Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 4, issue 3, 1991
- Environmentalism and the right-to-know: Expanding the practice of democracy pp. 175-189

- David Sarokin and Jay Schulkin
- Indicators of sustainable development: some lessons from capital theory pp. 191-213

- Peter A. Victor
- Government failure -- the cause of global environmental mismanagement pp. 215-236

- Thomas Andersson
- Intertemporal equilibria and exhaustible resources: an overlapping generations approach pp. 237-252

- Richard B. Howarth
- Bretton Woods: Blueprint for a greenhouse gas agreement pp. 253-267

- Maurice Levi
Volume 4, issue 2, 1991
- Background to the conflict between economic and ecological ends pp. 83-91

- Gerhard Maier-Rigaud
- Economics of sustainability or the sustainability of economics: Different paradigms pp. 93-115

- Ger A. J. Klaassen and Johannes B. Opschoor
- Energy efficiency: Assessing the interaction between humans and their environment pp. 117-144

- Mario GiamPietro and David Pimentel
- Wilderness development decisions and the Krutilla-Fisher model: The case of Scotland's 'flow country' pp. 145-164

- Nick Hanley and Stephen Craig
- Integrated environmental modelling: Design and tools: Floor Brouwer. Kluwer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 1987, 223pp pp. 165-168

- James J. Zucchetto
- Environmental ecology: The impacts of pollution and other stresses on ecosystem structure and function: B. Freedman, Academic Press, London, 1989. [UK pound]29.00. ISBN 0-1226-6540-6 pp. 168-169

- Nils Kautsky
- Uncommon property: The fishing and fish-processing industries in British Columbia: Patricia Marchak, Neil Guppy and John McMullan (Editors). Methuen, Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1987. Paperback, xvi + 424 pp., tables, figures, maps, US$21.95 pp. 169-171

- Arthur F. McEvoy
- Energy policy in the greenhouse: From warming fate to warming limit: Vol. 1. Florentin Krause, Wilfrid Bach and Jon Koomey. Earthscan Publications Ltd, London, 1990. xii 198 pp., [UK pound]17.50 pp. 171-174

- Bo L. B. Wiman
Volume 4, issue 1, 1991
- Greenhouse economics: learn before you leap pp. 1-10

- Gretchen C. Daily, Paul R. Ehrlich, Harold A. Mooney and Anne H. Ehrlich
- Operationalizing sustainable development: dynamic ecological economic models pp. 11-33

- Jeroen van den Bergh and Peter Nijkamp
- Temporary emancipation from land: from the industrial revolution to the present time pp. 35-56

- Kozo Mayumi
- Economic efficiency and ecological considerations in resource development policies: a case study pp. 57-67

- Amin Sarkar and William McKillop
- Changing the way we think to save our future: New world, new mind: Changing the way we think to save our future Robert Ornstein and Paul Ehrlich. Methuen, London, UK, 1990 pp. 69-70

- Emin Tengstrom
- Environmental science and technology: Principles of environmental science and technology (2nd revised Edition). S.E. Jorgensen and I. Johnsen. Studies in environmental science, 33. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1989. 628 pp., Dfl. 225.00. ISBN 0-444-43024-5 pp. 70-71

- Ulrik Lohm
- Coastal environments: Coastal environments: An introduction to the physical, ecological and cultural systems of coastlines. R.W.G. Carter. Academic Press, London, 1988. 617 pp. ISBN 0-12-161855-2 pp. 71-73

- Hallett J. Harris and Philip Keillor
- Network analysis in marine ecology: Network analysis in marine ecology: Methods and applications. Fredrik Wulff, John G. Field and Ken H. Mann (Editors). Coastal and estuarine studies, 32. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 1989. DM 88.00. ISBN 3-540-51603-4 pp. 73-76

- Charles Hopkinson
- Economic-ecological modeling: Economic-ecological modeling. Leon C. Braat and W.F.J. van Lierop (Editors). Studies in regional science and urban economics, 16. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1987. xii + 330 pp., Dfl. 170.00. ISBN 0- 444-70298-9 pp. 76-78

- Allan Kneese
- Environment and development: Environment and development: An economic approach. Jan Bojo, Karl- Goran Maler and Lena Unemo. Kluwer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 1990. 165 pp., Dfl. 99.00. ISBN 0-7923-0802-6 pp. 78-81

- John H. Cumberland
Volume 3, issue 3, 1991
- Holistic resource management: a conceptual framework for ecologially sound economic modelling pp. 181-191

- Allan Savory
- Environmental management in development: the evolution of paradigms pp. 193-213

- Michael E. Colby
- Distributed costs of environmental contamination pp. 215-229

