Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 61, issue 4, 2007
- Environmental accounting: Introducing the SEEA-2003 pp. 589-591

- Glenn-Marie Lange
- Development of the SEEA 2003 and its implementation pp. 592-599

- Robert Smith
- From natural resources and environmental accounting to construction of indicators for sustainable development pp. 600-610

- Knut Alfsen and Mads Greaker
- Comment on environmental accounting pp. 611-612

- Robert Repetto
- SEEA-2003: Accounting for sustainable development? pp. 613-616

- Peter Bartelmus
- Weak and strong sustainability in the SEEA: Concepts and measurement pp. 617-626

- Simon Dietz and Eric Neumayer
- Natural resources, capital accumulation and the resource curse pp. 627-634

- Richard M. Auty
- Natural resource accounting for Indian states -- Illustrating the case of forest resources pp. 635-649

- Haripriya Gundimeda, Pavan Sukhdev, Rajiv K. Sinha and Sanjeev Sanyal
- Water accounting in Australia pp. 650-659

- Michael Vardon, Manfred Lenzen, Stuart Peevor and Mette Creaser
- Water accounting for the Orange River Basin: An economic perspective on managing a transboundary resource pp. 660-670

- Glenn-Marie Lange, Eric Mungatana and Rashid Hassan
- AGE analysis of the impact of a carbon energy tax on the Irish economy pp. 671-683

- Wiepke Wissema and Rob Dellink
- Economic instruments and the environmental accounts pp. 684-692

- Viveka Palm and Maja Larsson
- Environmental accounting for ecosystems pp. 693-694

- Geoffrey Heal
- Implementation of land and ecosystem accounts at the European Environment Agency pp. 695-707

- Jean-Louis Weber
- A resilience perspective of the SEEA pp. 708-715

- B.H. Walker and L. Pearson
- Nonmarket benefits of nature: What should be counted in green GDP? pp. 716-723

- James Boyd
Volume 61, issue 2-3, 2007
- Drivers and limitations for the successful development and functioning of EIPs (eco-industrial parks): A literature review pp. 199-207

- Terry Tudor, Emma Adam and Margaret Bates
- Allocating scarce financial resources across regions for environmental management in Queensland, Australia pp. 208-216

- Stefan Hajkowicz
- Flood mitigation benefit of wetland soil -- A case study in Momoge National Nature Reserve in China pp. 217-223

- Jiang Ming, Lu Xian-guo, Xu Lin-shu, Chu Li-juan and Tong Shouzheng
- Accounting technologies and sustainability assessment models pp. 224-236

- Jan Bebbington, Judy Brown and Bob Frame
- Optimal detection and control strategies for invasive species management pp. 237-245

- Shefali V. Mehta, Robert G. Haight, Frances R. Homans, Stephen Polasky and Robert C. Venette
- Heterogeneity in fishers' harvesting decisions under a marine territorial user rights policy pp. 246-254

- Stefan Gelcich, Gareth Edwards-Jones and Michel J. Kaiser
- The optimal dynamic allocation of conservation funds under financial uncertainty pp. 255-266

- Martin Drechsler and Frank Watzold
- Quality of life: An approach integrating opportunities, human needs, and subjective well-being pp. 267-276

- Robert Costanza, Brendan Fisher, Saleem Ali, Caroline Beer, Lynne Bond, Roelof Boumans, Nicholas L. Danigelis, Jennifer Dickinson, Carolyn Elliott, Joshua Farley, Diane Elliott Gayer, Linda MacDonald Glenn, Thomas Hudspeth, Dennis Mahoney, Laurence McCahill, Barbara McIntosh, Brian Reed, S. Rizvi, Donna M. Rizzo, Thomas Simpatico and Robert Snapp
- A method for evaluating alternative landscape management scenarios in relation to the biodiversity conservation of habitats pp. 277-283

- Janet Haddock, Joseph Tzanopoulos, Jonathan Mitchley and Robert Fraser
- Ecological theories and indicators in economic models of biodiversity loss and conservation: A critical review pp. 284-293

