Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 27, issue 3, 1998
- Environmental technological change and governance in sustainable development policy pp. 243-256

- Sylvie Faucheux and Isabelle Nicolaï
- Should we pursue measurement of the natural capital stock? pp. 257-266

- Richard W. England
- Structural adjustment and the environment: the need for an analytical methodology pp. 267-281

- J. J. Kessler and M. Van Dorp
- Adjusted forest accounts for China pp. 283-298

- Xuelin Liu
- Multiattribute elicitation of wilderness preservation benefits: a constructive approach pp. 299-312

- Timothy L. McDaniels and Craig Roessler
- Cost-effectiveness analysis of woodland ecosystem restoration pp. 313-324

- Douglas C. Macmillan, David Harley and Ruth Morrison
Volume 27, issue 2, 1998
- Georgescu-Roegen/Daly versus Solow/Stiglitz Revisited pp. 115-117

- Kozo Mayumi, Mario Giampietro and John Gowdy
- New methodology for the ecological footprint with an application to the New Zealand economy pp. 149-160

- Kathryn B. Bicknell, Richard J. Ball, Ross Cullen and Hugh R. Bigsby
- A method for valuing global ecosystem services pp. 161-170

- Anne Alexander, John List, Michael Margolis and Ralph d'Arge
- Environmental pollution and world trade pp. 171-182

- Ravi Batra, Hamid Beladi and Ralph Frasca
- Environmental equity and sustainability: rejecting the Kaldor-Hicks criteria pp. 183-188

- Robert Farrow
- A joint investigation of public support and public values: case of instream flows in New Mexico pp. 189-203

- Robert Berrens, Alok Bohara, Hank Jenkins-Smith, Carol L. Silva, Philip Ganderton and David Brookshire
- Contingent valuation and the budget constraint pp. 205-211

- Michael Ahlheim
Volume 27, issue 1, 1998
- Making sustainability work pp. 3-11

- Hans Christoph Binswanger
- An approach to Baltic Sea sustainability pp. 13-28

- Jorg Kohn
- Alternative approaches for incorporating respondent uncertainty when estimating willingness to pay: the case of the Mexican spotted owl pp. 29-41

- John Loomis and Earl Ekstrand
- Using a geographic information system for applied policy analysis: the case of logging in the Eastern Amazon pp. 43-61

- Steven W. Stone
- Ecological and economic impacts of forest policies: interactions across forestry and agriculture pp. 63-78

- Ralph J. Alig, Darius M. Adams and Bruce McCarl
- Scientific methodology for ecological economics pp. 91-105

- Luca Tacconi
Volume 26, issue 3, 1998
- Biological and economic foundations of renewable resource exploitation pp. 227-242

- U. Regev, A. P. Gutierrez, S. J. Schreiber and David Zilberman
- Defining socio-environmental systems for sustainable development pp. 243-258

- C. J. M. Musters, H. J. de Graaf and W. J. ter Keurs
- Political and economic inequality and the environment pp. 259-275

- Lyle Scruggs
- Weak comparability of values as a foundation for ecological economics pp. 277-286

- Joan Martinez-Alier, Giuseppe Munda and John O'Neill
- Value of external environmental impacts of reforestation in Thailand pp. 287-297

- Anssi Niskanen
- An approach to sustainable water management in Southern Africa using natural resource accounts: the experience in Namibia pp. 299-311

- Glenn-Marie Lange
- Species conservation and the principal-agent problem pp. 313-320

- Brendan Moyle
- The nitrogen abatement cost in wetlands pp. 321-331

- Olof Bystrom
Volume 26, issue 2, 1998
- The impact of climate change on US agriculture: a response to Mendelssohn et al. (1994) pp. 113-119

- Robert Kaufmann
- Planning for sustainability as a learning concept pp. 121-137

- Tony Meppem and Roderic Gill
- The rhetorics of ecological economics pp. 139-149

- Fred Luks
- Economics and the environment: a case of ethical neglect pp. 151-164

- T. N. Jenkins
- The endangered species act and economic values: a comparison of fines and contingent valuation studies pp. 165-171

- Joshua G. Eagle and David R. Betters
- Thinking in terms of system hierarchies and velocities. What makes development sustainable? pp. 173-187

- Jorg Kohn
- Eco-thermodynamics: economics and the second law pp. 189-209

- Robert U. Ayres
- Measuring heterogeneous preferences for preserving farmland and open space pp. 211-224

- Jeffrey Kline and Dennis Wichelns
Volume 26, issue 1, 1998
- Food security and sustainable use of natural resources: a 2020 Vision pp. 1-10

- Per Pinstrup-Andersen and Rajul Pandya-Lorch
- Toward an economics of stewardship: the case of climate pp. 11-21

- Peter G. Brown
- Measuring the depreciation of Australia's non-renewable resources: a cautionary tale pp. 23-30

- Mick Common and Kali Sanyal
- Can capital markets create incentives for pollution control? pp. 31-41

