Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 54, issue 4, 2005
- The origin, diagnostic attributes and practical application of co-evolutionary theory pp. 347-361

- Nick Winder, Brian S. McIntosh and Paul Jeffrey
- Bubbles in a back eddy: A commentary on "The origin, diagnostic attributes and practical application of coevolutionary theory" pp. 362-365

- Richard B. Norgaard
- Modernism, evolution and vaporous visions of future unity: Clarification in response to Norgaard pp. 366-369

- Nick Winder
- Value from a complex dynamic system's perspective pp. 370-381

- Andri W. Stahel
- Constraints on dematerialisation and allocation of natural capital along a sustainable growth path pp. 382-396

- João Rodrigues, Tiago Domingos, Pedro Conceição and José Belbute
- Unilateral regulation of bilateral trade in greenhouse gas emission permits pp. 397-416

- Katrin Rehdanz and Richard Tol
- The eco-efficiency of tourism pp. 417-434

- Stefan Gössling, Paul Peeters, Jean-Paul Ceron, Ghislain Dubois, Trista Patterson and Robert B. Richardson
- Biodiversity, yield, and shade coffee certification pp. 435-446

- Ivette Perfecto, John Vandermeer, Alex Mas and Lorena Soto Pinto
- Computable general equilibrium model analysis of economywide cross effects of social and environmental policies in Chile pp. 447-472

- Raúl O'Ryan, Carlos de Miguel, Sebastian Miller and Mohan Munasinghe
Volume 54, issue 2-3, 2005
- The role of technological change for a sustainable development pp. 133-147

- Herman R.J. Vollebergh and Claudia Kemfert
- Economics of technological change and the natural environment: How effective are innovations as a remedy for resource scarcity? pp. 148-163

- Lucas Bretschger
- A tale of two market failures: Technology and environmental policy pp. 164-174

- Adam Jaffe, Richard Newell and Robert N. Stavins
- Dynamic incentives by environmental policy instruments--a survey pp. 175-195

- Till Requate
- Pollution abatement expenditures and plant-level productivity: A production function approach pp. 196-208

- Ron Shadbegian and Wayne Gray
- Lessons from patents: Using patents to measure technological change in environmental models pp. 209-226

- David Popp
- The impact of R&D on innovation for wind energy in Denmark, Germany and the United Kingdom pp. 227-240

- Ger Klaassen, Asami Miketa, Katarina Larsen and Thomas Sundqvist
- Carbon taxes: A drop in the ocean, or a drop that erodes the stone? The effect of carbon taxes on technological change pp. 241-260

- Reyer Gerlagh and Wietze Lise
- Learning-by-Doing vs. Learning by Researching in a model of climate change policy analysis pp. 261-276

- Efrem Castelnuovo, Marzio Galeotti, Gretel Gambarelli and Sergio Vergalli
- The impact of technological change on climate protection and welfare: Insights from the model MIND pp. 277-292

- Ottmar Edenhofer, Nico Bauer and Elmar Kriegler
- Induced technological change in a multi-regional, multi-sectoral, integrated assessment model (WIAGEM): Impact assessment of climate policy strategies pp. 293-305

- Claudia Kemfert
- A multi-actor dynamic integrated assessment model (MADIAM) of induced technological change and sustainable economic growth pp. 306-327

- Michael Weber, Volker Barth and Klaus Hasselmann
Volume 54, issue 1, 2005
- The ecological and consumption themes of the films of Hayao Miyazaki pp. 1-7

- Kozo Mayumi, Barry D. Solomon and Jason Chang
- Jevons' paradox pp. 9-21

- Blake Alcott
- The dynamics of carbon sequestration and alternative carbon accounting, with an application to the upper Mississippi River Basin pp. 23-35

- Hongli Feng
- Twentieth century copper stocks and flows in North America: A dynamic analysis pp. 37-51

- S. Spatari, M. Bertram, Robert B. Gordon, K. Henderson and T.E. Graedel
- Economic and environmental impacts of pollution control regulation on small industries: a case study pp. 53-66

- Snigdha Chakrabarti and Nita Mitra
- Improving the benefits of wildlife harvesting in Northern Cameroon: a co-management perspective pp. 67-80

- Theodore B. Mayaka, Theo Hendricks, Justus Wesseler and Herbert H.T. Prins
- Diminishing and negative welfare returns of economic growth: an index of sustainable economic welfare (ISEW) for Thailand pp. 81-93

