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Ecological Economics

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland

From Elsevier
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Volume 67, issue 4, 2008

Measuring sustainability: Why the ecological footprint is bad economics and bad environmental science pp. 519-525 Downloads
Nathan Fiala
The rebound effect: An evolutionary perspective pp. 526-537 Downloads
F. Ruzzenenti and R. Basosi
Integrating public demands into model-based design for multifunctional agriculture: An application to intensive Dutch dairy landscapes pp. 538-551 Downloads
Carlos Parra-López, Jeroen C.J. Groot, Carmen Carmona-Torres and Walter A.H. Rossing
Willingness to accept compensation for the environmental risks of oil transport on the Amazon: A choice modeling experiment pp. 552-559 Downloads
James F. Casey, James Kahn and Alexandre A.F. Rivas
Socio-ecological explanations for crowding-out effects from economic field experiments in southern Africa pp. 560-573 Downloads
Björn Vollan
Designing, testing and implementing a trial dryland salinity credit trade scheme pp. 574-588 Downloads
Jeffery D. Connor, John Ward, Craig Clifton, Wendy Proctor and Darla Hatton MacDonald
Energy substitutions, climate change and carbon sinks pp. 589-597 Downloads
Gilles Lafforgue, Bertrand Magné and Michel Moreaux
Valuing environmental and health risk in agriculture: A choice experiment approach to pesticides in Italy pp. 598-607 Downloads
Chiara Travisi and Peter Nijkamp
The value of ecosystem services provided by the U.S. National Wildlife Refuge System in the contiguous U.S pp. 608-618 Downloads
Molly W. Ingraham and Shonda Gilliland Foster
Tariff escalation and invasive species damages pp. 619-629 Downloads
Anh Thuy Tu, John Beghin and Estelle Gozlan
Spatial organization, transport, and climate change: Comparing instruments of spatial planning and policy pp. 630-639 Downloads
Fabio Grazi and Jeroen van den Bergh
Behavioral economics for environmental policy pp. 640-645 Downloads
L. Venkatachalam
Can sustainable consumption be learned? A model of cultural evolution pp. 646-657 Downloads
Guido Buenstorf and Christian Cordes
The spatial impact of genetically modified crops pp. 658-666 Downloads
Alistair Munro
Testing assumptions underlying economic research on transgenic food crops for Third World farmers: Evidence from Cuba, Guatemala and Mexico pp. 667-682 Downloads
Daniela Soleri, David A. Cleveland, Garrett Glasgow, Stuart H. Sweeney, Flavio Aragón Cuevas, Mario R. Fuentes and Humberto Ríos L.

