Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 133, issue C, 2017
- A Global Survey and Review of the Determinants of Transaction Costs of Forestry Carbon Projects pp. 1-10

- Thu-Ha Dang Phan, Roy Brouwer and Marc David Davidson
- The Emergy Perspective of Sustainable Trends in Puerto Rico From 1960 to 2013 pp. 11-22

- Alejandra M. González-Mejía and Ma, Xin (Cissy)
- Using inclusive wealth for policy evaluation: Application to electricity infrastructure planning in oil-exporting countries pp. 23-34

- Ross D. Collins, Noelle E. Selin, Olivier L. de Weck and William C. Clark
- The Hotelling Rule for Entropy-constrained Economic Growth pp. 35-41

- Gabriel A. Lozada
- Social Cost of Forcing: A Basis for Pricing All Forcing Agents pp. 42-51

- Aapo Rautiainen and Jussi Lintunen
- The Neoclassical Trojan Horse of Steady-State Economics pp. 52-61

- Elke Pirgmaier
- Commercial and biophysical deficits in South America, 1990–2013 pp. 62-73

- Pablo Samaniego, María Cristina Vallejo and Joan Martínez-Alier
- Threshold Effects in Meta-Analyses With Application to Benefit Transfer for Coral Reef Valuation pp. 74-85

- Luke Fitzpatrick, Christopher Parmeter and Juan Agar
- Robust Surveillance and Control of Invasive Species Using a Scenario Optimization Approach pp. 86-98

- Denys Yemshanov, Robert G. Haight, Frank H. Koch, Bo Lu, Robert Venette, Ronald E. Fournier and Jean J. Turgeon
- Growing into Water Conservation? Decomposing the Drivers of Reduced Water Consumption in Las Vegas, NV pp. 99-110

- Christa Brelsford and Joshua K. Abbott
- Fifty shades of green: Revisiting decoupling by economic sectors and air pollutants pp. 111-126

- Asjad Naqvi and Klara Zwickl
Volume 132, issue C, 2017
- Green Technologies and Environmental Productivity: A Cross-sectoral Analysis of Direct and Indirect Effects in Italian Regions pp. 1-13

- Claudia Ghisetti and Francesco Quatraro
- The role of risk and trust attitudes in explaining residential energy demand: Evidence from the United Kingdom pp. 14-30

- Benjamin Volland
- Temporal Change of China's Pollution Terms of Trade and its Determinants pp. 31-44

- Yuwan Duan and Xuemei Jiang
- Measuring Impartial Preference for Biodiversity pp. 45-54

- Yves Meinard, Alice Remy and Bernhard Schmid
- Inter-industrial Carbon Emission Transfers in China: Economic Effect and Optimization Strategy pp. 55-62

- Licheng Sun, Qunwei Wang and Jijian Zhang
- Payments for Ecosystem Services and Wealth Distribution pp. 63-68

- Pu Wang, Gregory Poe and Steven A. Wolf
- Remittances and Natural Resource Extraction: Evidence from Mexico pp. 69-79

- Alejandro Lopez-Feldman and Estefanía Chávez
- Resistance to Mining. A Review pp. 80-90

- Marta Conde
- ‘Smart’ policies to reduce pesticide use and avoid income trade-offs: An agent-based model applied to Thai agriculture pp. 91-103

- Christian Grovermann, Pepijn Schreinemachers, Suthathip Riwthong and Thomas Berger
- Different Types of Environmental Regulations and Heterogeneous Influence on “Green” Productivity: Evidence from China pp. 104-112

- Rong-hui Xie, Yi-jun Yuan and Jing-jing Huang
- A Context-based Procedure for Assessing Participatory Schemes in Environmental Planning pp. 113-123

- Guy-El-Karim Berthomé and Alban Thomas
- Worktime Reduction as a Solution to Climate Change: Five Scenarios Compared for the UK pp. 124-134

