Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 145, issue C, 2018
- Cost-benefit Analysis, Values, Wellbeing and Ethics: An Indigenous Worldview Analysis pp. 1-9

- Yee Keong Choy
- A Critique of the Australian National Outlook Decoupling Strategy: A ‘Limits to Growth’ Perspective pp. 10-17

- Samuel Alexander, Jonathan Rutherford and Joshua Floyd
- Governance, Land and Distribution: A Discussion on the Political Economy of Community-Based Conservation pp. 18-26

- Enrique Calfucura
- Heterogeneity in Preferences for Woody Biomass Energy in the US Mountain West pp. 27-37

- Robert M. Campbell, Tyron J. Venn and Nathaniel M. Anderson
- The Classical Circular Economy, Sraffian Ecological Economics and the Capabilities Approach pp. 38-45

- Nuno Martins
- Social Benefits From Controlling Invasive Asian Tiger and Native Mosquitoes: A Stated Preference Study in Athens, Greece pp. 46-56

- Kostas Bithas, Dionysis Latinopoulos, Antonis Kolimenakis and Clive Richardson
- Economic spillovers in spatial harvest behavior pp. 57-74

- Gabriel S. Sampson
- Lost in Transition? Drivers and Barriers in the Eco-innovation Road to the Circular Economy pp. 75-89

- Ana de Jesus and Sandro Mendonça
- Animal Welfare and Social Decisions: Is It Time to Take Bentham Seriously? pp. 90-103

- Olof Johansson-Stenman
- Optimizing Spatial Land Management to Balance Water Quality and Economic Returns in a Lake Erie Watershed pp. 104-114

- Hui Xu, Daniel G. Brown, Michael R. Moore and William S. Currie
- Overcoming Scarcities Through Innovation: What Do Technologists Do When Faced With Constraints? pp. 115-125

- Janne Korhonen
- Border Carbon Adjustments Based on Avoided Emissions: Addressing the Challenge of Its Design pp. 126-136

- Paola Rocchi, Mònica Serrano, Jordi Roca and Iñaki Arto
- The Environmental Impact of Sharing: Household and Urban Economies in CO2 Emissions pp. 137-147

- Anders Fremstad, Anthony Underwood and Sammy Zahran
- Rural Household Energy Use and Its Determinants in China: How Important Are Influences of Payment for Ecosystem Services vs. Other Factors? pp. 148-159

- Conghe Song, Richard Bilsborrow, Pamela Jagger, Qi Zhang, Xiaodong Chen and Qingfeng Huang
- GHG Emissions and the Rural-Urban Divide. A Carbon Footprint Analysis Based on the German Official Income and Expenditure Survey pp. 160-169

- Bernhard Gill and Simon Moeller
- Does Work-life Balance Affect Pro-environmental Behaviour? Evidence for the UK Using Longitudinal Microdata pp. 170-181

- Patricia Melo, Jiaqi Ge, Tony Craig, Mark J. Brewer and Ines Thronicker
- Modelling the Effects of a Glyphosate Ban on Weed Management in Silage Maize Production pp. 182-193

- Thomas Böcker, Wolfgang Britz and Robert Finger
- Certification of Semi-forest Coffee as a Land-sharing Strategy in Ethiopia pp. 194-204

- Fikadu Mitiku, Jan Nyssen and Miet Maertens
- Understanding Food Sharing Models to Tackle Sustainability Challenges pp. 205-217

- Laura Michelini, Ludovica Principato and Gennaro Iasevoli
- Consequences of Participant Inattention with an Application to Carbon Taxes for Meat Products pp. 218-230

- Trey Malone and Jayson Lusk
- Identifying Links between Economic Opportunities and Climate Change Adaptation: Empirical Evidence of 63 Cities pp. 231-243

- Jo-Ting Huang-Lachmann, Matthias Hannemann and Edeltraud Guenther
- Adaptive Policy Framework through the Lens of the Viability Theory: A Theoretical Contribution to Sustainability in the Anthropocene Era pp. 244-262

- Samuel Bates and Patrick Saint-Pierre
- Arbitrariness in Multidimensional Energy Security Indicators pp. 263-273

- Javier Valdés
- An Agent-based Stock-flow Consistent Model of the Sustainable Transition in the Energy Sector pp. 274-300

- Linda Ponta, Marco Raberto, Andrea Teglio and Silvano Cincotti
- Certified Organic Agriculture as an Alternative Livelihood Strategy for Small-scale Farmers in China: A Case Study in Wanzai County, Jiangxi Province pp. 301-307

