Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 205, issue C, 2023
- Navigating farming-BMP-policy interplay through a dynamical model

- Mehran Homayounfar, Rachata Muneepeerakul and Christopher J. Martinez
- What does network analysis teach us about international environmental cooperation?

- Stefano Carattini, Sam Fankhauser, Jianjian Gao, Caterina Gennaioli and Pietro Panzarasa
- Digitalization, positioning in global value chain and carbon emissions embodied in exports: Evidence from global manufacturing production-based emissions

- Yongming Huang and Yanan Zhang
- Testing the sensitivity of stated environmental preferences to variations in choice architecture

- Jülide Ceren Ahi, Margrethe Aanesen and Gorm Kipperberg
- Capitalized value of evolving flood risks discount and nature-based solution premiums on property prices

- Asli Mutlu, Debraj Roy and Tatiana Filatova
- Social outcomes of energy use in the United Kingdom: Household energy footprints and their links to well-being

- Marta Baltruszewicz, Julia K. Steinberger, Jouni Paavola, Diana Ivanova, Lina I. Brand-Correa and Anne Owen
- Supporting national-level policies for sustainable consumption in Portugal: A socio-economic Ecological Footprint analysis

- João-Pedro Ferreira, João Lourenço Marques, Sara Moreno Pires, Katsunori Iha and Alessandro Galli
- Managing the distributional effects of climate policies: A narrow path to a just transition

- Francesco Vona
- How to estimate whether preferential trade agreements contribute to international environmental impact shifting. A new methodology and empirical illustration for Switzerland

- Oskar Martin Jönsson, David Presberger, Stephan Pfister and Thomas Bernauer
- The short-run, dynamic employment effects of natural disasters: New insights from Puerto Rico

- Alessandro Barattieri, Patrice Borda, Alberto Brugnoli, Martino Pelli and Jeanne Tschopp
- First-degree price discrimination water bank to reduce reacquisition costs and enhance economic efficiency in agricultural water buyback

- C. Dionisio Pérez-Blanco, Francesco Sapino and Pablo Saiz-Santiago
- The Green New Deal: Historical insights and local prospects in the United Kingdom (UK)

- Donal Brown, Marie-Claire Brisbois, Max Lacey-Barnacle, Timothy Foxon, Claire Copeland and Giulia Mininni
- Under what conditions do payments for environmental services enable forest conservation in the Amazon? A realist synthesis

- Fernando-Esteban Montero-de-Oliveira, Genowefa Blundo-Canto and Driss Ezzine-de-Blas
- Assessing U.S. consumers' carbon footprints reveals outsized impact of the top 1%

- Jared Starr, Craig Nicolson, Michael Ash, Ezra M. Markowitz and Daniel Moran
- Leaders and laggards in the pursuit of an EU just transition

- Darren McCauley, Kerry A. Pettigrew, Iain Todd and Christine Milchram
- Environmental justice and green innovation: A quasi-natural experiment based on the establishment of environmental courts in China

- Xiulin Qi, Zhifang Wu, Jinqing Xu and Biaoan Shan
- Wild harvesting or cultivation of commercial environmental products: A theoretical model and its application to medicinal plants

- Sofia Topcu Madsen and Carsten Smith-Hall
- Pests, wind and fire: A multi-hazard risk review for natural disturbances in forests

- Félix Bastit, Marielle Brunette and Claire Montagné-Huck
- Resource shifting: Resourcification and de-resourcification for degrowth

- Hervé Corvellec and Alexander Paulsson
- A descriptive framework to evaluate instrument packages for the low-carbon transition

- Herman R.J. Vollebergh, Edwin van der Werf and Johanna Vogel
- Do people think they have enough? A subjective income sufficiency assessment

- Damaris Castro and Brent Bleys
- Designing policy packages for a climate-neutral industry: A case study from the Netherlands

- Brilé Anderson, Emile Cammeraat, Antoine Dechezleprêtre, Luisa Dressler, Nicolas Gonne, Guy Lalanne, Joaquim Martins Guilhoto and Konstantinos Theodoropoulos
- How payments for ecosystem services can undermine Indigenous institutions: The case of Peru's Ampiyacu-Apayacu watershed

- Ashwin Ravikumar, Esperanza Chairez Uriarte, Daniela Lizano, Andrea Muñoz Ledo Farré and Mariel Montero
- Disparities in economic values for nature-based activities in Canada

- Danielle S. Spence, Corinne J. Schuster-Wallace and Patrick Lloyd-Smith
- Modelling the embodied carbon cost of UK domestic building construction: Today to 2050

