Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 164, issue C, 2019
- Positive outcomes between crop diversity and agricultural employment worldwide pp. -

- Lucas A. Garibaldi and Néstor Pérez-Méndez
- Time Matters: The Carbon Footprint of Everyday Activities in Austria pp. -

- Barbara Smetschka, Dominik Wiedenhofer, Claudine Egger, Edeltraud Haselsteiner, Daniel Moran and Veronika Gaube
- The Role of Technological Progress in Testing Adjusted Net Savings: Evidence from OECD Countries pp. -

- Rui Pedro Mota and Maria A. Cunha-e-Sá
- Measuring sustainable development goals performance: How to monitor policy action in the 2030 Agenda implementation? pp. -

- Apollonia Miola and Fritz Schiltz
- Approaches for visualizing uncertainty in benefit transfer from metaregression pp. -

- Luke Fitzpatrick, Christopher Parmeter and Juan Agar
- Community energy and the virtues of mistrust and distrust: Lessons from Brighton and Hove energy cooperatives pp. -

- Markku Lehtonen and Laurence de Carlo
- The Environmental Impact of Green Consumption and Sufficiency Lifestyles Scenarios in Europe: Connecting Local Sustainability Visions to Global Consequences pp. -

- Gibran Vita, Johan R. Lundström, Edgar G. Hertwich, Jaco Quist, Diana Ivanova, Konstantin Stadler and Richard Wood
- Cannabis legalization by states reduces illegal growing on US national forests pp. -

- Jeffrey P. Prestemon, Frank H. Koch, Geoffrey H. Donovan and Mary T. Lihou
- The Multiple Roles of ICLEI: Intermediating to Innovate Urban Biodiversity Governance pp. -

- Niki Frantzeskaki, Sophie Buchel, Charlie Spork, Kathrin Ludwig and Marcel T.J. Kok
- Mixed preferences for lionfish encounters on reefs in Tobago: Results from a choice experiment pp. -

- Jahson Berhane Alemu I, Peter Schuhmann and John Agard
- Waters of the United States: Upgrading wetland valuation via benefit transfer pp. -

- Klaus Moeltner, Jessica A. Balukas, Elena Besedin and Ben Holland
- Using social norms to reduce paper waste: Results from a field experiment in the Indian Information Technology sector pp. -

- Sujoy Chakravarty and Rajan Mishra
- Estimating the benefits of adaptation to extreme climate events, focusing on nonmarket damages pp. -

- Christin Hoffmann
- Distance decay and regional statistics in international benefit transfer pp. -

- Janne Artell, Heini Ahtiainen and Eija Pouta
- Modeling reductions in the environmental footprints embodied in European Union's imports through source shifting pp. -

- Bertram F. de Boer, João F.D. Rodrigues and Arnold Tukker
- Overcoming the process-structure divide in conceptions of Social-Ecological Transformation pp. -

- Stefanie Sievers-Glotzbach and Julia Tschersich
- Governing the Provision of Insurance Value From Ecosystems pp. -

- Jouni Paavola and Eeva Primmer
- Tradable climate liabilities: A thought experiment pp. -

- Etienne Billette de Villemeur and Justin Leroux
- Environmental amenities and quality of life across the United States pp. -

- Mona Ahmadiani and Susana Ferreira
- Toward a property rights theory of legal rights for rivers pp. -

- Julia Talbot-Jones and Jeffrey Bennett
- Stacking of abatement credits for cost-effective achievement of climate and water targets pp. -

- Ing-Marie Gren and Frederic Ang
- Sustainability and incommensurability: Narrative policy analysis with application to urban ecology pp. -

- Raul P. Lejano, Nicola Newbery, Maegan Ciolino and David Newbery
- Small-scale fish buyers' trade networks reveal diverse actor types and differential adaptive capacities pp. -

