Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 63, issue 4, 2007
- Sustainability and benefit-cost analysis: Theoretical assessments and policy options pp. 637-638

- John Gowdy and Richard B. Howarth
- Ecological sustainability in policy assessments: A wide-angle view and a close watch pp. 639-648

- Richard Iovanna and Stephen Newbold
- Toward an experimental foundation for benefit-cost analysis pp. 649-655

- John Gowdy
- Towards an operational sustainability criterion pp. 656-663

- Richard B. Howarth
- Ecology and valuation: Big changes needed pp. 664-675

- Bryan G. Norton and Douglas Noonan
- Environmental regulations and the problem of sustainability: Moving beyond "market failure" pp. 676-683

- Daniel Bromley
- Biased valuations, damage assessments, and policy choices: The choice of measure matters pp. 684-689

- Jack Knetsch
- Deliberative monetary valuation (DMV): Issues in combining economic and political processes to value environmental change pp. 690-699

- Clive Spash
- A stochastic model of an ecological-economic system with two keystone species pp. 701-705

- Amitrajeet Batabyal
- The economics of climate change impacts a la Stern: Novel and nuanced or rhetorically restricted? pp. 706-713

- Clive Spash
- Integrating ecosystem services into conservation assessments: A review pp. 714-721

- Benis Egoh, Mathieu Rouget, Belinda Reyers, Andrew T. Knight, Richard M. Cowling, Albert S. van Jaarsveld and Adam Welz
- Sustainable energy prices and growth: Comparing macroeconomic and backcasting scenarios pp. 722-731

- Sofia Ahlroth and Mattias Hojer
- Green taxation and individual responsibility pp. 732-739

- Jerome Ballet, Damien Bazin, Abraham Lioui and David Touahri
- Participatory decision-making in land use planning: An application in Costa Rica pp. 740-748

- M. Marchamalo and C. Romero
- Technological change in energy systems: Learning curves, logistic curves and input-output coefficients pp. 749-758

- Haoran Pan and Jonathan Kohler
- Integrating environmental and economic performance to assess modern silvoarable agroforestry in Europe pp. 759-767

- J. Palma, A.R. Graves, P.J. Burgess, W. van der Werf and F. Herzog
- Valuing the non-timber forest products in the Mediterranean region pp. 768-775

- Lelia Croitoru
- Effect of market access on sharing practices within two Huaorani communities pp. 776-785

- Margaret Franzen and James Eaves
- Integrating the valuation of ecosystem services into the Input-Output economics of an Alpine region pp. 786-798

- Adrienne Gret-Regamey and Susanne Kytzia
- Impacts of EU carbon emission trade directive on energy-intensive industries -- Indicative micro-economic analyses pp. 799-806

- Peter Lund
- Altruistic, egoistic and biospheric values in willingness to pay (WTP) for wildlife pp. 807-814

- Elena Ojea and Maria Loureiro
- Asymmetric information and uncertainty: The usefulness of logbooks as a regulation measure pp. 815-827

- Frank Jensen and Niels Vestergaard
- Thomas Princen, The Logic of Sufficiency, MIT Press (2005) ISBN 0-262-16232-6 401 pp pp. 828-829

- Anders Hayden
- Mick Common and Sigrid Stagl, Ecological Economics: An Introduction, Cambridge University Press (2005) 592 pages ISBN: 13: 9780521816458 pp. 829-830

- David Stern
- Bruce L. Hay, Robert N. Stavins and Richard H.K. Vietor, Editors, Environmental Protection and the Social Responsibility of Firms: Perspectives from Law, Economics, and Business, Resources for the Future Press (2005) ISBN 1-933115-03-3 240 pp pp. 830-831

- Jennifer A. Howard-Grenville
- Roy Brouwer and David Pearce, Editors, Cost-Benefit Analysis and Water Resources Management, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK (2005) ISBN 1843763591 (cased), 404 pp pp. 831-832

- Robert Johnston
Volume 63, issue 2-3, 2007
- Ecological economics of coastal disasters: Introduction to the special issue pp. 249-253

- Robert Costanza and Joshua Farley
- The coasts of our world: Ecological, economic and social importance pp. 254-272

- M.L. Martinez, A. Intralawan, G. Vazquez, O. Perez-Maqueo, P. Sutton and R. Landgrave
- Coastal disasters from the perspective of ecological economics pp. 273-284

- O. Perez-Maqueo, A. Intralawan and M.L. Martinez
- Taxes, subsidies, and insurance as drivers of United States coastal development pp. 285-298

- Kenneth J. Bagstad, Kevin Stapleton and John R. D'Agostino
- Distribution of impacts of natural disasters across income groups: A case study of New Orleans pp. 299-306

- Michel Masozera, Melissa Bailey and Charles Kerchner
- Full-cost accounting of coastal disasters in the United States: Implications for planning and preparedness pp. 307-318

