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Ecological Economics

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland

From Elsevier
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Volume 141, issue C, 2017

Social Sensitivity Analyses Applied to Environmental Assessment Processes pp. 1-10 Downloads
Serafin Corral and Yeray Hernandez
The Need for Robust, Consistent Methods in Societal Exergy Accounting pp. 11-21 Downloads
Tânia Sousa, Paul E. Brockway, Jonathan M. Cullen, Sofia Teives Henriques, Jack Miller, André Cabrera Serrenho and Tiago Domingos
Speculating a Fire Sale: Options for Chinese Authorities in Implementing a Domestic Ivory Trade Ban pp. 22-31 Downloads
Ross Harvey, Chris Alden and Yu-Shan Wu
Understanding conditions for co-management: A framed field experiment amongst the Tsimane’, Bolivia pp. 32-42 Downloads
Jetske Bouma, Victoria Reyes-García, Tomas Huanca and Susana Arrazola
A Framework for Decoupling Human Need Satisfaction From Energy Use pp. 43-52 Downloads
Lina I. Brand-Correa and Julia K. Steinberger
The Role of Environmental Concern and Comfort Expectations in Energy Retrofit Decisions pp. 53-65 Downloads
Veronica Galassi and Reinhard Madlener
Good Taste Tastes Good. Cultural Capital as a Determinant of Organic Food Purchase by Italian Consumers: Evidence and Policy Implications pp. 66-75 Downloads
Massimiliano Agovino, Alessandro Crociata, Davide Quaglione, Pierluigi Sacco and Alessandro Sarra
Impacts of the Hara Biosphere Reserve on Livelihood and Welfare in Persian Gulf pp. 76-86 Downloads
Milad Dehghani Pour, Naser Motiee, Ali Akbar Barati, Fatemeh Taheri, Hossein Azadi, Kindeya Gebrehiwot, Philippe Lebailly, Steven Van Passel and Frank Witlox
The Complex Relationship Between Households' Climate Change Concerns and Their Water and Energy Mitigation Behaviour pp. 87-94 Downloads
Celine Nauges and Sarah Wheeler
Payments for ecosystem services and agricultural intensification: Evidence from a choice experiment on deforestation in Zambia pp. 95-105 Downloads
Tobias Vorlaufer, Thomas Falk, Thomas Dufhues and Michael Kirk
Ecosystem-based Artefacts as a Source of Loyalty at the French Valley of the Monkeys pp. 106-118 Downloads
Philippe Mouillot and Pierre-Charles Pupion
Does Pricing Nature Reduce Monetary Support for Conservation?: Evidence From Donation Behavior in an Online Experiment pp. 119-126 Downloads
Sandra Goff, Timothy Waring and Caroline Noblet
The Impact of Fairness on Side Payments and Cost-Effectiveness in Agglomeration Payments for Biodiversity Conservation pp. 127-135 Downloads
Martin Drechsler
Sustainability as a Fair Bequest: An Evaluation Challenge pp. 136-143 Downloads
Bernd Klauer, Bartosz Bartkowski, Reiner Manstetten and Thomas Petersen
Farm-level Economic Analysis - Is Conservation Agriculture Helping the Poor? pp. 144-153 Downloads
Baqir Lalani, Peter Dorward and Garth Holloway
A structural decomposition of global Raw Material Consumption pp. 154-165 Downloads
Frank Pothen
Exploring Futures for Amazonia's Sierra del Divisor: An Environmental Valuation Triadics Approach to Analyzing Ecological Economic Decision Choices in the Context of Major Shifts in Boundary Conditions pp. 166-179 Downloads
Katharine Farrell and Jose Carlos Silva-Macher
The Economics of Synthetic Rhino Horns pp. 180-189 Downloads
Frederick Chen
Managing Climate Change Risks in Africa - A Global Perspective pp. 190-201 Downloads
Ademola A. Adenle, James D. Ford, John Morton, Stephen Twomlow, Keith Alverson, Andrea Cattaneo, Rafaello Cervigni, Pradeep Kurukulasuriya, Saleemul Huq, Ariella Helfgott and Jane O. Ebinger
Do Stormwater Basins Generate co-Benefits? Evidence from Baltimore County, Maryland pp. 202-212 Downloads
Nicholas Irwin, Henry Klaiber and Elena G. Irwin
Ecosystem Service Arguments Enhance Public Support for Environmental Protection - But Beware of the Numbers! pp. 213-221 Downloads
Julian Rode, Marc Le Menestrel and Gert Cornelissen
Fish Trade Liberalization Under 21st Century Trade Agreements: The CETA and Newfoundland and Labrador Fish and Seafood Industry pp. 222-233 Downloads
Gabriela Sabau and F. I. M. Muktadir Boksh
The Role of Strategic Behaviour in Ecosystem Service Modelling: Integrating Bayesian Networks With Game Theory pp. 234-244 Downloads
Luca Mulazzani, Rosa Manrique and Giulio Malorgio
Wind Power and Externalities pp. 245-260 Downloads
Alexander Zerrahn

