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Ecological Economics

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland

From Elsevier
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Volume 33, issue 3, 2000

SPECIAL SECTION: LAND USE OPTIONS IN DRY TROPICAL WOODLAND ECOSYSTEMS IN ZIMBABWE:: Introduction, overview and synthesis pp. 341-351 Downloads
B. M. Campbell, R. Costanza and M. van den Belt
SPECIAL SECTION: LAND USE OPTIONS IN DRY TROPICAL WOODLAND ECOSYSTEMS IN ZIMBABWE: A simulation model of miombo woodland dynamics under different management regimes pp. 353-368 Downloads
J. Gambiza, W. Bond, P. G. H. Frost and S. Higgins
SPECIAL SECTION: LAND USE OPTIONS IN DRY TROPICAL WOODLAND ECOSYSTEMS IN ZIMBABWE: Implications of co-management for benefits from natural resources for rural households in north-western Zimbabwe pp. 369-381 Downloads
Isla Grundy, Jane Turpie, Pamela Jagger, Ed Witkowski, Isabelle Guambe, Daniel Semwayo and Anastelle Solomon
SPECIAL SECTION: LAND USE OPTIONS IN DRY TROPICAL WOODLAND ECOSYSTEM IN ZIMBABWE: Household resource allocations in response to risks and returns in a communal area of western Zimbabwe pp. 383-394 Downloads
Martin Luckert, J. Wilson, Wiktor Adamowicz and A. B. Cunningham
SPECIAL SECTION: LAND USE OPTIONS IN DRY TROPICAL WOODLAND ECOSYSTEMS IN ZIMBABWE: The value of mature trees in arable fields in the smallholder sector, Zimbabwe pp. 395-400 Downloads
C. Chivaura-Mususa, B. Campbell and W. Kenyon
SPECIAL SECTION: LAND USE OPTIONS IN DRY TROPICAL WOODLAND ECOSYSTEMS IN ZIMBABWE: Valuing ecological services in a savanna ecosystem: a case study from Zimbabwe pp. 401-412 Downloads
G. Kundhlande, Wiktor Adamowicz and I. Mapaure
SPECIAL SECTION: LAND USE OPTIONS IN DRY TROPICAL WOODLAND ECOSYSTEMS IN ZIMBABWE: Economic comparisons of livestock production in communal grazing lands in Zimbabwe pp. 413-438 Downloads
B. M. Campbell, D. Dore, Martin Luckert, B. Mukamuri and J. Gambiza
Incorporation of risk in regional forest resource accounts pp. 439-455 Downloads
Michel K. Haener and Wiktor Adamowicz
Participatory approaches to environmental policy-making: the European Commission Climate Policy Process as a case study pp. 457-472 Downloads
Sybille van den Hove
Ecosystem prices: activity analysis applied to ecosystems pp. 473-486 Downloads
Bernd Klauer
Comparative ecological-economic analysis of growth performance of exotic Eucalyptus tereticornis and indigenous Dalbergia sissoo in mono-culture plantations pp. 487-495 Downloads
R. K. Jalota and K. K. Sangha
Conflict and Co-operation on Trans-Boundary Water Resources, Edited by Richard Just and Sinaia Netanyahu, Kluwer, 1998. ISBN 0-792-81068; US$135.00 pp. 497-498 Downloads
Anders Jagerskog
Selva Central: History, Economy, and Land Use in Peruvian Amazonia, Fernando Santos-Granero and Frederica Barclay, translated by Elizabeth King, Smithsonian Institution Press, London and Washington, 1998. ISBN 1-56098-761-8 pp. 498-499 Downloads
Zachary Kindinger
Corrigendum to "Aspects of the optimal management of cyclical ecological-economic systems": [Ecological Economics 30 (1999) 285-292] pp. 501-501 Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal

