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Ecological Economics

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland

From Elsevier
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Volume 148, issue C, 2018

Ecological Restoration of a Coastal Wetland at a Mass Tourism Destination. Will the Recreational Value Increase or Decrease? pp. 1-14 Downloads
Josep Pueyo-Ros, Xavier Garcia, Anna Ribas and Rosa M. Fraguell
Mainstream economics toolkit within the ecological economics framework pp. 15-21 Downloads
Ihar Dzeraviaha
A Social Ecological System of Recreational Fishing in the Seagrass Meadow Conservation Area on the East Coast of Bintan Island, Indonesia pp. 22-35 Downloads
Yudi Wahyudin, Tridoyo Kusumastanto, Luky Adrianto and Yusli Wardiatno
Framing Decisions in Uncertain Scenarios: An Analysis of Tourist Preferences in the Face of Global Warming pp. 36-42 Downloads
Angel Bujosa Bestard, Catalina M. Torres Figuerola and Antoni Riera
An Equilibrium Framework for the Analysis of a Degrowth Society With Asymmetric Agents, Sharing and Basic Income pp. 43-53 Downloads
Tiina Heikkinen
Trust to Go Green: An Exploration of Consumer Intentions for Eco-friendly Convenience Food pp. 54-65 Downloads
Elena Claire Ricci, Alessandro Banterle and Stefanella Stranieri
Forest Loss and Economic Inequality in the Solomon Islands: Using Small-Area Estimation to Link Environmental Change to Welfare Outcomes pp. 66-76 Downloads
John Gibson
The Role of Agricultural Training on Fertilizer Use Knowledge: A Randomized Controlled Experiment pp. 77-91 Downloads
Dan Pan and Ning Zhang
Conservation Costs of Retention Forestry and Optimal Habitat Network Selection in Southwestern Germany pp. 92-102 Downloads
Andrey Lessa Derci Augustynczik, Rasoul Yousefpour, Luiz Carlos Estraviz Rodriguez and Marc Hanewinkel
Useful Exergy Is Key in Obtaining Plausible Aggregate Production Functions and Recognizing the Role of Energy in Economic Growth: Portugal 1960–2009 pp. 103-120 Downloads
João Santos, Tiago Domingos, Tânia Sousa and Miguel Aubyn
An analysis and valuation of post-designation management aimed at maximising recreational benefits in coastal Marine Protected Areas pp. 121-130 Downloads
L. Paltriguera, Silvia Ferrini, T. Luisetti and R.K. Turner
Is Taxing Waste a Waste of Time? Evidence from a Supreme Court Decision pp. 131-151 Downloads
Stefano Carattini, Andrea Baranzini and Rafael Lalive
Greenery and Subjective Well-being: Assessing the Monetary Value of Greenery by Type pp. 152-169 Downloads
Tetsuya Tsurumi, Atsushi Imauji and Shunsuke Managi
Environmental Governance – From Public to Private? pp. 170-177 Downloads
Arild Vatn
Behavioral Economics and Energy Conservation – A Systematic Review of Non-price Interventions and Their Causal Effects pp. 178-210 Downloads
Mark Andor and Katja M. Fels