- Yuhui Qiao, Friederike Martin, Seth Cook, Xueqing He, Niels Halberg, Steffanie Scott and Xihe Pan
- Citizens' Acceptance of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: A Survey in China, Germany, and the U.S pp. 308-322

- Claudia Schwirplies
- Environmental Footprints of Agriculture Embodied in International Trade: Sensitivity of Harvested Area Footprint of Chinese Exports pp. 323-330

- Jan Weinzettel and Richard Wood
- A Spatially Explicit Choice Model to Assess the Impact of Conservation Policy on High Nature Value Farming Systems pp. 331-338

- Paulo Flores Ribeiro, Luis Nunes, Pedro Beja, Luís Reino, Joana Santana, Francisco Moreira and José Lima Santos
- Weak support for weak sustainability: Genuine savings and long-term wellbeing in Sweden, 1850–2000 pp. 339-345

- Magnus Lindmark, Huong Nguyen Thu and Jesper Stage
- A Survey of Applications of Viability Theory to the Sustainable Exploitation of Renewable Resources pp. 346-367

- Aïchouche Oubraham and Georges Zaccour
- The Hydro-economics of Mining pp. 368-379

- Juan Ossa-Moreno, Neil McIntyre, Saleem Ali, James C.R. Smart, Diego Rivera, Upmanu Lall and Greg Keir
- Households' Decisions to Participate in China's Sloping Land Conversion Program and Reallocate Their Labour Times: Is There Endogeneity Bias? pp. 380-390

- Runsheng Yin, Hao Liu, Can Liu and Gang Lu
- The National and Regional Welfare Index (NWI/RWI): Redefining Progress in Germany pp. 391-400

- Benjamin Held, Dorothee Rodenhäuser, Hans Diefenbacher and Roland Zieschank
- Discourses on Public Participation in Protected Areas Governance: Application of Q Methodology in Poland pp. 401-409

- Krzysztof Niedziałkowski, Ewa Komar, Agata Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska, Agnieszka Olszańska and Małgorzata Grodzińska-Jurczak
- Modeling Smallholder Farmers' Preferences for Soil Management Measures: A Case Study From South Ethiopia pp. 410-419

- Solomon Tarfasa, Bedru B. Balana, Tewodros Tefera, Teshale Woldeamanuel, Awdenegest Moges, Mengistu Dinato and Helaina Black
- Estimating the Economic Impact of Stormwater Runoff in the Allen Creek Watershed pp. 420-429

- Kelly Hellman, Jeffrey Wagner, Daniel Lass, Karl Korfmacher and Bríd Gleeson Hanna
- Metabolic Inequality and Its Impact on Efficient Contraction and Convergence of International Material Resource Use pp. 430-440

- Juan Duro, Anke Schaffartzik and Fridolin Krausmann
- Do Political Institutions Moderate the GDP-CO2 Relationship? pp. 441-450

- Ole Martin Lægreid and Marina Povitkina
- A Spatially Accurate Method for Evaluating Distributional Effects of Ecosystem Services pp. 451-460

- Aliza Fleischer, Daniel Felsenstein and Michal Lichter
- Technology Diffusion and Climate Policy: A Network Approach and its Application to Wind Energy pp. 461-471

- Solmaria Halleck Vega and Antoine Mandel
- Brazilian Conservation Under the Light of Historical Materialism pp. 472-475

- Augusto Frota and Matheus Frota
Volume 144, issue C, 2018
- Phasing Out Mercury? Ecological Economics and Indonesia's Small-Scale Gold Mining Sector pp. 1-11

- Samuel J. Spiegel, Sumali Agrawal, Dino Mikha, Kartie Vitamerry, Philippe Le Billon, Marcello Veiga, Kulansi Konolius and Bardolf Paul
- Water Quality Management and Climate Change Mitigation: Cost-effectiveness of Joint Implementation in the Baltic Sea Region pp. 12-26

- Doan Nainggolan, Berit Hasler, Hans E. Andersen, Steen Gyldenkærne and Mette Termansen
- Do Voters Support Local Commitments for Climate Change Mitigation in Italy? pp. 27-35

- Simone Martelli, Greet Janssens-Maenhout, Paolo Paruolo, Thierry Bréchet, Eric Strobl, Diego Guizzardi, Alessandro K. Cerutti and Andreea Iancu
- Addressing the Collective Action Problem in Multiple-purchaser PES: An Experimental Investigation of Negotiated Payment Contributions pp. 36-58