- Michał P. Drewniok, Cyrille F. Dunant, Julian M. Allwood, Tim Ibell and Will Hawkins
- The Role of Catch Portfolios in Characterizing Species' Economic Linkages and Fishers' Responses to Climate Change Impacts

- Smit Vasquez Caballero, Diego Salgueiro-Otero and Elena Ojea
- Experimenting with a green ‘Green Revolution’. Evidence from a randomised controlled trial in Indonesia

- Michael Grimm and Nathalie Luck
- An assessment of the scope and comprehensiveness of well-being economy indicator sets: The cases of Iceland, Scotland and New Zealand

- David Cook, Takeshi Benjamín Kaji and Brynhildur Davíðsdóttir
- Facing finitude: Death-awareness and sustainable transitions

- Gábor Király and Alexandra Köves
- Less and more: Conceptualising degrowth transformations

- Hubert Buch-Hansen and Iana Nesterova
- What drives the designation of protected areas? Accounting for spatial dependence using a composite marginal likelihood approach

- Anne Nobel, Sebastien Lizin and Robert Malina
- Green consumption: The role of confidence and pessimism

- Maria J. Montoya-Villalobos
- Urban mining: The relevance of information, transaction costs and externalities

- Antoinette van der Merwe, Livia Cabernard and Isabel Günther
- Evolution of farm-level crop diversification and response to rainfall shocks in smallholder farming: Evidence from Malawi and Tanzania

- Clifton Makate, Arild Angelsen, Stein Terje Holden and Ola Tveitereid Westengen
Volume 204, issue PB, 2023
- Promoting agricultural technologies with positive environmental effects: Evidence on tree planting in Indonesia

- Karina Brenneis, Bambang Irawan and Meike Wollni
- Economic and commercial analysis of reusing dam reservoir sediments

- Nasrin Nikafkar, Younos Vakil Alroaia, Seyyed Abdollah Heydariyeh and Anton J. Schleiss
- Nudges and compensation: Evaluating experimental evidence on controlling rice straw burning

- Adrian Lopes, Dina Tasneem and Ajalavat Viriyavipart
- The energy transition and export diversification in oil-dependent countries: The role of structural factors

- Fatih Karanfil and Luc Omgba
- Quantity or quality: Environmental legislation and corporate green innovations

- Xiaoqi Huang, Wei Liu, Zhan Zhang, Xinyu Zou and Pujuan Li
- A general equilibrium analysis of individual choice behavior on alternative fuel vehicles

- Jeongeun Lee and Yoonmo Koo
- Flagship species and certification types affect consumer preferences for wildlife-friendly rice labels

- Kota Mameno, Takahiro Kubo, Kiyokazu Ujiie and Yasushi Shoji
- Circular economy, operational eco-efficiency, and sufficiency. An integrated view

- Frank Figge and Andrea Stevenson Thorpe
Volume 204, issue PA, 2023
- Estimating the cost of environmental regulations and technological change with limited information

- Cynthia Morgan, Carl Pasurka, Ron Shadbegian, Anna Belova and Brendan Casey
- Public preferences for marine plastic litter management across Europe

- Salma Khedr, Katrin Rehdanz, Roy Brouwer, Pieter van Beukering, Hanna Dijkstra, Sem Duijndam and Ikechukwu C. Okoli
- The practical feasibility of working time reduction: Do we have sufficient data?

- Bence Lukács and Miklós Antal
- Assessing the economic impacts of forest certification in Spain: A longitudinal study

- Mikel Zubizarreta, Germán Arana-Landín, Sarah Wolff and Ziortza Egiluz
- Competing with clean air: Pollution disclosure and college desirability

- Xinming Du
- The costs and benefits of conservation versus logging of old-growth native forest: A case history

- Carolyn King
- Income inequality and carbon emissions in the United States 1929–2019

- Fredrik Andersson
- Wait and see? Public preferences for the temporal effectiveness of coastal protection

- Susann Adloff and Katrin Rehdanz
- Energy footprints and the international trade network: A new dataset. Is the European Union doing it better?

- Octavio Fernández-Amador, Joseph Francois, Doris Oberdabernig and Patrick Tomberger
- Macro-level economic and environmental sustainability of negative emission technologies; Case study of crushed silicate production for enhanced weathering

- Eunice Oppon, Justin S. Richter, S.C. Lenny Koh and Hellen Nabayiga
- Do livestock environmental regulations reduce water pollution in China?

