Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 99, issue C, 2014
- A ‘component-based’ approach to discounting for natural resource damage assessment pp. 1-9

- Edi Defrancesco, Paola Gatto and Paolo Rosato
- The effects of rules and communication in a behavioral irrigation experiment with power asymmetries carried out in North China pp. 10-20

- Ilona M. Otto and Frank Wechsung
- Accounting methods for international land-related leakage and distant deforestation drivers pp. 21-28

- Sabine Henders and Madelene Ostwald
- Would border carbon adjustments prevent carbon leakage and heavy industry competitiveness losses? Insights from a meta-analysis of recent economic studies pp. 29-39

- Frederic Branger and Philippe Quirion
- Combining expert elicitation and stated preference methods to value ecosystem services from improved lake water quality pp. 40-52

- George Van Houtven, Carol Mansfield, Daniel Phaneuf, Roger von Haefen, Bryan Milstead, Melissa A. Kenney and Kenneth H. Reckhow
- Managing ecosystem services for agriculture: Will landscape-scale management pay? pp. 53-62

- Rong-Gang Cong, Henrik G. Smith, Ola Olsson and Mark Brady
- The role of ancillary benefits on the value of agricultural soils carbon sequestration programmes: Evidence from a latent class approach to Andalusian olive groves pp. 63-73

- Macario Rodríguez-Entrena, Maria Espinosa and Jesús Barreiro-Hurlé
- Determinants of conservation among the rural poor: A charitable contribution experiment pp. 74-87

- Deanna Karapetyan and Giovanna d'Adda
- To what extent does air pollution affect happiness? The case of the Jinchuan mining area, China pp. 88-99

- Zhengtao Li, Henk Folmer and Jianhong Xue
- Model of the social–ecological system depends on model of the mind: Contrasting information-processing and embodied views of cognition pp. 100-109

- Janne I. Hukkinen
- Risk versus economic performance in a mixed fishery pp. 110-120

- S. Gourguet, O. Thébaud, C. Dichmont, Sarah Jennings, L.R. Little, Sean Pascoe, R.A. Deng and Luc Doyen
- Measuring the impact of nuclear accidents on energy policy pp. 121-129

- Zsuzsanna Csereklyei
Volume 98, issue C, 2014
- Climate change and the willingness to pay to reduce ecological and health risks from wastewater flooding in urban centers and the environment pp. 1-10

- Marcella Veronesi, Fabienne Chawla, Max Maurer and Judit Lienert
- Organising for socio-ecological resilience: The roles of the mountain farmer cooperative Genossenschaft Gran Alpin in Graubünden, Switzerland pp. 11-21

- Douglas K. Bardsley and Annette M. Bardsley
- Drivers of greenhouse gas emissions in the Baltic States: A structural decomposition analysis pp. 22-28

- Janis Brizga, Kuishuang Feng and Klaus Hubacek
- Reconciling interests concerning wildlife and livestock near conservation areas: A model for analysing alternative land uses pp. 29-38

- Petronella Chaminuka, Rolf Groeneveld and Ekko van Ierland
- Using a choice experiment framework to value conservation-contingent development programs: An application to Botswana pp. 39-48

- Elizabeth F. Pienaar, Lovell S. Jarvis and Douglas M. Larson
- Farmer identity, ethical attitudes and environmental practices pp. 49-61

- Iddisah Sulemana and Harvey James
- World oil production trend: Comparing Hubbert multi-cycle curves pp. 62-71

- Douglas B. Reynolds
- Ecosystem services within agricultural landscapes—Farmers' perceptions pp. 72-80

- Helen F. Smith and Caroline A. Sullivan
- Trans-border public health vulnerability and hydroelectric projects: The case of Yali Falls Dam pp. 81-89

- John Polimeni, Raluca Iorgulescu and Ray Chandrasekara
- Valuing biodiversity enhancement in New Zealand's planted forests: Socioeconomic and spatial determinants of willingness-to-pay pp. 90-101