Volume 140, issue C, 2017

Social Norms and Pro-environmental Behavior: A Review of the Evidence pp. 1-13 Downloads
Katherine Farrow, Gilles Grolleau and Lisette Ibanez
Economic and Biological Conditions Influence the Sustainability of Harvest of Wild Animals and Plants in Developing Countries pp. 14-21 Downloads
Tarciso C.C. Leão, Diele Lobo and Lorraine Scotson
Preferences for variation in forest characteristics: Does diversity between stands matter? pp. 22-29 Downloads
Anna Filyushkina, Fitalew Agimass, Thomas Lundhede, Niels Strange and Jette Bredahl Jacobsen
Scale of Production, Agglomeration and Agricultural Pollutant Treatment: Evidence From a Survey in China pp. 30-45 Downloads
Yazhou Liu, Yueqing Ji, Shuai Shao, Funing Zhong, Ning Zhang and Yishan Chen
An Input-output Economic Model Integrated Within a System Dynamics Ecological Model: Feedback Loop Methodology Applied to Fish Nursery Restoration pp. 46-57 Downloads
Mateo Cordier, Takuro Uehara, Jeffrey Weih and Bertrand Hamaide
Inconvenience cost of waste disposal behavior in South Korea pp. 58-65 Downloads
Misuk Lee, Hyunhong Choi and Yoonmo Koo
Economic indicators of hydrologic drought insurance under water demand and climate change scenarios in a Brazilian context pp. 66-78 Downloads
Guilherme Samprogna Mohor and Eduardo Mario Mendiondo
Is Adaptive Co-management Delivering? Examining Relationships Between Collaboration, Learning and Outcomes in UNESCO Biosphere Reserves pp. 79-88 Downloads
Ryan Plummer, Julia Baird, Angela Dzyundzyak, Derek Armitage, Örjan Bodin and Lisen Schultz
Multidimensional Analysis of Regional Tourism Sustainability in Spain pp. 89-98 Downloads
Marianela Carrillo and Jesús M. Jorge
Exploring Synergies Among Agricultural Sustainability Dimensions: An Empirical Study on Farming System in Almería (Southeast Spain) pp. 99-109 Downloads
E. Galdeano-Gómez, J.A. Aznar-Sánchez, J.C. Pérez-Mesa and L. Piedra-Muñoz
Payments for Ecosystem Services: Rife With Problems and Potential—For Transformation Towards Sustainability pp. 110-122 Downloads
Kai M.A. Chan, Emily Anderson, Mollie Chapman, Kristjan Jespersen and Paige Olmsted
The Governance Features of Social Enterprise and Social Network Activities of Collective Food Buying Groups pp. 123-135 Downloads
Tom Dedeurwaerdere, Olivier De Schutter, Marek Hudon, Erik Mathijs, Bernd Annaert, Tessa Avermaete, Thomas Bleeckx, Charlotte de Callataÿ, Pepijn De Snijder, Paula Fernández-Wulff, Hélène Joachain and Jose-Luis Vivero
Shaded Coffee and Cocoa – Double Dividend for Biodiversity and Small-scale Farmers pp. 136-145 Downloads
Rosalien E. Jezeer, Pita A. Verweij, Maria J. Santos and René G.A. Boot
Freshwater for Cooling Needs: A Long-Run Approach to the Nuclear Water Footprint in Spain pp. 146-156 Downloads
Diego Sesma Martín and Mª. del Mar Rubio-Varas
Measurement of Bequest Value Using a Non-monetary Payment in a Choice Experiment—The Case of Improving Forest Ecosystem Services for the Benefit of Local Communities in Rural Kenya pp. 157-165 Downloads
Iason Diafas, Jan Barkmann and John Mburu
Ecosystem Services and Cultural Values as Building Blocks for ‘The Good life’. A Case Study in the Community of Røst, Lofoten Islands, Norway pp. 166-176 Downloads
Bjørn P. Kaltenborn, John D.C. Linnell, Erik Gómez Baggethun, Henrik Lindhjem, Jørn Thomassen and Kai M. Chan
Heterogeneity in Intention to Adopt Organic Strawberry Production Practices Among Producers in the Federal District, Brazil pp. 177-189 Downloads
D.A. Andow, Moisés Resende Filho, R.G. Carneiro, D.R. Lorena, E.R. Sujii and R.T. Alves
Personal Values, Green Self-identity and Electric Car Adoption pp. 190-200 Downloads
Camilla Barbarossa, Patrick De Pelsmacker and Ingrid Moons
Climate Change Constrains the Efficiency Frontier When Managing Forests to Reduce Fire Severity and Maximize Carbon Storage pp. 201-214 Downloads
Benjamin A. Bagdon, Ching-Hsun Huang, Stephen Dewhurst and Andrew Sánchez Meador
Costs and Benefits of Rodent Eradication on Lord Howe Island, Australia pp. 215-224 Downloads
Robert Gillespie and Jeffrey Bennett
Understanding Spatial Variation in the Drivers of Nature-based Tourism and Their Influence on the Sustainability of Private Land Conservation pp. 225-234 Downloads
Julia Baum, Graeme S. Cumming and Alta De Vos
How Sensitive Are Environmental Valuations To Economic Downturns? pp. 235-240 Downloads
Maria Loureiro and John Loomis
Ex-ante evaluation of policy measures to enhance carbon sequestration in agricultural soils pp. 241-250 Downloads
Daniel Hermann, Saramena Sauthoff and Oliver Musshoff
Multi-Product Category Choices Labeled for Ecological Footprints: Exploring Psychographics and Evolved Psychological Biases for Characterizing Latent Consumer Classes pp. 251-264 Downloads
B.E. Steiner, A.O. Peschel and Carola Grebitus
Economic Growth and the Evolution of Material Cycles: An Analytical Framework Integrating Material Flow and Stock Indicators pp. 265-274 Downloads
Chao Zhang, Wei-Qiang Chen, Gang Liu and Da-Jian Zhu

