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Ecological Economics

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland

From Elsevier
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Volume 43, issue 2-3, 2002

Technological change in economic models of environmental policy: a survey pp. 105-126 Downloads
Andreas Löschel
Environmentally sustainable household consumption: from aggregate environmental pressures to priority fields of action pp. 127-140 Downloads
Joachim H. Spangenberg and Sylvia Lorek
Analyzing the Kyoto Protocol under the Marrakesh Accords: economic efficiency and environmental effectiveness pp. 141-158 Downloads
Michel G. J. den Elzen and Andre P. G. de Moor
A sensitivity analysis of the Korean composite environmental index pp. 159-174 Downloads
Sang Mok Kang
Soil fertility management and socio-economic factors in crop-livestock systems in Burkina Faso: a case study of composting technology pp. 175-183 Downloads
Jacques Somda, A. Joseph Nianogo, Suleymane Nassa and Seydou Sanou
Waste not or want not? A contingent ranking analysis of curbside waste disposal options pp. 185-197 Downloads
Arthur Caplan, Therese Grijalva and Paul Jakus
Ecological footprint analysis as a tool to assess tourism sustainability pp. 199-211 Downloads
Stefan Gossling, Carina Borgstrom Hansson, Oliver Horstmeier and Stefan Saggel
Implementing greenhouse gas trading in Europe: lessons from economic literature and international experiences pp. 213-230 Downloads
Catherine Boemare and Philippe Quirion
Preferences and multiple use forest management pp. 231-244 Downloads
Tom M. van Rensburg, Greig A. Mill, Mick Common and Jon Lovett
Envisioning shared goals for humanity: a detailed, shared vision of a sustainable and desirable USA in 2100 pp. 245-259 Downloads
Joshua Farley and Robert Costanza
The local costs of establishing protected areas in low-income nations: Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar pp. 261-275 Downloads
Paul Ferraro
Stocks, flows and complementarity: formalizing a basic insight of ecological economics pp. 277-286 Downloads
Egor Kraev

Volume 43, issue 1, 2002

Environmental and social degradation as the engine of economic growth pp. 1-16 Downloads
Stefano Bartolini and Luigi Bonatti
The benefits and costs of riparian analysis habitat preservation: a willingness to accept/willingness to pay contingent valuation approach pp. 17-31 Downloads
Jean-Pierre Amigues, Boulatoff (Broadhead), Catherine, Brigitte Desaigues, Caroline Gauthier and John Keith
Towards a genuine exchange value of nature: interactions between humans and nature in a principal-agent-framework pp. 33-47 Downloads
Ernst-August Nuppenau
Valuing the non-market benefits of wild goose conservation: a comparison of interview and group based approaches pp. 49-59 Downloads
Douglas C. Macmillan, Lorna Philip, Nick Hanley and Begona Alvarez-Farizo
The role of land tenure and extension education in the adoption of slash and burn agriculture pp. 61-70 Downloads
Eric C. Schuck, William Nganje and Debazou Yantio
Water use in the Spanish economy: an input-output approach pp. 71-85 Downloads
Rosa Duarte, Julio Sanchez-Choliz and Jorge Bielsa
Choice of insect management portfolios by organic farmers: lessons and comparative analysis pp. 87-99 Downloads
Luanne Lohr and Timothy Park
The New Economy of Nature: The Quest to Make Conservation Profitable: By Gretchen C. Daily, Katherine Ellison, Island Press, Washington, DC, 2002. 260 pp.; ISBN 1559639458 pp. 101-102 Downloads
Gary Luck

