- A dynamic approach to the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis pp. 267-277

- Jean Agras and Duane Chapman
- Trade-offs of mangrove area development in the Philippines pp. 279-298

- Donna J. Nickerson
- Grandfather regulations, new source bias, and state air toxics regulations pp. 299-311

- Arik Levinson
Volume 28, issue 1, 1999
- The first decade of Ecological Economics pp. 1-9

- Robert Costanza and Janis King
- Ecological economics and political ecology: towards a necessary synthesis pp. 11-26

- R. Michael M'Gonigle
- Towards indicators of sustainable development for firms: A productive efficiency perspective pp. 41-53

- Isabelle Callens and Daniel Tyteca
- Measuring sustainability: A time series of alternative indicators for Scotland pp. 55-73

- Nick Hanley, Ian Moffatt, Robin Faichney and Mike Wilson
- International trade and the sustainability footprint: a practical criterion for its assessment pp. 75-97

- John L. R. Proops, Giles Atkinson, Burkhard Frhr. v. Schlotheim and Sandrine Simon
- Legal institutions, environmental protection, and the willingness-to-accept measure of value pp. 99-116

- Lanse Minkler
- Selection and modeling of sustainable development indicators: a case study of the Fraser River Basin, British Columbia pp. 117-132

- Kent R. Gustavson, Stephen C. Lonergan and H. Jack Ruitenbeek
- An interindustry approach to analyzing economic and environmental effects of the recycling of waste pp. 133-145

- Shinichiro Nakamura
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