Volume 139, issue C, 2017

Modeling the Contribution of Existing and Potential Measures to Urban Sustainability Using the Urban Biophysical Sustainability Index (UBSI) pp. 1-8 Downloads
Zeev Stossel, Meidad Kissinger and Avinoam Meir
Investigating the Impact of Agricultural Land Losses on Deforestation: Evidence From a Peri-urban Area in Canada pp. 9-18 Downloads
Haoluan Wang and Feng Qiu
Waste Performance of NUTS 2-regions in the EU: A Conditional Directional Distance Benefit-of-the-Doubt Model pp. 19-32 Downloads
Nicky Rogge, Simon De Jaeger and Carolien Lavigne
International Trade and Energy Intensity During European Industrialization, 1870–1935 pp. 33-44 Downloads
Astrid Kander, Paul Warde, Sofia Teives Henriques, Hana Nielsen, Viktoras Kulionis and Sven Hagen
Dancing With Storks: The Role of Power Relations in Payments for Ecosystem Services pp. 45-54 Downloads
Hiroe Ishihara, Unai Pascual and Ian Hodge
The Development of Industrial Symbiosis in Existing Contexts. Experiences From Three Italian Clusters pp. 55-67 Downloads
Raffaella Taddeo, Alberto Simboli, Anna Morgante and Suren Erkman
Good for the Economy? An Ecological Economics Approach to Analyzing Alberta’s Bitumen Industry pp. 68-74 Downloads
Gerda J. Kits
Cost-effective Land Use Planning: Optimizing Land Use and Land Management Patterns to Maximize Social Benefits pp. 75-90 Downloads
Derric N. Pennington, Brent Dalzell, Erik Nelson, David Mulla, Steve Taff, Peter Hawthorne and Stephen Polasky
How Funding Source Influences the Form of REDD+ Initiatives: The Case of Market Versus Public Funds in Brazil pp. 91-101 Downloads
Guilherme Piffer Salles, Delhi Teresa Paiva Salinas and Sônia Regina Paulino
The Impact on Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Geographic Shifts in Global Supply Chains pp. 102-114 Downloads
Xuemei Jiang and Christopher Green
Rethinking Monitoring in Smallholder Carbon Payments for Ecosystem Service Schemes: Devolve Monitoring, Understand Accuracy and Identify Co-benefits pp. 115-127 Downloads
Geoff Wells, Janet A. Fisher, Ina Porras, Sam Staddon and Casey Ryan
The Impact of Aquatic Salinization on Fish Habitats and Poor Communities in a Changing Climate: Evidence from Southwest Coastal Bangladesh pp. 128-139 Downloads
Susmita Dasgupta, Mainul Huq, Md. Golam Mustafa, Md. Istiak Sobhan and David Wheeler
Simulated exchange values and ecosystem accounting: Theory and application to free access recreation pp. 140-149 Downloads
Alejandro Caparrós, Jose Oviedo, Alejandro Álvarez and Pablo Campos
Page updated 2025-03-28