Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 113, issue C, 2015
- Capturing the complexity of biodiversity: A critical review of economic valuation studies of biological diversity pp. 1-14

- Bartosz Bartkowski, Nele Lienhoop and Bernd Hansjürgens
- Forest owners' willingness to accept contracts for ecosystem service provision is sensitive to additionality pp. 15-24

- Suzanne Elizabeth Vedel, Jette Bredahl Jacobsen and Bo Thorsen
- A non-simplistic approach to composite indicators and rankings: an illustration by comparing the sustainability of the EU Countries pp. 25-38

- Tommaso Luzzati and Gianluca Gucciardi
- Reexamine SO2 emissions embodied in China's exports using multiregional input–output analysis pp. 39-50

- Qiaoling Liu and Qi Wang
- Energy intensive lifestyles: Time use, the activity patterns of consumers, and related energy demands in Finland pp. 51-59

- Mikko Jalas and Jouni K. Juntunen
- Combining discourse analyses to enrich theory: The case of local land-use policies in South Eastern France pp. 60-75

- Laurence Delattre, Olivier Chanel, Cecile Livenais and Claude Napoléone
- The socio-economic drivers of material stock accumulation in Japan's prefectures pp. 76-84

- Tomer Fishman, Heinz Schandl and Hiroki Tanikawa
- Compensation and Rewards for Environmental Services (CRES) and efficient design of contracts in developing countries. Behavioral insights from a natural field experiment pp. 85-96

- Sophie Clot, Fano Andriamahefazafy, Gilles Grolleau, Lisette Ibanez and Philippe Méral
- Harvesting benefits from habitat restoration: Influence of landscape position on economic benefits to pheasant hunters pp. 97-105

- Scott Knoche, Frank Lupi and Ashley Suiter
- Transport transitions in Copenhagen: Comparing the cost of cars and bicycles pp. 106-113

- Stefan Gössling and Andy Choi
- Exploring sprawl: Results from an economic agent-based model of land and housing markets pp. 114-125

- Nicholas Magliocca, Virginia McConnell and Margaret Walls
Volume 112, issue C, 2015
- Towards sustainability in agro-forest systems? Grazing intensity, soil degradation and the socioeconomic profile of rural communities in Italy pp. 1-13

- Luca Salvati and Margherita Carlucci
- Strict versus mixed-use protected areas: Guatemala's Maya Biosphere Reserve pp. 14-24

- Allen Blackman
- Towards more accurate and policy relevant footprint analyses: Tracing fine-scale socio-environmental impacts of production to consumption pp. 25-35

- Javier Godar, U. Martin Persson, E. Jorge Tizado and Patrick Meyfroidt
- Strong sustainability, critical natural capital and the capability approach pp. 36-44

- Jérôme Pelenc and Jerome Ballet
- Carbon, climate, and economic breakeven times for biofuel from woody biomass from managed forests pp. 45-52

- Mitch R. Withers, Robert Malina and Steven R.H. Barrett
- Willingness to pay for unfamiliar public goods: Preserving cold-water coral in Norway pp. 53-67

- Margrethe Aanesen, Claire Armstrong, Mikolaj Czajkowski, Jannike Falk-Petersen, Nick Hanley and Stale Navrud
- Alien invasions and livelihoods: Economic benefits of invasive Australian Red Claw crayfish in Jamaica pp. 68-77

- Thomas Pienkowski, Sophie Williams, Kurt McLaren, Byron Wilson and Neal Hockley
- Watering the farm: Comparing organic and conventional irrigation water use in the Murray–Darling Basin, Australia pp. 78-85

- Sarah Wheeler, Alec Zuo and Adam Loch
- Mindful capability pp. 86-97

- Ramzi Mabsout
- A behavioral model of collective action in artisanal and small-scale gold mining pp. 98-109

- Adrián Saldarriaga-Isaza, Santiago Arango and Clara Villegas-Palacio
- Microeconomic degrowth: The case of Community Supported Agriculture pp. 110-115

- Marjolijn Bloemmen, Roxana Bobulescu, Nhu Tuyen Le and Claudio Vitari
- Monetary accounting of ecosystem services: A test case for Limburg province, the Netherlands pp. 116-128

- Roy P. Remme, Bram Edens, Matthias Schröter and Lars Hein
- Effects of environmental regulation on actual and expected profitability pp. 129-140

- Dylan G. Rassier and Dietrich Earnhart
- Nutrient prices and concentrations in Midwestern agricultural watersheds pp. 141-149

- Brent Sohngen, Kevin W. King, Gregory Howard, John Newton and D. Lynn Forster
- Pollution havens and the trade in toxic chemicals: Evidence from U.S. trade flows pp. 150-160

- John Tang
- Towards a fair, constructive and consistent criticism of all valuation languages: Comment on Kallis et al. (2013) pp. 164-169