- Matthew Clarke and Sardar M.N. Islam
- Why the grass is not always greener: the competing effects of environmental regulations and factor intensities on US specialization pp. 95-109

- Matthew Cole, Robert Elliott and Kenichi Shimamoto
- Revisiting biological "hot spots" and marine reserve formation pp. 111-113

- Kurt E. Schnier
Volume 53, issue 4, 2005
- Introduction and overview to the special issue on biodiversity conservation, access and benefit-sharing and traditional knowledge pp. 439-444

- Bernd Siebenhuner, Tom Dedeurwaerdere and Eric Brousseau
- The effectiveness of access and benefit sharing in Costa Rica: implications for national and international regimes pp. 445-460

- Carmen Richerzhagen and Karin Holm-Mueller
- The convention on biological diversity: A conventionalist approach pp. 461-472

- Valerie Boisvert and Franck-Dominique Vivien
- From bioprospecting to reflexive governance pp. 473-491

- Tom Dedeurwaerdere
- Biodiversity, ownership, and indigenous knowledge: Exploring legal frameworks for community, farmers, and intellectual property rights in Africa pp. 493-506

- Noah Zerbe
- Implementing the access and benefit-sharing provisions of the CBD: A case for institutional learning pp. 507-522

- Bernd Siebenhuner and Jessica Suplie
- Reconciliation of proprietary interests in genetic and knowledge resources: Hurry cautiously! pp. 523-541

- Jerzy Koopman
- The institutional economics of biodiversity, biological materials, and bioprospecting pp. 543-557

- Margaret Polski
- Decision making in livestock conservation pp. 559-572

- H. Simianer
- Biodiversity and international stakes: A question of access pp. 573-583

- Michel Trommetter
Volume 53, issue 3, 2005
- Psychological effect of taxation and responsibility. A reply to Thomas A. Okey and Bruce A. Wright pp. 295-298

- Damien Bazin, Jerome Ballet and David Touahri
- Malthus vs. Wordsworth: Perspectives on humankind, nature and economy. A contribution to the history and the foundations of ecological economics pp. 299-310

- Christian Becker, Malte Faber, Kirsten Hertel and Reiner Manstetten
- Measuring the success and cost effectiveness of New Zealand multiple-species projects to the conservation of threatened species pp. 311-323

- Ross Cullen, Emma Moran and Kenneth F.D. Hughey
- Water pollution in the Spanish economy: analysis of sensitivity to production and environmental constraints pp. 325-338

- Julio Sanchez-Choliz and Rosa Duarte
- Protecting Eden: markets or government? pp. 339-351

- Richard Damania and John Hatch
- Institutional ecological economics pp. 353-368

- Jouni Paavola and W. Neil Adger
- An ecological integrity assessment of a Brazilian Atlantic Forest watershed based on surveys of stream health and local farmers' perceptions: implications for management pp. 369-385

- Renato A.M. Silvano, Shana Udvardy, Marta Ceroni and Joshua Farley
- Genetically modified crops and agricultural landscapes: spatial patterns of contamination pp. 387-401

- Ken Belcher, James Nolan and Peter W.B. Phillips
- A theoretical basis for the environmental Kuznets curve pp. 403-413

- Soumyananda Dinda
- Local sustainable yield and embodied resources in ecological footprint analysis--a case study on the required paddy field in Taiwan pp. 415-430

- Jiun-Jiun Ferng
- H.G. Natke, Introduction to multi-disciplinary model building, WIT Press (2002) ISBN 1853129542 396 pp pp. 431-432

- Ferdinando Villa
- In: Luther Tweeten and Stanley R. Thomson, Editors, Agricultural policy for the 21st century, Iowa State Press/Blackwell Publishing (2002) ISBN 0813808995 322 pp pp. 432-433

- Gamini Herath
- In: Susan Buckingham and Kate Theobald, Editors, Local environmental sustainability, Woodhead Publishing Limited (2003) ISBN 1855736853 254 pp pp. 433-435

- Mark Roseland
- Paul R. Josephson, Industrialized nature: brute force technology and the transformation of the natural world, Island Press (2002) ISBN 1559637773 313 pp pp. 435-436

- Ted Steinberg
- Economics of sustainable energy in agriculture pp. 436-438

- Nigel Jollands and Vicky Forgie
Volume 53, issue 2, 2005
- Sustainability-guided promotion of renewable electricity generation pp. 147-167

- Reinhard Madlener and Sigrid Stagl
- Evolving knowledge and the precautionary principle pp. 169-176