- Blanca González-Mon, Örjan Bodin, Beatrice Crona, Mateja Nenadovic and Xavier Basurto
- Determinants of forest owners attitudes towards wood ash recycling in Sweden - Can the nutrient cycle be closed? pp. -

- Benjamin Ouvrard, Jens Abildtrup, Göran Bostedt and Anne Stenger
- The land use change time-accounting failure pp. -

- Marion Dupoux
- Spatial variations in contributors to life satisfaction: An Australian case study pp. -

- Ida Kubiszewski, Diane Jarvis and Nabeeh Zakariyya
- Economic impact of climate change on crop farming in Bangladesh: An application of Ricardian method pp. -

- Mohammad Shakhawat Hossain, Muhammad Arshad, Lu Qian, Minjuan Zhao, Yasir Mehmood and Harald Kächele
- The Role of Information Sources and Providers in Shaping Green Behaviors. Evidence from Europe pp. -

- Alessio D'Amato, Matilde Giaccherini and Mariangela Zoli
- The Anthropocene exit: Reconciling discursive tensions on the new geological epoch pp. -

- Pasi Heikkurinen, Toni Ruuska, Kristoffer Wilén and Marko Ulvila
- The importance of social learning for non-market valuation pp. -

- Daniel Grainger and Natalie Stoeckl
- The impact of the EU Emissions Trading System on low-carbon technological change: The empirical evidence pp. -

- Jordi Teixido, Stefano F. Verde and Francesco Nicolli
- Can Regional Organic Agriculture Feed the Regional Community? A Case Study for Hamburg and North Germany pp. -

- Sarah Joseph, Irene Peters and Hanno Friedrich
- Comprehensive evaluation of environmental footprints of regional crop production: A case study of Chizhou City, China pp. -

- Lei Wang, Lianqing Li, Kun Cheng and Genxing Pan
- Evolution of EROIs of electricity until 2050: Estimation and implications on prices pp. -

- Adrien Fabre
- Deriving double dividends through linking payments for ecosystem services to environmental entrepreneurship: The case of the invasive weed Lantana camara pp. -

- Ram Ranjan
- An Economic Comparison of Adaptation Strategies Towards a Drought-induced Risk of Forest Decline pp. -

- Sandrine Brèteau-Amores, Marielle Brunette and Hendrik Davi
- The worth of wildlife: A meta-analysis of global non-market values of threatened species pp. -

- Vandana Subroy, Asha Gunawardena, Maksym Polyakov, Ram Pandit and David Pannell
- Economic gains and environmental costs from China's exports: Regional inequality and trade heterogeneity pp. -

- Zengkai Zhang, Yuwan Duan and Wei Zhang
- Measuring Environmental Inequalities: Insights from the Residential Segregation Literature pp. -

- Y. Schaeffer and M. Tivadar
- Measuring development with inequality: How (should) aggregate indicators of development account for inequality? pp. -

- Miroslav Syrovátka and Martin Schlossarek
- Missing the Bigger Picture: A Population-level Analysis of Transnational Private Governance Organizations Active in the Global South pp. -

- Philip Schleifer, Matteo Fiorini and Luc Fransen
- Adding realism to the Agglomeration Bonus: How endogenous land returns affect habitat fragmentation pp. -

- Thadchaigeni Panchalingam, Chian Jones Ritten, Jason Shogren, Mariah Tanner Ehmke, Christopher T. Bastian and Gregory M. Parkhurst
- Resilience Thresholds to Temperature Anomalies: A Long-run Test for Rural Tanzania pp. -

- Marco d'Errico, Marco Letta, Pierluigi Montalbano and Rebecca Pietrelli
- Unpacking the organisational diversity within the collaborative economy: The contribution of an analytical framework from social enterprise theory pp. -

- Louise Lambert, Tom Dedeurwaerdere, Marthe Nyssens, Elisabetta Severi and Olivier Brolis
- Beauty and the budget: A segmentation of residential solar adopters pp. -

