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Ecological Economics

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland

From Elsevier
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Volume 62, issue 3-4, 2007

Ecosystem services: Foundations for a new rural-urban compact pp. 383-387 Downloads
Pablo Gutman
Testing for the survey mode effect on contingent valuation data quality: A case study of web based versus in-person interviews pp. 388-398 Downloads
Cristina Marta-Pedroso, Helena Freitas and Tiago Domingos
Development of estimating method of global carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus flows caused by human activity pp. 399-418 Downloads
Shinichiro Fujimori and Yuzuru Matsuoka
Using contingent valuation to explore willingness to pay for renewable energy: A comparison of collective and voluntary payment vehicles pp. 419-432 Downloads
Ryan H. Wiser
Environmental behavior structure and socio-economic conditions of hillside farmers: A multiple-group structural equation modeling approach pp. 433-440 Downloads
Budry Bayard and Curtis Jolly
Carbon sequestration and the optimal management of New Hampshire timber stands pp. 441-450 Downloads
John Gutrich and Richard B. Howarth
Theoretical incentive properties of contingent valuation questions: Do they matter in the field? pp. 451-460 Downloads
Felix Schläpfer and Ingo Brauer
The economics of wildlife farming and endangered species conservation pp. 461-472 Downloads
Richard Damania and Erwin Bulte
Non-linear dynamics of population and natural resources: The emergence of different patterns of development pp. 473-481 Downloads
Simone D'Alessandro
Energy consumption, income, and carbon emissions in the United States pp. 482-489 Downloads
Ugur Soytas, Ramazan Sari and Bradley Ewing
Measurement of the in situ value of exhaustible resources: An input distance function pp. 490-495 Downloads
Myunghun Lee
Statistical modeling of land-cover changes based on key socio-economic indicators pp. 496-507 Downloads
Elke Hietel, Rainer Waldhardt and Annette Otte
Water resources constraint force on urbanization in water deficient regions: A case study of the Hexi Corridor, arid area of NW China pp. 508-517 Downloads
Chao Bao and Chuang-lin Fang
Emerging carbon constraints for corporate risk management pp. 518-528 Downloads
Timo Busch and Volker H. Hoffmann
Non-point source regulation -- A self-reporting mechanism pp. 529-537 Downloads
Lars Garn Hansen and Eirik Romstad
Inorganic fertilizer use and biodiversity risk: An empirical investigation pp. 538-543 Downloads
Pallab Mozumder and Robert Berrens
Environmental welfare analysis: A life satisfaction approach pp. 544-551 Downloads
Heinz Welsch
Wood and non-wood pulp production: Comparative ecological footprinting on the Canadian prairies pp. 552-558 Downloads
Meidad Kissinger, Jennifer Fix and William E. Rees
Interactions between economic growth and environmental quality in Shenzhen, China's first special economic zone pp. 559-570 Downloads
Xiaozi Liu, Gerhard K. Heilig, Junmiao Chen and Mikko Heino
Costs and benefits of on-farm nature conservation pp. 571-579 Downloads
Paul Berentsen, Astrid Hendriksen, Wim J.M. Heijman and Haske A. van Vlokhoven
Voting on open space: What explains the appearance and support of municipal-level open space conservation referenda in the United States? pp. 580-593 Downloads
Erik Nelson, Michinori Uwasu and Stephen Polasky
Coastal landscape and the hedonic price of accommodation pp. 594-602 Downloads
Jacqueline M. Hamilton
Can economic causes of tropical deforestation be identified at a global level? pp. 603-612 Downloads
S. Serban Scrieciu
The revisited contribution of environmental reporting to investors' valuation of a firm's earnings: An international perspective pp. 613-626 Downloads
Denis Cormier and Michel Magnan
Why we need a commitment approach to environmental policy pp. 627-636 Downloads
John Tomer and Thomas R. Sadler
Corruption, income and the environment: An empirical analysis pp. 637-647 Downloads
Matthew Cole
Exploring the environmental Kuznets hypothesis: Theoretical and econometric problems pp. 648-660 Downloads
Georg Muller-Furstenberger and Martin Wagner
Forest dependence and participation in CPR management: Empirical evidence from forest co-management in Malawi pp. 661-672 Downloads
Charles Jumbe and Arild Angelsen
Pollution abatement activities and traditional productivity pp. 673-682 Downloads
Rolf Fare, Shawna Grosskopf and Carl Pasurka
Changes in carbon intensity in China: Empirical findings from 1980-2003 pp. 683-691 Downloads
Ying Fan, Lancui Liu, Gang Wu, Hsien-Tang Tsai and Yi-Ming Wei
Improving pluralism in Multi Criteria Decision Aid approach through Focus Group technique and Content Analysis pp. 692-703 Downloads
S. Xenarios and I. Tziritis
The recreational cost of coral bleaching -- A stated and revealed preference study of international tourists pp. 704-715 Downloads
Jessica E.C. Andersson
Participation of indigenous groups in sustainable development monitoring: Rationale and examples from New Zealand pp. 716-726 Downloads
Nigel Jollands and Garth Harmsworth
Financing a competitive recycling initiative in Switzerland pp. 727-739 Downloads
Silvia Ulli-Beer, David F. Andersen and George P. Richardson
Analysis of programs to reduce overpopulation of companion animals: Do adoption and low-cost spay/neuter programs merely cause substitution of sources? pp. 740-746 Downloads
Joshua M. Frank and Pamela L. Carlisle-Frank
Beyond "more is better": Ecological footprint accounting for tourism and consumption in Val di Merse, Italy pp. 747-756 Downloads
Trista M. Patterson, Valentina Niccolucci and Simone Bastianoni
R. Cote, J. Tansey and A. Dale, Editors, Linking Industry and Ecology: A Question of Design, UBC Press (2006) ISBN 0774812141 275 pp pp. 757-758 Downloads
Stephen H. Levine
Carol J. Pierce Colfer, Editor, The Complex Forest: Communities, Uncertainty, and Adaptive Collaborative Management, RFF Press/Resources for the Future, Washington DC (2005) ISBN 1-933115-13-0 370 pp..Carol J. Pierce Colfer, Editor, The Equitable Forest: Diversity, Community and Resource Management, RFF Press/Resources for the Future, Washington DC (2005) ISBN 1-891853-78-3 335 pp pp. 758-759 Downloads
A.A. Doolittle
Graham R. Marshall, Economics for Collaborative Environmental Management: Renegotiating the Commons, Earthscan;, London (2005) ISBN: 1844070956171, 184 pp pp. 759-760 Downloads
Elinor Ostrom
Dennis Pirages and Ken Cousins, Editors, From Resource Scarcity to Ecological Security: Exploring New limits to Growth, The MIT Press, Cambridge, USA (2005) ISBN 0-262-66189-6 280 pp pp. 760-761 Downloads
Martin Persson
Erratum to "Population, migration, and globalization" [Ecological Economics 59 (2006) 187-190] pp. 762-761 Downloads
Herman Daly