Volume 67, issue 3, 2008

Preference uncertainty in contingent valuation pp. 345-351 Downloads
Sonia Akter, Jeffrey Bennett and Sanzida Akhter
Designing trans-disciplinary research to support policy formulation for sustainable agricultural development pp. 352-361 Downloads
V. Vandermeulen and G. Van Huylenbroeck
Regional sustainability: How useful are current tools of sustainability assessment at the regional scale? pp. 362-372 Downloads
Michelle L.M. Graymore, Neil G. Sipe and Roy E. Rickson
Considering the effects of imprecision and uncertainty in ecological footprint estimation: An approach in a fuzzy environment pp. 373-383 Downloads
Malcolm J. Beynon and Max Munday
Relating the philosophy and practice of ecological economics: The role of concepts, models, and case studies in inter- and transdisciplinary sustainability research pp. 384-393 Downloads
Stefan Baumgärtner, Christian Becker, Karin Frank, Birgit Müller and Martin Quaas
Gains from configuration: The transboundary protected area as a conservation tool pp. 394-404 Downloads
Jonah Busch
Alternatives to conventional crude oil: When, how quickly, and market driven? pp. 405-411 Downloads
Robert Kaufmann and Laura D. Shiers
Meeting the demand: An estimation of potential future greenhouse gas emissions from meat production pp. 412-419 Downloads
Nathan Fiala
Using the concept of yield to assess the sustainability of different tourist types pp. 420-429 Downloads
S. Becken and D. Simmons
Voting on the environment: Price or ideology? Evidence from Swiss referendums pp. 430-440 Downloads
Nicholas Bornstein and Bruno Lanz
Measuring sustainable development: Some empirical evidence for France from eight alternative indicators pp. 441-456 Downloads
Myriam Nourry
The "tragedy of tourism resources" as the outcome of a strategic game: A new analytical framework pp. 457-464 Downloads
Salvatore Bimonte
A change in market responses to the environmental management ranking in Japan pp. 465-472 Downloads
Fumiko Takeda and Takanori Tomozawa
Changes in social welfare and sustainability: Theoretical issues and empirical evidence pp. 473-484 Downloads
Dimitra Vouvaki and Anastasios Xepapadeas
Precautionary principle as a rule of choice with optimism on windfall gains and pessimism on catastrophic losses pp. 485-491 Downloads
Marcello Basili, Alain Chateauneuf and Fulvio Fontini
Carbon sequestration and farm income in West Africa: Identifying best management practices for smallholder agricultural systems in northern Ghana pp. 492-502 Downloads
Ernesto González-Estrada, Luis C. Rodriguez, Valerie K. Walen, Jesse B. Naab, Jawoo Koo, James W. Jones, Mario Herrero and Philip K. Thornton
Resource abundance and internal armed conflict: Types of natural resources and the incidence of 'new wars' pp. 503-513 Downloads
Heinz Welsch
Herman Daly and Edward Elgar, Ecological Economics and Sustainable Development: Selected Essays of Herman Daly (2007) ISBN 978 1 84720 101 0 (hardbound), x + 270 pages pp. 514-515 Downloads
Richard Norgaard
Making development more sustainable: Sustainomics framework and practical applications, Mohan Munasinghe, Munasinghe Institute for Development, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2007, 650 pp pp. 515-516 Downloads
Rick Reibstein
Global environmental negotiations and US interests pp. 516-517 Downloads
Henrik Selin

Volume 67, issue 2, 2008

Forest and water: The value of native temperate forests in supplying water for human consumption: A comment pp. 153-156 Downloads
Eugenio Figueroa and Roberto Pasten
Response to commentary on the paper "forests and water: The value of native temperate forests in supplying water for human consumption" pp. 157-158 Downloads
Daisy Núñez and Laura Nahuelhual
Introduction to the special issue on biodiversity and policy pp. 159-161 Downloads
Paulo Nunes and Peter Nijkamp
Compensation payments for habitat heterogeneity: Existence, efficiency, and fairness considerations pp. 162-174 Downloads
C. Ohl, Martin Drechsler, K. Johst and F. Wätzold
Green auctions: A biodiversity study of mechanism design with externalities pp. 175-183 Downloads
Ana Espinola-Arredondo
The value of conserving genetic resources for R&D: A survey pp. 184-193 Downloads
Mare Sarr, Timo Goeschl and Tim Swanson
Counting the cost of vulture decline--An appraisal of the human health and other benefits of vultures in India pp. 194-204 Downloads
Anil Markandya, Timothy Taylor, Alberto Longo, M.N. Murty, S. Murty and Kishore Dhavala
Economic valuation of habitat defragmentation: A study of the Veluwe, the Netherlands pp. 205-216 Downloads
C. Martijn van der Heide, Jeroen van den Bergh, Ekko van Ierland and Paulo Nunes
Economic valuation of biodiversity: A comparative study pp. 217-231 Downloads
Peter Nijkamp, Gabriella Vindigni and Paulo Nunes
Biodiversity value and the optimal location of forest conservation sites in Southern Finland pp. 232-243 Downloads
A. Maarit I. Kallio, Riitta Hänninen, Nina Vainikainen and Sandra Luque
K. William Kapp's theory of social costs and environmental policy: Towards political ecological economics pp. 244-252 Downloads
Sebastian Berger
Qualitative valuation of environmental criteria through a group consensus based on stochastic dominance pp. 253-264 Downloads
Kamran Zendehdel, Michael Rademaker, Bernard De Baets and Guido Van Huylenbroeck
Markov chain modeling of the global technological lifetime of copper pp. 265-273 Downloads
Matthew J. Eckelman and Ichiro Daigo
Eco-efficiency approach for global warming in the context of Kyoto Mechanism pp. 274-280 Downloads
Kyounghoon Cha, Songtak Lim and Tak Hur
Sustainability economics: Where do we stand? pp. 281-310 Downloads
Robert U. Ayres
Reversing deforestation? Bioenergy and society in two Brazilian models pp. 311-317 Downloads
Eliane Ceccon and Octavio Miramontes
Taxation of multiple greenhouse gases and the effects on income distribution: A case study of the Netherlands pp. 318-326 Downloads
Annemarie C. Kerkhof, Henri C. Moll, Eric Drissen and Harry C. Wilting
Watershed externalities, shifting cropping patterns and groundwater depletion in Indian semi-arid villages: The effect of alternative water pricing policies pp. 327-340 Downloads
Bekele Shiferaw, V. Ratna Reddy and Suhas P. Wani
J. Timmons Roberts and Bradley C. Parks, A Climate of Injustice: Global Inequality, North-South Politics and Climate Policy, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (2007) ISBN-13 978-0-262-68161-2, pp. 404 pp. 341-341 Downloads
Gordon Walker
Nick Johnstone, Editor, Environmental Policy and Corporate Behavior, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK (2007) ISBN 1 84720 032 7, 288 pp pp. 342-343 Downloads
Stephen DeCanio