- Beatrice Petrovich, Stefanie Lena Hille and Rolf Wüstenhagen
Volume 163, issue C, 2019
- Does ecosystem valuation contribute to ecosystem decision making?: Evidence from hydropower licensing pp. 1-8

- Kurt Stephenson and Leonard Shabman
- Global appropriation of resources causes high international material inequality – Growth is not the solution pp. 9-19

- Anke Schaffartzik, Juan Duro and Fridolin Krausmann
- Assessing the distributional effects of carbon taxes on food: Inequalities and nutritional insights in France pp. 20-31

- France Caillavet, Adélaïde Fadhuile and Véronique Nichèle
- Avoiding dualisms in ecological economics: Towards a dialectically-informed understanding of co-produced socionatures pp. 32-41

- Vijay Kolinjivadi
- Understanding the micro-determinants of defensive behaviors against pollution pp. 42-51

- Austin M. Williams
- Time discounting in Harold Hotelling's approach to natural resource economics: The unsolved ethical question pp. 52-60

- Marco Vianna Franco, Marion Gaspard and Thomas Mueller
- The symbiotic rebound effect in the circular economy pp. 61-69

- Frank Figge and Andrea Stevenson Thorpe
- Carbon payments for extended rotations in forest plantations: Conflicting insights from a theoretical model pp. 70-76

- Thales A.P. West, Chris Wilson, Maria Vrachioli and Kelly A. Grogan
- Stakeholder perceptions of marine plastic waste management in the United Kingdom pp. 77-87

- Grace McNicholas and Matthew Cotton
- The Impact of a Carbon Tax on Inequality pp. 88-97

- Anders Fremstad and Mark Paul
- Does trade liberalization lead to environmental burden shifting in the global economy? pp. 98-112

- Dennis Kolcava, Quynh Nguyen and Thomas Bernauer
- Challenges of achieving biodiversity offset outcomes through agri-environmental schemes: Evidence from an empirical study in Southern France pp. 113-125

- Coralie Calvet, Philippe Le Coent, Claude Napoleone and Fabien Quétier
- A cost-benefit analysis of climate-smart agriculture options in Southern Africa: Balancing gender and technology pp. 126-137

- Munyaradzi Junia Mutenje, Cathy Rozel Farnworth, Clare Stirling, Christian Thierfelder, Walter Mupangwa and Isaiah Nyagumbo
- Environmental justice, degrowth and post-capitalist futures pp. 138-142

- Neera M. Singh
- The drivers and impacts of water infrastructure reliability – a global analysis of manufacturing firms pp. 143-157

- Asif Islam and Marie Hyland
- Long-term diversification paths and energy transitions in Europe pp. 158-168

- Mar Rubio-Varas and Beatriz Muñoz-Delgado
- The role of corporate social responsibility in predicting CO2 emission: An institutional approach pp. 169-176

- Robert Kudłak
- Uncertainty of climate policies and implications for economics and finance: An evolutionary economics approach pp. 177-182

- Irene Monasterolo, Andrea Roventini and Timothy Foxon
- From no whinge scenarios to viability tree pp. 183-188

- Luc Doyen, C. Armstrong, S. Baumgärtner, C. Béné, F. Blanchard, A.A. Cissé, R. Cooper, L.X.C. Dutra, A. Eide, D. Freitas, S. Gourguet, F. Gusmao, P.-Y. Hardy, A. Jarre, L.R. Little, C. Macher, Martin Quaas, E. Regnier, N. Sanz and O. Thébaud
- Do Environmental Practices Improve Business Performance Even in an Economic Crisis? Extending the Win-Win Perspective pp. 189-204

- Bruno Michel Roman Pais Seles, Ana Beatriz Lopes de Sousa Jabbour, Charbel Jose Chiappetta Jabbour, Hengky Latan and David Roubaud
- Endogenous time preferences of forest goods and community-based forest management pp. 205-214

- Pradeep Kumar and Shashi Kant
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