- Richard Yao, Riccardo Scarpa, James A. Turner, Tim D. Barnard, John Rose, João H.N. Palma and Duncan R. Harrison
- Ecosystem services as substitute inputs: Basic results and important implications for conservation policy pp. 102-108

- R. David Simpson
Volume 97, issue C, 2014
- Effects of a policy-induced income shock on forest-dependent households in the Peruvian Amazon pp. 1-9

- Jessica L'Roe and Lisa Naughton-Treves
- Twenty thousand sterling under the sea: Estimating the value of protecting deep-sea biodiversity pp. 10-19

- Niels Jobstvogt, Nick Hanley, Stephen Hynes, Jasper Kenter and Ursula Witte
- Sustainable value of degraded soils in China's Loess Plateau: An updated approach pp. 20-27

- Lingling Hou, Dana Hoag, Catherine M.H. Keske and Changhe Lu
- K. William Kapp's theory of social costs: A Luhmannian interpretation pp. 28-33

- Vladislav Valentinov
- Willingness-to-pay and the perfect safari:Valuation and cultural evaluation of safari package attributes in the Serengeti and Tanzanian Northern Circuit pp. 34-41

- Nitin Sekar, Jack M. Weiss and Andrew P. Dobson
- Labeling energy cost on light bulbs lowers implicit discount rates pp. 42-50

- Jihoon Min, Inês L. Azevedo, Jeremy Michalek and Wändi Bruine de Bruin
- The future of food — Scenarios and the effect on natural resource use in agriculture in 2050 pp. 51-59

- I.Y.R. Odegard and E. van der Voet
- Modeling the links between biodiversity, ecosystem services and human wellbeing in the context of climate change: Results from an econometric analysis of the European forest ecosystems pp. 60-73

- Helen Ding and Paulo Nunes
- The valuation of off-site ecosystem service flows: Deforestation, erosion and the amenity value of lakes in Prescott, Arizona pp. 74-83

- James Yoo, Silvio Simonit, John P. Connors, Ann P. Kinzig and Charles Perrings
- Biofuel as social fuel: Introducing socio-environmental services as a means to reduce global inequity? pp. 84-92

- Sandra Venghaus and Kirsten Selbmann
- Measuring emissions avoided by international trade: Accounting for price differences pp. 93-100

- Iñaki Arto, Jordi Roca and Mònica Serrano
- Detecting the presence of depensation in collapsed fisheries: The case of the Northern cod stock pp. 101-109

- Jose M. Maroto and Manuel Moran
- Giving birds a starting date: The curious social solution to a water resource issue in the U.S. West pp. 110-119

- Insa Theesfeld and Anne MacKinnon
- Spatial patterns of organic agriculture adoption: Evidence from Honduras pp. 120-128

- Meike Wollni and Camilla Andersson
- Heterogeneity and emotions in the valuation of non-use damages caused by oil spills pp. 129-139

- Carmelo J. León, Jorge E. Araña, W. Michael Hanemann and Pere Riera
- Valuing insurance services emerging from a gene bank: The case of the Greek Gene Bank pp. 140-149

- Anastasios Xepapadeas, Parthenopi Ralli, Eva Kougea, Sofia Spyrou, Nikolaos Stavropoulos, Vasiliki Tsiaousi and Athanasios Tsivelikas
- Compensating for environmental damages pp. 150-161

- Pascal Gastineau and Emmanuelle Taugourdeau
- Impacts of access and benefit sharing on livelihoods and forest: Case of participatory forest management in Ethiopia pp. 162-171

- Aklilu Ameha, Oystein Juul Nielsen and Helle Overgard Larsen
- Estimating the cost of air pollution in South East Queensland: An application of the life satisfaction non-market valuation approach pp. 172-181

- Christopher L. Ambrey, Christopher Fleming and Andrew Yiu-Chung Chan
- Pasture conversion and competitive cattle rents in the Amazon pp. 182-190