- Florian V. Eppink and Jeroen van den Bergh
- Determinants of adoption and continued use of stone terraces for soil and water conservation in an Ethiopian highland watershed pp. 294-302

- Aklilu Amsalu and Jan de Graaff
- Analysing decision behaviour in stated preference surveys: A consumer psychological approach pp. 303-314

- Anke Fischer and Nick Hanley
- Economic value of cedar relics in Lebanon: An application of contingent valuation method for conservation pp. 315-322

- E.J. Sattout, S.N. Talhouk and P.D.S. Caligari
- Exploring environmental perspectives in lowland agriculture: A Q methodology study in East Anglia, UK pp. 323-333

- B.B. Davies and Ian Hodge
- Accommodating indigenous cultural heritage values in resource assessment: Cape York Peninsula and the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia pp. 334-344

- Tyron Venn and John Quiggin
- International copper flow network: A blockmodel analysis pp. 345-354

- Xin Tong and Reid Lifset
- Modified ecological footprint accounting and analysis based on embodied exergy--a case study of the Chinese society 1981-2001 pp. 355-376

- B. Chen and G.Q. Chen
- What is a fair CO2 tax increase? On fair emission reductions in the transport sector pp. 377-387

- Henrik Hammar and Sverker C. Jagers
- Composition of greenhouse gas emissions in Spain: An input-output analysis pp. 388-395

- Isabela Butnar and Maria Llop
- Combining economic and ecological arguments to value the environmental gains from control of 35 weeds in Australia pp. 396-408

- John Alfred Sinden and Garry Griffith
- Motor fuel taxation, energy conservation, and economic development: A regional approach pp. 409-416

- Richard W. England
- Oil spill impact minimization under uncertainty: Evaluating contingency simulations of the Prestige accident pp. 417-428

- Kai W. Wirtz, Nick Baumberger, Susanne Adam and Xin Liu
- Deforestation and the environmental Kuznets curve: An institutional perspective pp. 429-437

- Richard Culas
- Do environmental regulations hamper productivity growth? How accounting for improvements of plants' environmental performance can change the conclusion pp. 438-445

- Kjetil Telle and Jan Larsson
- Payments for environmental services in watersheds: Insights from a comparative study of three cases in Central America pp. 446-455

- Nicolas Kosoy, Miguel Martinez-Tuna, Roldan Muradian and Joan Martinez-Alier
- Sustainable development in small island developing states: Agricultural intensification, economic development, and freshwater resources management on the coral atoll of Tongatapu pp. 456-468

- M. van der Velde, S.R. Green, M. Vanclooster and B.E. Clothier
- Privatizing an open-access resource and environmental degradation pp. 469-477

- Edward Birdyshaw and Christopher Ellis
- Biodiversity and ecosystem services: A multi-scale empirical study of the relationship between species richness and net primary production pp. 478-491

- Robert Costanza, Brendan Fisher, Kenneth Mulder, Shuang Liu and Treg Christopher
- Managing without growth pp. 492-504

- Peter A. Victor and Gideon Rosenbluth
- An analysis of a brownlash report pp. 505-515

- Hilda McKenzie and William E. Rees
- Economic appraisal of profitability and sustainability of peri-urban agriculture in Bangkok pp. 516-529

- Isabelle Vagneron
- Combining actual and contingent behavior to estimate the value of sports fishing in the Lagoon of Venice pp. 530-541

- Anna Alberini, Valentina Zanatta and Paolo Rosato
- Optimal land conversion and growth with uncertain biodiversity costs pp. 542-549

- Anke Leroux and John Creedy
- Environmental economics and ecological economics: Where they can converge? pp. 550-558

- L. Venkatachalam
- The role of women in the mangrove crab (Ucides cordatus, Ocypodidae) production process in North Brazil (Amazon region, Para) pp. 559-565