- Lewis C. King and Jeroen van den Bergh
- Does Craigslist Reduce Waste? Evidence from California and Florida pp. 135-143

- Anders Fremstad
- Organic Farming and Small-Scale Farmers: Main Opportunities and Challenges pp. 144-154

- Zeynab Jouzi, Hossein Azadi, Fatemeh Taheri, Kiumars Zarafshani, Kindeya Gebrehiwot, Steven Van Passel and Philippe Lebailly
- A Stakeholder-oriented Framework to Consider the Plurality of Land Policy Integration in Sahel pp. 155-168

- Hermine Papazian, François Bousquet, Martine Antona and Patrick d'Aquino
- Incorporating Outcomes from Collaborative Processes into Government Decision Making: A Case Study from Low Water Response Planning in Ontario, Canada pp. 169-178

- Alyssa P. Roth and Rob C. de Loë
- Divergence in stakeholders' preferences: Evidence from a choice experiment on forest landscapes preferences in Sweden pp. 179-195

- Anna Nordén, Jessica Coria, Anna Maria Jönsson, Fredrik Lagergren and Veiko Lehsten
- The Economic Impacts of Droughts: A Framework for Analysis pp. 196-204

- Jaume Freire-González, Christopher Decker and Jim W. Hall
- Rice Intensive Cropping and Balanced Cropping in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam — Economic and Ecological Considerations pp. 205-212

- Yen Dan Tong
- What Accounts for the Growth of Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Advanced and Emerging Economies? The Role of Consumption, Technology and Global Supply Chain Participation pp. 213-223

- Gaaitzen de Vries and Benno Ferrarini
- The PES Conceit: Revisiting the Relationship between Payments for Environmental Services and Neoliberal Conservation pp. 224-231

- Robert Fletcher and Bram Büscher
- Environmental Jobs and Growth in the United States pp. 232-244

- Robert Elliott and Joanne Lindley
- China-USA Trade: Indicators for Equitable and Environmentally Balanced Resource Exchange pp. 245-254

- Yong Geng, Xu Tian, Joseph Sarkis and Sergio Ulgiati
- Going to the Woods Is Going Home: Recreational Benefits of a Larger Urban Forest Site — A Travel Cost Analysis for Berlin, Germany pp. 255-263

- Christine Bertram and Neele Larondelle
- Coupled Societies are More Robust Against Collapse: A Hypothetical Look at Easter Island pp. 264-278

- Sabin Roman, Seth Bullock and Markus Brede
- Planning for green infrastructure: The spatial effects of parks, forests, and fields on Helsinki's apartment prices pp. 279-289

- Athanasios Votsis
- Health Consequences of the Russian Weather pp. 290-306

- Vladimir Otrachshenko, Olga Popova and Pavel Solomin
- Environmental and Financial Performance of Fossil Fuel Firms: A Closer Inspection of their Interaction pp. 307-328

- Halit Gonenc and Bert Scholtens
- Green nudges: Do they work? Are they ethical? pp. 329-342

- Christian Schubert
Volume 131, issue C, 2017
- When does it pay to cooperate? Strategic information exchange in the harvest of common-pool fishery resources pp. 1-11

- Michele L. Barnes, Shawn Arita, Kolter Kalberg and PingSun Leung
- Economic structure and energy savings from energy efficiency in households pp. 12-20

- Jaume Freire-González, David Font Vivanco and Ignasi Puig-Ventosa
- A framework for mapping and comparing behavioural theories in models of social-ecological systems pp. 21-35

- Maja Schlüter, Andres Baeza, Gunnar Dressler, Karin Frank, Jürgen Groeneveld, Wander Jager, Marco A. Janssen, Ryan R.J. McAllister, Birgit Müller, Kirill Orach, Nina Schwarz and Nanda Wijermans
- Land consumption and income in Italy: a case of inverted EKC pp. 36-43

