Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 120, issue C, 2015
- Environmental value of green spaces in Japan: An application of the life satisfaction approach pp. 1-12

- Tetsuya Tsurumi and Shunsuke Managi
- Comparing different attitude statements in latent class models of stated preferences for managing an invasive forest pathogen pp. 13-22

- James Meldrum
- The ICT/electronics question: Structural change and the rebound effect pp. 23-31

- Ray Galvin
- Does credit create a ‘growth imperative’? A quasi-stationary economy with interest-bearing debt pp. 32-48

- Tim Jackson and Peter A. Victor
- A hydro-economic model for the assessment of climate change impacts and adaptation in irrigated agriculture pp. 49-58

- Paloma Esteve, Consuelo Varela-Ortega, Irene Blanco-Gutiérrez and Thomas E. Downing
- National well-being policy and a weighted approach to human feelings pp. 59-70

- Gus O'Donnell and Andrew Oswald
- Behind the life cycle of coal: Socio-environmental liabilities of coal mining in Cesar, Colombia pp. 71-82

- Andrea Cardoso
- Quantifying the relationship of resilience and eco-efficiency in complex adaptive energy systems pp. 83-92

- Jouni Korhonen and Juha-Pekka Snäkin
- The economic impacts of positive feedbacks resulting from deforestation pp. 93-99

- Christiane W. Runyan, Paolo D'Odorico and William Shobe
- Local taxation and urban development. Testing for the side-effects of the Italian property tax pp. 100-107

- Salvatore Bimonte and Arsenio Stabile
- Using REDD+ to balance timber production with conservation objectives in a mangrove forest in Malaysia pp. 108-116

- Ammar Abdul Aziz, Paul Dargusch, Stuart Phinn and Adrian Ward
- Towards a power-sensitive and socially-informed analysis of payments for ecosystem services (PES): Addressing the gaps in the current debate pp. 117-125

- Gert Van Hecken, Johan Bastiaensen and Catherine Windey
- Integrating methods for ecosystem service assessment and valuation: Mixed methods or mixed messages? pp. 126-138

- Caroline Hattam, Anne Böhnke-Henrichs, Tobias Börger, Daryl Burdon, Maria Hadjimichael, Alyne Delaney, Jonathan P. Atkins, Samantha Garrard and Melanie C. Austen
- The role of urban green space for human well-being pp. 139-152

- Christine Bertram and Katrin Rehdanz
- Measuring the biophysical dimension of urban sustainability pp. 153-163

- Zeev Stossel, Meidad Kissinger and Avinoam Meir
- A bio-economic analysis of the benefits of conservation agriculture: The case of smallholder farmers in Adami Tulu district, Ethiopia pp. 164-174

- Yohannis Tessema, John Asafu-Adjaye, Daniel Rodriguez, Thilak Mallawaarachchi and Bekele Shiferaw
- The emergence of Southern standards in agricultural value chains: A new trend in sustainability governance? pp. 175-184

- Greetje Schouten and Verena Bitzer
- Back to the past: Burning wood to save the globe pp. 185-193

- Craig Johnston and Gerrit van Kooten
- From Lotka's biophysics to Georgescu-Roegen's bioeconomics pp. 194-202

- Roxana Bobulescu
- Modeling heterogeneous fleet in an ecosystem based management context pp. 203-214

- Barbara Hutniczak
- Simple-but-sound methods for estimating the value of changes in biodiversity for biological pest control in agriculture pp. 215-225

- Deborah K. Letourneau, Amy Ando, Julie A. Jedlicka, Anita Narwani and Edward Barbier
- Efficient water management policies for irrigation adaptation to climate change in Southern Europe pp. 226-233

- Mohamed Taher Kahil, Jeffery D. Connor and Jose Albiac
- Hurricane watch: Battening down the effects of the storm on local crop production pp. 234-240

- Nekeisha Spencer and Solomon Polachek
- Environmental effects of sustainability management tools: An empirical analysis of large companies pp. 241-249

- Jacob Hörisch, Eduardo Ortas, Stefan Schaltegger and Igor Álvarez
- Optimizing agricultural land-use portfolios with scarce data—A non-stochastic model pp. 250-259

- Thomas Knoke, Carola Paul, Fabian Härtl, Luz Maria Castro, Baltazar Calvas and Patrick Hildebrandt
- Measuring rural–urban disparity with the Genuine Progress Indicator: A case study in Japan pp. 260-271

- Takashi Hayashi
- Economic valuation of the nitrogen content of urban organic residue by the agricultural sector pp. 272-281

- Pierre-Alain Jayet and Elvire Petel
- Rural livelihoods and environmental resource dependence in Cambodia pp. 282-295

- Trung Thanh Nguyen, Truong Lam Do, Dorothee Bühler, Rebecca Hartje and Ulrike Grote
- An economic valuation of mangrove restoration in Brazil pp. 296-302

