CEPR Discussion Papers
From C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Centre for Economic Policy Research, 33 Great Sutton Street, London EC1V 0DX.
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- 496: On Budgetary Policies and Economic Growth

- George Alogoskoufis and Frederick (Rick) van der Ploeg
- 495: The Term Structure of Interest Rate Differentials in a Target Zone: Theory and Swedish Data

- Lars Svensson
- 494: The Foreign Exchange Risk Premium in a Target Zone with Devaluation Risk

- Lars Svensson
- 493: The Simplest Test of Target Zone Credibility

- Lars Svensson
- 492: Budgetary Aspects of Economic and Monetary Integration in Europe

- Frederick (Rick) van der Ploeg
- 491: Channels of International Policy Transmission

- Frederick (Rick) van der Ploeg
- 490: On Public Debt Stabilizations in an Interdependent World

- George Alogoskoufis
- 489: Government Revenue from Financial Repression

- Alberto Giovannini
- 488: Monetary Union and Fiscal Policy Discipline

- Charles Wyplosz
- 487: Innovation and Export Volumes and Prices: A Disaggregated Study

- Christine Greenhalgh and Paul Taylor
- 486: Pricing and Product Market Structure in Open Economies: An Empirical Test

- George Alogoskoufis, Christopher Martin and Nikitas Pittis
- 485: Exchange Rate Dynamics and Currency Unification: The Ostmark-DM Rate

- Michael Burda and Stefan Gerlach
- 484: Did Joseph Arch Raise Agricultural Wages? Rural Trade Unions and the Labour Market in Late-Nineteenth Century England

- George Boyer and Timothy Hatton
- 483: Unemployment through `Learning from Experience'

- Steve Alpern and Dennis Snower
- 482: Are the Costs of Cleaning Up Eastern Europe Exaggerated? Economic Reform and the Environment

- Gordon Hughes
- 481: Market Solutions to the Problem of Stabilising Commodity Earnings

- Andrew Hughes Hallett and Prathap Ramanujam
- 480: The `Walters' Critique of the EMS: A Case of Inconsistent Expectations

- Marcus Miller and Alan Sutherland
- 479: Rational Speculative Bubbles in an Exchange Rate Target Zone

- Willem Buiter and Paolo Pesenti
- 478: Is Europe an Optimum Currency Area?

- Barry Eichengreen
- 477: Spain's Capital Account Shock

- José Viñals
- 476: Consumption, Product Growth and the Interest Rate

- Orazio Attanasio and Guglielmo Weber
- 475: European Community External Protection and `1992': Voluntary Export Restraints Applied to Pacific Asia

- Carl B Hamilton
- 474: Competition and Imports in the European Market

- Alexis Jacquemin and Andre Sapir
- 473: The Hyperinflation Model of Money Demand Revisited

- Mark Taylor
- 472: European Monetary Union or Hard EMS?

- David Currie, Paul Levine and Joseph Pearlman
- 471: External Economies and European Integration: The Potential for Self-fulfilling Expectations

- Richard Baldwin and Richard Lyons
- 470: Political Cycles in OECD Economies

- Alberto Alesina and Nouriel Roubini
- 469: External Constraints on European Unemployment

- George Alogoskoufis and Christopher Martin
- 468: Fiscal Deficits, Seigniorage and External Debt: The Case of Greece

- George Alogoskoufis and Nicos Christodoulakis
- 467: Savings, Investment, Government Finance and the Current Account: The Dutch Experience

- Hugo Keuzenkamp and Frederick (Rick) van der Ploeg
- 466: A Chaotic Monetary Model of the Exchange Rate

- Paul De Grauwe and Hans Dewachter
- 465: Britain's Return to Gold and Entry into the EMS: Expectations, Joining Conditions and Credibility

- Marcus Miller and Alan Sutherland
- 464: Monetary Overhang and Reforms in the 1940s

- Rüdiger Dornbusch and Holger C Wolf
- 463: Undesirable Redistributions in the Retirement-Public Pension Schemes: The Italian Case Study

- Fiorella Kostoris Padoa Schioppa
- 462: `Secret' Buy-backs of LDC Debt

- Daniel Cohen and Thierry Verdier
- 461: Slow Growth and Large LDC Debt in the Eighties: An Empirical Analysis

- Daniel Cohen
- 460: A Valuation Formula for LDC Debt

- Daniel Cohen
- 459: The Price of LDC Debt

- Daniel Cohen and Richard Portes
- 458: A Multilateral Payments Union for Eastern Europe?

- Peter Bofinger
- 457: The Roles of Monetary Policy in the Process of Economic Reform in Eastern Europe

- Peter Bofinger
- 456: Policies to Move from Stabilization to Growth

- Rüdiger Dornbusch
- 455: Experiences with Extreme Monetary Instability

- Rüdiger Dornbusch
- 454: Credibility and Stabilization

- Rüdiger Dornbusch
- 453: Costs and Benefits of Monetary Union

- Barry Eichengreen
- 452: Relaxing the External Constraint: Europe in the 1930s

- Barry Eichengreen
- 451: Trends and Cycles in Foreign Lending

- Barry Eichengreen
- 450: Why Industrial Policies Fail: Limited Commitment

- Larry Karp and Jeffrey Perloff
- 449: The Consequences of German Economic and Monetary Union

- Michael Burda
- 448: EMU and Asymmetries and Adjustment Problems in the EMS

- Axel A Weber
- 447: Trade Policies and Development: Some New Issues

- Dani Rodrik
- 446: Product Line Competition and Shopping Costs: Why Firms May Choose to Compete Head-to-Head