- Paul Lanoie, Benoit Laplante and Maite Roy
- The battle of perspectives: a multi-agent model with adaptive responses to climate change pp. 43-65

- Marco Janssen and Bert de Vries
- Resource utilization, property rights and welfare--Wildlife and the local people pp. 67-80

- Anders Skonhoft
- The role of technology in sustaining agriculture and the environment pp. 81-96

- Joseph Aldy, James Hrubovcak and Utpal Vasavada
- Determinants of industrial residuals: generation and treatment: evidence from Chinese cities pp. 97-108

- Aimin Chen and Richard Lotspeich
Volume 25, issue 3, 1998
- Land development and preservation over time and under uncertainty: a review and a research agenda pp. 233-238

- Amitrajeet Batabyal
- Beyond the economics of more: the place of consumption in ecological economics pp. 239-248

- John Lintott
- The human development index: a critical review pp. 249-264

- Ambuj D. Sagar and Adil Najam
- How might nature value man? pp. 265-279

- Bruce Hannon
- Non-use values and the management of transboundary renewable resources pp. 281-289

- Ida Ferrara and Paul Missios
- Industrial hemp's double dividend: a study for the USA pp. 291-301

- Dave M. Alden, John L. R. Proops and Philip W. Gay
- Safe Minimum Standards: costs and opportunities pp. 303-314

- Tom M. Crowards
- A willingness-to-pay function for protecting acres of spotted owl habitat from fire pp. 315-322

- John Loomis and Armando Gonzalez-Caban
- Use of environmental functions to communicate the values of a mangrove ecosystem under different management regimes pp. 323-346

- Alison J. Gilbert and Ron Janssen
Volume 25, issue 2, 1998
- Income, inequality, and pollution: a reassessment of the environmental Kuznets Curve pp. 147-160

- Mariano Torras and James K. Boyce
- Economic growth and emissions: reconsidering the empirical basis of environmental Kuznets curves pp. 161-175

- S. M. de Bruyn, Jeroen van den Bergh and J. B. Opschoor
- Environmental Kuznets curves--real progress or passing the buck?: A case for consumption-based approaches pp. 177-194

- Dale S. Rothman
- Economic growth, trade and energy: implications for the environmental Kuznets curve pp. 195-208

- Vivek Suri and Duane Chapman
- The determinants of atmospheric SO2 concentrations: reconsidering the environmental Kuznets curve pp. 209-220

- Robert Kaufmann, Brynhildur Davidsdottir, Sophie Garnham and Peter Pauly
- An alternative analysis of apparent EKC-type transitions pp. 221-229

- G. C. Unruh and W. R. Moomaw
Volume 25, issue 1, 1998
- The value of ecosystem services pp. 1-2

- Robert Costanza
- The value of the world's ecosystem services and natural capital pp. 3-15

- Robert Costanza, Ralph d'Arge, Rudolf de Groot, Stephen Farber, Monica Grasso, Bruce Hannon, Karin Limburg, Shahid Naeem, Robert V. O'Neill and Jose Paruelo
- The price-value paradox pp. 17-19

- Robert U. Ayres
- The return of Lauderdale's paradox pp. 21-23

- Herman Daly
- Pricing the invaluable:: the value of the world's ecosystem services and natural capital pp. 25-27

- Salah El Serafy
- Monetary-costing environmental services: nothing is lost, something is gained pp. 29-30

- Robert A. Herendeen
- The concept of environmental function and its valuation pp. 31-35

- Roefie Hueting, Lucas Reijnders, Bart de Boer, Jan Lambooy and Huib Jansen
- Next, the value of God, and other reactions pp. 37-39

- Richard B. Norgaard and Collin Bode
- The value of ecosystem services: whose values? pp. 41-43

- J. B. Opschoor
- Economic benefits of natural biota pp. 45-47

- David Pimentel
- How should a parasite value its host? pp. 49-52

- William E. Rees
- The neglected benefits of protecting ecological services:: a commentary provided to the ecological economics forum pp. 53-55

- Paul H. Templet
- SPECIAL SECTION: FORUM ON VALUATION OF ECOSYSTEM SERVICES: Why not to calculate the value of the world's ecosystem services and natural capital pp. 57-60

- Michael Toman
- Ecosystem services value, research needs, and policy relevance: a commentary pp. 61-65

- R. K. Turner, W. N. Adger and Roy Brouwer
- The value of ecosystem services: putting the issues in perspective pp. 67-72

- Robert Costanza, Ralph d'Arge, Rudolf de Groot, Stephen Farber, Monica Grasso, Bruce Hannon, Karin Limburg, Shahid Naeem, Robert V. O'Neill and Jose Paruelo
- Integrated value assessment using paired comparisons pp. 73-87

- Michael Lockwood
- Measurement of social well-being: alternatives to gross domestic product pp. 89-103

- Richard W. England
- Commensuration and theories of value in ecological economics pp. 105-126

- Murray Patterson
- Towards an ecological theory of unequal exchange: articulating world system theory and ecological economics pp. 127-136

- Alf Hornborg
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