Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 228, issue C, 2025
- Carbon Giants: Exploring the Top 100 Industrial CO2 Emitters in the EU

- Xenia Miklin, Thomas Neier, Simon Sturn and Klara Zwickl
- The welfare properties of climate targets

- Léo Coppens and Frank Venmans
- A novel nature-based risk index: Application to acute risks and their financial materiality on corporate bonds

- Amina Cherief, Takaya Sekine and Lauren Stagnol
- Biodiversity disclosure in the European finance sector

- Leyla Azizi, Christoph Scope, Anne Ladusch and Remmer Sassen
- Extending the Genuine Savings estimates with natural capital and poverty at the regional and national level in Italy

- Valentina Di Gennaro, Silvia Ferrini and Robert Kerry Turner
- Animal welfare, moral consumers and the optimal regulation of animal food production

- Thomas Eichner and Marco Runkel
- The biodiversity premium

- Guillaume Coqueret, Thomas Giroux and Olivier Zerbib
- Social comparison nudges: What actually happens when we are told what others do?

- Yann Raineau, Éric Giraud-Héraud and Sébastien Lecocq
- Is pro-environmental effort affected by information about others’ behavior?

- Dominik Suri, Niklas Bongers and Sebastian Kube
- Social networks, environmental literacy, and farmers' clean low-carbon farming behaviors: Evidence from villages in China

- Fei Lin, Jisheng Li and Chen Wu
- The impact of downgrading protected areas (PAD) on biodiversity

- Yufei Li, Lingling Hou and Pengfei Liu
- Cosmological limits to growth, affective abundance, and Rights of Nature: Insights from Buen Vivir/sumak kawsay for the cultural politics of degrowth

- Katharina Richter
- Incorporating use values into ecosystem specific accounts: Recreational value generated by saltmarsh at a mixed ecosystem site

- Geraldine Doolan and Stephen Hynes
- Extractivist valorization in industrial forestry in the Global North – Elements of an analytical framework and illustration for the cases of Finland and Alberta, Canada

- Jana Rebecca Holz and Anna Saave
- The marginal abatement cost function with secondary waste markets

- Nick Leary, Michael Zunino and Jeffrey Wagner
- Public support for degrowth policies and sufficiency behaviours in the United States: A discrete choice experiment

- Dallas O'Dell, Davide Contu and Ganga Shreedhar
- Community reconstruction of biocultural landscapes. Application in the Kokonuko Indigenous Territory

- Marta Montaño, Olga Sanabria, Oswaldo Quilindo, Alexander Urrego-Mesa, Enric Tello and Joan Marull
- Conceptualising the environmental dimension of left-behind places

- Charlotte Sophia Bez
- Climate change and the farmer-Pastoralist's violent conflict: Experimental evidence from Nigeria

- Uchenna Efobi, Oluwabunmi Adejumo and Jiyoung Kim
- GVC participation and carbon emissions – A network analysis

- Matthew Smith and Dimitris Christopoulos
- Effect simulation and local adaptation of multi-agent collaborative governance in marine eco-economic systems: Evidence from China

- Lehua Gao, Kun Gao, Wenwen Sun, Yue Zhang, Runping Zhang and Longxuan Zhang
- Public policies on circular economy: A systematic review

- Riccardo Losa
- Carbon loss and inequality exacerbated by embodied land redistribution in international trade

- Haishan Meng, Dewei Yang, Tian Zhou, Shuai Zhang, Min Wan, Yijia Ji, Junmei Zhang, Hang Yang and Ruifang Guo
- Breaking the bag habit: Testing interventions to reduce plastic bag demand

- Armenak Antinyan and Luca Corazzini
- Global land-use implications of preference shifts towards regional feed and sustainable diets in Germany and the European Union

- Florian Freund, Sakson Soisontes, Verena Laquai and Martin Banse
- Extreme Weather, agricultural insurance and farmer's climate adaptation technologies adoption in China

- Hui Mao, Zhenkai Sun, Anyuan Chai, Lan Fang and Chaoqian Shi
- Environmental responsibility and exposure of finance: Combining environmentally-extended input-output and balance sheet approaches

- Paul Hadji-Lazaro
- Can payments-for-ecosystem-services change social norms?