- Salvatore Bimonte and Arsenio Stabile
- Commercial relationships between intermediaries and harvesters of the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) in the Mamanguape River estuary, Brazil, and their socio-ecological implications pp. 44-51

- Douglas Macêdo Nascimento, Rômulo Romeu Nóbrega Alves, Raynner Rilke Duarte Barboza, Anders Jensen Schmidt, Karen Diele and José Silva Mourão
- A new agri-food systems sustainability approach to identify shared transformation pathways towards sustainability pp. 52-63

- Marianne Hubeau, Fleur Marchand, Ine Coteur, Koen Mondelaers, Lies Debruyne and Guido Van Huylenbroeck
- Motivations matter: Behavioural determinants of preferences for remote and unfamiliar environmental goods pp. 64-74

- Tobias Börger and Caroline Hattam
- Irreversibility and uncertainty cause an intergenerational equity-efficiency trade-off pp. 75-86

- Nikolai Hoberg and Stefan Baumgärtner
- Temporal stability of stated preferences for endangered species protection from choice experiments pp. 87-97

- Daniel K. Lew and Kristy Wallmo
- An analysis of the ENERGY STAR® program in Alachua County, Florida pp. 98-108

- Huan Li and Carmen Carrion-Flores
- The political dimensions of Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES): Cascade or stairway? pp. 109-118

- Daniel Hausknost, Nelson Grima and Simron Jit Singh
- Trimming the excess: environmental impacts of discretionary food consumption in Australia pp. 119-128

- Michalis Hadjikakou
- Multi-scale resilience of a communal rangeland system in South Africa pp. 129-138

- Sebastian Rasch, Thomas Heckelei, Hugo Storm, Roelof Oomen and Christiane Naumann
- Inequality, democracy, and the environment: A cross-national analysis pp. 139-151

- Prakash Kashwan
- A carbon footprint proportional to expenditure - A case for Norway? pp. 152-165

- Elisabeth Isaksen and Patrick A. Narbel
- Rhetoric and reality in protected area governance: Institutional change under different conservation discourses in Mount Elgon National Park, Uganda pp. 166-177

- Jon Geir Petursson and Paul Vedeld
- Economic vs non-material incentives for participation in an in-kind payments for ecosystem services program in Bolivia pp. 178-190

- Tara Grillos
- A stock-flow-fund ecological macroeconomic model pp. 191-207

- Yannis Dafermos, Maria Nikolaidi and Giorgos Galanis
- Forms of knowledge and eco-innovation modes: Evidence from Spanish manufacturing firms pp. 208-221

- Alberto Marzucchi and Sandro Montresor
- Estimating demand for perennial pigeon pea in Malawi using choice experiments pp. 222-230

- Kurt B. Waldman, David Ortega, Robert B. Richardson and Sieglinde S. Snapp
- Waiting or acting now? The effect on willingness-to-pay of delivering inherent uncertainty information in choice experiments pp. 231-240

- Catalina M. Torres Figuerola, Michela Faccioli and Antoni Riera Font
- The Value Base of Water Governance: A Multi-Disciplinary Perspective pp. 241-249

- Christopher Schulz, Julia Martin-Ortega, Klaus Glenk and Antonio A.R. Ioris
- Up the ante on bioeconomic submodels of marine food webs: A data assimilation-based approach pp. 250-261

- Nils-Arne Ekerhovd and Sturla F. Kvamsdal
- Benefit-cost analysis of watershed conservation on Hawai'i Island pp. 262-274

- Kimberly Burnett, Christopher Wada and Adele Balderston
- The divisive and disruptive effect of a weight-based waste fee pp. 275-285

- Marit H. Heller and Arild Vatn
- Towards a green economy through innovations: The role of trade union involvement pp. 286-299

- Davide Antonioli and Massimiliano Mazzanti
- Evaluation of social externalities in regional communities affected by coal seam gas projects: A case study from Southeast Queensland pp. 300-311

