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Ecological Economics

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland

From Elsevier
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Volume 45, issue 3, 2003

Introduction and overview to the Special Issue on animal genetic resources pp. 315-317 Downloads
Adam G. Drucker and Riccardo Scarpa
Animal genetic resources and economic development: issues in relation to economic valuation pp. 319-330 Downloads
J. E. O. Rege and J. P. Gibson
Animal genetic resources and sustainable livelihoods pp. 331-339 Downloads
Simon Anderson
The need to conserve farm animal genetic resources in Africa: should policy makers be concerned? pp. 341-351 Downloads
Clemens B. A. Wollny
Valuing animal genetic resources: lessons from plant genetic resources pp. 353-363 Downloads
Douglas Gollin and Robert Evenson
Socioeconomic causes of loss of animal genetic diversity: analysis and assessment pp. 365-376 Downloads
Clement Tisdell
An approach to the optimal allocation of conservation funds to minimize loss of genetic diversity between livestock breeds pp. 377-392 Downloads
H. Simianer, S. B. Marti, J. Gibson, O. Hanotte and J. E. O. Rege
Using conjoint analysis to estimate farmer's preferences for cattle traits in West Africa pp. 393-407 Downloads
Kouadio Tano, Mulumba Kamuanga, Merle D. Faminow and Brent Swallow
Valuing indigenous cattle breeds in Kenya: an empirical comparison of stated and revealed preference value estimates pp. 409-426 Downloads
Riccardo Scarpa, Eric S. K. Ruto, Patti Kristjanson, Maren Radeny, Adam G. Drucker and John E. O. Rege
Valuing genetic resources in peasant economies: the case of 'hairless' creole pigs in Yucatan pp. 427-443 Downloads
Riccardo Scarpa, Adam G. Drucker, Simon Anderson, Nancy Ferraes-Ehuan, Veronica Gomez, Carlos R. Risopatron and Olga Rubio-Leonel
Costs and benefits of preserving farm animal genetic resources from extinction: CVM and Bio-economic model for valuing a conservation program for the Italian Pentro horse pp. 445-459 Downloads
Giovanni Cicia, Elisabetta D'Ercole and Davide Marino
Does breed matter to cattle farmers and buyers?: Evidence from West Africa pp. 461-472 Downloads
Mohammad Jabbar and M. L. Diedhiou
Economic evaluation of smallholder subsistence livestock production: lessons from an Ethiopian goat development program pp. 473-485 Downloads
W. Ayalew, J. M. King, E. Bruns and B. Rischkowsky
Domestic animal biodiversity conservation: a case study of rural development plans in the European Union pp. 487-499 Downloads
Giovanni Signorello and Gioacchino Pappalardo
The challenge of conserving indigenous domesticated animals pp. 501-510 Downloads
Robert Mendelsohn

Volume 45, issue 2, 2003

Consumption process and multiple valuation of landscape attributes pp. 159-169 Downloads
Matias Gonzalez and Carmelo J. Leon
Consumption dynamics and technological change--exemplified by the mobile phone and related technologies pp. 171-188 Downloads
Inge Ropke
Simulating a relative environmental effect of glyphosate-resistant soybeans pp. 189-202 Downloads
Gerald Nelson and David Bullock
Are left-wing party strength and corporatism good for the environment? Evidence from panel analysis of air pollution in OECD countries pp. 203-220 Downloads
Eric Neumayer
Sustainable farm income in the presence of soil erosion: an agricultural Hartwick rule pp. 221-236 Downloads
Werner Hediger
Is it as bad as it sounds or as good as it looks? Experiences of Finnish water discharge limits pp. 237-254 Downloads
Per Mickwitz
Ordering effects in nested 'top-down' and 'bottom-up' contingent valuation designs pp. 255-270 Downloads
N. A. Powe and Ian Bateman
Is the Tasmanian tiger extinct? A biological-economic re-evaluation pp. 271-279 Downloads
Erwin Bulte, Richard D. Horan and Jason Shogren
For better or for worse, till the human development index do us part? pp. 281-296 Downloads
Stephen Morse
Multiple-attribute evaluation of ecosystem management for the Missouri River system pp. 297-309 Downloads
Tony Prato
Selling Forest Environmental Services: Market-based Mechanisms for Conservation and Development: Edited by Stefano Pagiola, Earthscan Publications, 2002. 336 pp.; ISBN: 1-85383-888-8 pp. 311-312 Downloads
G. Cox
Erratum to "Relative importance and determinants of landowners' transaction costs in collaborative wildlife management in Kenya: an empirical analysis": [Ecological Economics 45 (2003) 59-73] pp. 313-313 Downloads
John Mburu, Regina Birner and Manfred Zeller