Volume 67, issue 1, 2008

Theoretical foundations of sustainable economic welfare indicators -- ISEW and political economy of the disembedded system pp. 1-19 Downloads
Andrew John Brennan
Getting fourteen for the price of one! Understanding the factors that influence land value and how they affect biodiversity conservation in central Brazil pp. 20-31 Downloads
Reinaldo Lourival, Silvia Morales de Queiroz Caleman, Gabriela Isla Martins Villar, Ana Raquel Ribeiro and Ché Elkin
Assessing the ecological and economic benefits of a no-take marine reserve pp. 32-40 Downloads
Jeffrey Wielgus, Enric Sala and Leah R. Gerber
Causal relationship between energy consumption and GDP growth revisited: A dynamic panel data approach pp. 41-54 Downloads
Bwo-Nung Huang, M.J. Hwang and C.W. Yang
Environmental regulation and MNEs location: Does CSR matter? pp. 55-65 Downloads
Lammertjan Dam and Bert Scholtens
Beyond the lamppost: Optimal prevention and control of the Brown Tree Snake in Hawaii pp. 66-74 Downloads
Kimberly Burnett, Sean D'Evelyn, Brooks Kaiser, Porntawee Nantamanasikarn and James Roumasset
An empirical study of income growth and manufacturing industry pollution in New England, 1980-1990 pp. 75-82 Downloads
Bríd Gleeson Hanna
Analysis of the effectiveness of the first European Pollutant Emission Register (EPER) pp. 83-92 Downloads
Joaquín Cañón-de-Francia, Concepción Garcés-Ayerbe and Marisa Ramírez-Alesón
Port-induced erosion prediction and valuation of a local recreational beach pp. 93-103 Downloads
Cherdvong Saengsupavanich, Udomsak Seenprachawong, Wenresti G. Gallardo and Ganesh P. Shivakoti
Physical energy cost serves as the "invisible hand" governing economic valuation: Direct evidence from biogeochemical data and the U.S. metal market pp. 104-108 Downloads
Zhicen Liu, Joel Koerwer, Jiro Nemoto and Hidefumi Imura
An analysis of crop choice: Adapting to climate change in South American farms pp. 109-116 Downloads
S. Niggol Seo and Robert Mendelsohn
Fire use and prevention by traditional households in the Brazilian Amazon pp. 117-130 Downloads
Maria S. Bowman, Gregory S. Amacher and Frank D. Merry
Environmental spillover effects on firm productivity and efficiency: An analysis of agri-food business in Southeast Spain pp. 131-139 Downloads
Emilio Galdeano-Gómez and José Céspedes-Lorente
The internalization of externalities in the production of electricity: Willingness to pay for the attributes of a policy for renewable energy pp. 140-152 Downloads
Alberto Longo, Anil Markandya and Marta Petrucci
Page updated 2025-03-28