- Michael L. Mann, Robert Kaufmann, Dana Marie Bauer, Sucharita Gopal, Mallory Nomack, Jesse Y. Womack, Kerry Sullivan and Britaldo S. Soares-Filho
- Technological diffusion and preference learning in the world of Homo sustinens: The challenges for politics pp. 191-200

- Christian Cordes and Georg Schwesinger
- Conversion, intensification, and abandonment: A human appropriation of net primary production approach to analyze historic land-use dynamics in New Zealand 1860–2005 pp. 201-208

- Tamara Fetzel, Markus Gradwohl and Karl-Heinz Erb
- A great fish war model with asymmetric players pp. 209-223

- Michèle Breton and Michel Yevenunye Keoula
Volume 96, issue C, 2013
- The role of consumption patterns, demand and technological factors on the recent evolution of CO2 emissions in a group of advanced economies pp. 1-13

- Rosa Duarte, Alfredo Mainar and Julio Sánchez-Chóliz
- Leveraging private capital for climate mitigation: Evidence from the Clean Development Mechanism pp. 14-24

- Patrick Bayer, Christopher Marcoux and Johannes Urpelainen
- What are the consequences of ignoring attributes in choice experiments? Implications for ecosystem service valuation pp. 25-35

- Sergio Colombo, Michael Christie and Nick Hanley
- Explaining institutional persistence, adaptation, and transformation in East German recreational-fisheries governance after the German reunification in 1990 pp. 36-50

- Katrin Daedlow, Volker Beckmann, Maja Schlüter and Robert Arlinghaus
- Economic growth and the evolution of water consumption in Spain: A structural decomposition analysis pp. 51-61

- Ignacio Cazcarro, Rosa Duarte and Julio Sánchez-Chóliz
- Macroeconomic narratives in a world of crises: An analysis of stories about solving the system crisis pp. 62-70

- Emil Urhammer and Inge Røpke
- Are emotions to blame? — The impact of non-analytical information processing on decision-making and implications for fostering sustainability pp. 71-78

- Susanne Menzel
- The god of the mountain and Godavarman: Net Present Value, indigenous territorial rights and sacredness in a bauxite mining conflict in India pp. 79-87

- Leah Temper and Joan Martinez-Alier
- Class/racial conflict, intolerance, and distortions in urban form: Lessons for sustainability from the Detroit region pp. 88-98

- Igor Vojnovic and Joe T. Darden
- Beyond inducement in climate change: Does environmental performance spur environmental technologies? A regional analysis of cross-sectoral differences pp. 99-113

- Claudia Ghisetti and Francesco Quatraro
- The poverty–vulnerability–resilience nexus: Evidence from Bangladesh pp. 114-124

- Sonia Akter and Bishawjit Mallick
- On sustainability and materiality. Homo faber, a new approach pp. 125-131

- Emilia Ferraro and Louise Reid
- Justifying precautionary policies: Incommensurability and uncertainty pp. 132-140

- Jonathan Aldred
- The effects of a spruce bark beetle outbreak and wildfires on property values in the wildland–urban interface of south-central Alaska, USA pp. 141-154

- Winslow D. Hansen and Helen Naughton
- Development of a cost-effective diversity-maximising decision-support tool for in situ crop genetic resources conservation: The case of cacao pp. 155-164

- Aurelia F. Samuel, Adam G. Drucker, Sven B. Andersen, Henner Simianer and Maarten van Zonneveld
- The cost of useful knowledge and collective action in three fisheries pp. 165-172

- James A. Wilson, James M. Acheson and Teresa R. Johnson
- An assessment of two environmental and economic benefits of ‘Cash for Clunkers’ pp. 173-180

- Shoshannah M. Lenski, Gregory A. Keoleian and Michael R. Moore
- Addressing dependency in the sportfishing valuation literature: Implications for meta-regression analysis and benefit transfer pp. 181-189

- Arvin B. Vista and Randall S. Rosenberger
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