- Gregory Smith and Brett Day
- Real Options for Endangered Species pp. 59-64

- Jon M. Conrad
- The Crowding Out of Complex Social Goods pp. 65-72

- Natalie Stoeckl, Christina Hicks, Marina Farr, Daniel Grainger, Michelle Esparon, Joseph Thomas and Silva Larson
- Land Use and Land-use Changes in Life Cycle Assessment: Green Modelling or Black Boxing? pp. 73-81

- Michele De Rosa
- Discourses in Ecosystem Accounting: A Survey of the Expert Community pp. 82-99

- Michael Bordt
- Environmental Conservation and Social Benefits of Charcoal Production in Mozambique pp. 100-111

- Pedro Zorrilla-Miras, Mansour Mahamane, Marc J. Metzger, Sophia Baumert, Frank Vollmer, Ana Catarina Luz, Emily Woollen, Almeida A. Sitoe, Genevieve Patenaude, Isilda Nhantumbo, Casey M. Ryan, James Paterson, Maria Julieta Matediane, Natasha Sofia Ribeiro and Isla M. Grundy
- How Do Different Designs of Energy Labels Influence Purchases of Household Appliances? A Field Study in Switzerland pp. 112-123

- Marcel Stadelmann and Renate Schubert
- Voluntary Contributions to Hiking Trail Maintenance: Evidence From a Field Experiment in a National Park, Japan pp. 124-128

- Takahiro Kubo, Yasushi Shoji, Takahiro Tsuge and Koichi Kuriyama
- A Bioeconomic Model of Ecosystem Services Provision: Coffee Berry Borer and Shade-grown Coffee in Colombia pp. 129-138

- Shady Atallah, Miguel Gomez and Juliana Jaramillo
- Farmers' Adaptation to Climate Change, Its Determinants and Impacts on Rice Yield in Nepal pp. 139-147

- Uttam Khanal, Clevo Wilson, Viet-Ngu Hoang and Boon Lee
- Long-Term Development Perspectives of Sub-Saharan Africa under Climate Policies pp. 148-159

- Marian Leimbach, Niklas Roming, Anselm Schultes and Gregor Schwerhoff
- Ecology-related resilience in urban planning – A complex approach for Pécs (Hungary) pp. 160-170

- Tibor Kiss and Viktor Miklos Kiss
- Preferences for Energy Efficiency vs. Renewables: What Is the Willingness to Pay to Reduce CO2 Emissions? pp. 171-185

- Anna Alberini, Andrea Bigano, Milan Ščasný and Iva Zverinova
- In Search of Substantive Economics: Comparing Today's Two Major Socio-metabolic Approaches to the Economy – MEFA and MuSIASEM pp. 186-194

- Julien-François Gerber and Arnim Scheidel
- How do Payments for Environmental Services Affect Land Tenure? Theory and Evidence From China pp. 195-213

- Zhaoyang Liu, Yazhen Gong and Andreas Kontoleon
- Governance and deforestation — a meta-analysis in economics pp. 214-227

- Johanna Wehkamp, Nicolas Koch, Sebastian Lübbers and Sabine Fuss
- The EIRIN Flow-of-funds Behavioural Model of Green Fiscal Policies and Green Sovereign Bonds pp. 228-243

- Irene Monasterolo and Marco Raberto
- Natural Capital Accounts and Public Policy Decisions: Findings From a Survey pp. 244-259

- Laura Recuero Virto, Jean-Louis Weber and Mathilde Jeantil
- The Expansion of Modern Agriculture and Global Biodiversity Decline: An Integrated Assessment pp. 260-277

- Bruno Lanz, Simon Dietz and Tim Swanson
- Fertilizer Adoption by Smallholders in the Brazilian Amazon: Farm-level Evidence pp. 278-291

- Thiago Morello, Marie-Gabrielle Piketty, Toby Gardner, Luke Parry, Jos Barlow, Joice Ferreira and Nicola S. Tancredi
- Revisiting ISEW Valuation Approaches: The Case of Spain Including the Costs of Energy Depletion and of Climate Change pp. 292-303

- Tadhg O'Mahony, Paula Escardó-Serra and Javier Dufour
- Discursive Synergies for a ‘Great Transformation’ Towards Sustainability: Pragmatic Contributions to a Necessary Dialogue Between Human Development, Degrowth, and Buen Vivir pp. 304-313

- Adrián E. Beling, Julien Vanhulst, Federico Demaria, Violeta Rabi, Ana E. Carballo and Jérôme Pelenc
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