- Elisabeth Gsottbauer, Ivana Logar and Jeroen van den Bergh
Volume 111, issue C, 2015
- The value of environmental status signaling pp. 1-11

- Michael S. Delgado, Jessica L. Harriger and Neha Khanna
- What influences the probability of wind farm planning approval: Evidence from Ireland pp. 12-22

- Thomas M. van Rensburg, Hugh Kelley and Nadine Jeserich
- Valuing map validation: The need for rigorous land cover map accuracy assessment in economic valuations of ecosystem services pp. 23-28

- G.M. Foody
- Dynamics of energy transitions under changing socioeconomic, technological and climate conditions in Northwest Germany pp. 29-47

- Matthias Ruth, Onur Özgün, Jakob Wachsmuth and Stefan Gößling-Reisemann
- Recreational diver preferences for reef fish attributes: Economic implications of future change pp. 48-57

- David A. Gill, Peter W. Schuhmann and Hazel A. Oxenford
- Evaluation of the environmental impact of weekly food consumption in different socio-economic households in Australia using environmentally extended input–output analysis pp. 58-64

- Christian Reynolds, Julia Piantadosi, Jonathan David Buckley, Philip Weinstein and John Boland
- The potential of Industrial Ecology in agri-food clusters (AFCs): A case study based on valorisation of auxiliary materials pp. 65-75

- Alberto Simboli, Raffaella Taddeo and Anna Morgante
- A stated preference valuation of the non-market benefits of pollination services in the UK pp. 76-85

- T.D. Breeze, Alison Bailey, S.G. Potts and Kelvin Balcombe
- What are shared and social values of ecosystems? pp. 86-99

- Jasper Kenter, Liz O'Brien, Neal Hockley, Neil Ravenscroft, Ioan Fazey, Katherine N. Irvine, Mark S. Reed, Michael Christie, Emily Brady, Rosalind Bryce, Andrew Church, Nigel Cooper, Althea Davies, Anna Evely, Mark Everard, Robert Fish, Janet A. Fisher, Niels Jobstvogt, Claire Molloy, Johanne Orchard-Webb, Susan Ranger, Mandy Ryan, Verity Watson and Susan Williams
- Taking the sting out of Little Fire Ant in Hawaii pp. 100-110

- Donna J. Lee, Michael Motoki, Casper Vanderwoude, Stuart T. Nakamoto and PingSun Leung
- Governing complex commons — The role of communication for experimental learning and coordinated management pp. 111-120

- Therese Lindahl, Örjan Bodin and Maria Tengö
Volume 110, issue C, 2015
- The materiality of the immaterial pp. 1-10

- Matías Piaggio, Vicent Alcantara and Emilio Padilla Rosa
- Product as process — Commodities in mechanic and organic ontology pp. 11-14

- Knut J. Ims, Ove D. Jakobsen and Laszlo Zsolnai
- Operationalizing an ecosystem services-based approach using Bayesian Belief Networks: An application to riparian buffer strips pp. 15-27

- Alistair McVittie, Lisa Norton, Julia Martin-Ortega, Ioanna Siameti, Klaus Glenk and Inge Aalders
- ‘Constant’ rebound effects in domestic heating: Developing a cross-sectional method pp. 28-35

- Ray Galvin
- The determinants of private flood mitigation measures in Germany — Evidence from a nationwide survey pp. 36-50

- Daniel Osberghaus
- An empirical analysis of joint residential electricity efficiency gains within and across end uses: implications for demand-side management pp. 61-70

- Nour-El Imane Bouhou, Michael F. Blackhurst and Pamela Torres
- ‘Growing your own’: A multi-level modelling approach to understanding personal food growing trends and motivations in Europe pp. 71-80

- A. Church, R. Mitchell, N. Ravenscroft and L.M. Stapleton
- Biodiversity offset markets: What are they really? An empirical approach to wetland mitigation banking pp. 81-88

- Anne-Charlotte Vaissière and Harold Levrel
- An ecological economic assessment of risk-reducing effects of species diversity in managed grasslands pp. 89-97

- Robert Finger and Nina Buchmann
- Valuing the Barmah–Millewa Forest and in stream river flows: A spatial heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent (SHAC) approach pp. 98-105

- Sorada Tapsuwan, Maksym Polyakov, Rosalind Bark and Martin Nolan
- Renewable electricity producing technologies and metal depletion: A sensitivity analysis using the EROI pp. 106-118

- Florian Fizaine and Victor Court
- Relocation or reallocation: Impacts of differentiated energy saving regulation on manufacturing industries in China pp. 119-133

- Junming Zhu and Matthias Ruth
- Determinants of agricultural land values in Argentina pp. 134-140

- Johanna Choumert-Nkolo and Pascale Phelinas
- The job generation impacts of expanding industrial cogeneration pp. 141-153

- Paul Baer, Marilyn A. Brown and Gyungwon Kim
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