- Carlos Eduardo de Rezende, James Kahn, Layra Passareli and William F. Vásquez
- From famine foods to delicatessen: Interpreting trends in the use of wild edible plants through cultural ecosystem services pp. 303-311

- Victoria Reyes-García, Gorka Menendez-Baceta, Laura Aceituno-Mata, Rufino Acosta-Naranjo, Laura Calvet-Mir, Pablo Domínguez, Teresa Garnatje, Erik Gómez-Baggethun, Manuel Molina-Bustamante, Marta Molina, Ramón Rodríguez-Franco, Ginesta Serrasolses, Joan Vallès and Manuel Pardo-de-Santayana
- Elephant poaching & ivory trafficking problems in Sub-Saharan Africa: An application of O'Hara's principles of political economy pp. 312-337

- Andrew John Brennan and Jaslin Kaur Kalsi
- Incorporating local visitor valuation information into the design of new recreation sites in tropical forests pp. 338-349

- Richard Carson, J.R. DeShazo, Kurt A. Schwabe, Jeffrey Vincent and Ismariah Ahmad
- The complexity of biodiversity: A biological perspective on economic valuation pp. 350-354

- K.D. Farnsworth, A.H. Adenuga and R.S. de Groot
- What could ‘mindful capabilities’ be? A comment on Mabsout's ‘mindful capability’ (2015) pp. 355-357

- Christine Polzin, Felix Rauschmayer, Rachel Lilley and Mark Whitehead
- Reputation and household recycling practices: Field experiments in Costa Rica pp. 366-375

- Francisco Alpizar Rodriguez and E. Gsottbauer
- The perils of peer punishment: Evidence from a common pool resource framed field experiment pp. 376-393

- Gioia de Melo and Matías Piaggio
- Unraveling the effects of payments for ecosystem services on motivations for collective action pp. 394-405

- Estelle Midler, Unai Pascual, Adam G. Drucker, Ulf Narloch and José Luis Soto
- Phasing out mercury through collective action in artisanal gold mining: Evidence from a framed field experiment pp. 406-415

- Adrián Saldarriaga-Isaza, Clara Villegas-Palacio and Santiago Arango
- Framed field experiment on resource scarcity & extraction: Path-dependent generosity within sequential water appropriation pp. 416-429

- Alexander Pfaff, Maria Vélez, Pablo Andres Ramos and Adriana Molina
- Exogenous degradation in the commons: Field experimental evidence pp. 430-439

- Esther Blanco, Maria Claudia Lopez and Sergio Villamayor-Tomas
- Quota compliance in TURFs: An experimental analysis on complementarities of formal and informal enforcement with changes in abundance pp. 440-450

- Oscar Santis and Carlos Chavez
Volume 119, issue C, 2015
- Estimates of the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) for Oregon from 1960–2010 and recommendations for a comprehensive shareholder's report pp. 1-7

- Ida Kubiszewski, Robert Costanza, Nicole E. Gorko, Michael A. Weisdorf, Austin W. Carnes, Cathrine E. Collins, Carol Franco, Lillian R. Gehres, Jenna M. Knobloch, Gayle E. Matson and Joan D. Schoepfer
- Choice experiment assessment of public preferences for forest structural attributes pp. 8-23

- Marek Giergiczny, Mikolaj Czajkowski, Tomasz Zylicz and Per Angelstam
- The role of network bridging organisations in compensation payments for agri-environmental services under the EU Common Agricultural Policy pp. 24-38

- Tom Dedeurwaerdere, Audrey Polard and Paolo Melindi-Ghidi
- Ecoviability for small-scale fisheries in the context of food security constraints pp. 39-52

- A.A. Cissé, Luc Doyen, F. Blanchard, C. Béné and Jean-Christophe Pereau
- Effect of agricultural economic growth on sandy desertification in Horqin Sandy Land pp. 53-63

- Xiaodong Ge, Yaoguang Li, Albert E. Luloff, Kaikai Dong and Jun Xiao
- Preferences of locavores favoring community supported agriculture in the United States and France pp. 64-73

- Hikaru Hanawa Peterson, Mykel Taylor and Quentin Baudouin
- Social capital and willingness-to-pay for coastal defences in south-east England pp. 74-82

- Nikoleta Jones, Julian R.A. Clark and Chrysovalantis Malesios
- Socioeconomic metabolism as paradigm for studying the biophysical basis of human societies pp. 83-93

- Stefan Pauliuk and Edgar G. Hertwich
- Examining the efforts of a small, open economy to reduce carbon emissions: The case of Denmark pp. 94-106

- Clinton J. Levitt, Morten S. Pedersen and Anders Sørensen
- Ethics and the choice of animal advocacy campaigns pp. 107-117

- James Waters
- Trends in Japanese households' critical-metals material footprints pp. 118-126