Volume 62, issue 2, 2007

Ecological-economic modelling for the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity pp. 203-206 Downloads
Martin Drechsler and Frank Watzold
Management strategies for tropical rain forests: Results of ecological models and requirements for ecological-economic modelling pp. 207-215 Downloads
A. Huth and B. Tietjen
Take a risk: Preferring prevention over control of biological invaders pp. 216-222 Downloads
David Finnoff, Jason Shogren, Brian Leung and David Lodge
Economic modeling approaches for wildlife and species conservation pp. 223-231 Downloads
Anders Skonhoft
Differences and similarities between ecological and economic models for biodiversity conservation pp. 232-241 Downloads
Martin Drechsler, Volker Grimm, Jaroslav Mysiak and Frank Watzold
A note on the ecological-economic modelling of marine reserves in fisheries pp. 242-250 Downloads
Claire W. Armstrong
Uncertainty and sustainability in the management of rangelands pp. 251-266 Downloads
Martin Quaas, Stefan Baumgärtner, Christian Becker, Karin Frank and Birgit Muller
Combining biodiversity modeling with political and economic development scenarios for 25 EU countries pp. 267-276 Downloads
Jana Verboom, Rob Alkemade, Jan Klijn, Marc J. Metzger and Rien Reijnen
The stochastic arrival of alien species and the number of and the damage from biological invasions pp. 277-280 Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal and Peter Nijkamp
Regulation School and environment: Theoretical proposals and avenues of research pp. 281-290 Downloads
Bertrand Zuindeau
A mathematical programming approach to constructing composite indicators pp. 291-297 Downloads
Peng Zhou, B.W. Ang and K.L. Poh
On the governmental use of multi-criteria analysis pp. 298-307 Downloads
C.D. Gamper and C. Turcanu
Environmental impact of household activity in Spain pp. 308-318 Downloads
Julio Sanchez-Choliz, Rosa Duarte and Alfredo Mainar
Analysis of the energy access improvement and its socio-economic impacts in rural areas of developing countries pp. 319-329 Downloads
Makoto Kanagawa and Toshihiko Nakata
Why economic dynamics matter in assessing climate change damages: Illustration on extreme events pp. 330-340 Downloads
Stephane Hallegatte, Jean-Charles Hourcade and Patrice Dumas
The economic impacts of river rehabilitation: A regional Input-Output analysis pp. 341-351 Downloads
C. Sporri, M. Borsuk, I. Peters and P. Reichert
Public participation in forestry in Turkey pp. 352-359 Downloads
Erdogan Atmis, Sezgin Ozden and Wietze Lise
Power relations and institutional outcomes: A case of pastureland development in Semi-arid Rajasthan pp. 360-372 Downloads
Sunil Ray and Mahendra Bijarnia
Collaborative environmental management: What roles for government?, Tomas M. Koontz, Toddi A. Steelman, JoAnn Carmin, Katrina Smith Korfmacher, Cassandra Mosely and Craig W. Thomas, Resources for the Future Press, Washington, DC, USA, 2004, ISBN: 1891853821, 210 pp pp. 373-374 Downloads
Graham Marshall
Marine conservation biology: The science of maintaining the sea's biodiversity, Norse, E.A. and L. B. Crowder (Eds). 2005. Island Press, Washington, D.C. ISBN 1-55963-662-9, 470 pp pp. 374-375 Downloads
James Lindholm
John T. Scholz and Bruce Stiftel, Editors, Adaptive Governance and Water Conflict: New Institutions for Collaborative Planning, Resources for the Future (2005) ISBN 1-933115-19-X (pbk) 274 pp pp. 375-376 Downloads
Kristan Cockerill
Tim W. Clark, Murray B. Rutherford and Denise Casey, Editors, Coexisting with Large Carnivores: Lessons from Greater Yellowstone, Island Press (2005) ISBN: 1-59726-005-3 (paper), 1-59726-004-5 (cloth). 290 pp pp. 376-377 Downloads
Aimee Delach

