Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 51, issue 3-4, 2004
- The environment, left-wing political orientation and ecological economics pp. 167-175

- Eric Neumayer
- The why of the "Hau": scarcity, gifts, and environmentalism pp. 177-189

- Raymond A. Rogers, Peter Timmerman, Timothy Leduc and Mark Dickinson
- The effect of income choice on bias in policy decisions made using cost-benefit analyses pp. 191-199

- David Courard-Hauri
- Modelling biodiversity and land use: urban growth, agriculture and nature in a wetland area pp. 201-216

- Florian V. Eppink, Jeroen van den Bergh and Piet Rietveld
- Facing the truth about separability: nothing works without energy pp. 217-223

- Manuel Frondel and Christoph Schmidt
- The demand for environmental quality and the environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis pp. 225-236

- Neha Khanna and Florenz Plassmann
- Historical accountability and cumulative impacts: the treatment of time in corporate sustainability reporting pp. 237-250

- Manfred Lenzen, Christopher J. Dey and Shauna A. Murray
- Environmentalizing economic development: a South Asian perspective pp. 251-270

- Mohammad Alauddin
- Farmers cooperating in the commons? A study of collective action in salinity management pp. 271-286

- Graham Marshall
- Graduate education in ecological economics pp. 287-293

- John Polimeni
- Ecological agrarian-agriculture's first evolution in 10,000 years: By J. Bishop Grewell and Clay J. Landry with Greg Conko, Purdue University Press, 2003, ISBN: 1557532966, 220 pp pp. 295-297

- Vicky Forgie and Nigel Jollands
- In: Michael Faure, Joyeeta Gupta and Andries Nentjes, Editors, Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (2003) ISBN 1843762455 384 pp pp. 297-298

- Axel Michaelowa
- C. Laszlo, Center for Energy and Environmental Studies, Island Press (2003) ISBN 1559638362 215 pp pp. 299-300

- Karen L. Cardinal
- Mark Baker and Jonathan Kusel, Community Forestry in the United States: Learning from the Past, Crafting the Future, Island Press, Washington (2003) ISBN 1559639849 247 pp pp. 300-301

- Louise Fortmann
- J. Timmons Roberts and Nikki Demetria Thanos, Trouble in Paradise: Globalization and Environmental Crises in Latin America, Routledge (2003) ISBN 0415929806 304 pp pp. 301-303

- David Barkin
Volume 51, issue 1-2, 2004
- Validation of stated preferences for public goods: a comparison of contingent valuation survey response and voting behaviour pp. 1-16

- Felix Schläpfer, Anna Roschewitz and Nick Hanley
- Visions and scenarios: Heilbroner's worldly philosophy, Lowe's political economics, and the methodology of ecological economics pp. 17-30

- Mathew Forstater
- Energy-environment policy modeling of endogenous technological change with personal vehicles: combining top-down and bottom-up methods pp. 31-46

- Mark Jaccard, Rose Murphy and Nicholas Rivers
- Targeting conservation-development initiatives in tropical forests: insights from analyses of rain forest use and economic reliance among Amazonian peasants pp. 47-64

- Oliver T. Coomes, Bradford L. Barham and Yoshito Takasaki
- Financing sustainable development: Country Undertakings and Rights for Environmental Sustainability CURES pp. 65-78

- R. Quentin Grafton, Frank Jotzo and Merrilyn Wasson
- Spatial dynamic modeling and urban land use transformation: a simulation approach to assessing the costs of urban sprawl pp. 79-95

- Brian Deal and Daniel Schunk
- International comparison of resource use and its relation to economic growth: The development of total material requirement, direct material inputs and hidden flows and the structure of TMR pp. 97-124

- Stefan Bringezu, Helmut Schutz, Soren Steger and Jan Baudisch
- Sustainable homeservices? Toward household services that enhance ecological, social and economic sustainability pp. 125-138

- Minna Halme, Christine Jasch and Michael Scharp
- Estimates of the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) for Vermont, Chittenden County and Burlington, from 1950 to 2000 pp. 139-155

- Robert Costanza, Jon Erickson, Karen Fligger, Alan Adams, Christian Adams, Ben Altschuler, Stephanie Balter, Brendan Fisher, Jessica Hike and Joe Kelly
- Comparative Environment Economic Assessment: Raymond J.G.M. Florax, Peter Nijkamp, and Kenneth G. Willis (Eds.), Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2003, ISBN: 1840642602, 384 pp pp. 157-158

- Elena Besedin
- Not by money alone. Economics as nature intended: Malcolm Slesser and Jane King, Jon Carpenter Publishing, 2002, ISBN: 1897766726, 176 pp pp. 158-159

- Peter Soderbaum
- Multiple Criteria Analysis for Agricultural Decisions, Second Edition: C. Romero and T. Redman, Elsevier Publishing Company, 2003, ISBN:0444203439, 200 pp pp. 159-160

- Gamini Herath
- Unveiling Wealth: On Money, Quality of Life and Sustainability: Peter Bartelmus (Editor), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, ISBN: 1402008147, 240 pp pp. 160-162

- Daniel A. Underwood
- Democracy's Dilemma. Environment, Social Equity, and the Global Economy: Richard C. Paehlke, The MIT Press, 2003, pp. ix+306, ISBN: 0262162156 pp. 163-163