- Erica Brown Gaddis, Brian Miles, Stephanie Morse and Debby Lewis
- Principles for sustainable governance of the coastal zone: In the context of coastal disasters pp. 319-330

- Jane Duxbury and Sarah Dickinson
- Institutional development and scale matching in disaster response management pp. 331-343

- Daniel Baker and Karen Refsgaard
- Opening the policy window for ecological economics: Katrina as a focusing event pp. 344-354

- Joshua Farley, Daniel Baker, David Batker, Christopher Koliba, Richard Matteson, Russell Mills and James Pittman
- The EROI of U.S. offshore energy extraction: A net energy analysis of the Gulf of Mexico pp. 355-364

- Mark Gately
- The role of news media in natural disaster risk and recovery pp. 365-373

- Brian Miles and Stephanie Morse
- Deliberative economics: Kenneth E. Boulding Lecture delivered at the 9th Biennial Meeting of ISEE, December 2006, Delhi India pp. 375-382

- Kenneth E. Lecture and Richard B. Norgaard
- Towards an understanding of long-term ecosystem dynamics by merging socio-economic and environmental research: Criteria for long-term socio-ecological research sites selection pp. 383-391

- Cornelia Ohl, Kinga Krauze and Clemens Grunbuhel
- Modelling water policies with sustainability constraints: A dynamic accounting analysis pp. 392-402

- Fabio Fiorillo, Antonio Palestrini, Paolo Polidori and Claudio Socci
- Informal regulation of pollution in a developing country: Evidence from India pp. 403-417

- Vinish Kathuria
- Transdisciplinarity for social learning? The contribution of the German socio-ecological research initiative to sustainability governance pp. 418-426

- Fred Luks and Bernd Siebenhuner
- Biophysical assessments in evaluating industrial development: An experience from Taiwan freshwater aquaculture pp. 427-434

- Jiun-Jiun Ferng
- Appropriation and concern for resource scarcity in the commons: An experimental study pp. 435-445

- Nuria Oses-Eraso and Montserrat Viladrich-Grau
- Contractual difficulties in environmental management: The case of wetland mitigation banking pp. 446-451

- Paul Hallwood
- Synchronized deforestation induced by social learning under uncertainty of forest-use value pp. 452-462

- Akiko Satake, Marco A. Janssen, Simon A. Levin and Yoh Iwasa
- Case study on the use of genuine progress indicator to measure urban economic welfare in China pp. 463-475

- Zongguo Wen, Kunmin Zhang, Bin Du, Yadong Li and Wei Li
- An empirical study of option prices for hunting permits pp. 476-484

- To N. Nguyen, W. Douglass Shaw, Richard Woodward, Robert Paterson and Kevin Boyle
- Escaping the "polluter pays" trap: Financing wastewater treatment on the Tijuana-San Diego border pp. 485-498

- Itay Fischhendler
- Learning from endangered and threatened species recovery programs: A case study using U.S. Endangered Species Act recovery scores pp. 499-510

- Joe Kerkvliet and Christian Langpap
- Valuation of ecotourism resources using a contingent valuation method: The case of the Korean DMZ pp. 511-520

- Choong-Ki Lee and James W. Mjelde
- The use of physical indicators for industrial energy demand scenarios pp. 521-535

- Niels J. Schenk and Henri C. Moll
- The determinants of individuals' attitudes towards preventing environmental damage pp. 536-552

- Benno Torgler and Maria A. Garcia-Valinas
- Improving resource exploitation via collective intelligence by assessing agents' impact on the community outcome pp. 553-562

- Fabio Boschetti
- Trading away damage: Quantifying environmental leakage through consumption-based, life-cycle analysis pp. 563-577

- D. Asher Ghertner and Matthias Fripp
- Can capital markets respond to environmental policy of firms? Evidence from Greece pp. 578-587

- George Halkos and Anastasios Sepetis
- Impact of participatory forest management on financial assets of rural communities in Northwest Pakistan pp. 588-593

- Tanvir Ali, Munir Ahmad, Babar Shahbaz and Abid Suleri
- Assessing the threat of exotic plant pests pp. 594-604

- David Cook and Wendy Proctor
- Green for green: The perceived value of a quantitative change in the urban tree estate of New Zealand pp. 605-615

- Eva-Terezia Vesely
- What are ecosystem services? The need for standardized environmental accounting units pp. 616-626

- James Boyd and Spencer Banzhaf
- Multiple-criteria decision analysis for integrated catchment management pp. 627-632

- Tony Prato and Gamini Herath
- Mohan Munasinghe and Rob Swart, Primer on Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Facts, Policy Analysis and Applications, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2005) ISBN 0521008883 xii and 445 pp pp. 632-633

- Mick Common
- Emissions trading for climate policy -- US and European perspectives. Bernd Hansjurgens (ed.), Cambridge University Press. 2005. ISBN-13 978-0-521-84872-5. 245 pp pp. 632-634