- Yosuke Shigetomi, Keisuke Nansai, Shigemi Kagawa and Susumu Tohno
- Do protected areas reduce blue carbon emissions? A quasi-experimental evaluation of mangroves in Indonesia pp. 127-135

- Daniela A. Miteva, Brian Murray and Subhrendu Pattanayak
- Workplace environmental conditions and life satisfaction in Spain pp. 136-146

- Inmaculada García-Mainar, Victor Montuenga and María Navarro-Paniagua
- Policy instruments for decentralized management of agricultural groundwater abstraction: A participatory evaluation pp. 147-157

- A.-G. Figureau, M. Montginoul and J.-D. Rinaudo
- The relationships between CDM project characteristics and CER market prices pp. 158-167

- Ian Trotter, Dênis Da Cunha and José Féres
- Predicting consumer demand responses to carbon labels pp. 168-180

- Sharon Shewmake, Abigail Okrent, Lanka Thabrew and Michael Vandenbergh
- The value of levee protection to commercial properties pp. 181-188

- Harrison Fell and Carolyn Kousky
- Setting the limits to extraction: A biophysical approach to mining activities pp. 189-196

- Diana Vela-Almeida, Grace Brooks and Nicolas Kosoy
- Assessing the cost-effectiveness of a biodiversity conservation policy: A bio-econometric analysis of Natura 2000 contracts in forest pp. 197-208

- Emeline Hily, Serge Garcia, Anne Stenger and Gengyang Tu
- Can China achieve its carbon intensity target by 2020 while sustaining economic growth? pp. 209-216

- Bangzhu Zhu, Kefan Wang, Julien Chevallier, Ping Wang and Yi-Ming Wei
- Sector aggregation bias in environmentally extended input output modeling of raw material flows in Finland pp. 217-229

- Pablo Piñero, Mari Heikkinen, Ilmo Mäenpää and Eva Pongrácz
- Small-scale cooperative banking and the production of capital: Reflecting on the role of institutional agreements in supporting rural livelihood in Kampot, Cambodia pp. 230-240

- Arnim Scheidel and Katharine Farrell
- An empirical analysis of forest transition and land-use change in developing countries pp. 241-251

- Julien Wolfersberger, Philippe Delacote and Serge Garcia
- Explaining forest transitions: The role of governance pp. 252-261

- Edward Barbier and Anteneh Tesfaw
- Measuring the forest and income impacts of forest user group participation under Malawi's Forest Co-management Program pp. 262-273

- John Mazunda and Gerald Shively
- Differences in demand for watershed services: Understanding preferences through a choice experiment in the Koshi Basin of Nepal pp. 274-283

- Rajesh Rai, Priya Shyamsundar, Mani Nepal and Laxmi Dutt Bhatta
- Perceptions on equity and responsibility in coastal zone policies pp. 284-291

- Valérie Clément, Hélène Rey-Valette and Bénédicte Rulleau
- Modeling and assessing scenarios of common property pastures management in Switzerland pp. 292-305

- Ivo Baur and Claudia R. Binder
- Measuring the contribution of ecological composition and functional services of ecosystems to the dynamics of KwaZulu-Natal coast fisheries pp. 306-313

- R.M. Hassan and J.G. Crafford
- A systemic framework for sustainability assessment pp. 314-325

- Serenella Sala, Biagio Ciuffo and Peter Nijkamp
- Global patterns and trends of wood harvest and use between 1990 and 2010 pp. 326-337

- Anna Liza S. Bais, Christian Lauk, Thomas Kastner and Karlheinz Erb
- The effect of within-season variability on estimates of recreational value for trout anglers in New Zealand pp. 338-345

- Lena Mkwara, Dan Marsh and Riccardo Scarpa
- Adoption of modern varieties, farmers' welfare and crop biodiversity: Evidence from Uganda pp. 346-358

- Manuela Coromaldi, Giacomo Pallante and Sara Savastano
- Sense and no(n)-sense of energy security indicators pp. 359-371

- Christoph Böhringer and Markus Bortolamedi
- The unequal exchange of Dutch cheese and Kenyan roses: Introducing and testing an LCA-based methodology for estimating ecologically unequal exchange pp. 372-383

- Martin Oulu
- Benefit transfer with limited data: An application to recreational fishing losses from surface mining pp. 384-398

- Marisa Mazzotta, Lisa Wainger, Samantha Sifleet, J.Todd Petty and Brenda Rashleigh
- The total costs of soil degradation in England and Wales pp. 399-413

- A.R. Graves, J. Morris, L.K. Deeks, R.J. Rickson, M.G. Kibblewhite, J.A. Harris, T.S. Farewell and I. Truckle
- Energy, growth, and evolution: Towards a naturalistic ontology of economics pp. 432-442

- Carsten Herrmann-Pillath
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