- Tobias Bähr, Adriana Bernal-Escobar and Meike Wollni
Volume 227, issue C, 2025
- Circular economy for resource security in the European Union (EU): Case study, research framework, and future directions

- Brian Baldassarre
- The hidden costs of imposing minimum contributions to a global public good

- Diya Abraham, Katarína Glejtková and Ondřej Krčál
- Measuring beekeepers' economic value of contract enhancements in almond pollination agreements

- Marieke Fenton, Brittney K. Goodrich and Jerrod Penn
- Biological control of a parasite: The efficacy of cleaner fish in salmon farming

- Ruth Beatriz Mezzalira Pincinato, Atle Oglend, Martin D. Smith and Frank Asche
- Assessing the regime-switching role of risk mitigation measures on agricultural vulnerability: A threshold analysis

- Xiaojie Wen, Philipp Mennig and Johannes Sauer
- Varieties of capitalism and environmental performance

- Felipe Jordán
- Different strategies of crop diversification between poor and non-poor farmers: Concepts and evidence from Tanzania

- Takefumi Fujimoto and Aya Suzuki
- Defining just transition

- Giorgos Galanis, Mauro Napoletano, Lilit Popoyan, Alessandro Sapio and Olivier Vardakoulias
- What about the others? Conditional cooperation, climate change perception and ecological actions

- Leonardo Becchetti, Gianluigi Conzo and Francesco Salustri
- The impact of income-driven changes in global consumption patterns on Kyoto Gas emissions during the twenty-first century

- Simon Bones and Richard M. Timmerman
- C-frame thinking: Embedding behavioral economics into ecological economics

- Leonardo Boncinelli, Luzie Dallinger and Tiziano Distefano
- Raising awareness of climate change: Nature, activists, politicians?

- Daryna Grechyna
- Buzzword or breakthrough beyond growth? The mainstreaming of the Wellbeing Economy

- Anders Hayden
- A comparative review of de- and post-growth modeling studies

- Arthur Lauer, Iñigo Capellán-Pérez and Nathalie Wergles
- Back to the future: An experiment on ecological restoration

- Virginia Cecchini Manara, Eleonora Ciscato, Pietro Guarnieri and Lorenzo Spadoni
- Engaging high-income earners in climate action: Policy insights from survey experiments

- Luis Mundaca and Christine Wamsler
- Does scarcity induce hostility? An experimental investigation of common-pool resources

- Stephan Geschwind and Johann Graf Lambsdorff
- Will the EU deforestation-free products regulation (EUDR) reduce tropical forest loss? Insights from three producer countries

- Roldan Muradian, Raras Cahyafitri, Tomaso Ferrando, Carolina Grottera, Luiz Jardim-Wanderley, Torsten Krause, Nanang I. Kurniawan, Lasse Loft, Tadzkia Nurshafira, Debie Prabawati-Suwito, Diaz Prasongko, Paula A. Sanchez-Garcia, Barbara Schröter and Diana Vela-Almeida
- Integrating recreational ecosystem service valuations into Israel's Water economy

- Aliza Fleischer, Yadin Gindin and Yacov Tsur
- Are natural disasters stumbling blocks to carbon inequality mitigation? A global perspective

- Kangyin Dong, Congyu Zhao, Rabindra Nepal and Kerstin K. Zander
- Shared responsibility for carbon emission reduction in worldwide “steel- electric vehicle” trade within a sustainable industrial chain perspective

- Yanxin Liu, Huajiao Li, Huijun Ren, Hongdian Jiang, Bo Ren, Ning Ma, Zhensong Chen, Weiqiong Zhong and Sergio Ulgiati
- Supply networks of fisheries social-ecological systems: A systematic review of the network approach

- Marian Rodríguez-Fuentes, José Alberto Zepeda-Domínguez, Lotta C. Kluger, Claudia María Fumero-Andreu, Germán Ponce-Díaz and Manuel J. Zetina-Rejón
- If there is waste, there is a system: Understanding Victoria's circular economy transition from a systems thinking perspective

- Akvan Gajanayake and Usha Iyer-Raniga
- Accounting for water: A global review and indicators of best practice for improved water governance

- Michael J. Vardon, Thi Ha Lien Le, Ricardo Martinez-Lagunes, Ogopotse Batlokwa Pule, Sjoerd Schenau, Steve May and R. Quentin Grafton
- Linking systems to agencies in urban metabolism studies: A conceptual framework and computational analysis of research literature

- Nicola Bertoldi and Daniela Perrotti
- Integrated modelling of fertilizer and climate change scenario impacts on agricultural production and nitrogen losses in Austria

- Elisabeth Jost, Martin Schönhart, Hermine Mitter, Ottavia Zoboli and Erwin Schmid
- European funds and green public procurement

- Ruben Nicolas, Vítězslav Titl and Fredo Schotanus
- Uncertainty about carbon impact and the willingness to avoid CO2 emissions

- Davide D. Pace, Taisuke Imai, Peter Schwardmann and Joël J. van der Weele
- Towards systems-oriented behavioral ecological economics

- Stefan Drews
- Broadening ecological footprint and biocapacity research: A co-developed research agenda with Canadian stakeholders

