Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 85, issue C, 2013
- Limits to Growth, environmental science and the nature of modern prophecy pp. 1-5

- Richard Kool
- Command-and-control revisited: Environmental compliance and technological change in Swedish industry 1970–1990 pp. 6-19

- Ann-Kristin Bergquist, Kristina Söderholm, Hanna Kinneryd, Magnus Lindmark and Patrik Söderholm
- Revocability and reversibility in societal decision-making pp. 20-27

- Aviel Verbruggen
- Environment, justice and the capability approach pp. 28-34

- Jerome Ballet, Jean-Marcel Koffi and Jérôme Pelenc
- Evaluating the USFS State and Private Forestry Redesign: A first look at policy implications pp. 35-42

- Michael Cox, Sarah Mincey, Tatyana Ruseva, Sergio Villamayor-Tomas and Burney Fischer
- The welfare impacts of an invasive species: Endogenous vs. exogenous price models pp. 43-49

- Shana M. McDermott, David Finnoff and Jason Shogren
- Assessment of ozone impacts on farming systems: A bio-economic modeling approach applied to the widely diverse French case pp. 50-58

- Pierre Humblot, Delphine Leconte-Demarsy, Paola Clerino, Sophie Szopa, Jean-François Castell and Pierre-Alain Jayet
- Impacts of natural resource management technologies on agricultural yield and household income: The system of rice intensification in Timor Leste pp. 59-68

- Martin Noltze, Stefan Schwarze and Matin Qaim
- Ecological macroeconomics: An application to climate change pp. 69-76

- Armon Rezai, Lance Taylor and Reinhard Mechler
- Combining performance-based and action-based payments to provide environmental goods under uncertainty pp. 77-84

- Sandra Derissen and Martin Quaas
- Economic dynamics and forest clearing: A spatial econometric analysis for Indonesia pp. 85-96

- David Wheeler, Dan Hammer, Robin Kraft, Susmita Dasgupta and Brian Blankespoor
- Agri-environmental policies for biodiversity when the spatial pattern of the reserve matters pp. 97-104

- Laure Bamière, Maia David and Bruno Vermont
- The fiscal implications of hurricane strikes in the Caribbean pp. 105-115

- Bazoumana Ouattara and Eric Strobl
- The valuation of landfill disamenities in Birmingham pp. 116-129

- Yun-Ju Ham, David Maddison and Robert Elliott
- Policy dilemma of innovation: An info-gap approach pp. 130-138

- Yakov Ben-Haim, Craig D. Osteen and L. Joe Moffitt
- Ethics and the economist: What climate change demands of us pp. 145-154

- Julie Nelson
- Pushing the boundaries of climate economics: critical issues to consider in climate policy analysis pp. 155-165

- S. Şerban Scrieciu, Terry Barker and Frank Ackerman
- CRED: A new model of climate and development pp. 166-176

- Frank Ackerman, Elizabeth A. Stanton and Ramón Bueno
- Game theory and climate diplomacy pp. 177-187

- Stephen DeCanio and Anders Fremstad
- Distributional biases in the analysis of climate change pp. 188-197

- Peter Skott and Leila Davis
- Valuing life: Experimental evidence using sensitivity to rare events pp. 198-205

- Olivier Chanel and Graciela Chichilnisky
Volume 84, issue C, 2012
- Giving voice to the future in sustainability: Retrospective assessment to learn prospective stakeholder engagement pp. 1-6

- Mark W. Anderson, Mario Teisl and Caroline Noblet
- The valuation of biodiversity conservation by the South African Khomani San “bushmen” community pp. 7-14

- Johane Dikgang and Edwin Muchapondwa
- Regime shifts and management pp. 15-22

- Anne-Sophie Crépin, Reinette Biggs, Stephen Polasky, Max Troell and Aart de Zeeuw
- The dynamics of land-use in Brazilian Amazon pp. 23-36

- Mário Jorge Mendonça, Paulo Loureiro and Adolfo Sachsida
- Does ecological economics have a future? pp. 37-48

- Blake Anderson and Michael M'Gonigle
- The economic and financial dimensions of degrowth pp. 49-56

- Damir Tokic
- Income-based environmental responsibility pp. 57-65

- Alexandra Marques, João Rodrigues, Manfred Lenzen and Tiago Domingos
- Global effects of national biomass production and consumption: Austria's embodied HANPP related to agricultural biomass in the year 2000 pp. 66-73

- Helmut Haberl, Thomas Kastner, Anke Schaffartzik, Nikolaus Ludwiczek and Karl-Heinz Erb
- Exploring worldviews and their relationships to sustainable lifestyles: Towards a new conceptual and methodological approach pp. 74-83

- Annick Hedlund-de Witt
- Utopias and realism in ecological economics — Knowledge, understanding and improvisation pp. 84-90

- Stig Ingebrigtsen and Ove Jakobsen
- The impact of environmental performance on firm performance: Short-term costs and long-term benefits? pp. 91-97

- Eva Horváthová
- Land use change impacts of biofuels: Near-VAR evidence from the US pp. 98-109

- Giuseppe Piroli, Pavel Ciaian and d'Artis Kancs
- Weighting social preferences in participatory multi-criteria evaluations: A case study on sustainable natural resource management pp. 110-120

- Eneko Garmendia and Gonzalo Gamboa
- Adequate responsiveness to scope in contingent valuation pp. 121-128

- William Desvousges, Kristy Mathews and Kenneth Train
- Forecasting scenarios for UK household expenditure and associated GHG emissions: Outlook to 2030 pp. 129-141

- Mona Chitnis, Angela Druckman, Lester C. Hunt, Tim Jackson and Scott Milne
- Agglomeration bonus in small and large local networks: A laboratory examination of spatial coordination pp. 142-152

- Simanti Banerjee, Anthony M. Kwasnica and James S. Shortle
- Time, gender and carbon: A study of the carbon implications of British adults' use of time pp. 153-163

- Angela Druckman, Ian Buck, Bronwyn Hayward and Tim Jackson
- The role of fairness norms the household-based natural forest conservation: The case of Wolong, China pp. 164-171

- Zhiyuan Song, Zhiyun Ouyang and Weihua Xu
- American passage: Towards a new economy and a new politics pp. 181-186

- James Gustave Speth
- Degrowth and the supply of money in an energy-scarce world pp. 187-193

- Richard Douthwaite
- Long-run welfare under externalities in consumption, leisure, and production: A case for happy degrowth vs. unhappy growth pp. 194-205

- Ennio Bilancini and Simone D'Alessandro
- Growth, degrowth and climate change: A scenario analysis pp. 206-212

- Peter A. Victor
- Consumption of market goods and wellbeing in small-scale societies: An empirical test among the Tsimane' in the Bolivian Amazon pp. 213-220

- Elena Masferrer-Dodas, Luis Rico-Garcia, Tomás Huanca and Victoria Reyes-García
- Measuring progress in the degrowth transition to a steady state economy pp. 221-231

- Daniel W. O'Neill
- The euthanasia of the rentier — A way toward a steady-state economy? pp. 232-239

- Dirk Loehr
- “This is a bit of the good life”: Recognition of unpaid work from the perspective of degrowth pp. 240-246

- Linda Nierling
- Ecological economics, degrowth, and institutional change pp. 247-253

- Kent A. Klitgaard and Lisi Krall
- Overcoming accumulation: Is a capitalist steady-state economy possible? pp. 254-261

- Frederik Berend Blauwhof
- Bona diagnosis, bona curatio: How property economics clarifies the degrowth debate pp. 262-269

- Pascal van Griethuysen
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