- Paul Klemperer
- 445: ECU Interest Rates and ECU Basket Adjustments: An Arbitrage Pricing Approach

- Martin Klein
- 444: Exchange Rates, Policy Convergence and the European Monetary System

- Ronald MacDonald and Mark Taylor
- 442: Acid Rain

- David M Newbery
- 441: Trade Reform, Policy Uncertainty and the Current Account: A Non-Expected Utility Approach

- Sweder van Wijnbergen
- 440: Price and Trade Effects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations and the Design of Policy Coordinaton

- Daniel Cohen and Charles Wyplosz
- 439: Gross Labour Market Flows in Europe: Some Stylized Facts

- Michael Burda and Charles Wyplosz
- 438: Perceived Constraints for Dutch Unemployment Policy

- Hugo Keuzenkamp and Frederick (Rick) van der Ploeg
- 437: National Insolvency: A Test of the US Intertemporal Budget Constraint

- Merih Uctum and Michael Wickens
- 436: Multi-Period Competition with Switching Costs

- Alan Beggs and Paul Klemperer
- 435: Industrial Policy in the Presence of Wage Distortion: The Case of the US Auto and Steel Industries

- Jaime de Melo and David Tarr
- 434: Worker Absenteeism: An Analysis Using Microdata

- Tim Barmby, Chris Orme and John Treble
- 433: Banks and Securities Markets: Corporate Financing in Germany and the UK

- Ian Alexander and Colin Mayer
- 432: Economic Change in Poland

- Olivier Blanchard and Richard Layard
- 431: A Model of Currency Depreciation and the Debt-Inflation Spiral

- Maurice Obstfeld
- 430: The Term Structure of Interest Rates, Structural Stability and Macroeconomic Policy Changes in the UK

- Edward Driffill
- 429: European Financial Integration: A Framework for Policy Analysis

- Colin Mayer and Damien Neven
- 428: Portuguese Industry and the Effect of EC Membership

- Cristina Corado
- 427: Initial Public Offerings in the UK, USA and Japan

- Tim Jenkinson
- 426: The Empirical Modelling of NIE Exports: An Evaluation of Different Approaches

- Vito Muscatelli, T G Srinivasan and David Vines
- 425: When Does Coordination Pay?

- Marcus Miller and Mark Salmon
- 424: International Costs and Benefits from EMU

- George Alogoskoufis and Richard Portes
- 423: On Relative Shocks and Fiscal Policies in a Monetary Union

- George Alogoskoufis
- 422: Flexibility, Investment and Growth

- Giuseppe Bertola
- 421: Exchange Rate Bands with Price Inertia

- Marcus Miller and Paul Weller
- 420: The Welfare Economics of Cooperative and Uncooperative Fiscal Policy

- Willem Buiter and Kenneth Kletzer
- 419: Fiscal Policy Interdependence and Efficiency

- Willem Buiter and Kenneth Kletzer
- 418: Reflections on the Fiscal Implications of a Common Currency

- Willem Buiter and Kenneth Kletzer
- 417: Can Severe Fiscal Contractions Be Expansionary? Tales of Two Small European Countries

- Francesco Giavazzi and Marco Pagano
- 416: Capital Flight and Tax Competition: Are there Viable Solutions to Both Problems

- Alberto Giovannini and James Hines
- 415: Secondary Market Prices Under Alternative Debt Reduction Schemes: An Option Pricing Approach with an Application to Mexico

- Stijn Claessens and Sweder van Wijnbergen
- 414: Fiscal Policy Independence in a Monetary Union

- Paul Masson and Jacques Melitz
- 413: Long Term Contracts in International Trade

- Erwin Amann and Dalia Marin
- 412: Trade Policy Under Imperfect Competition: A Numerical Analysis

- Anthony Venables
- 411: Is There a Case for the MTFS?

- Peter Westaway and Simon Wren-Lewis
- 410: Changing Trends in International Manufacturing Productivity

- Simon Wren-Lewis
- 409: Credibility, Ambiguity and Asymmetric Information with Wage/Price Stickiness

- Paul Levine and Joseph Pearlman
- 408: Debt, Deficits and Inflation: An Application to the Public Finance of India

- Willem Buiter and U Patel
- 407: Re-Interpreting the Failure of Foreign Exchange Market Efficiency Tests: Small Transaction Costs, Big Hysteresis Bands

- Richard Baldwin
- 406: Growth Oriented Adjustment Programs: A Reconsideration

- David Vines
- 405: Unresolved Issues on the Road to EMU in Europe

- Peter Bofinger
- 404: Import Surveillance as a Strategic Trade Policy

- L. Winters
- 403: Deregulation of Scandinavian Airlines: A Case Study of the Oslo-Stockholm Route

- Victor D Norman and Siri Strandenes
- 402: Premature Liberalization, Incomplete Stabilization: The Ozal Decade in Turkey

- Dani Rodrik
- 401: Welfare Costs of US Quotas in Textiles, Steel and Autos

- Jaime de Melo and David Tarr
- 399: Industrial Organization and Trade Liberalization: Evidence from Korea

- Jaime de Melo and David Roland-Holst
- 398: Target Zones and Realignments

- Giuseppe Bertola and Ricardo Caballero
- 397: Supply Side Uncertainty and Effects of Government Financing Decisions

- Seppo Honkapohja and Urho Lempinen
- 396: Can Small Entry Barriers Have Large Effects on Competition?

- Paul Seabright
- 395: Participation in a Currency Union

- Alessandra Casella