- Anne H. Clites, Thomas D. Fontaine and Judith R. Wells
- Regulatory schemes and self-protective environmental risk control: a comparison of insurance, liability, and deposit/refund systems pp. 231-245

- Stephen Farber
- Valuing environmental resources under alternative management regimes pp. 247-256

- A. Freeman
- Environmental problems: Nature, economy and state: R.J. Johnston. Belhaven Press, London, UK, 1989. 211 pp. ISBN 1-85293-000-4 pp. 257-258

- Peter Soderbaum
- Climate and energy: The feasibility of controlling CO2 emissions: P.A. Okken, R.J. Swart and S. Swerver. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 1989. 267 pp., US$77.00. ISBN 0-7923-0519-1 pp. 258-260

- Joseph D. Cornell
- The economics of dryland management: John A. Dixon, David E. James and Paul B. Sherman. Earthscan, London, UK, 1989. 302 pp., [UK pound]14.95. ISBN 1-85383-052-6 pp. 261-262

- Stephen Farber
- Economics of natural resources and the environment.: David W. Pearce and R. Kerry Turner. Harvester Wheatsheaf, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, UK, 1990. 378 pp. ISBN 0-7450-0202-1/0-7450-0225-0 (paperback) pp. 263-265

- John L. R. Proops
- Common property resources: Ecology and community-based sustainable development: Fikret Berkes (Editor). Belhaven Press, UK, 302 pp. ISBN 1-85293-080-2 pp. 265-267

- David Pell
- Economics, natural-resource scarcity and development: Conventional and alternative views: Edward B. Barbier. Earthscan, London, UK, 1989. 223 pp. ISBN 1-85383-024-0/1990 ISBN 1-85383-072-0 (paperback) pp. 267-269

- Daniel A. Underwood
Volume 3, issue 2, 1991
- Entropy, structure, and organisational change pp. 95-122

- Martin O'Connor
- Life-support value of ecosystems: a case study of the Baltic Sea Region pp. 123-137

- Carl Folke, Monica Hammer and Ann-Mari Jansson
- Heat equivalents of noxious substances: a pollution indicator for environmental accounting pp. 139-156

- Reiner Kummel and Uwe Schussler
- A defense of Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen's paradigm pp. 157-160

- Gabriel A. Lozada
- Entropy law and Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen's paradigm: A reply pp. 161-163

- Elias Khalil
- Ecological engineering: An introdufction to Ecotechnology: William J. Mitsch and Sven Erick Jorgensen. (Editors). Wiley, New York, 1989, 472 pp. ISBN 0-471-62559-0 pp. 165-168

- Bjorn Guterstam
- Applied mathematical ecology: Simon A. Levin, Thomas G. Hallam and Louis J. Gross (Editors). Biomathematics, Vol. 18. Springer, Berlin, 1989, 491 pp. ISBN 3-540-19465-7 pp. 168-169

- Joel E. Cohen
- Estuarine ecology: John W. Day, Jr., Charles A.S. Hall, W. Michael Kemp and Alejandro Yanez-Arancibia. Wiley, New York, 558 pp. ISBN 0-471- 06263-4 pp. 169-170

- Bjorn Guterstam
- After the green revolution: Sustainable agriculture for development: Gordon R. Convay and Edward B. Barbier. Earthscan Publications, London, 1990, 205 pp. ISBN 1-85383-035-6 pp. 170-172

- Pierre Crosson
- Ecological economics: Economics, environment and society: Juan Martinez-Alier Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1987, 286 pp. ISBN 0-631-15739-5 (paper ISBN 0-631-17146-0, 1990) pp. 172-175

- Paul Christensen
- Economics and biological diversity: Developing and using economic incen tives to conserve biological resources: Jeffrey A. McNeely. IUCN Publication Services Unit, 219 Huntingdon Road, Cambridge CB3 0DL, UK, 1988, 236 pp. ISBN 2-88032-964-7 pp. 175-177

- Edward Barbier
Volume 3, issue 1, 1991
- Designing wetlands for controlling coal mine drainage: an ecologic-economic modelling approach pp. 1-24

- Kimberly Anne Baker, M. Siobhan Fennessy and William J. Mitsch
- Accounting for non-renewable natural resources in Louisiana's gross state product pp. 25-41

- George E. Foy
- The use of the discount rate in a cost-benefit analysis for different uses of a humid tropical forest area pp. 43-57

- Roefie Hueting
- Evolution of macro-information systems for sustainable development pp. 59-76

- Anthony M. Friend and David J. Rapport
- Bioeconomics and post Keynesian economics: a search for common ground pp. 77-87

- John Gowdy
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