Volume 62, issue 1, 2007

When is it coevolution? pp. 1-6 Downloads
Giorgos Kallis
The social acceptability and valuation of recycled water in Crete: A study of consumers' and farmers' attitudes pp. 7-18 Downloads
Angeliki N. Menegaki, Nick Hanley and Konstantinos Tsagarakis
Mongolian nomadic culture and ecological culture: On the ecological reconstruction in the agro-pastoral mosaic zone in Northern China pp. 19-26 Downloads
MunkhDalai A. Zhang, Elles Borjigin and Huiping Zhang
Why can an environmental policy tax promote growth through the channel of education? pp. 27-36 Downloads
Andre Grimaud and Frederic Tournemaine
Examining the global environmental impact of regional consumption activities -- Part 1: A technical note on combining input-output and ecological footprint analysis pp. 37-44 Downloads
Karen Turner, Manfred Lenzen, Thomas Wiedmann and John Barrett
Taking timber browsing damage into account: A density dependant matrix model for the optimal harvest of moose in Scandinavia pp. 45-55 Downloads
Hilde Karine Wam and Ole Hofstad
Valuing environmental factors in cost-benefit analysis using data envelopment analysis pp. 56-65 Downloads
Timo Kuosmanen and Mika Kortelainen
Mapping public participation in the Water Framework Directive: A case study of the Pinios River Basin, Greece pp. 66-76 Downloads
Ioanna Mouratiadou and Dominic Moran
The social efficiency of instruments of promotion of renewable energies: A transaction-cost perspective pp. 77-92 Downloads
Dominique Finon and Yannick Perez
Poverty and biodiversity: Measuring the overlap of human poverty and the biodiversity hotspots pp. 93-101 Downloads
Brendan Fisher and Treg Christopher
Sustainable management of extensively managed savanna rangelands pp. 102-114 Downloads
Steven I. Higgins, Jochen Kantelhardt, Simon Scheiter and Jan Boerner
Treating respondent uncertainty in contingent valuation: A comparison of empirical treatments pp. 115-125 Downloads
Sabina L. Shaikh, Lili Sun and Gerrit van Kooten
Protected areas, wildlife conservation, and local welfare pp. 126-135 Downloads
Anne Johannesen
Evaluating the effects of embodied energy in international trade on ecological footprint in China pp. 136-148 Downloads
Li Hong, Zhang Pei Dong, He Chunyu and Wang Gang
Measuring farm sustainability and explaining differences in sustainable efficiency pp. 149-161 Downloads
Steven Van Passel, Frank Nevens, Erik Mathijs and Guido Van Huylenbroeck
Systems valuing of natural capital and investment in extensive pastoral systems: Lessons from the Patagonian case pp. 162-173 Downloads
J.O. Ares
Can corporate social responsibility resolve the sanitation question in developing Asian countries? pp. 174-183 Downloads
Kumudini Abeysuriya, Cynthia Mitchell and Stuart White
The interactions between natural and physical capitals in the tourist lifecycle model pp. 184-193 Downloads
Juan M. Hernandez and Carmelo J. Leon
Economics of environmental conservation pp. 194-195 Downloads
Paulo Nunes
The physical foundation of economics pp. 195-196 Downloads
Raluca Iorgulescu and John Polimeni
Economics and happiness: Framing the analysis pp. 196-198 Downloads
Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell and Jeroen van den Bergh
Sustainability evaluation: Diverging routes recombined? pp. 199-200 Downloads
Gjalt Huppes and Masanobu Ishikawa
Page updated 2025-03-28