- Phelan, Anna (Anya), Les Dawes, Robert Costanza and Ida Kubiszewski
- Local rulemaking, enforcement and compliance in state-owned forest commons pp. 312-321

- Graham Epstein
- Modeling the marginal value of rainforest losses: A dynamic value function approach pp. 322-329

- Jon Strand
- Rebound effect of efficiency improvement in passenger cars on gasoline consumption in Canada pp. 330-341

- Saeed Moshiri and Kamil Aliyev
- The determinants of households' flood mitigation decisions in France - on the possibility of feedback effects from past investments pp. 342-352

- Claire Richert, Katrin Erdlenbruch and Charles Figuieres
- Deliberation as a catalyst for reflexive environmental governance pp. 353-360

- John S. Dryzek and Jonathan Pickering
- New wine in old bottles: The (changing) socioeconomic attributes of sprawl during building boom and stagnation pp. 361-372

- Luca Salvati, Adele Sateriano, Efstathios Grigoriadis and Margherita Carlucci
- Climate change and the economy in Baja California: Assessment of macroeconomic impacts of the State's Climate Action Plan pp. 373-388

- Dan Wei, Alejandro Brugués, Adam Rose, Carlos A. de la Parra, Rigoberto García and Federico Martínez
- Proposing a Novel Index Reflecting Both Climate Impact and Nutritional Impact of Food Products pp. 389-398

- Corné van Dooren, Annely Douma, Harry Aiking and Pier Vellinga
- Performance of a cap and trade system for managing environmental impacts of shale gas surface infrastructure pp. 399-406

- Austin W. Milt and Paul R. Armsworth
- Physical attractiveness, constraints to the trade and handling requirements drive the variation in species availability in the Australian cagebird trade pp. 407-413

- Miquel Vall-llosera and Phillip Cassey
- How to create and preserve social capital in climate adaptation policies: A network approach pp. 414-424

- Karin Ingold
- Celestial bodies and satellites – Energy issues, models, and imaginaries in Denmark since 1973 pp. 425-433

- Emil Urhammer
- Green Returns to Education: Does Schooling Contribute to Pro-Environmental Behaviours? Evidence from Thailand pp. 434-448

- Thanyaporn Chankrajang and Raya Muttarak
- Equitably slicing the pie: Water policy and allocation pp. 449-459

- Adam Daigneault, Suzie Greenhalgh and Oshadhi Samarasinghe
- Requirements to metrics of greenhouse gas emissions, given a cap on temperature pp. 460-467

- Asbjørn Aaheim and Torben Mideksa
- Self-protection investment exacerbates air pollution exposure inequality in urban China pp. 468-474

- Cong Sun, Matthew Kahn and Siqi Zheng
- Using the Delphi method to value protection of the Amazon rainforest pp. 475-484

- Jon Strand, Richard Carson, Stale Navrud, Ariel Ortiz-Bobea and Jeffrey Vincent
- Leaving the mainstream behind? Uncovering subjective understandings of economics instructors' roles pp. 485-498

- Katarzyna Gruszka, Annika Regine Scharbert and Michael Soder
- Questioning demand: A study of regretted purchases in Great Britain pp. 499-509

- Alexandra C.H. Skelton and Julian M. Allwood
- The Middle-class Collapse and the Environment pp. 510-523

- Alban Verchère
- The coevolution of economic institutions and sustainable consumption via cultural group selection pp. 524-532

- Timothy Waring, Sandra Goff and Paul E. Smaldino
- Structured pluralism in ecological economics — A reply to Peter Söderbaum's commentary pp. 533-537

- Moritz C. Remig
- Oil and the economy: A systematic review of the literature for ecological economists pp. 561-571

- Giorgos Kallis and Jalel Sager
- Effects of wildlife resources on community welfare in Southern Africa pp. 572-583

- Herbert Ntuli and Edwin Muchapondwa
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