Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 58, issue 4, 2006
- Estimating the existence value of north forests of Iran by using a contingent valuation method pp. 665-675

- Hamid Amirnejad, Sadegh Khalilian, Mohammad H. Assareh and Majid Ahmadian
- The physical economy of the European Union: Cross-country comparison and determinants of material consumption pp. 676-698

- Helga Weisz, Fridolin Krausmann, Christof Amann, Nina Eisenmenger, Karl-Heinz Erb, Klaus Hubacek and Marina Fischer-Kowalski
- Temporary credits: A solution to the potential non-permanence of carbon sequestration in forests? pp. 699-716

- Kevin Maréchal and Walter Hecq
- A policy approach to the environmental impacts of technological lock-in pp. 717-742

- Javier Carrillo-Hermosilla
- Economic openness and green GDP pp. 743-758

- John Talberth and Alok Bohara
- Disclosure of environmental violations and stock market in the Republic of Korea pp. 759-777

- Susmita Dasgupta, Jong Ho Hong, Benoit Laplante and Nlandu Mamingi
- Beyond Kyoto: A tax-based system for the global reduction of greenhouse gas emissions pp. 778-787

- James Kahn and Dina Franceschi
- Change in CO2 emission and its transmissions between Korea and Japan using international input-output analysis pp. 788-800

- Hae-Chun Rhee and Hyun-Sik Chung
- Environment and happiness: Valuation of air pollution using life satisfaction data pp. 801-813

- Heinz Welsch
- Civic cooperation, pro-environment attitudes, and behavioral intentions pp. 814-829

- Ann Owen and Julio Videras
- The costs and benefits of animal predation: An analysis of Scandinavian wolf re-colonization pp. 830-841

- Anders Skonhoft
- Estimating the short-term economic damages from the Prestige oil spill in the Galician fisheries and tourism pp. 842-849

- M. Dolores Garza-Gil, Albino Prada-Blanco and M. Xose Vazquez-Rodriguez
- Analysing the social benefits of soil conservation measures using stated preference methods pp. 850-861

- Sergio Colombo, Javier Calatrava-Requena and Nick Hanley
Volume 58, issue 3, 2006
- An aggregate measure for benefit-cost analysis pp. 449-461

- Richard Zerbe, Yoram Bauman and Aaron Finkle
- Externalities in international trade: The case for differential tariffs pp. 462-472

- Mark S. LeClair and Dina Franceschi
- The fate of Easter Island: The limits of resource management institutions pp. 473-490

- David H. Good and Rafael Reuveny
- Environmental and ecological economics: A citation analysis pp. 491-506

- Chunbo Ma and David Stern
- Combining economic and environmental dimensions: Value chain analysis of UK iron and steel flows pp. 507-519

- Kristina Dahlstrom and Paul Ekins
- Impact of water pollution on rural communities: An economic analysis pp. 520-537

- V. Ratna Reddy and Bhagirath Behera
- Process attributes of goods, ethical considerations and implications for animal products pp. 538-547

- Joshua Frank
- Environmental accounting: A management tool for enhancing corporate environmental and economic performance pp. 548-560

- Patrick de Beer and Francois Friend
- Life cycle management on Swiss fruit farms: Relating environmental and income indicators for apple-growing pp. 561-578

- Patrik Mouron, Roland W. Scholz, Thomas Nemecek and Olaf Weber
- Economy-wide estimates of the implications of climate change: Human health pp. 579-591

- Francesco Bosello, Roberto Roson and Richard Tol
- Does the hybrid Toyota Prius lead to rebound effects? Analysis of size and number of cars previously owned by Swiss Prius buyers pp. 592-605

- Peter de Haan, Michel G. Mueller and Anja Peters
- Forests and water: The value of native temperate forests in supplying water for human consumption pp. 606-616

- Daisy Nunez, Laura Nahuelhual and Carlos Oyarzun
- Are there increasing returns to pollution abatement? Empirical analytics of the Environmental Kuznets Curve in pesticides pp. 617-636

- Shunsuke Managi
- A just and efficient reduction of resource throughput to optimum pp. 637-649

- Hans P. Aubauer
- Trade liberalisation, resource sustainability and welfare: The case of East Baltic cod pp. 650-664

- Max Nielsen
Volume 58, issue 2, 2006
- Analysis of water demand and water pollutant discharge using a regional input-output table: An application to the City of Chongqing, upstream of the Three Gorges Dam in China pp. 221-237

- Tomohiro Okadera, Masataka Watanabe and Kaiqin Xu
- Environmental performance standards and the adoption of technology pp. 238-248