- Peter Dorman
- Economic consequences of wetland degradation for local populations in Africa pp. 177-190

- Kirsten D. Schuyt
- Environmental consequences of social security reform: a second best threat to public conservation pp. 191-209

- Michael C. Farmer
- Toward a new welfare economics for sustainability pp. 211-222

- John Gowdy
- Developing effective policies for the sustainable development of ecological agriculture in China: the case study of Jinshan County with a systems dynamics model pp. 223-246

- Tian Shi and Roderic Gill
- Texas landowner perceptions regarding ecosystem services and cost-sharing land management programs pp. 247-260

- Keith L. Olenick, Urs P. Kreuter and J. Richard Conner
- Decomposition of factors determining the trend of CO2 emissions from car travel in Great Britain (1970-2000) pp. 261-275

- Tae-Hyeong Kwon
- Ex post economic analysis of reproduction-monitoring and predator-removal variables associated with protection of the endangered California least tern pp. 277-287

- Stephanie A. Shwiff, Ray T. Sterner, John W. Turman and Brian D. Foster
- Labor and environment movement: the quest for common ground pp. 289-290

- Lawrence S. Rothenberg
- In: Mary Brentwood and Stephen F. Robar, Editors, Managing common pool groundwater resources: an international perspective, Praeger Publishers, Westport, Connecticut (2004) ISBN 0275 957373 360 pp pp. 290-291

- Phoebe Koundouri
- Twan Huybers and Jeff Bennett, Environmental management and the competitiveness of nature-based tourism destinations, Edward Edgar Publishing (2002) ISBN 1840648902 192 pp pp. 291-292

- Stefan Gossling
- Alfred Crosby, Ecological imperialism: the biological expansion of Europe, 900-1900 (Revised edition), Cambridge University Press (2004) ISBN 0521546184 368 + xxii. pp pp. 292-294

- Paul R. Josephson
Volume 53, issue 1, 2005
- Foundations of transdisciplinarity pp. 5-16

- Manfred A. Max-Neef
- Ecological economics at a crossroads pp. 17-20

- John Gowdy and Jon Erickson
- Valuing the impacts of climate change on protected areas in Africa pp. 21-33

- Sandra Velarde, Yadvinder Malhi, Dominic Moran, Jim Wright and Salman Hussain
- The influence of ethical attitudes on the demand for environmental recreation: incorporating lexicographic preferences pp. 35-45

- Brett R. Gelso and Jeffrey Peterson
- Testing the theory of emissions trading: Experimental evidence on alternative mechanisms for global carbon trading pp. 47-58

- Ger Klaassen, Andries Nentjes and Mark Smith
- Cost_effective emission abatement in agriculture in the presence of interrelations: cases for the Netherlands and Europe pp. 59-74

- Corjan Brink, Ekko van Ierland, Leen Hordijk and Carolien Kroeze
- Projection of energy-intensive material production for bottom-up scenario building pp. 75-99

- Heleen Groenenberg, Kornelis Blok and Jeroen van der Sluijs
- Remote tourism and forest management: a spatial hedonic analysis pp. 101-113

- Len M. Hunt, Peter Boxall, Jeffrey Englin and Wolfgang Haider
- Agricultural water nonpoint pollution control under uncertainty and climate variability pp. 115-127

- Anne Lacroix, Nicolas Beaudoin and David Makowski
- Do fair trade and eco-labels in coffee wake up the consumer conscience? pp. 129-138

- Maria Loureiro and Justus Lotade
- Dara O'Rourke, Community-driven regulation. Balancing development and the environment in Vietnam, The MIT Press, 2003, ISBN: 0262650649, 288 pp pp. 139-140

- Luc Hens
- David B. Lindenmayer and Jerry F. Franklin, Conserving forest biodiversity. A comprehensive multiscaled approach, Island Press, 2002, ISBN: 155963934X, xiii+351 pp pp. 140-142

- Francis E. Putz
- Changing precipitation regimes and terrestrial ecosystems: a North American perspective pp. 142-143

- Jonathan Foley
- James L. Wescoat Jr. and Gilbert F. White, Water for life: water management and environmental policy, Cambridge University Press (2003) ISBN 0521369800 342 pp pp. 143-144

- Kristan Cockerill
- E. Shove, Comfort, cleanliness and convenience: the social organization of normality, Berg Publishers, Oxford and New York (2003) ISBN 1859736300 224 pp pp. 144-145

- Inge Ropke
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