Volume 33, issue 2, 2000

Economic considerations of privately owned parks pp. 173-183 Downloads
Jeffrey A. Langholz, James P. Lassoie, David Lee and Duane Chapman
In defence of historical accountability for greenhouse gas emissions pp. 185-192 Downloads
Eric Neumayer
The evolution of aquaculture in African rural and economic development pp. 193-203 Downloads
Randall E. Brummett and Meryl J. Williams
An empirical analysis of dematerialisation:: Application to metal policies in The Netherlands pp. 205-218 Downloads
Rob Dellink and Patricia P. A. A. H. Kandelaars
Intra-generational equity and sustainable welfare: a time series analysis for the UK and Sweden pp. 219-236 Downloads
Susanna Stymne and Tim Jackson
Valuing the recreational benefits from the creation of nature reserves in Irish forests pp. 237-250 Downloads
Riccardo Scarpa, Susan M. Chilton, W. George Hutchinson and Joseph Buongiorno
Protest responses and willingness to pay: attitude toward paying for stormwater pollution abatement pp. 251-265 Downloads
Bradley S. Jorgensen and Geoffrey J. Syme
Is biodiversity-friendly coffee financially viable? An analysis of five different coffee production systems in western El Salvador pp. 267-281 Downloads
Jose A. Gobbi
The total economic value of Amazonian deforestation, 1978-1993 pp. 283-297 Downloads
Mariano Torras
Efficiency and applicability of economic concepts dealing with environmental risk and ignorance pp. 299-311 Downloads
Frank Watzold
An economic analysis of the potential for carbon sequestration by forests: evidence from southern Mexico pp. 313-327 Downloads
Ben H. J. De Jong, Richard Tipper and Guillermo Montoya-Gomez
Sharing the World. Sustainable Living and Global Equity in the 21st Century, Michael Carley and Philippe Spapens, Earthscan Publications, London, 208 pp., ISBN 1-85383-463-7 (pbk); 1-85383-464-5 (hbk) pp. 329-331 Downloads
William E. Rees
Last Stand: Protected Areas and the Defense of Tropical Biodiversity, Edited by Randall Kramer, Carel van Schaik and Julie Johnson, Oxford University Press, 1997. xiv+242 pp. ISBN 0-19-509554-5 pp. 331-333 Downloads
Johan Colding
Ecological Scale: Theory and Applications, Edited by D.L. Peterson and V.T. Parker, Columbia University Press, 1998. ISBN 0-231-10503-7 pp. 333-334 Downloads
Jan Bengtsson

Volume 33, issue 1, 2000

Global valuation of ecosystem services: application to the Pantanal da Nhecolandia, Brazil pp. 1-6 Downloads
Andrew F. Seidl and Andre Moraes
Sustainability assessment of development scenarios: methodology and application to Thailand pp. 7-27 Downloads
Peter Nijkamp and Ron Vreeker
Forest owner incentives to protect riparian habitat pp. 29-43 Downloads
Jeffrey D. Kline, Ralph J. Alig and Rebecca L. Johnson
"I struggled with this money business": respondents' perspectives on contingent valuation pp. 45-62 Downloads
Judy Clark, Jacquelin Burgess and Carolyn M. Harrison
Conservation or cultural heritage? Cattle grazing in the Victoria Alpine National Park pp. 63-75 Downloads
Iain Fraser and Tony Chisholm
A simple bioeconomic model of a marine reserve pp. 77-91 Downloads
John Pezzey, Callum M. Roberts and Bjorn T. Urdal
An economic analysis of using wetlands for treatment of shrimp processing wastewater -- a case study in Dulac, LA pp. 93-101 Downloads
Lynette Cardoch, John W. DayJr., John M. Rybczyk and G. Paul Kemp
Measuring the total economic value of restoring ecosystem services in an impaired river basin: results from a contingent valuation survey pp. 103-117 Downloads
John Loomis, Paula Kent, Liz Strange, Kurt Fausch and Alan Covich
Self-organization and sustainability: energetics of evolution and implications for ecological economics pp. 119-134 Downloads
Guido Buenstorf
A framework for the economic evaluation and selection of sustainability indicators in agriculture pp. 135-149 Downloads
David Pannell and Nicole A. Glenn
Internal migration and the environmental Kuznets curve for US hazardous waste sites pp. 151-166 Downloads
Kishore Gawande, Alok Bohara, Robert Berrens and Pingo Wang
Red Mars, Kim Stanley Robinson, Bantam, New York, 1993. 572 pp. ISBN 0-553-56073-5; Green Mars, Kim Stanley Robinson, Bantam, New York, 1995. 624 pp. ISBN 0-553-57239-3; Blue Mars, Kim Stanley Robinson, Bantam, New York, 1997. 761 pp. ISBN 0-553-57335-7 pp. 167-169 Downloads
Robert Costanza