- Joan Martinez-Alier
Volume 50, issue 3-4, 2004
- Valuing ecosystem goods and services: a new approach using a surrogate market and the combination of a multiple criteria analysis and a Delphi panel to assign weights to the attributes pp. 163-194

- Ian Curtis
- Using the recyclability index of materials as a tool for design for disassembly pp. 195-200

- G. Villalba, M. Segarra, J.M. Chimenos and F. Espiell
- Common pool resources and contextual factors: Evolution of a fishermen's cooperative in Calcutta pp. 201-217

- Zakir Husain and Rabindra N. Bhattacharya
- Forest policy for sustainable commodity wood production: an examination drawing on the Australian experience pp. 219-232

- Judy Clark
- Burn or bury? A social cost comparison of final waste disposal methods pp. 233-247

- Elbert Dijkgraaf and Herman R.J. Vollebergh
- Broad sustainability contra sustainability: the proper construction of sustainability indicators pp. 249-260

- Roefie Hueting and Lucas Reijnders
- Influential publications in ecological economics: a citation analysis pp. 261-292

- Robert Costanza, David Stern, Brendan Fisher, Lining He and Chunbo Ma
- The early history of modern ecological economics pp. 293-314

- Inge Ropke
- Global Environmental Challenges of the Twenty-First Century: Resources, Consumption, and Sustainable Solutions: David E. Lorey (editor), Scholarly Resources Inc., Wilmington, Delaware, 2003, ISBN: 0842050493, 312 pp pp. 315-316

- Jonathan M. Harris
- Native Waters: Contemporary Indian Water Settlements and the Second Treaty Era: Daniel McCool, The University of Arizona Press, 2002, ISBN: 0-8165-2227-8, 260 pp pp. 316-318

- Jan Crouter
- Buying Into the Environment: Experiences, Opportunities, and Potential for Eco-Procurement: Christoph Erdmenger (Editor), Greenleaf Publishing (printed and bound using acid-free paper from managed forests),2003, ISBN: 1874719675, 285 pp pp. 318-319

- Rick Reibstein
- Sustainable Development of Multifunctional Landscapes: Katharina Helming and Hubert Wiggering (eds.), Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2003, ISBN: 354000089, 286 pp pp. 319-321

- Gamini Herath
- Complexity and Ecosystem Management: The Theory and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems: Marco A. Janssen (editor), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham UK and Northampton MA, USA in association with the International Society for Ecological Economics, 2003, ISBN: 1843760614, 360 pp pp. 321-322

- Anthony G. Patt
Volume 50, issue 1-2, 2004
- Integrated ecological, economic and social impact assessment of alternative flood control policies in the Netherlands pp. 1-21

- Roy Brouwer and Remco van Ek
- Forest sustainability and the free trade of forest products: cases from Southeast Asia pp. 23-34

- Mihoko Shimamoto, Fumikazu Ubukata and Yoshiki Seki
- Testing alternative indicators for biodiversity conservation in old-growth boreal forests: ecology and economics pp. 35-48

- Artti Juutinen and Mikko Monkkonen
- Ecological Footprints and interdependencies of New Zealand regions pp. 49-67

- Garry W. McDonald and Murray G. Patterson
- The structure of motivation for contingent values: a case study of lake water quality improvement pp. 69-82

- Philip Cooper, Gregory Poe and Ian Bateman
- Adaptive recreation planning and climate change: a contingent visitation approach pp. 83-99

- Robert B. Richardson and John Loomis
- The Florida manatee and eco-tourism: toward a safe minimum standard pp. 101-115

- Barry D. Solomon, Cristi M. Corey-Luse and Kathleen E. Halvorsen
- The strategic technology options for mitigating CO2 emissions in power sector: assessment of Shanghai electricity-generating system pp. 117-133

- Edgard Gnansounou, Jun Dong and Denis Bedniaguine
- Institutionalisation of sustainable consumption patterns based on shared use pp. 135-153

- Oksana Mont
- Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques: A Manual: Bateman, I.J., R.T. Carson, B. Day, M. Hanemann, N. Hanley, T. Hett, M. Jones-Lee, G. Loomes, S. Mourato, E. Ozdemiroglu, D.W. Pearce, R. Sugden and J. Swanson, Edward Elgar, Ltd. Cheltenham, 2002, ISBN: 1840649194, 480 pp pp. 155-156

- Thomas Laitila
- Worlds Apart: Globalization and the Environment: James Gustave Speth (Editor), Island Press, 2003, ISBN: 1559639997, 192 pp pp. 156-158

- Judith A. Cherni
- The Environmentalism of the Poor: Joan Martinez-Alier, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2002, ISBN: 184649097, 328 pp pp. 158-159

- Karen Stainbrook
- Battling Resistance to Antibiotics and Pesticides: An Economic Approach: R. Laxminarayan (Editor), Resources for the Future, 2003, ISBN: 1891853511, 400 pp pp. 159-160

- Clevo Wilson
- Stakeholder Incentives in Participatory Forest Management: A Manual for Economic Analysis: Michael Richards, Jonathan Davies and Gil Yaron, ITDG Publishing, London, 2003, ISBN: 1853395595, 238 pp pp. 160-161

- Jayanath Ananda
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