Volume 42, issue 3, 2002

New Editor for Ecological Economics pp. 351-352 Downloads
Robert Costanza
Changing of the Guard at Ecological Economics pp. 353-358 Downloads
Cutler J. Cleveland
Ecological agriculture in China: bridging the gap between rhetoric and practice of sustainability pp. 359-368 Downloads
Tian Shi
The market for tradable renewable energy credits pp. 369-379 Downloads
David Berry
Technical progress, structural change, and the environmental Kuznets curve pp. 381-389 Downloads
Markus Pasche
Consumer's willingness to pay more for municipal supplied water: a case study pp. 391-400 Downloads
D. V. Raje, P. S. Dhobe and A. W. Deshpande
An estimation of the cost of sustainable production of metal concentrates from the earth's crust pp. 401-413 Downloads
Bengt Steen and Gunnar Borg
Ecological public functions and fiscal equalisation at the local level in Germany pp. 415-427 Downloads
Irene Ring
Sustainable growth criteria: Minimum benchmarks and scenarios for employment and the environment pp. 429-443 Downloads
Joachim H. Spangenberg, Ines Omann and Friedrich Hinterberger
Modeling the choice to switch from fuelwood to electricity: Implications for giant panda habitat conservation pp. 445-457 Downloads
Li An, Frank Lupi, Jianguo Liu, Marc A. Linderman and Jinyan Huang
Knowledge and recognition of ecosystem services among the general public in a drainage basin in Scania, Southern Sweden pp. 459-467 Downloads
Lillemor Lewan and Tore Soderqvist
An economic analysis of predator removal approaches for protecting marine turtle nests at Hobe Sound National Wildlife Refuge pp. 469-478 Downloads
Richard M. Engeman, Stephanie A. Shwiff, Bernice Constantin, Margo Stahl and Henry T. Smith
Judged seriousness of environmental losses: reliability and cause of loss pp. 479-491 Downloads
Thomas C. Brown, Dawn Nannini, Robert B. Gorter, Paul A. Bell and George L. Peterson
The Origins of Ecological Economics: The Bioeconomics of Georgescu-Roegen: Routledge Research in Environmental Economics, Edited by Kozo Mayumi, Routledge (Taylor and Francis Group), London, 2001, 161 pp. ISBN 0-415-23523-5; [UK pound]stg 55, Hard Bound pp. 493-494 Downloads
John Peet
Learning to manage global environmental risks: a comparative history of social responses to climate change, ozone depletion and acid rain: Review of: The Social Learning Group, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2001 pp. 495-497 Downloads
B. Siebenhuner
The Unified Neutral Theory of Biodiversity and Biogeography: By Stephen P. Hubbell, Monographs in Population Biology 32, Princeton University Press (2001), 375 pp.; ISBN 0-691-02128-7 pp. 497-498 Downloads
Janne Bengtsson
Institutions, Ecosystems and Sustainability: Edited by R. Costanza, B.S. Low, E. Ostrom, J. Wilson, Lewis Publishers, 2001. 270 pp.; ISBN 1-56670-389-1 pp. 498-499 Downloads
John M. Anderies
Environmental Policies for Agricultural Pollution Control: Edited by J.S. Shortle, D.G. Abler, CABI Publishing, 2001. 224 pp.; ISBN 0-85199-399-0 pp. 500-501 Downloads
Daniela Mencarelli Wieser and Werner Hediger
The Way the Wind Blows: Climate, History, and Human Action: Edited by R.J. McIntosh, J.A. Tainter, S. Keech McIntosh, Columbia Press (2000), 413 pp.; ISBN 0-231-11208-4 pp. 501-502 Downloads
Charles L. Redman

Volume 42, issue 1-2, 2002

I=PAT or I=PBAT? pp. 3-3 Downloads
Mark Diesendorf
The contemporary European copper cycle: introduction pp. 5-7 Downloads
T. E. Graedel
The contemporary European copper cycle: The characterization of technological copper cycles pp. 9-26 Downloads
T. E. Graedel, M. Bertram, K. Fuse, R. B. Gordon, R. Lifset, H. Rechberger and S. Spatari
The contemporary European copper cycle: 1 year stocks and flows pp. 27-42 Downloads
S. Spatari, M. Bertram, K. Fuse, T. E. Graedel and H. Rechberger
The contemporary European copper cycle: waste management subsystem pp. 43-57 Downloads
M. Bertram, T. E. Graedel, H. Rechberger and S. Spatari
The contemporary European copper cycle: statistical entropy analysis pp. 59-72 Downloads
H. Rechberger and T. E. Graedel
Are the economic costs of stabilising the atmosphere prohibitive? pp. 73-80 Downloads
Christian Azar and Stephen H. Schneider
Economics, ecology-based communities, and sustainability pp. 81-87 Downloads
Gerald R. Walter
Dualism and sustainability pp. 89-99 Downloads
Clive Hamilton
Labor supply and the double-dividend pp. 101-106 Downloads
Eban Goodstein
Environmental tax reform: efficiency and political feasibility pp. 107-116 Downloads
Stefan Felder and Reto Schleiniger
Successful transfer of environmentally sound technologies for greenhouse gas mitigation: a framework for matching the needs of developing countries pp. 117-129 Downloads
R. Ramanathan
Identifying public preferences for land preservation using the analytic hierarchy process pp. 131-145 Downloads
Joshua Duke and Rhonda Aull-Hyde
The transferability of benefit transfer: contingent valuation of water quality improvements in Costa Rica pp. 147-164 Downloads
David N. Barton
The trade in babirusas and wild pigs in North Sulawesi, Indonesia pp. 165-183 Downloads
E. J. Milner-Gulland and Lynn Clayton
Consumption patterns and their effects on land required for food pp. 185-199 Downloads
P. W. Gerbens-Leenes and S. Nonhebel
Explaining changes in global sulfur emissions: an econometric decomposition approach pp. 201-220 Downloads
David Stern
An ecological economic simulation model of a non-selective grazing system in the Nama Karoo, South Africa pp. 221-242 Downloads
P. C. Beukes, R. M. Cowling and S. I. Higgins
Resource-based sustainability indicators: Chase County, Kansas, as example pp. 243-257 Downloads
Robert A. Herendeen and Todd Wildermuth
Material substitution and path dependence: empirical evidence on the substitution of copper for aluminum pp. 259-271 Downloads
Frank Messner
Willing consumers--or locked-in? Policies for a sustainable consumption pp. 273-287 Downloads
Christer Sanne
Value of recreational fishing in the Brazilian Pantanal: a travel cost analysis using count data models pp. 289-299 Downloads
Ram K. Shrestha, Andrew F. Seidl and Andre Moraes
On the joint determination of biological and economic systems pp. 301-311 Downloads
Chad Settle, Thomas D. Crocker and Jason Shogren
Targeting conservation efforts in the presence of threshold effects and ecosystem linkages pp. 313-331 Downloads
JunJie Wu and Katharine Skelton-Groth
An EKC-pattern in historical perspective: carbon dioxide emissions, technology, fuel prices and growth in Sweden 1870-1997 pp. 333-347 Downloads
Magnus Lindmark
Page updated 2025-03-28