Volume 45, issue 1, 2003

Do individual preferences explain the Environmental Kuznets curve? pp. 3-10 Downloads
Jordi Roca
'Full' world versus 'empty' world paradigm at the time of globalisation pp. 11-18 Downloads
A. Farina, A. R. Johnson, S. J. Turner and A. Belgrano
A flower in full blossom?: Ecological economics at the crossroads between normal and post-normal science pp. 19-27 Downloads
Adrian Muller
Status-seeking and material affluence: evaluating the Hirsch hypothesis pp. 29-39 Downloads
Kjell Arne Brekke, Richard B. Howarth and Karine Nyborg
Material flow accounts, balances and derived indicators for the Czech Republic during the 1990s: results and recommendations for methodological improvements pp. 41-57 Downloads
Milan Scasny, Jan Kovanda and Tomas Hak
Relative importance and determinants of landowners' transaction costs in collaborative wildlife management in Kenya: an empirical analysis pp. 59-73 Downloads
John Mburu, Regina Birner and Manfred Zeller
Incorporating stakeholder values into regional forest planning: a value function approach pp. 75-90 Downloads
Jayanath Ananda and Gamini Herath
Forest resource trade between Japan and Southeast Asia: the structure of dual decay pp. 91-104 Downloads
Kami Seo and Jonathan Taylor
Economic impact of biological control of water hyacinth in Southern Benin pp. 105-117 Downloads
Hugo De Groote, O. Ajuonu, S. Attignon, R. Djessou and P. Neuenschwander
Demand-side policies for environmental protection and sustainable usage of renewable resources pp. 119-132 Downloads
Jill L. Caviglia-Harris, James Kahn and Trellis Green
Determinants of CO2 emissions in a small open economy pp. 133-148 Downloads
Birgit Bednar-Friedl and Michael Getzner
Yield increase attributable to aphid predation by ground-living polyphagous natural enemies in spring barley in Sweden pp. 149-158 Downloads
Orjan Ostman, Barbara Ekbom and Janne Bengtsson

Volume 44, issue 2-3, 2003

Identifying critical natural capital pp. 159-163 Downloads
Paul Ekins, Carl Folke and Rudolf De Groot
A framework for the practical application of the concepts of critical natural capital and strong sustainability pp. 165-185 Downloads
Paul Ekins, Sandrine Simon, Lisa Deutsch, Carl Folke and Rudolf De Groot
Importance and threat as determining factors for criticality of natural capital pp. 187-204 Downloads
Rudolf De Groot, Johan Van der Perk, Anna Chiesura and Arnold van Vliet
The critical natural capital of ecosystem performance as insurance for human well-being pp. 205-217 Downloads
Lisa Deutsch, Carl Folke and Kristian Skanberg
Critical natural capital: a socio-cultural perspective pp. 219-231 Downloads
Anna Chiesura and Rudolf de Groot
Maintaining the integrity of the French terroir: a study of critical natural capital in its cultural context pp. 233-254 Downloads
Jean-Marc Douguet and Martin O'Connor
An illustrative application of the CRITINC framework to the UK pp. 255-275 Downloads
Paul Ekins and Sandrine Simon
Identifying critical natural capital: Conclusions about critical natural capital pp. 277-292 Downloads
Paul Ekins
Food and life cycle energy inputs: consequences of diet and ways to increase efficiency pp. 293-307 Downloads
Annika Carlsson-Kanyama, Marianne Pipping Ekstrom and Helena Shanahan
Property rights to multi-attribute fishery resources pp. 309-323 Downloads
Steven F. Edwards
Timber harvest adjacency economies, hunting, species protection, and old growth value: seeking the dynamic optimum pp. 325-344 Downloads
Steven K. Rose and Duane Chapman
Applying contingent valuation in China to measure the total economic value of restoring ecosystem services in Ejina region pp. 345-358 Downloads
Xu Zhongmin, Cheng Guodong, Zhang Zhiqiang, Su Zhiyong and John Loomis
Life-cycle economic model of small treatment wetlands for domestic wastewater disposal pp. 359-369 Downloads
David Steer, Todd Aseltyne and Lauchlan Fraser
Sustainable Community Development; Studies in Economic, Environmental, and Cultural Revitalization, Marie D. Hoff, Boca Raton: Lewis Publishers (1998), 264 pp., ISBN 1-57444-129-9 pp. 371-372 Downloads
T. Hahn

Volume 44, issue 1, 2003

The failure of the profit motive pp. 1-9 Downloads
Kenneth Lux
From groundless universalism to grounded generalism: improving ecological economic indicators of human-environmental interaction pp. 11-27 Downloads
Janne Hukkinen
The impact of population pressure on global carbon dioxide emissions, 1975-1996: evidence from pooled cross-country data pp. 29-42 Downloads
Anqing Shi
Economic valuation of the Leuser National Park on Sumatra, Indonesia pp. 43-62 Downloads
Pieter J. H. van Beukering, Herman S. J. Cesar and Marco A. Janssen
Measuring dispositions for lexicographic preferences of environmental goods: integrating economics, psychology and ethics pp. 63-76 Downloads
Randall S. Rosenberger, George L. Peterson, Andrea Clarke and Thomas C. Brown
Sustainable globalisation pp. 77-89 Downloads
Simone Borghesi and Alessandro Vercelli
The value of remoteness: a hedonic estimation of ranchette prices pp. 91-103 Downloads
Sanchita Sengupta and Daniel Edward Osgood
A theoretical foundation to support the Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW), Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI), and other related indexes pp. 105-118 Downloads
Philip A. Lawn
Policies for the management of weeds in natural ecosystems: the case of scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius, L.) in an Australian national park pp. 119-135 Downloads
Doreen I. S. Odom, Oscar Cacho, J. A. Sinden and Garry R. Griffith
Applying physical input-output analysis to estimate land appropriation (ecological footprints) of international trade activities pp. 137-151 Downloads
Klaus Hubacek and Stefan Giljum
Erratum to "The benefits and costs of riparian analysis habitat preservation: a willingness to accept/willingness to pay contingent valuation approach": [Ecological Economics 43(2002) 17-31] pp. 153-153 Downloads
Jean-Pierre Amigues, Boulatoff (Broadhead), Catherine, Brigitte Desaigues, Caroline Gauthier and John Keith
Page updated 2025-03-28