Volume 147, issue C, 2018

Corporate Participation in Voluntary Environmental Programs in India: Determinants and Deterrence pp. 1-10 Downloads
Surender Kumar and Shivananda Shetty
Disentangling Distance and Country Effects on the Value of Conservation across National Borders pp. 11-20 Downloads
Fatemeh Bakhtiari, Jette Bredahl Jacobsen, Bo Thorsen, Thomas Hedemark Lundhede, Niels Strange and Mattias Boman
Capabilities, Identity, Aspirations and Ecosystem Services: An Integrated Framework pp. 21-28 Downloads
Jerome Ballet, Lucile Marchand, Jérôme Pelenc and Robin Vos
Genuine Economic Progress in the United States: A Fifty State Study and Comparative Assessment pp. 29-35 Downloads
Mairi-Jane V. Fox and Jon D. Erickson
Wetlands, Flood Control and Ecosystem Services in the Smith Creek Drainage Basin: A Case Study in Saskatchewan, Canada pp. 36-47 Downloads
John K. Pattison-Williams, John W. Pomeroy, Pascal Badiou and Shane Gabor
An Environmental Tax Towards More Sustainable Food: Empirical Evidence of the Consumption of Animal Products in France pp. 48-61 Downloads
Céline Bonnet, Zohra Bouamra-Mechemache and Tifenn Corre
Community-Managed Forests, Household Fuelwood Use and Food Consumption pp. 62-73 Downloads
Jayash Paudel
Nutrients Metabolism of Agricultural Production in Argentina: NPK Input and Output Flows from 1961 to 2015 pp. 74-83 Downloads
D.A. Díaz de Astarloa and W.A. Pengue
An Ecosystem Service Value Chain Analysis Framework: A Conceptual Paper pp. 84-95 Downloads
Jonathan M. Rawlins, Willem J. De Lange and Gavin C.G. Fraser
Every breath you take, every move you make: Visits to the outdoors and physical activity help to explain the relationship between air pollution and subjective wellbeing pp. 96-113 Downloads
Kate Laffan
To Bait or Not to Bait: A Discrete Choice Experiment on Public Preferences for Native Wildlife and Conservation Management in Western Australia pp. 114-122 Downloads
Vandana Subroy, Abbie Rogers and Marit Kragt
Do Mature Economies Grow Exponentially? pp. 123-133 Downloads
Steffen Lange, Peter Pütz and Thomas Kopp
Climate-induced Land Use Change in France: Impacts of Agricultural Adaptation and Climate Change Mitigation pp. 134-154 Downloads
Anna Lungarska and Raja Chakir
The Socio-Economic Metabolism of an Emerging Economy: Monitoring Progress of Decoupling of Economic Growth and Environmental Pressures in the Philippines pp. 155-166 Downloads
Marianne Faith G. Martinico-Perez, Heinz Schandl, Tomer Fishman and Hiroki Tanikawa
Under Which Conditions Are Consumers Ready to Boycott or Buycott? The Roles of Hedonism and Simplicity pp. 167-178 Downloads
Stefan Hoffmann, Ingo Balderjahn, Barbara Seegebarth, Robert Mai and Mathias Peyer
Measuring Embodied Blue Water in American Diets: An EIO Supply Chain Approach pp. 179-188 Downloads
Sarah Rehkamp and Patrick Canning
Effectiveness of Tradable Permits for the Conservation of Metacommunities With Two Competing Species pp. 189-196 Downloads
Clément Surun and Martin Drechsler
How Will Demographic Characteristics of the Labor Force Matter for the Global Economy and Carbon Dioxide Emissions? pp. 197-207 Downloads
Taoyuan Wei, Qin Zhu and Solveig Glomsrød
Unifying Studies of Scarcity, Abundance, and Sufficiency pp. 208-217 Downloads
Adel Daoud
A Multidimensional Analysis of the Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Firms' Economic Performance pp. 218-229 Downloads
Silvia Blasi, Massimiliano Caporin and Fulvio Fontini
Income-generating Effects of Biofuel Policies: A Meta-analysis of the CGE Literature pp. 230-242 Downloads
Johanna Choumert Nkolo, Pascale Combes Motel and Charlain Guegang Djimeli
Smallholders do not Eat Certificates pp. 243-252 Downloads
Pieter Glasbergen
An Empirical Study of US Environmental Federalism: RCRA Enforcement From 1998 to 2011 pp. 253-263 Downloads
Eric Sjöberg and Jing Xu
Expert Estimates of the Share of Agricultural Support that Compensates European Farmers for Providing Public Goods and Services pp. 264-275 Downloads
Ivo Baur and Felix Schläpfer
Assessment of Socioeconomic Impacts Through Physical Multipliers: The Case of Fishing Activity in Galicia (Spain) pp. 276-297 Downloads
Juan C. Surís-Regueiro and Jose L. Santiago
An Integrative Methodological Framework for Setting Environmental Criteria: Evaluation of Public Preferences pp. 298-311 Downloads
Maryam Ramin, Vincent Y.S. Cheng, Dong-Kyun Kim, Felicity J. Ni, Aisha Javed, Noreen E. Kelly, Cindy Yang, Sarah Midlane-Jones, Shan Mugalingam and George B. Arhonditsis
Land Property Rights, Agricultural Intensification, and Deforestation in Indonesia pp. 312-321 Downloads
Christoph Kubitza, Vijesh Krishna, Kira Urban, Zulkifli Alamsyah and Matin Qaim
European Timber Consumption: Developing a Method to Account for Timber Flows and the EU's Global Forest Footprint pp. 322-332 Downloads
Meghan O'Brien and Stefan Bringezu
Costs and Perceptions Conditioning Willingness to Accept Payments for Ecosystem Services in a Brazilian Case pp. 333-342 Downloads
Ronaldo Seroa da Motta and Ramon Ortiz
Are Ecosystem Services Complementary or Competitive? An Econometric Analysis of Cost Functions of Private Forests in Vietnam pp. 343-352 Downloads
Cosmas Kombat Lambini, Trung Thanh Nguyen, Jens Abildtrup, Van Dien Pham, John Tenhunen and Serge Garcia
Urban Spatial Form and Structure and Greenhouse-gas Emissions From Commuting in the Metropolitan Zone of Mexico Valley pp. 353-364 Downloads
Ivan Muñiz and Vania Sánchez
Effects of Economic Dependence and Cooperative Behavior Over Participation in Monitoring the Impacts of Natural Resource Trade pp. 365-372 Downloads
Alice Dantas Brites and Carla Morsello
Ecological Fiscal Transfers in Europe – Evidence-Based Design Options for a Transnational Scheme pp. 373-382 Downloads
Nils Droste, I. Ring, R. Santos and M. Kettunen
Coping With Collapse: A Stock-Flow Consistent Monetary Macrodynamics of Global Warming pp. 383-398 Downloads
Emmanuel Bovari, Gaël Giraud and Florent Mc Isaac
Lost in Transactions: Analysing the Institutional Arrangements Underpinning Urban Green Infrastructure pp. 399-409 Downloads
Gayathri Devi Mekala and Darla Hatton MacDonald
Sailing into Unchartered Waters: Plotting a Course for EU Bio-Based Sectors pp. 410-421 Downloads
George Philippidis, Heleen Bartelings and Edward Smeets
Modelling Multi-regional Ecological Exchanges: The Case of UK and Africa pp. 422-435 Downloads
Eunice Oppon, Adolf Acquaye, Taofeeq Ibn-Mohammed and Lenny Koh
Page updated 2025-03-28