- Richard Tol
- The business of global environmental governance, David L. Levy and Peter J. Newell (eds.), Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2005, ISBN 0-262-12270-7 (hardcover), 02-262-62188-6 (paperback), 360 pages pp. 634-635

- Aseem Prakash
- Sustaining agriculture and the rural environment, Floor Brouwer (editor), Edward Elgar Publishing Ldt., 2004, ISBN: 1843762560, 384 pages pp. 635-636

- David Pimentel
Volume 63, issue 1, 2007
- Measuring the immeasurable -- A survey of sustainability indices pp. 1-8

- Christoph Bohringer and Patrick Jochem
- Managing complex adaptive systems -- A co-evolutionary perspective on natural resource management pp. 9-21

- Christian Rammel, Sigrid Stagl and Harald Wilfing
- Valuing nature: From environmental impacts to natural capital pp. 22-30

- Diego Azqueta and Daniel Sotelsek
- Privatization and contaminated site remediation in Central and Eastern Europe: Do environmental liability policies matter? pp. 31-41

- Randall Bluffstone
- Quantifying public preferences for agri-environmental policy in Scotland: A comparison of methods pp. 42-53

- Dominic Moran, Alistair McVittie, David J. Allcroft and David A. Elston
- Total factor productivity and the Environmental Kuznets Curve: A comment and some intuition pp. 54-58

- Neha Khanna and Florenz Plassmann
- Sustainability impacts of car road pricing: A computable general equilibrium analysis for Austria pp. 59-69

- Karl W. Steininger, Birgit Bednar-Friedl and Brigitte Gebetsroither
- Profitability and social impacts of reduced impact logging in the Tapajos National Forest, Brazil -- A case study pp. 70-77

- Carlos Jose Caetano Bacha and Luiz Carlos Estraviz Rodriguez
- Making green discourses matter in policy-making: Learning from discursive power struggles within the policy area of car taxation pp. 78-92

- Pia Bogelund
- Institutions and environmental governance: A reconceptualization pp. 93-103

- Jouni Paavola
- Reconciling sustainability, systems theory and discounting pp. 104-113

- Alexey Voinov and Joshua Farley
- Estimating non-market environmental benefits of the Conversion of Cropland to Forest and Grassland Program: A choice modeling approach pp. 114-125

- Xuehong Wang, Jeffrey Bennett, Chen Xie, Zhitao Zhang and Dan Liang
- Business models for material efficiency services: Conceptualization and application pp. 126-137

- Minna Halme, Markku Anttonen, Mika Kuisma, Nea Kontoniemi and Erja Heino
- Exhaustible resources and secondary materials: A macroeconomic analysis pp. 138-148

- Giuseppe Di Vita
- Episodic flooding and the cost of sea-level rise pp. 149-159

- Jeffrey A. Michael
- Protectionary bias in agriculture: A pure economic argument pp. 160-164

- Sugata Marjit, Saibal Kar and Hamid Beladi
- Technical efficiency under alternative environmental regulatory regimes: The case of Dutch horticulture pp. 165-173

- Arno van der Vlist, Cees Withagen and Henk Folmer
- On China's exosomatic energy metabolism: An application of multi-scale integrated analysis of societal metabolism (MSIASM) pp. 174-191

- Jesus Ramos-Martin, Mario Giampietro and Kozo Mayumi
- Material efficiency and economic-environmental sustainability. Results of simulations for Germany with the model PANTA RHEI pp. 192-200

- Bernd Meyer, Martin Distelkamp and Marc Ingo Wolter
- Water trade in Andalusia. Virtual water: An alternative way to manage water use pp. 201-208

- Esther Velazquez
- The recreational value of coral reefs: A meta-analysis pp. 209-218

- Luke M. Brander, Pieter Van Beukering and Herman S.J. Cesar
- Nonlinear behavior of the socio-economic dynamics for lake eutrophication control pp. 219-229

- Yoh Iwasa, Tomoe Uchida and Hiroyuki Yokomizo
- Income growth and atmospheric pollution in Spain: An input-output approach pp. 230-242

- Jordi Roca and Monica Serrano
- Power, justice, and the environment: A critical appraisal of the environmental justice movement, ed. by David Naguib Pellow and Robert J. Brulle, MIT Press, 2005. ISBN 0-262-66193-5 (paper), 339 pp pp. 243-244

- Kristin Shrader-Frechette
- Joseph Romm, Editor, The Hype About Hydrogen: Fact and Fiction in the Race to Save the Climate, Island Press (2004) ISBN 155963703X 240 pp pp. 244-245

- Marc W. Melaina and Christopher Yang
- Edward Barbier, Editor, Natural Resources and Economic Development, Cambridge University Press (2006) 426 pp., ISBN: 9780521823135 pp. 245-246

- Kevin Gallagher
- The distributional effects of environmental policy, Yse Serret and Nick Johnstone, eds., Edward Elgar and OECD, Cheltenham, U.K. Northampton MA, 2006. ISBN: 1845423151, x + 323 pp pp. 246-247

- J. Martinez-Alier
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