- Dan Pan, Huan Chen, Ning Zhang and Fanbin Kong
- An index to measure the sustainability of place-based development pathways

- Julie Topf, Leonardo A. Schultz and José Maria Cardoso da Silva
- Beyond climate stabilization: Exploring the perceived sociotechnical co-impacts of carbon removal and solar geoengineering

- Benjamin K. Sovacool, Chad M. Baum and Sean Low
- Eco-labels, conspicuous conservation and moral licensing: An indirect behavioural rebound effect

- Ralf Barkemeyer, C. William Young, Phani Kumar Chintakayala and Anne Owen
- Can phone text messages promote the use of integrated pest management? A study of vegetable farmers in Cambodia

- Mercy Mwambi, Lutz Depenbusch, Uon Bonnarith, Paola Sotelo-Cardona, Khemrin Kieu, Nicolas di Tada, Ramasamy Srinivasan and Pepijn Schreinemachers
- A framework for agent-based models of human needs and ecological limits

- Joël Foramitti
- Temporary PES do not crowd-out and may crowd-in lab-in-the-field forest conservation in Colombia

- Lina Moros, María Alejandra Vélez, Daniela Quintero, Danny Tobin and Alexander Pfaff
- Measuring beachgoer preferences for avoiding harmful algal blooms and bacterial warnings

- Greg Boudreaux, Frank Lupi, Brent Sohngen and Alan Xu
- Incorporating traditional ecological knowledge into holistic watershed management: Fishery forests in Japan

- Kyohei Matsushita, Masakazu Hori, Fumihiro Yamane and Kota Asano
- The adoption of green public procurement practices: Analytical challenges and empirical illustration on Swedish municipalities

- Elina Bryngemark, Patrik Söderholm and Martina Thörn
- Environmental sustainability in agriculture: Identification of bottlenecks

- Jussi Lankoski and Leena Lankoski
- Unintended environmental benefits of crop insurance: Nitrogen and phosphorus in water bodies

- Xun Lu, Yuyuan Che, Roderick M. Rejesus, Barry K. Goodwin, Sujit K. Ghosh and Jayash Paudel
- International expansion of renewable energy capacities: The role of innovation and choice of policy instruments

- Erik Hille and Thomas J. Oelker
- What's in it for me? Self-interest and preferences for distribution of costs and benefits of energy efficiency policies

- Valeria Fanghella, Corinne Faure, Marie-Charlotte Guetlein and Joachim Schleich
- A comprehensive socio-economic assessment of EU climate policy pathways

- Matthias Weitzel, Toon Vandyck, Luis Rey Los Santos, Marie Tamba, Umed Temursho and Krzysztof Wojtowicz
- The effect of eco-certification on demand: The case of MSC-certified Norway lobster

- Anna Andersson and Cecilia Hammarlund
- Re-examining the impact of annual weather fluctuations on global livestock production

- Lotanna E. Emediegwu and Chisom L. Ubabukoh
- When health-related claims impact environmental demand: Results of experimental auctions with Bordeaux wine consumers

- Yann Raineau, Éric Giraud-Héraud, Sébastien Lecocq, Stéphanie Pérès, Alexandre Pons and Sophie Tempère
- The performance of full versus partial profile choice set designs in environmental valuation

- Jürgen Meyerhoff and Malte Oehlmann
- Regional competition, rural pollution haven and environmental injustice in China

- Cong Zhang, Ran Tao, Zihang Yue and Fubing Su
- Joining the dots versus growing the blobs: Evaluating spatial targeting strategies for ecological restoration

- Maksym Polyakov, Fiona Dempster, Geoff Park and David Pannell
- Ecological compensation of stochastic wetland biodiversity: National or regional policy schemes?

- Katarina Elofsson, Matthew Hiron, Ineta Kačergytė and Tomas Pärt
- How can Stakeholder Capitalism contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals? A Cross-network Literature Analysis

- Donizete Beck and Marcos Ferasso
- Improving the regional deployment of carbon mitigation efforts by incorporating air-quality co-benefits: A multi-provincial analysis of China

- Hong-Dian Jiang, Pallav Purohit, Qiao-Mei Liang, Li-Jing Liu and Yu-Fei Zhang
- Towards stability of food production and farm income in a variable climate

- Caroline Harkness, Francisco Areal, Mikhail A. Semenov, Nimai Senapati, Ian F. Shield and Jacob Bishop
- An integrative approach to evaluate ecosystem services of mountain lakes using multi-criteria decision analysis

- Veronika Fontana, Manuel Ebner, Uta Schirpke, Markus Ohndorf, Hanna Pritsch, Ulrike Tappeiner and Rainer Kurmayer
- How to reconcile actual climate change mitigation with prosperity? A proposal

- Michael Lainé
- Developing large-scale offshore wind power programs: A choice experiment analysis in France

- Olivier Joalland and Pierre-Alexandre Mahieu
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