- Kaitlin Kish and Eric Miller
- A consumption-based approach to trace the effects of income inequality on water pollution responsibility in Egypt: An internal grey water footprint perspective

- Shimaa M. Wahba
- Did crop diversity criterion from CAP green payments affect both economic and environmental farm performances? Quasi-experimental evidence from France

- Thierno Bocar Diop and Lionel Védrine
- Wealth inequality and carbon inequality

- Ablam Estel Apeti, Bao We Wal Bambe, Eyah Denise Edoh and Alpha Ly
- Nobody decides for all — Modeling incentives and policies for closing the material loop

- Xi Sun and Karsten Neuhoff
- Hybrid multi-stage steel footprinting unveils a more interdependent material foundation of the global economy

- Xinyi Li, Chao Zhang, Xue Yang, Ziqian Xia, Zhi Cao, Peng Wang, Heming Wang, Tao Wang, Gang Liu and Wei-Qiang Chen
- After the storm: Environmental tragedy and sustainable mobility

- Rocco Caferra, Andrea Morone and Piergiuseppe Morone
- Stated preferences for the colours, smells, and sounds of biodiversity

- Peter M. King, Martin Dallimer, Thomas Lundhede, Gail E. Austen, Jessica C. Fisher, Katherine N. Irvine, Robert D. Fish and Zoe G. Davies
- The diverse impacts of democracy on greenhouse gas emissions

- Yacov Tsur
- Green versus green: The case against holistic environmental permitting processes

- Patrik Söderholm and Maria Pettersson
- Over 6 billion liters of Canadian milk wasted since 2012

- Thomas Elliot, Benjamin Goldstein and Sylvain Charlebois
- Cost-effective policy instruments for biodiversity conservation under climate change – The need for flexibility

- Charlotte Gerling, M. Drechsler, Johannes A. Leins, Astrid Sturm and Frank Wätzold
- Natural insurance as a green alternative for farmers? Empirical evidence for semi-natural habitats and methodological bias

- Jérôme Faure and Lauriane Mouysset
- Impacts of population, affluence and urbanization on local air pollution and land transformation – A regional STIRPAT analysis for German districts

- Johannes Lohwasser, Thomas Bolognesi and Axel Schaffer
- Rising inequality: A material perspective on the Great Recession in the European Union

- Anke Schaffartzik and Juan Antonio Duro
- Impact of Indonesia's Forest Management Units on the reduction of forest loss and forest fires in Sulawesi

- Colas Chervier, Stibniati S. Atmadja, Sandy Nofyanza, Choiriatun Nur Annisa, Fitri Nurfatriani, Rochadi Kristiningrum, Muhammad Alif K. Sahide, Ali Suhardiman and Syukur Umar
- Marine ecosystem services of seagrass in physical and monetary terms: The Mediterranean Sea case study

- Anna Maria Addamo, Alessandra La Notte, Silvia Ferrini and Gaetano Grilli
- Changes in global trade patterns increase global inequality towards Sustainable Development Goals

- Jiayu Wang, Ke Wang, Klaus Hubacek, Kuishuang Feng, Yuli Shan and Yi-Ming Wei
- A pragmatist ecological economics - Normative foundations and a framework for actionable knowledge

- Christopher A. Armatas and William T. Borrie
- Varieties of Anticapitalism: A systematic study of transformation strategies in alternative economic discourses

- Querine Kommandeur, Juliette Alenda-Demoutiez, Maria Kaufmann and Ingrid Visseren-Hamakers
- Preferences for drought risk adaptation support in Kenya: Evidence from a discrete choice experiment and three decision-making theories

- Teun Schrieks, Wouter Botzen, Toon Haer and Jeroen C.J.H. Aerts
- Efficiency, sufficiency and consistency in sustainable development: Reassessing strategies for reaching overarching goals

- Marco Rudolf and Mario Schmidt
- A research framework to investigate food systems at a national scale

- Noelia Parajuá, Enric Tello and Jessica Duncan
- Building a local structural basis for economic change? A case study on grassroots initiatives from a ‘social provisioning’ perspective

- Roman Hausmann and Anne-Kathrin Schwab
- Exploring South Australian households' perceptions towards various food waste policies

- By Sarah Ann Wheeler, Ying Xu and Daniel Gregg
- Green coops: Drivers of innovation for circular strategies among Italian cooperatives

- Asia Guerreschi and Emy Zecca
- Decentralized voluntary agreements do not reduce emissions in a climate change experiment

- Alessandro Del Ponte, Aidas Masiliūnas and Noah Lim
- China's global leadership aspirations and domestic support for climate policy

- C. Xiang and T. van Gevelt
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