- Andre Magalhaes, Rauquirio Marinho da Costa, Rossivaldo da Silva and Luci Cajueiro Carneiro Pereira
- Unobserved diversity, depletion and irreversibility The importance of subpopulations for management of cod stocks pp. 566-574

- Thomas Sterner
- L.A. Reisch and I. Ropke, Editors, The Ecological Economics of Consumption, Edward Elgar (2004) ISBN 1 84376 5128 259 pp pp. 575-576

- Jacquelin Burgess
- Emissions trading: Principles and practice pp. 576-577

- Richard B. Howarth
- Institutions and the environment pp. 577-579

- Thrainn Eggertsson
- Tropical forests: Regional paths of destruction and regeneration in the late 20th century pp. 579-579

- Sven Wunder
- Nuclear hazards in the world: Field studies on affected populations and environments pp. 580-579

- Rick Reibstein
Volume 61, issue 1, 2007
- A stochastic model of waste management with on and off site storage pp. 1-5

- Luiz P. Freitas and Amitrajeet Batabyal
- On the bioproductivity and land-disturbance metrics of the Ecological Footprint pp. 6-10

- Manfred Lenzen, Carina Borgstrom Hansson and Stuart Bond
- Dynamics of agricultural groundwater extraction: Comment and correction pp. 11-14

- Michael Rauscher
- Examining the global environmental impact of regional consumption activities -- Part 2: Review of input-output models for the assessment of environmental impacts embodied in trade pp. 15-26

- Thomas Wiedmann, Manfred Lenzen, Karen Turner and John Barrett
- Shared producer and consumer responsibility -- Theory and practice pp. 27-42

- Manfred Lenzen, Joy Murray, Fabian Sack and Thomas Wiedmann
- Eco-efficient environmental policy in oil and gas production in The Netherlands pp. 43-51

- G. Huppes, M.D. Davidson, J. Kuyper, L. van Oers, H.A. Udo de Haes and G. Warringa
- The concept of Total Economic Value of environment: A reconsideration within a hierarchical rationality pp. 52-61

- Eric Plottu and Beatrice Plottu
- A resilience-based framework for evaluating adaptive co-management: Linking ecology, economics and society in a complex world pp. 62-74

- Ryan Plummer and Derek Armitage
- General and specific spatial autocorrelation: Insights from country-level analysis of species imperilment pp. 75-80

- Ram Pandit and David Laband
- Analyzing economic market interactions as conflicts: New concepts to assess market-based policy instruments pp. 81-90

- Simon A. Mason and Adrian Muller
- Integrated product policy and environmental product innovations: An empirical analysis pp. 91-100

- Katharina-Maria Rehfeld, Klaus Rennings and Andreas Ziegler
- In search of marginal environmental valuations -- ecosystem services in Finnish forest accounting pp. 101-114

- Jukka Matero and Olli Saastamoinen
- On the practical limits to substitution pp. 115-128

- Robert U. Ayres
- Agroecological and economic approach of prevention and curing of sandstorms in China pp. 129-133

- Sui Yu-Zhu and Yuan Han-Min
- Exploring welfare implications of resource equivalency analysis in natural resource damage assessments pp. 134-145

- Matthew Zafonte and Steve Hampton
- Biodiversity pressure and the driving forces behind pp. 146-158

- Joachim H. Spangenberg
- Assessment of regional trade and virtual water flows in China pp. 159-170

- Dabo Guan and Klaus Hubacek
- Assessing ecosystem sustainability and management using fuzzy logic pp. 171-177

- Tony Prato
- Effects of permitted effluent limits on environmental compliance levels pp. 178-193

- Dietrich Earnhart
- Transforming sustainability strategy into action: The chemical industry pp. 194-195

- Jeremiah Johnson
- EU enlargement and the environment: Institutional change and environmental policy in Central and Eastern Europe pp. 195-196

- Henrik Selin
- Governing water: Contentious transnational politics and global institution building pp. 196-197

- Mary Brentwood
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