Volume 32, issue 3, 2000

A future for carbon taxes pp. 395-412 Downloads
Andrea Baranzini, Jose Goldemberg and Stefan Speck
The impact of remanufacturing in the economy pp. 413-429 Downloads
Geraldo Ferrer and Robert U. Ayres
The Environmental Kuznets Curve, environmental protection policy and income distribution pp. 431-443 Downloads
Elisabetta Magnani
Natural capital and sustainability pp. 445-455 Downloads
Jan van Geldrop and Cees Withagen
Simulation of ecological and economic impacts of distant water fleets on Namibian fisheries pp. 457-464 Downloads
Ussif Rashid Sumaila and Marcelo Vasconcellos
Ecotourism and economic incentives -- an empirical approach pp. 465-479 Downloads
Sven Wunder
Sustainable development and social welfare pp. 481-492 Downloads
Werner Hediger
Growth versus the Environment: Is there a Trade-off? Per Kageson, Kluwer Academic, Dortdrecht, Netherlands, 1998, ISBN 0-7923-4926-1, pp. 300 pp. 493-495 Downloads
Anthony M. Friend

Volume 32, issue 2, 2000

International trade and environmental quality: a survey pp. 175-194 Downloads
Ravishankar Jayadevappa and Sumedha Chhatre
Material flows and economic models: an analytical comparison of SFA, LCA and partial equilibrium models pp. 195-216 Downloads
Mathijs Bouman, Reinout Heijungs, Ester van der Voet, Jeroen van den Bergh and Gjalt Huppes
The concept of scale and the human dimensions of global change: a survey pp. 217-239 Downloads
Clark C. Gibson, Elinor Ostrom and T. K. Ahn
Dynamic substance flow analysis: the delaying mechanism of stocks, with the case of PVC in Sweden pp. 241-254 Downloads
Rene Kleijn, Ruben Huele and Ester van der Voet
Activities implemented jointly: another look at the facts pp. 255-267 Downloads
Reimund Schwarze
A test of policy labels in environmental choice modelling studies pp. 269-286 Downloads
R. K. Blamey, Jeffrey Bennett, J. J. Louviere, M. D. Morrison and J. Rolfe
A dynamic approach to forest regimes in developing economies pp. 287-300 Downloads
Shashi Kant
Aggregation and the role of energy in the economy pp. 301-317 Downloads
Cutler J. Cleveland, Robert Kaufmann and David Stern
Redefining innovation -- eco-innovation research and the contribution from ecological economics pp. 319-332 Downloads
Klaus Rennings
The corporate planet: ecology and politics in the age of globalization. Joshua Karliner. Sierra Club Books: San Francisco, 1997. 298 pp. ISBN 0 87156 434 3, paperback US$16 pp. 333-334 Downloads
Jasper Goss
Sustainability and Global Environmental Policy: New Perspectives, by Dragun and Jakobsson, Edward Elgar, 1997. ISBN 0 18589 863 03 pp. 334-336 Downloads
Michael Young

Volume 32, issue 1, 2000

What can be done to reduce overconsumption? pp. 27-41 Downloads
Paul M. Brown and Linda D. Cameron
Alternative models of individual behaviour and implications for environmental policy pp. 43-61 Downloads
Jeroen van den Bergh, Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell and Giuseppe Munda
Comparison of contingent valuation and conjoint analysis in ecosystem management pp. 63-74 Downloads
T. H. Stevens, R. Belkner, D. Dennis, D. Kittredge and C. Willis
Property rights issues involving plant genetic resources: implications of ownership for economic efficiency pp. 75-92 Downloads
Timothy Swanson and Timo Goschl
Environmental attitudes, motivations, and contingent valuation of nonuse values: a case study involving endangered species pp. 93-107 Downloads
Matthew Kotchen and Stephen D. Reiling
Tropical forests and shifting cultivation: secondary forest fallow dynamics among traditional farmers of the Peruvian Amazon pp. 109-124 Downloads
Oliver T. Coomes, Franque Grimard and Graeme J. Burt
Single species conservation in a multispecies fishery: the case of the Australian eastern gemfish pp. 125-136 Downloads
Sean Pascoe
Environmental value transfer: state of the art and future prospects pp. 137-152 Downloads
Roy Brouwer
Moral dimensions of the WTA-WTP disparity: an experimental examination pp. 153-162 Downloads
Johan Anderson, Dan Vadnjal and Hans-Erik Uhlin
Page updated 2025-03-28