- Robert D. Mohr
- Quantifying and comparing the value of non-timber forest products in the Amazon pp. 249-267

- Bryan M. Shone and Jill L. Caviglia-Harris
- Second-order sustainability--conditions for the development of sustainable innovations in a dynamic environment pp. 268-286

- Christian Sartorius
- The roles of ownership, ecology, and economics in public wetland-conservation decisions pp. 287-303

- Amy Ando and Michael Getzner
- Valuing the diversity of biodiversity pp. 304-317

- Mike Christie, Nick Hanley, John Warren, Kevin Murphy, Robert Wright and Tony Hyde
- Economic instruments and induced innovation: The European policies on end-of-life vehicles pp. 318-337

- Massimiliano Mazzanti and Roberto Zoboli
- Forest conservation in the Philippines: A cost-effective approach to mitigating climate change? pp. 338-349

- Kristen A. Sheeran
- Pastureland degradation and poverty among herders in Mongolia: Data analysis and game estimation pp. 350-364

- Wietze Lise, Sebastiaan Hess and Byamba Purev
- Willingness to pay for improved water service in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil pp. 365-372

- James F. Casey, James Kahn and Alexandre Rivas
- Economic materials-product chain models: Current status, further development and an illustrative example pp. 373-392

- Hans-Gunter Schwarz
- Spatiotemporal analysis of ecological footprint and biological capacity of Gansu, China 1991-2015: Down from the environmental cliff pp. 393-406

- Dongxia Yue, Xiaofeng Xu, Zizhen Li, Cang Hui, Wenlong Li, Hequn Yang and Jianping Ge
- Energy consumption in rural China: A household model for three villages in Jiangxi Province pp. 407-420

- Le Chen, Nico Heerink and Marrit van den Berg
- Policy evaluation of natural resource injuries using habitat equivalency analysis pp. 421-433

- Brian Roach and William W. Wade
- Adaptive management and environmental decision making: A case study application to water use planning pp. 434-447

- Robin Gregory, Lee Failing and Paul Higgins
Volume 58, issue 1, 2006
- Opportunistic and conservative pastoral strategies: Some economic arguments pp. 1-16

- Stephen Sandford and Ian Scoones
- Decision criteria of European and Latin American market actors for tropical forestry projects providing environmental services pp. 17-36

- Joachim Sell, Thomas Koellner, Olaf Weber, Lucio Pedroni and Roland W. Scholz
- An agri-environmental assessment of trade liberalization pp. 37-48

- Robert Johansson, Joseph Cooper and Mark Peters
- Social metabolism in an agrarian region of Catalonia (Spain) in 1860-1870: Flows, energy balance and land use pp. 49-65

- Xavier Cusso, Ramon Garrabou and Enric Tello
- A comparison of life cycle cost analyses for a typical college dormitory using subsidized versus full-cost pricing of water pp. 66-78

- Angela Arpke and Kelly Strong
- Incorporating stakeholder preferences for land conservation: Weights and measures in spatial MCA pp. 79-92

- Michael P. Strager and Randall S. Rosenberger
- High value forests, hidden economies and elite capture: Evidence from forest user groups in Nepal's Terai pp. 93-107

- Vegard Iversen, Birka Chhetry, Paul Francis, Madhu Gurung, Ghanendra Kafle, Adam Pain and Janet Seeley
- The environmental and economic consequences of product lifetime extension: Empirical analysis for automobile use pp. 108-118

- Shigemi Kagawa, Tomohiro Tasaki and Yuichi Moriguchi
- The role of human, social, built, and natural capital in explaining life satisfaction at the country level: Toward a National Well-Being Index (NWI) pp. 119-133

- Amanda W. Vemuri and Robert Costanza
- Land ownership and conflicts over the use of resources: Implication for household vulnerability in eastern Ethiopia pp. 134-145

- Ayalneh Bogale, Mohammed Taeb and Mitsugi Endo
- Motor vehicle insurance rating with pseudo emissions coverage pp. 146-159

- Allister Hickson
- Is neoclassical microeconomics formally valid? An approach based on an analogy with equilibrium thermodynamics pp. 160-169

- Tania Sousa and Tiago Domingos
- A decision support method for environmental impact assessment using a fuzzy logic approach pp. 170-181

- Andre de Siqueira Campos Boclin and Renato de Mello
- Entropy, limits to growth, and the prospects for weak sustainability pp. 182-191

- Frank Krysiak
- A Box-Cox Double-Hurdle model of wildlife valuation: The citizen's perspective pp. 192-208

- Roberto Martinez-Espineira
- Optimal environmental taxes under relative consumption effects pp. 209-219

- Richard B. Howarth
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